Surface Engineering Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Cr− Al2O3 Nano composite coatings with various contents of Al2O3 nanoparticles were prepared by electrodeposition inoptimized Cr plating bath containing different concentrations of Al2O3 nanoparticles. Direct current electrocodeposition... more

Cr− Al2O3 Nano composite coatings with various contents of Al2O3 nanoparticles were prepared by electrodeposition inoptimized Cr plating bath containing different concentrations of Al2O3 nanoparticles. Direct current electrocodeposition technique wasused to deposit chromium layers with and without Al2O3 nanoparticles on mild carbon steel. The effects of current density, stirring rateand concentration of nanoparticles in the plating bath were investigated. Energy dispersive analysis technique was used to verify the presence of Al2O3 nanoparticles in the coated layers. Thecorrosion behaviors of coatings were investigated by potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopymethods in 0.05 mol/L HCl, 1 mol/L NaOH and 3.5% NaCl (mass fraction), respectively. Microhardness measurements and pin-on-disctribometer technique were used to investigate the wear behavior of the coatings.

Bulk characteristics and deposition of gold nanoparticles on mica modified by (PAH) was studied byUV–visible spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM),dynamic light scattering (DLS) and... more

Bulk characteristics and deposition of gold nanoparticles on mica modified by (PAH) was studied byUV–visible spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM),dynamic light scattering (DLS) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). The size of gold nanoparticles (AuNPs)was 15 nm as determined by TEM and AFM. The electrophoretic mobilities and electrokinetic chargeof particles were quantitatively evaluated for a broad range of pH and ionic strength. Using Henry’smodel, it was calculated that the zeta potential of particles varied between − 50 mV and − 80 mV forpH 2 and pH 11, respectively (at 10−2M of NaCl). Measurements of nanoparticle deposition kineticswere performed under diffusion-controlled transport conditions using AFM and SEM imaging of particlemonolayers. The influence of the bulk suspension concentration was systematically studied. Additionally,the maximum coverage of particle monolayers, which monotonically increased with ionic strength, wasdetermined by SEM. The obtained data were in agreement with theoretical predictions derived from therandom sequential adsorption (RSA) model. It was also confirmed that by varying the bulk suspensionconcentration and ionic strength one can prepare homogeneous gold particle monolayers of controlledcoverage.

The competitive scenario of steel industry requires studies and developments to improve manufacturing processes focusing on increasing productivity and reducing costs. The practice of coating rolls for cold rolling with the chrome aims to... more

The competitive scenario of steel industry requires studies and developments to improve manufacturing processes focusing on increasing productivity and reducing costs. The practice of coating rolls for cold rolling with the chrome aims to increase the rolling campaign, reducing their wear by increasing the surface hardness, which guarantees a greater homogeneity in the surface of the rolled products. The present paper presents a study on the effect of the chromium coat on a forged steel rolls on the wettability of a SkinPass solution. The hardness of the coated layer and the contact angle were measured for two concentrations of solution on two types of surfaces, comparing the coated and uncoated surfaces. The results show that there is an influence of the coating on the wettability of the fluid when comparison are made with chrome coated and uncoated materials, being verified through tests in Goniometer. The productivity of the coated rolls showed higher productivity than the uncoated ones.

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The solar road concept is a pavement system able to harvest energy from the solar radiation. This paper is part of a wide project for the design of a multilayer system able to harvest energy through the road. In this technology, the top... more

The solar road concept is a pavement system able to harvest energy from the solar radiation. This paper is part of a wide project for the design of a multilayer system able to harvest energy through the road. In this technology, the top layer plays a fundamental role because it has to support the traffic load, guarantee the vehicle friction and protect the solar cells. For this purpose, the authors proposed a novel approach for the construction of a semi-transparent layer made of glass aggregates bonded together through a transparent polyurethane, inspired from surface dressings. The procedure consists on spreading a first layer of polyurethane binder on the solar cells in order to obtain a uniform surface. Once the polymerization is completed, a second layer of binder is laid down and the aggregates are spread and compacted immediately. For the samples manufacturing, three different thermosetting polyurethanes and a 2/4 mm fraction of glass aggregates were used. The samples were compared in terms of optical and mechanical performances. The authors studied also the packing density of the aggregates in order to quantify the optimum amount of binder. The results show the potential of this novel top layer in terms of optical and mechanical performances, demonstrating the feasibility of the surface dressing treatment for applications in full scale solar roads. Keywords Solar road • Surface dressing • Packing density • Polyurethane 1 Introduction This paper is part of a wide project for the design of a prototype able to harvest the sunlight radiation through the road. The system proposed is a multi-layer pavement composed by: (i) a semi-transparent top layer made of glass aggregates bonded together through a transparent polyurethane; (ii) an electrical layer containing the solar cells; (iii) a porous concrete layer and (iv) a waterproof base layer [1].

Two copies should be submitted, in doublespaced typing on pages of uniform size with wide margins. Some flexibility of presentation will be allowed but authors are urged to arrange the subject matter clearly under such headings as:... more

Two copies should be submitted, in doublespaced typing on pages of uniform size with wide margins. Some flexibility of presentation will be allowed but authors are urged to arrange the subject matter clearly under such headings as:
Introduction, Experimental details, Results, Duscussion, etc. An abstract at ~300 words should accompany papers.
References should be numbered consecutively (in square brackets) throughout the text and collected together in a reference list at the end of the paper. Journal titles should be abbreviated according to the Chemical Abstracts Service Source Index, 1970 edition, and supplements. The abbreviated title should be followed by volume number, year (in parentheses) and page number.
Two sets of figures should be submitted. One set of line drawings should be in a form suitable for reproduction, drawn in black ink on drawing paper (letter height, 35 mm). Photographs should be submitted as clear blackandwhite prints on glossy paper. Each illustration must be clearly numbered. Legends to the illustrations must be submitted in a separate list. All tables and illustrations should be numbered consecutively and separately throughout the paper.

