Gedebey District, Azerbaijan (original) (raw)

'Amphibole Supergroup'

Formula: A B2C5((Si,Al,Ti)8O22)(OH,F,Cl,O)2


Agaev, A.M., Mamedaliev, R.N., Bayramov, A.A., and Sadikhov, E.A. [Агаев, А.М., Мамедалиев, Р.Н., Байрамов, А. А., и Садыхов, Е.А.] (2019) Vesuvianite from Gedabek and Shishim skarns: common and distinctive features [Везувианы Кедабекских и Шишимских скарнов: общие и отличительные особенности]. Regional Geology and Metallogy [Региональная геология и металлогения], 79, 89-97 (in Russian).


Formula: Al2(SiO4)O


Formula: Ca3Fe3+2(SiO4)3


Agaev, A.M., Mamedaliev, R.N., Bayramov, A.A., and Sadikhov, E.A. [Агаев, А.М., Мамедалиев, Р.Н., Байрамов, А. А., и Садыхов, Е.А.] (2019) Vesuvianite from Gedabek and Shishim skarns: common and distinctive features [Везувианы Кедабекских и Шишимских скарнов: общие и отличительные особенности]. Regional Geology and Metallogy [Региональная геология и металлогения], 79, 89-97 (in Russian).


Formula: FeAsS


Hemon, P., Moritz, R., & Ramazanov, V. (2012). The Gedabek Epithermal Cu–Au Deposit, Lesser Caucasus, Western Azerbaijan: geology, alterations, petrography and evolution of the sulfidation fluid states. In Integrated Exploration and Ore Deposits, Proceedings SEG 2012 Conference, Lima, Peru (p. Poster 50).


Formula: Cu3(CO3)2(OH)2


Hemon, P., Moritz, R., & Ramazanov, V. (2012). The Gedabek Epithermal Cu–Au Deposit, Lesser Caucasus, Western Azerbaijan: geology, alterations, petrography and evolution of the sulfidation fluid states. In Integrated Exploration and Ore Deposits, Proceedings SEG 2012 Conference, Lima, Peru (p. Poster 50).


Formula: BaSO4


Formula: K(Fe2+/Mg)2(Al/Fe3+/Mg/Ti)([Si/Al/Fe]2Si2O10)(OH/F)2


Formula: Cu5FeS4


Formula: CaCO3


Hemon, P., Moritz, R., & Ramazanov, V. (2012). The Gedabek Epithermal Cu–Au Deposit, Lesser Caucasus, Western Azerbaijan: geology, alterations, petrography and evolution of the sulfidation fluid states. In Integrated Exploration and Ore Deposits, Proceedings SEG 2012 Conference, Lima, Peru (p. Poster 50).

Agaev, A.M., Mamedaliev, R.N., Bayramov, A.A., and Sadikhov, E.A. [Агаев, А.М., Мамедалиев, Р.Н., Байрамов, А. А., и Садыхов, Е.А.] (2019) Vesuvianite from Gedabek and Shishim skarns: common and distinctive features [Везувианы Кедабекских и Шишимских скарнов: общие и отличительные особенности]. Regional Geology and Metallogy [Региональная геология и металлогения], 79, 89-97 (in Russian).


Formula: Cu2S


Formula: CuFeS2

'Chlorite Group'


Agaev, A.M., Mamedaliev, R.N., Bayramov, A.A., and Sadikhov, E.A. [Агаев, А.М., Мамедалиев, Р.Н., Байрамов, А. А., и Садыхов, Е.А.] (2019) Vesuvianite from Gedabek and Shishim skarns: common and distinctive features [Везувианы Кедабекских и Шишимских скарнов: общие и отличительные особенности]. Regional Geology and Metallogy [Региональная геология и металлогения], 79, 89-97 (in Russian).


