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LiteratureBeast Wars: KabutomushiName: Kabutomushi (Nicknames: Kab, Kabu, Mushi, Mu, Mush, Kabuto) Gender: Male Alignment: Predacon Height: 7'5 feet Length: 1 foot Mass: 900 lbs Wingspan: None Alt Mode(s): Japanese Rhinoceros Beetle Height: 3 feet Length: 8 feet Wingspan: 6 Weapons: Horn Arm- For the most part this acts as a cannon, firing a single armor piercing shell that has both great range and devastating power. While mostly used against other heavy armored bots, this can make short work of the lesser armored mechs just as well. When in close combat, the horn can be used as a savage mace, beating and stabbing foes while keeping all it's deadly power. MiniguLiteratureType ChallengeBorn of late nights and too much soda came this idea. Now we have all tried to do a type run before, saying you will only use X-type of pokemon and so on, but when you figure in Nuzlock like rules it becomes more structured. The rules are designed to be switched with normal Nuzlocke gameplay, you can even try both at the same time, with a bit of rules switching. Here will be outlined the rules pertaining only to the Type Challenge, as there is no reason to repost the Nuzlock rules and such, this means it is up to the player to use common sense to figure out how to use them in tandem. ------------------ RULES AND REGULATIONS Starters 1: If yLiteraturePathfinder Custom Race: Cocoro(Winged)Cocoro While their share a love of wandering with their parent race, the tengu, unlike the dark feathered humanoids the upbeat cocoro are well accepted just about everywhere. They are loud, fearless and have a very optimistic view of the world which they follow with quite a bit of heart, though perhaps not a lot of sense. Cocoros live in the here and now, they have little interest in history or what happened in the past, they are quite willing to forgive and forget unless he transgression is so vile that even they feel that some sort of punishment is in order. Because of their resemblance to mundane chickens, cocoros are not seen with the saLiteratureAbbissalName: Abbissal (Abby, Abyssal Abby) Species: Hyper Evolved Diving Petrel Alignment: Rogue-Neutral Predator Height: 20 meters Length: 160 meters Mass: 100,000 tons Wingspan: 190 meters Powers: Cavernous Beak- When Abbissal opens her great beak, her prey sees row after row of massive, thick teeth which are designed to hold and crush. They lack cutting ability in general, but if enough weight is behind even the dullest blade, it will cut through just about anything. Retaining the strongest bite-force on record, Abbissal's jaws along make her a kaiju to be feared, but factor in her great speed, weight and nasty habit of dropping down fromLiteratureOlimName: Olim (Hermit of the Seas) Species: Evolved Ammonite Alignment: Rogue Height: 30 meters Length: 125 meters Mass: 56,000 tons Powers: Multi Arm Strength- Each of Olim’s arms are impossibly strong, each one can lift around 30,000 tons and when he brings them all to bare he is physically the most powerful kaiju known on the planet. His most noted show of force was when he pulled Cytosaur deep under the waves in an attempt to drown the massive cyborg. Withdraw- If Olim finds his soft flesh under painful attack, he can pull his body into the nearly indestructible shell he carries on his back. A large plate will side over the opeLiteratureKeppriName: Keppri(Guide of the Sun) Species: Guardian Spirit Dung Beetle Alignment: Humanity's Guardian Height: 34(Larva) 57(Adult) meters Length: 95(Larva) 62(Adult) meters Mass: 82,000(Larva) 58,000(Adult) tons Wingspan: 74(Adult) meters Powers: -Larval Form- Festering Bomb- In her larva body Keppri is mostly stomach, letting her devour mass amounts of rotting plant and fecal matter, storing several tons without any problem at all. She has powerful acids that work around the clock to break all of this mess down and ready it for the next phase of digestion. However, if she is confronted with an attacker and does not wish to fBuilda-Jaeger: Jager BomberLiteratureHelbredName: Helbred (Unit002, Cyborg002) Species: Mutant Hermit Crab Alignment: GDF Height: 32 meters at the head, 55 meters at the shell point Length: 44 meters Mass: 64,100 tons, 22,000 tons without shell Powers: Hatchet Claws- The back side of the claws have a hatchet like curve to them, with these the crab can lash out suddenly and bash his foes if they dare get close enough. Held close to his chest, the crab can punch out much like a mantis shrimp, though not quite as fast. With the hatchet like blade on the claws, this can splinter and fracture armor as well as break bones in half. Chain Cannons- Just above the shoulders sit two larg