The invention consists of three parts made to work together to ensure safe, fast and effective deployment to the end users, which include but are not limited to surgeons and doctors in emergency and operating rooms, occupational hazards... more

The invention consists of three parts made to work together to ensure safe, fast and effective deployment to the end users, which include but are not limited to surgeons and doctors in emergency and operating rooms, occupational hazards equipment goggles, visors and shields, defensive protective armors and high impact vision wear, high performance athletic equipment, and avionics surfaces. The three parts are the anti-fog coating materials composition, their methods of preparation and processing in large, medium or small scale manufacturing, and a single unit delivery device with the coating materials to apply on any existing surface, lens, scope, tools or dials, as a wet or quickly drying coating.

Evaluation of current and prospective photolithography methods in semiconductor manufacturing.

A B S T R A C T Textured surfaces have been shown to provide enhanced tribological performance in a variety of contacts. Numerical analysis and optimisation methods are combined for application-oriented texture optimisation. However, an... more

A B S T R A C T Textured surfaces have been shown to provide enhanced tribological performance in a variety of contacts. Numerical analysis and optimisation methods are combined for application-oriented texture optimisation. However, an analytical approach is advantageous in providing more generic in-depth understanding of the nature of the relationships between texture parameters and objective functions, such as enhanced load carrying capacity and reduced friction. The paper outlines such an approach to obtain a set of global optimum design parameters for partially textured surfaces. The optimised results are expressed in dimensionless form, which enables their use for a variety of applications. The performance of optimised partially textured sliding surfaces is compared with the other conventional bearing geometries in their optimum state.

IDF stands for Intensity-Duration-Frequency. Rainfall intensity is defined as the ratio of the total amount of rain (rainfall depth) falling during a given period to the duration of the period It is expressed in depth units per unit time,... more

IDF stands for Intensity-Duration-Frequency. Rainfall intensity is defined as the ratio of the total amount of rain (rainfall depth) falling during a given period to the duration of the period It is expressed in depth units per unit time, usually as mm per hour (mm/h). The period of time over which rainfall is measured is called duration. The number of times, during a specified period of years, that rainfall of a certain magnitude or greater occurs or will occur at a station is called frequency. (FAO, 2012).

The treatment of surfaces is the application of a thin layer of coating, intended for the most varied materials. Surface treatment is a very effective procedure and is recommended for various parts in industry and other fields. As the... more

The treatment of surfaces is the application of a thin layer of coating, intended for the most varied materials. Surface treatment is a very effective procedure and is recommended for various parts in industry and other fields. As the name suggests, through surface treatment the parts start to have greater durability and longer service life. Surface treatment thus helps to increase production process productivity and equipment life. Therefore, it is important to understand the advantages of surface treatment in the industry. Thus, the present work defines as a general objective to present a bibliographic research about superficial treatments and how they affect maintenance activities. Having defined as specific objectives: a) conceptualize and expose superficial treatments; b) demonstrate the advantages and disadvantages of the use of surface treatments; c) identify how surface treatments are related to maintenance management. As a result, the fundamentals of superficial treatment processes as well as their main methods were addressed. In addition, what advantages and disadvantages of each method have been exposed, and how these methods are related to maintenance management.
Keywords: Physical steam deposition, Maintenance management, PVD, Deposition of thin films, Injection molds.

A test about surface and materials Engineering

Sub surface drainage atau biasa dikenal juga dengan nama underdrain atau subdrain adalah merupakan saluran air yang terdapat didalam tanah untuk mengalirkan air hujan ataupun air tanah yang berpotensi menggenang dan mengganggu atau bahkan... more

Sub surface drainage atau biasa dikenal juga dengan nama underdrain atau subdrain adalah merupakan saluran air yang terdapat didalam tanah untuk mengalirkan air hujan ataupun air tanah yang berpotensi menggenang dan mengganggu atau bahkan merusak struktur yang ada. Terdapat berbagai macam sub surface drainage sesuai dengan fungsi dan kondisi site, namun disini yang akan difokuskan adalah metode pemasangan untuk sub surface drainage type French drain. French drain sangat cocok diaplikasikan untuk area yang lahannya luas seperti lapangan-lapangan olahraga, bandara, jalan raya, maupun konstruksi lain yang tidak memungkinkannya dibuatnya drainase terbuka. Dari jenis material yang digunakan French drain dapat dibagi menjadi dua seperti gambar berikut : Adapun fungsi dari material-material yang digunakan dalam konstruksi French drain adalah sebagai berikut : Pasir Pasir sesuai dengan sifatnya sangat mudah mengalirkan air sehingga dapat berfungsi sebagai media pengalir dan penyaring pertama. Pasir yang digunakan harus bersih dari lumpur dan kotoran lainnya agar dapat berfungsi dengan baik. Non Woven Geotextile Nonwoven geotextile adalah berupa lembaran yang terbuat dari bahan polyester atau polypropylene yang diproses dengan cara needle punch dengan mesin berteknologi tinggi dan pengawasan mutu yang baik. Nonwoven geotextile dalam konstruksi French drain digunakan sebagai filter untuk menahan butiran tanah agar tidak terbawanya oleh aliran air, namun juga tidak menghambat aliran air. Gravel Gravel memiliki rongga yang cukup besar untuk dapat menampung dan mengalirkan air. Gravel yang digunakan harus bersih dari lumpur dan kotoran lainnya agar tidak terjadi hambatan pada alirannya. Geopipe Geopipe adalah pipa corrugated perforated yang terbuat dari bahan HDPE High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) yang memiliki ketahanan tinggi dari korosi, bahan kimia dan paparan sinar matahari. Geopipe sangat efektif dan efisien untuk menampung dan mengalirkan air. Lubang-lubang aliran airnya tersebar merata diseluruh dinding pipa sehingga kapasitas pengalirannya cukup tinggi. Bentuknya yang corrugated memiliki banyak keuntungan, selain untuk mencegah butiran gravel menyumbat pada lubang-lubang yang tersebar merata di seluruh dinding Geopipe juga menambah kekuatan tekannya. Geopipe sangat ringan dan flexible sehingga sangat mudah dalam pengiriman dan pemasangannya dilapangan.

