Vissena by SeekHim on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

A commission done for me by McSlackerton

The Vissena is a large land based mammal that lives on the planet Nlia

Nlian Animals Size Chart

NLIANlia, is a planet that exists in my Saratoga verse


The planet has three landmasses:
The The Northern Continent An island continent, the size of Britain.

The :The Western Land: A large continent the size of Eurasia
The The Eastern Land A large continent about the size of Asia.

THE GOLDEN SANDS REGIONThe Golden Sands Region is a large desert region located on the Western Continent. It gets its name for the bright golden color of its sand .

Nlia:The Western Land

In general, the climate is extremely hot and arid.
Precipitation is scarce and the region receives only about three inches of rain annually.
During the day temperatures can reach 120 degrees.
During the night it is very cold.

The terrain varies from sand dunes, gravel plains, hills, valleys,

pateaus, rock formations and shrublands.
The terrain is more rugged and hilly in the north and west.
The southern regions are more flat.

Although desert, there are many oases and springs.
There are also small rivers and shallow lake beds that fill during the rainy season.
There are many areas with grassland, shrubland and flowers.
At oases and other places were water collects there are trees.
There are heavier concentrations of plantlife and trees along the coasts.

Vissena are indigenous to the Golden Sands region but found throughout the continent.
Some live in the Valo Hills Peninsula and others roam the edges of the Dune Sea.

Vissena stand from 3 -3.5 feet feet at the shoulder. (About the size of a Siberian tiger)
Males are slightly larger than females.

Their coats come in a range of colors from tawny yellow, ash brown,

ocher, deep orange-brown and dark brown.
They have black manes and black stripes on their backs

They have very large ears for both heat dispersal and to detect sound.
They are able to detect motion quickly and have very keen vision.

Viseena are known for their great speed
They can run for up to 50 mph for short distances
They have long tails which help provide balance while running.
They are also known for their endurance and can run at a slower pace for hours.

LIFESPANVissena can live up to 20 years but usually only live for 10-15.

DIETVissena are apex predators and prey on large to medium sized animals.
In lean times they will also prey on smaller animals.
They often cache excess food in holes for later.

They gets most of their moisture from prey, but drink water when available.

INTELLIGENCEVissena are highly intelligent and excel at cooperative hunting.
They can memorize the locations of water sources hundreds of miles apart.
They know to avoid areas of heavy Nlian population and generally avoid domesticated livestock.

BEHAVIORVissena have large home ranges of hundreds of square miles.
They often travel for up to 30-40 miles a day.

They are primarily nocturnal but are also active in the morning

and afternoon.
They dig dens, and also establish lairs in caves, rock fissures, erosion channels and abandoned burrows.

They live in small family groups comprised of a mated pair and their offspring.
The average pack size is between 5 to 8

Vissena are generally not territorial and ranges of different packs often overlap.
During times of abundance different packs may join together temporarily.

Vissena hunt by both scent and sight.
Although highly skilled hunters they will scavenge should the need arise.

When hunting alone Vissena rely on ambush.
When hunting in pairs or in groups they rely on pursuit and teamwork.

PACK DYNAMICSVissena are monogamous and mated pairs remain together for life
Should a partner die before the age of 9 the survivor usually finds another mate.
If a parner dies after the age of 9 the survivor usually doesn't take another mate.

Males typically stay with their birth pack for 3 years before dispersing.
Females sometimes leave at this time as well but may remain and act as caregivers for younger siblings.

Some dspersed stay in the vicinity of their birth pack, others travel great distances.
Dispersed often travel in pairs, but some travel alone.
Males and females can spend years in the nomadic phase before gaining residence in a pack.

Interactions between packs and dispersing nomads are usually non-hostile

There is the expectation that the nomad be submissive towards the Alpha couple.
Often a dispersed male will approach a pack in an attempt to woo a non-attached female.

When the Alpha couple stop reproducing their oldest female who has not yet dispersed
takes over the pack.
Old and wounded pack members are brought food by the rest of the pack and never abandoned.

Sometimes after the death of their mate, an elderly Vissena will leave their pack.
Elderly dispersed always travel alone.

REPRODUCTIONVissena are sexually mature at the age of three.

Females usually mate every two years
Gestation takes three months.
Litters usually consist of 1–3 pups.

Pups nurse for two months
They begin to hunt at six months.

Vissena generally stop reproducing at 11 but some have continued until 15.

RELATIONS WITH NLIANSFor thousands of years Nlians have admired the Vissena for their family bonds and skill as hunters.
They never attempted to domesticate them and would only hunt them in self defense or to protect livestock.

Vissena stay away from inhabited areas and experienced ones know

to avoid domesticated herds.

Dispersed youths or elderly nomads no longer able to hunt their

usual prey, sometimes have conflicts with Nlians.

When hunting Vissena, Nlians always go out in groups.
To kill a Vissena is a sign of skill but trophy hunting is strictly forbidden.
If killed, Vissena meat is eaten and its hide, pelt, claws and teeth are used.