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LiteratureTo Build a Nest: Chapter 23 Father and Son Leo awoke to the bright morning light filling the room. He sat up wiping the sleep from his eyes. He looked over to see Tanner still asleep next to him. Leo looked around a little confused as to where he was. The room was still the same as ever, yet it was different. It was no longer just some room he was staying in, it was his room, in his home. Leo gave a little smile. He was home, he no longer had to worry about the future before him. This was it. Leo got out of the bed stepping onto the carpet, careful not to wake Tanner. He moved silently, poking his head out into the hallway before stepping out. The morning air was silent. Leo heard his stomach let out a little growl. He crept down to the kitchen, perhaps he could find something to eat. Leo came in looking around to see no one around. He then went over to the pantry and walked in. He looked at all the shelves seeing a box of his favorite cereal sitting high up. Leo grimaced as his tummy rumbled as ifLiteratureQuiet TimeIt was so unfair, is all Ben could think as he stared at the back of the front seat in the sedan. It was not fair that his little brother Clark was sitting up front while he was stuck in the backseat in his carseat. All Clark had done was ask and their Mom had said yes, just like that! Even if it was just because she needed to use part of the backseat for groceries, since the trunk was currently occupied by a large box for a plastic kitchen playset Mom had bought for one of their little cousin's birthday, it still wasn't right. Ben should have been the one to sit up front, he was sixteen and his little brother was only ten. When Ben would ask to sit up front though his parents would always say no, reasoning that Ben was too small and still needed to sit in his car seat. The only thing Ben was happy about was that the car seat was Clark's old one that he had inherited a few years back when Clark had outgrown the need for one. It was a clear upgrade from the one Ben had sat in for mostLiteratureSatisfaction Guaranteed: Part 1 Chapter 1 Max Barnes sat on the bench at the back of Declan Lake High. Classes were done for the day. Max leaned back on the bench listening to his cousin Maddie talking endlessly to him through his phone about her trigonometry teacher who in her words totally had it out for her. Max was only half listening as he stared up at the sky noting the dark gray clouds that had gathered. He was hoping he would be able to make it home before the rain started. A worry he would not have anymore after the upcoming weekend when his Dad would take him down to the DMV for his road test, which he was confident in passing. He would finally have his license. “Max are you listening?” Maddie said on the other side of the phone. “Huh,” Max said sitting up. “Yeah I'm listening.” Maddie made a skeptical noise on the line. They had known each other their whole lives and being that they were both sixteen years old they had grown to be more like brother and sister than cousins. However she had moved aboutLiteratureTo Build a Nest: Chapter 20 Finding One's Footing Leo stood before the skate park. It was quite a shock to see it. When they had first arrived at the park it didn't look like there was anything around. Yet upon getting to the top of the hill, Leo had discovered that not only was there a large playground but also a small skate park. RJ had brought along a smaller skateboard special for Leo while offering the larger one to Tanner. Leo had looked on enviously at Tanner's board. It looked cool with the logo for the skate company prominently displayed on a black background, not at all dissimilar to the board Leo had gotten from a kid at school long ago, before his Dad had snapped it in half. Leo's board however was the epitome of childish, emblazoned with colorful dinosaurs on their own skateboards decked out in pads and sunglasses. “Sorry bud,” RJ said noting Leo's obvious displeasure at the graphics on the underside of his board. “Its the best I could find on short notice, all the other ones at the store wereLiteratureSatisfaction Guaranteed: Part 2Chapter 2 Sheila had plucked out the small glass shard in Max's foot and cleaned up the cut finishing with a band-aid before releasing him back into the hall. Max felt like he was in a daze. He couldn't believe the predicament he now found himself in. How could this be real? “Max that's you right?” 'Brandon said. Max shook his head coming out of his haze to see the other boy standing in front of him. “Yeah its me,” Max said, the sound of his voice still sounding foreign to himself. “But you're small, whats going on?” Brandon said. Max looked back at Brandon who was now only a few inches shorter than him when before he had only come up to his chest. “I can't explain right now,” 'Max said pushing past the other boy to his room. There was only one thing on his mind. Getting the device back and reversing the change. Max came into his room and started to look around. However much to his ire he couldn't find the device anywhere. He turned around to see Brandon standing in the doorwayLiteratureTo Build a Nest Chapter 13 Squabbles It had been a tense couple of days as the changes began to happen. However the biggest bombshell had been the reveal that Tanner was to start attending school which had sent Tanner onto a total warpath. The worst thing about the whole thing for Tanner was learning that he was starting in kindergarten. Desiree had stated that his testing was clear and that was the level he had tested at. Leo was suspicious about the whole thing. Had Tanner really tested at a kindergarten level, or had he simply not paid any mind to the test questions just filling in any old answer not really caring if it was right or not? Whenever Leo had tried to question him about it, Tanner was quick to shut Leo down. Saying the whole thing made him too sick to his stomach to even talk. Luckily for Leo it was apparently harder to get into a preschool in a short amount of time and it wasn't even required so for the moment he was safe. Desiree had tried her best to get Tanner to see reason yet Tanner hadLiteratureSatisfaction Guaranteed Part 8It was Friday night as Max was up in his room. There seemed to be some commotion going around the house at the moment. Max was content to stay out of it. Just then his Dad came walking into the room with a backpack in his hands. “Hey sport,” Dad said going to the dresser and pulling out some pajamas and stuffing them into the backpack. “What are you doing?” Max asked seeing that he was somehow involved in whatever was happening. “Packing your bag,” Dad said before he grabbed a pull-up out of the blue plastic package that was prominently displayed on top of the dresser and placing it into the bag. Max grimaced at the sight. He hated the fact that they were even still in the house. Max had actually made great strides. Although it had felt like a long road even if it had just been a couple of days. Much to Max's displeasure his parents had made him wear them during the day on Tuesday and Wednesday. There had been a couple of close calls but Max had quickly adapted and by Thursday itLiteratureOne of the Family: Part 23Tyler West was sat upon the the gymnasium floor of Puckett Elementary. He was sat cross legged with the rest of his kindergarten class as they listened to the principal Mr. Falsom address the entirety of the student body at the end of quarter school assembly. Tyler found himself incredibly bored. He couldn't bring himself to really focus in as the principal droned on about all the goings on at the school during the first quarter. He talked about how much the student body had earned at the fun run and the amount of food they donated during the food drive or how well the first choir concert had gone. His ears did perk up a little when the principal mentioned the kindergarten class's fairy tale play however. Though he did feel a little embarrassed remembering it since he had been made to play baby bear in Goldilocks and the Three Bears. A role that had been all but foisted upon him since it made so much sense, him being the youngest person in his class at just having turned five years old