Suda koşan kertenkeleler bunu nasıl başarırlar?Suda yürüyebilen canlılar, Yüzey Gerilimi • Su yüzeyini terk ederken saçlarımızı başımıza yapıştıran etki nedir? Sulu boya fırçasını sudan çıkarırken teller birbirine niçin yapışır? 13.... more

Suda koşan kertenkeleler bunu nasıl başarırlar?Suda yürüyebilen canlılar, Yüzey Gerilimi • Su yüzeyini terk ederken saçlarımızı başımıza yapıştıran etki nedir? Sulu boya fırçasını sudan çıkarırken teller birbirine niçin yapışır?
13. Prof.Dr. İbrahim USLU Yüzey Gerilimi • Bir sıvı içindeki molekül diğer moleküller tarafından sarılmış olduğundan her yöne doğru eşit olarak çekilir. Daha düşük enerjilidir. • Ancak yüzeydeki molekül için durum farklıdır. Her yönde çekilmediklerinden yüksek enerjili bu durumda, daha düşük enerjili olma isteği oluşur. • yüzeydeki moleküller içteki moleküllere göre birbirine daha fazla yaklaşır, yüzeyde bir büzülme ve küçülme meydana gelir.
bir sıvı damlası veya sıvı içindeki bir hava kabarcığı daima küresel şekildedir • Bu içe doğru çekilim yüzünden sıvı en küçük yüzey alanına sahip olacak şekilde büzülür. • Belli bir hacım için en küçük yüzey alanına sahip olan geometrik şekil küre olduğundan bir sıvı damlası veya sıvı içindeki bir hava kabarcığı daima küresel şekildedir.
Yüzey Gerilimi • Bir sıvı yüzeyinin neden gergin ve esnek bir zar gibi davrandığı, sıvı yüzeyindeki moleküllere etki eden kohezyon kuvveti ile açıklanabilir. • Bir sıvının özellikleri moleküller arası kuvvetler hesaba katmadan anlaşılamaz. Bu kuvvetlerin varlığı sonucu sıvının gaz haline geçmesi zorlaşır.
Bir sıvı içindeki A molekülüne, bu molekülü çevreleyen diğer moleküller tarafından kohezyon kuvvetleri uygulanır. Şekildeki zıt yönlü kuvvetler birbirinin etkisini yok ederek A molekülüne etki eden net kuvvet sıfır olur ve molekül dengede kalır. • Şimdi de sıvı yüzeyine çok yakın bir B molekülü düşünelim. Bütün doğrultulardaki yatay çekim kuvvetleri birbirini dengelediği haldeT B molekülüne etki eden; sıvı içerisine doğru yönelmiş bir F bileşke kuvveti vardır.
Mümkün olan en küçük yüzey • Bu kuvvetler sıvı yüzeyindeki B molekülü gibi molekülleri sıvının içine doğru hareket ettirmeğe çalışacaklardır. Bundan dolayı sıvı yüzeyi büzülmek isteyecek ve mümkün olan en küçük yüzeyi alacaktır.
Sıvıların En küçük yüzey alanına sahip olma isteği • yüzeydeki moleküller içteki moleküllere göre birbirine daha fazla yaklaşır, yüzeyde bir büzülme ve küçülme meydana gelir. • Bu durum yüzeyde bir molekül zarı meydana getirir. Oluşan bu zar sıvının içinden dışarı çıkacak ve dışından içine girecek herhangi bir cisme veya taneciğe bir direnç gösterir. Bu dirence, sıvının yüzey gerilimi denir.
Yüzey Gerilimi Tanımı • Sıvı yüzeyinin bir hat boyunca kesilmesi durumunda iki yüzey parçasını bir arada tutmak için bir kuvvet uygulanmalıdır . • Yüzey Gerilimi bir sıvının yüzey alanını azaltmaya çalışan kuvvete verilen isimdir. • Bu sıvı üzerindeki 1 cm uzunluğa dik ve sıvı yüzeyine teğet olan kuvvete “yüzey gerilimi “ Çözelti ve yüzey gerilimi • Saf bir madde içerisinde bir madde çözünüyorsa çözünen maddenin ve çözücünün karakterine bağlı olarak yüzey geriliminin değiştiği gözlenmiştir.
Soğuk ve sıcak çorbanın tadı nasıl değişir? • Suyun yüzey gerilimi diğer yaygın sıvılarınkinden daha yüksektir. • Saf su, sabun eklenmiş sudan daha fazla yüzey gerilimine sahiptir. Aynı şey yağ katılmış su içinde geçerlidir. Yağ soğuk sudan daha az bir gerilime sahiptir dolayısıyla tüm su yüzeyi üzerinde ince bir tabaka kaplar. • Fakat sıcak su soğuk sudan daha az bir yüzey gerilimine sahiptir çünkü daha hızlı hareket eden moleküllerde kohezyon etkisi daha zayıftır. Bu yağın sıcak çorbada küçük baloncuklar halinde yüzmesini sağlar. • Çorbamız soğuyunca suyun yüzey gerilimi artar ve yağ çorba yüzeyine çekilir ve çorba “yağlı” olur. Sıcak çorba ile soğuğun farklı tat vermesinin temel sebebi suyun yüzey geriliminin sıcaklığa bağlı olmasıdır.
Çözeltilerin Yüzey Gerilimi • Çözünen tanecikler içteki çözücü moleküllerinin yüzeydeki çözücü moleküllerini içe doğru çekmesini belli ölçüde engellediğinden çözeltilerin yüzey gerilimi saf çözücüye göre genellikle düşüktür. • Çözücünün yüzey gerilimini düşüren maddeler yüzey aktif, değiştirmeyenler ise yüzey inaktif olarak isimlendirilmektedir. Sulu çözeltiler için yüzey aktif maddeleri; organik asitler, alkoller, esterler, eterler,aminler ve ketonlar şeklinde; yüzey inaktif maddeleri ise inorganik elektrolitler,organik asitlerin tuzları, molar kütleleri küçük olan bazlar yanında şeker ve gliserin gibi uçucu ve elektrolit olmayan maddeler şeklinde sıralayabiliriz.
Çözeltilerin Yüzey Gerilimi • Yağ asitleri gibi suyun yüzey gerilimini önemli ölçüde düşüren maddeler, hem polar hidrofilik (su seven) grup hem de apolar hidrofobik (su sevmeyen)grup ihtiva ederler. • Yağ asitlerindeki –COOH grubu gibi hidrofilik gruplar, eğer molekülün kalan apolar kısmı çok büyük değilse, molekülün çözünürlüğünü arttırır. • Yağ asitlerinin hidrokarbon kısımları bir sulu çözeltinin iç kısımlarında rahatsızlık duyarlar (yani yüksek bir serbest enerjiye sahiptirler) ve onlar sıvının iç kısmından yüzeye getirmek çok az iş gerektirir. • Bu sebeple yüzey gerilimini düşüren bir çözünen (yüzey aktif madde), çözeltinin yüzey tabakalarında birikir. • Böyle çözünenlerin ara yüzeyde “pozitif adsorblandığı” söylenir.
Tuz Yüzey Gerilimini Etkiler mi? • İyonik tuzlar, genellikle sulu çözeltilerin yüzey gerilimini saf suya göre arttırırlar. • Çözünmüş iyonların yüzey gerilimini yükseltmesinin sebebi, bu iyonlarla su molekülleri arasında meydana gelen iyon- dipol etkileşimlerinin sonucu olarak, su moleküllerinin çözeltinin iç kısımlarına doğru çekilmesidir. • Bu sebeple yeni yüzey oluşturmak için elektrostatik kuvvetlere karşı ilave iş yapılması gerekir. • Böyle çözeltilerde yüzey tabakaları çözünen maddece daha fakirdir. • Yani çözünen madde, yüzey yerine çözeltinin iç kısımlarında toplanır. Bu gibi hallerde çözünenin “negatif adsorblandığı” söylenir.
Deniz dalgaları kıyıya vururken niçin köpürür • Saf bir madde içerisinde bir başka madde çözünüyorsa, çözünen maddenin ve çözücünün yapısına bağlı olarak yüzey geriliminin değiştiği gözlenir. • Mesela tuz, suyun yüzey gerilimini azaltır. Tuz, su tanecikleri arasındaki bağları zayıflattığından aralarındaki kohezyon kuvveti, dolayısıyla da yüzey gerilimi azalmış olur. • Bu sebepten deniz dalgaları kıyıya vururken köpürür.

Material and energy- saving more environmental friendly technologies have an in-creasingly important role in industrial practice. Machining, work load and special requirements have to be related to the product mass at the lowest... more

Material and energy- saving more environmental friendly technologies have an in-creasingly important role in industrial practice. Machining, work load and special requirements have to be related to the product mass at the lowest acceptable vol-ume. This concept is generally met by the surface engineering processes as these enhance the use of cheaper materials with better machinability where the surface damage may be prevented applying wear, corrosion, fatigue resistant surface lay-ers. If no other specific requirements or norms have to be applied, these layers may also improve the surface aspect. Local, tailor-made surface properties may also be covered without a major modification of structure and properties of the substrate material. The book gives an overview of the Surface Technologies, but it is not exhaustive. It focuses on applications in mechanical engineering. It presents not only the heat treatment procedures (surface hardening, thermo-mechanical and thermo-chemical treatments, PVD, CVD, surface remelting), but also on processes con-nected to deformation (surface solidification with cold deformation), fusion welding (surface remelting, surface alloying, remelting welding), physical-chemical proc-esses (surface coating) and their combinations, known as Duplex process. The book also presents the various forms of surface damage leading to specific treatments, covering also important characteristics of the material surfaces. Sur-face preparation methods are described as well as the material testing for assess-ing the quality of surface layers. The aim of this book is to offer theoretical and practical knowledge for planning, designing and material selection for engineering components and structures, or tools. The book also offers information for production planning, maintenance and repair work, considering the dedicated education in mechanical engineering.
Felületkezeléssel a károsodásállóság (kopás-, megeresztés-, korrózió-, reve- és fáradásáIlóság) javítását célzó felületi kérgek, rétegek hozhatók létre az egyébként - más követelmény vagy előírás hiányában - olcsóbb, könnyebben megmunkálható, szívósabb alapanyagon (munkadarabon). A helyi (lokális) igénybevételekhez, követelményekhez igazítható(k) a munkadarabok arra kijelölt tartománya(i), általában térfogatuk nagyobb hányadának jelentős szerkezet- és tulajdonságváltoztatása nélkül. A különböző elvű felületkezelő eljárások bemutatása mellett a könyv foglalkozik továbbá azokkal a károsodási formákkal, amelyek a kezelést indokolttá teszik, az anyagfelületek néhány fontos jellemzőjével, a felületelőkészítés módszereivel, valamint a rétegminősítést szolgáló anyagvizsgálatokkal is.

The study is focussed on a (then) innovative intercultural and interdisciplinary comparison between sword-culture in Europe and Japan. It contains the first published results of a direct comparison between blade surfaces on medieval... more

The study is focussed on a (then) innovative intercultural and interdisciplinary comparison between sword-culture in Europe and Japan. It contains the first published results of a direct comparison between blade surfaces on medieval Japanese and Merovingian Period European sword-blades polished in the traditional Japanese manner. In this context the crucial role of surface-technology by grinding and polishing for functional sword-blades is highlighted in detail for the first time. There is an English and a Japanese summary contained.


The study of textured surface performance is one of the highly researched topics in recent times. This is mainly due to the advantages that such surfaces can potentially provide in practice, in mitigating adverse tribological conditions,... more

The study of textured surface performance is one of the highly researched topics in recent times. This is mainly due to the advantages that such surfaces can potentially provide in practice, in mitigating adverse tribological conditions, such as friction and wear. However, considering the complexities found in practice, a methodological analysis and evaluation procedure is essential in order to gain an understanding of the benefits from utilising such features in a given contact. The current study provides a combined analytical and experimental approach towards an enhanced understanding of the behaviour of textured surfaces relative to their untextured counterparts. The developed analytical models are invaluable in providing an insight into the relationship between the many parameters involved in defining even simple surface texture feature geometry and the expected outcomes in practice, when corroborated with experimental results. The current study reports on such an endeavour. With the studied texture configuration, the results have shown the possibility of reducing friction by as much as 25%.

Inspired by nature, tunable wettability has attracted a lot of attention in both academia and industry. Various methods of polymer surface tailoring have been studied to control the changes in wetting behavior. Polymers with a precisely... more

Inspired by nature, tunable wettability has attracted a lot of attention in both academia and industry. Various methods of polymer surface tailoring have been studied to control the changes in wetting behavior. Polymers with a precisely controlled wetting behavior in a specific environment are blessed with a wealth of opportunities and potential applications exploitable in biomaterial engineering. Controlled wetting behavior can be obtained by combining surface chemistry and morphology. Plasma assisted polymer surface modification technique has played a significant part to control surface chemistry and morphology, thus improving the surface wetting properties of polymers in many applications. This review focuses on plasma polymerization and investigations regarding surface chemistry, surface wettability and coating kinetics, as well as coating stability. We begin with a brief overview of plasma polymerization; this includes growth mechanisms of plasma polymerization and influence of plasma parameters. Next, surface wettability and theoretical background structures and chemistry of superhydrophobic and superhydrophilic surfaces are discussed. In this review, a summary is made of recent work on tunable wettability by tailoring surface chemistry with physical appearance (i.e. substrate texture). The formation of smart polymer coatings, which adjust their surface wettability according to outside environment, including, pH, light, electric field and temperature, is also discussed. Finally, the applications of tunable wettability and pH responsiveness of polymer coatings in real life are addressed. This review should be of interest to plasma surface science communality particularly focused controlled wettability of smart polymer surfaces.

Electrospinning has attracted a worldwide interest as a technique for the production of nanofibrous membranes with diameter ranging 2 nm to several microscales using natural and synthetic polymers. The electrospun nanofibres have... more

Electrospinning has attracted a worldwide interest as a technique for the production of nanofibrous membranes with diameter
ranging 2 nm to several microscales using natural and synthetic polymers. The electrospun nanofibres have advantages such
as high surface area, easy surface modification, functionalization of polymeric chains, inexpensive and tunable thermomechanical
properties. Moreover, electrospinning is one of the simplest techniques for the incorporation of nanofillers
into polymeric nanofibres. Herein, we review the preparation and applications of natural and polymer-based nanofibrous
membranes. We focus on applications of the electrospun membrane for energy storage, water purification and biomedical.
Furthermore, we show surface morphologies of nanofibrous membranes using fast emission scanning electron microscopy,
transmission electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, Brunauer–Emmett–Teller and micrographs.

applications in energy and environmental areas. Recent examples of many TiO2-derived materials have been illustrated to understand the fundamental principles of self-cleaning hydrophilic and hydrophobic surfaces. Various models including... more

applications in energy and environmental areas. Recent examples of many TiO2-derived materials have
been illustrated to understand the fundamental principles of self-cleaning hydrophilic and hydrophobic
surfaces. Various models including those proposed by Wenzel, Cassie-Baxter and Miwa-Hashimoto are
discussed to explain the mechanism of self-cleaning. Examples of semiconductor surfaces exhibiting
the simultaneous occurrence of superhydrophilic and superhydrophobic domains on the same surface
are illustrated, which can have various advanced applications in microfluidics, printing, photovoltaic,
biomedical devices, anti-bacterial surfaces and water purification.
Several strategies to improve the efficiency of photocatalytic self-cleaning property have been discussed
including doping with metals and non-metals, formation of hetero-junctions between TiO2 and
other low bandgap semiconductors, and fabrication of graphene based semiconductor nano-composites.
Different mechanisms such as band-gap narrowing, formation of localized energy levels within the
bandgap and formation of intrinsic defects such as oxygen vacancies have been suggested to account
for the improved activity of doped TiO2 photocatalysts. Various preparation routes for developing
efficient superhydrophilic–superhydrophobic patterns have been reviewed. In addition, reversible photocontrolled
surfaces with tuneable hydrophilic/hydrophobic properties and its technological applications
are discussed. Examples of antireflective surfaces exhibiting self-cleaning properties for the applications
in solar cells and flat panel displays have also been provided. Discussion is provided on TiO2 based selfcleaning
materials exhibiting hydrophilic and underwater superoleophobic properties and their utilities
in water management, antifouling applications and separation of oil in water emulsions are discussed.
In addition, ISO testing methods (ISO 27448: 2009, ISO 10678: 2010 and ISO 27447: 2009) for analysing
self-cleaning activity and antibacterial action have also been discussed. Rapid photocatalytic self-cleaning
testing methods using various photocatalytic activity indicator inks such as resazurin (Rz), basic blue 66
(BB66) and acid violet 7(AV7) for a broad range of materials such as commercial paints, tiles and glasses
are also described. Various commercial products such as glass, tiles, fabrics, cement and paint materials
developed based on the principle of photo-induced hydrophilic conversion of TiO2 surfaces have
also been provided. The wide ranges of practical applications of self-cleaning photocatalytic materials
suggest further development to improve their efficiency and utilities. It was concluded that a rational
fabrication of multifunctional photocatalytic materials by integrating biological inspired structures with
tunable wettability would be favorable to address a number of existing environmental concerns

Titanium and titanium alloys are widely used in a variety of engineering applications, where the combination of mechanical and chemical properties is of crucial importance. Aerospace, chemical and automotive industries as well as the... more

Titanium and titanium alloys are widely used in a variety of engineering applications,
where the combination of mechanical and chemical properties is of crucial importance.
Aerospace, chemical and automotive industries as well as the medical device manufacturers
also benefited from the outstanding properties of titanium alloys. The wide spread of its
uses in biomedical implants is mainly due to their well-established corrosion resistance and
biocompatibility. However, not all titanium and its alloys can meet all of the clinical
requirements for biomedical implants. For instance, it is reported that bare titaniumvanadium
alloy has traces of vanadium ion release after long period exposure with body
fluid (López et al., 2010). Excessive metal ions release into the body fluid and causes toxicity
problems to the host body. A new group of titanium alloy such as Ti-Nb and Ti-Zr based are
recently introduced in the market to overcome the toxicity of titanium-vanadium based
alloy (Gutiérrez et al., 2008). Although, these alloys have a high strength to weight ratio and
good corrosion resistance and biocompatible, but it suffers from poor tribological properties
which limits their usefulness to a certain extent especially when they are applied to joint
movements. Wear debris generated from these articulation joints can induce inflammation
problem and toxic effect to the human body. In biomedical point of view, post implantation
is very crucial stage where the interaction between the implanted material surface and the
biological environment in human body is critically evaluated. Either in the short or long run,
the toxic effect becomes an issue to host body. Hence, the implant material surface has a
strong role in the responses to the biological environment. In order to improve the biological
and tribological properties of implant materials, surface modification is often required
(Huang et al., 2006, Kumar et al., 2010b). This chapter embarks on the commonly used
implant biomaterials, followed by general overview on the surface modification techniques
for treating titanium alloy. The basic principles of oxidation, carburization and ion
implantation methods and their developments are discussed in the following sections.

Titanium and nickel alloys represent a significant metal portion of the aircraft structural and engine components. When these critical structural components in aerospace industry are manufactured with the objective to reach high... more

Titanium and nickel alloys represent a significant metal portion of the aircraft structural and engine components. When these critical structural components in aerospace industry are manufactured with the objective to reach high reliability levels, surface integrity is one of the most relevant parameters used for evaluating the quality of finish machined surfaces. The residual stresses and surface alteration (white etch layer and depth of work hardening) induced by machining of titanium alloys and nickel-based alloys are very critical due to safety and sustainability concerns. This review paper provides an overview of machining induced surface integrity in titanium and nickel alloys. There are many different types of surface integrity problems reported in literature, and among these, residual stresses, white layer and work hardening layers, as well as microstructural alterations can be studied in order to improve surface qualities of end products. Many parameters affect the surface quality of workpieces, and cutting speed, feed rate, depth of cut, tool geometry and preparation, tool wear, and workpiece properties are among the most important ones worth to investigate. Experimental and empirical studies as well as analytical and Finite Element modeling based approaches are offered in order to better understand machining induced surface integrity. In the current state-of-the-art however, a comprehensive and systematic modeling approach based on the process physics and applicable to the industrial processes is still missing. It is concluded that further modeling studies are needed to create predictive physics-based models that is in good agreement with reliable experiments, while explaining the effects of many parameters, for machining of titanium alloys and nickel-based alloys.

Nanometer-sized structures, surfaces and sub-surface phenomena have played an enormous role in science and technological applications and represent a driving-force of current interdisciplinary science. Recent developments include the... more

Nanometer-sized structures, surfaces and sub-surface phenomena have played an enormous role in science and technological applications and represent a driving-force of current interdisciplinary science. Recent developments include the atomic-scale characterization of nanoparticles, molecular reactions at surfaces, magnetism at
the atomic scale, photoelectric characterization of nanostructures as well as two-dimensional solids. Research and development of smart nanostructured materials governed by their surface properties is a rapidly growing field. The main challenge is to develop an accurate and robust electronic structure description. The density of surface-related trap states is analyzed by transient UV photoconductivity and temperature-dependent admittance spectroscopy. An advanced application of thin films on shaped substrates is the deposition of catalytic layers on hollow glass microspheres for hydrogen storage controlled exothermal hydrolytic release. Surface properties of
thin films including dissolution and corrosion, fouling resistance, and hydrophilicity/hydrophobicity are explored to improve materials response in biological environments and medicine. Trends in surface biofunctionalization routes based on vacuum techniques, together with advances in surface analysis of biomaterials, are discussed. Pioneering advances in the application of X-ray nanodiffraction of thin film cross-sections for characterizing nanostructure and local strain including in-situ experiments during nanoindentation are described. Precise measurements and control of plasma properties are important for fundamental investigations and the development of next generation plasma-based technologies. Critical control parameters are the flux and
energy distribution of incident ions at reactive surfaces; it is also crucial to control the dynamics of electrons initiating non-equilibrium chemical reactions. The most promising approach involves the exploitation of complementary advantages in direct measurements combined with specifically designed numerical simulations. Exciting new developments in vacuum science and technology have focused on forward-looking and next generation standards and sensors that take advantage of photonics based measurements. These measurements are inherently fast, frequency based, easily transferrable to sensors based on photonics and hold promise of being disruptive and transformative. Realization of Pascal, the SI unit for pressure, a cold-atom trap based ultra-high
and extreme high vacuum (UHV and XHV) standard, dynamic pressure measurements and a photonic based thermometer are three key examples that are presented.

The Thermal Treatment involves several heating and cooling processes to effect structural changes in a material, which modify its mechanical properties. The purpose of thermal treatments is to provide the materials with specific... more

The Thermal Treatment involves several heating and cooling processes to effect structural changes in a material, which modify its mechanical properties. The purpose of thermal treatments is to provide the materials with specific properties suitable for their conformation or end use. They do not modify the chemical composition of the materials, but other factors such as structural constituents and granulometry, and consequently the mechanical properties. Thermal Treatments can be performed on a part or the whole of the piece in one or several steps of the manufacturing sequence. In some cases, the treatment is applied before the forming process (annealing to soften the metal and help to form it more easily while it is hot). In other cases, it is used to alleviate the effects of deformation hardening. Finally, it can be performed at the end of the manufacturing sequence to achieve strength and hardness.

Thermal has significant effects on the metal structure during welding process; it plays vital roles in rearranging molecular structure of the metal being welded. It is of great importance to have the knowledge of thermal, temperature,... more

Thermal has significant effects on the metal structure during welding process; it plays vital roles in rearranging molecular structure of the metal being welded. It is of great importance to have the knowledge of thermal, temperature, thermo-mechanical and heat distribution on the workpiece in friction stir welding as this will help in designing process and the model parameters for welding application in the following welded joints, edge butt, lap, square butt, T lap, fillet, multiple lap etc. The physics of heat generation must be explored in order to understand the workability of friction stir welding (FSW). The FSW process begun with initial friction of mechanical that took place between the tool and the welded surface resulting in the generation of heat. Since the discovery of Friction Stir Welding (FSW) in 1991, many researchers have done tremendous investigations into the process and many experimental, theoretical, numerical, empirical, computational and analytical methods have been carried out in order to analyse and optimize FSW and to understand the complex mechanism in friction stir welding at the same time to deal with effects of various parameters relating to thermal profile during the process of FSW.

Surface contamination by microbes is a major public health concern. A damp environment is one of potential sources for microbe proliferation. Smart photocatalytic coatings on building surfaces using semiconductors like titania (TiO 2) can... more

Surface contamination by microbes is a major public health concern. A damp environment is one of potential sources for microbe proliferation. Smart photocatalytic coatings on building surfaces using semiconductors like titania (TiO 2) can effectively curb this growing threat. Metal-doped titania in anatase phase has been proven as a promising candidate for energy and environmental applications. In this present work, the antimicrobial efficacy of copper (Cu)-doped TiO 2 (Cu-TiO 2) was evaluated against Escherichia coli (Gram-negative) and Staphylococcus aureus (Gram-positive) under visible light irradiation. Doping of a minute fraction of Cu (0.5 mol %) in TiO 2 was carried out via sol-gel technique. Cu-TiO 2 further calcined at various temperatures (in the range of 500-700 • C) to evaluate the thermal stability of TiO 2 anatase phase. The physico-chemical properties of the samples were characterized through X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman spectroscopy, X-ray photo-electron spectroscopy (XPS) and UV-visible spectroscopy techniques. XRD results revealed that the anatase phase of TiO 2 was maintained well, up to 650 • C, by the Cu dopant. UV-vis results suggested that the visible light absorption property of Cu-TiO 2 was enhanced and the band gap is reduced to 2.8 eV. Density functional theory (DFT) studies emphasize the introduction of Cu + and Cu 2+ ions by replacing Ti 4+ ions in the TiO 2 lattice, creating oxygen vacancies. These further promoted the photocatalytic efficiency. A significantly high bacterial inactivation (99.9999%) was attained in 30 min of visible light irradiation by Cu-TiO 2 .

This paper reviews experimental research on nano-composite protective coatings of various chemical compositions and structure. For adaptive multielement and multilayer systems with specific phase composition, structure, substructure,... more

This paper reviews experimental research on nano-composite protective coatings of various chemical compositions and structure. For adaptive multielement and multilayer systems with specific phase composition, structure, substructure, stress state, and high functional properties, formation conditions are considered; the behavior of such systems under extreme operating conditions and in tribological applications is examined; the structural, phase, and chemical composition are discussed as well as the hardness, friction and wear at elevated temperatures; and the adhesive strength of hierarchical protective coatings is analyzed. Finally, the adaptive behavior under different tribological test conditions of multifunctional, multi-layer coatings as a function of their properties and structure is examined.

A systematic approach is required in order to determine the frictional characteristics of a contacting pair in the presence of a tribofilm. Despite the clear benefits in functionality and in reducing wear, the generation of ZDDP-based... more

A systematic approach is required in order to determine the frictional characteristics of a contacting pair in the presence of a tribofilm. Despite the clear benefits in functionality and in reducing wear, the generation of ZDDP-based tribofilms often lead to increased frictional losses. Such an increase is also observed in the tribometric tests reported here, as well as in open literature. This paper investigates the underlying mechanics for the rise in friction using an integrated methodology, based upon Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS). The use of an analytical contact mechanics model demonstrates that the pressure coefficient of boundary shear strength, measured using lateral force microscopy, provides an explanation for the observed increase in measured friction at micro-scale.

This review focuses on low-pressure plasma modification methods to produce hydrophobic coatings and surface modifications on biomaterials. Plasma-deposited fluoropolymer, siloxane, and diamond-like carbon (DLC) coatings are reviewed in... more

This review focuses on low-pressure plasma modification methods to produce hydrophobic coatings and surface modifications on biomaterials. Plasma-deposited fluoropolymer, siloxane, and diamond-like carbon (DLC) coatings are reviewed in terms of process developments, monomers used, stability and aging properties, and their behavior in adsorption of proteins, cell attachment, and bacterial adhesion. These hydrophobic coatings are stable with correct selection of monomers and process conditions, but the plasma polymerized siloxane and fluorocarbons have been mainly applied in biochip and test kits rather than in blood-contact applications. Similarly, the surface characteristics and interfacial bonding of DLC coatings play a crucial role in their successful implementation

The lubricant-surface system is complex in nature and can significantly affect the frictional performance of high-performance transmission systems. The complexity stems from the coupled mechanical and chemical phenomena that occur at the... more

The lubricant-surface system is complex in nature and can significantly affect the frictional performance of high-performance transmission systems. The complexity stems from the coupled mechanical and chemical phenomena that occur at the inter-facial tooth conjunctions. A combined analytical and precision experimental approach is presented to analyse the salient parameters of the lubricant-surface system. A multiscale procedure comprising topographical measurement, pin-on-disc tribometry, atomic force microscopy in lateral force mode, X-ray photo-electron spectroscopy and continuum contact mechanics analysis under mixed non-Newtonian thermo-elastohydrodynamics is used to describe the formation of a tribo-film, as well as wear and frictional characteristics of the lubricant-surface system. The contribution of chemisorbed and physisorbed bonded tribo-film on the boundary coefficient of friction is ascertained at different physical scales. Therefore, the paper presents a novel multiscale analysis, promoting improved understanding of the complex interactions between mechanisms of friction, wear and surface chemistry. Keywords Gear · Tribo · Film · Additive · ZDDP · AFM · Atomic force microscopy · Wear · Friction

We report the numerical studies of the properties of surface plasmon polaritons which are generated at the single interface between metal and dielectric. In this numerical work, we used parameters representing natural dielectrics. Using... more

We report the numerical studies of the properties of surface plasmon polaritons which are generated at the single interface between metal and dielectric. In this numerical work, we used parameters representing natural dielectrics. Using Maxwell equations and also the continuity of the fields at the interface between metal and dielectrics, the dispersion relation of the surface plasmon polaritons were derived. The dispersion relations were solved by taking parameters for metal appropriate for gold. For natural dielectric, we used parameters which are correspond to castor oil, coconut oil and sun flower oil with the range of dielectric constants were from tens to sixties. The results showed that the lower part of dispersion curves of surface plasmon polaritons approach SPP frequencies. We found that the highest surface plasmon frequency was resulted by using crude palm oil (CPO) as liquid dielectric. The usage of sunflower oil as dielectric lead to the lowest surface plasmon polaritons frequency.