Formula: Cu2-xAlx(H2-xSi2O5)(OH)4 · nH2O, x < 1


Formula: CaAlMg2(SiAl3O10)(OH)2


Agaev, A.M., Mamedaliev, R.N., Bayramov, A.A., and Sadikhov, E.A. [Агаев, А.М., Мамедалиев, Р.Н., Байрамов, А. А., и Садыхов, Е.А.] (2019) Vesuvianite from Gedabek and Shishim skarns: common and distinctive features [Везувианы Кедабекских и Шишимских скарнов: общие и отличительные особенности]. Regional Geology and Metallogy [Региональная геология и металлогения], 79, 89-97 (in Russian).


Formula: Cu


Formula: CuS


Formula: Cu2O


Formula: CaMgSi2O6


Agaev, A.M., Mamedaliev, R.N., Bayramov, A.A., and Sadikhov, E.A. [Агаев, А.М., Мамедалиев, Р.Н., Байрамов, А. А., и Садыхов, Е.А.] (2019) Vesuvianite from Gedabek and Shishim skarns: common and distinctive features [Везувианы Кедабекских и Шишимских скарнов: общие и отличительные особенности]. Regional Geology and Metallogy [Региональная геология и металлогения], 79, 89-97 (in Russian).


Formula: Cu3AsS4


Hemon, P., Moritz, R., & Ramazanov, V. (2012). The Gedabek Epithermal Cu–Au Deposit, Lesser Caucasus, Western Azerbaijan: geology, alterations, petrography and evolution of the sulfidation fluid states. In Integrated Exploration and Ore Deposits, Proceedings SEG 2012 Conference, Lima, Peru (p. Poster 50).


Formula: (CaCa)(AlAlFe3+)O[Si2O7][SiO4](OH)


Agaev, A.M., Mamedaliev, R.N., Bayramov, A.A., and Sadikhov, E.A. [Агаев, А.М., Мамедалиев, Р.Н., Байрамов, А. А., и Садыхов, Е.А.] (2019) Vesuvianite from Gedabek and Shishim skarns: common and distinctive features [Везувианы Кедабекских и Шишимских скарнов: общие и отличительные особенности]. Regional Geology and Metallogy [Региональная геология и металлогения], 79, 89-97 (in Russian).


Formula: CaF2


Formula: PbS


Hemon, P., Moritz, R., & Ramazanov, V. (2012). The Gedabek Epithermal Cu–Au Deposit, Lesser Caucasus, Western Azerbaijan: geology, alterations, petrography and evolution of the sulfidation fluid states. In Integrated Exploration and Ore Deposits, Proceedings SEG 2012 Conference, Lima, Peru (p. Poster 50).

'Garnet Group'

Formula: X3Z2(SiO4)3


Formula: Ca2Al[AlSiO7]


Agaev, A.M., Mamedaliev, R.N., Bayramov, A.A., and Sadikhov, E.A. [Агаев, А.М., Мамедалиев, Р.Н., Байрамов, А. А., и Садыхов, Е.А.] (2019) Vesuvianite from Gedabek and Shishim skarns: common and distinctive features [Везувианы Кедабекских и Шишимских скарнов: общие и отличительные особенности]. Regional Geology and Metallogy [Региональная геология и металлогения], 79, 89-97 (in Russian).


Formula: Au

Gold var. Electrum

Formula: (Au,Ag)


Hemon, P., Moritz, R., & Ramazanov, V. (2012). The Gedabek Epithermal Cu–Au Deposit, Lesser Caucasus, Western Azerbaijan: geology, alterations, petrography and evolution of the sulfidation fluid states. In Integrated Exploration and Ore Deposits, Proceedings SEG 2012 Conference, Lima, Peru (p. Poster 50).


Formula: Ca3Al2(SiO4)3


Agaev, A.M., Mamedaliev, R.N., Bayramov, A.A., and Sadikhov, E.A. [Агаев, А.М., Мамедалиев, Р.Н., Байрамов, А. А., и Садыхов, Е.А.] (2019) Vesuvianite from Gedabek and Shishim skarns: common and distinctive features [Везувианы Кедабекских и Шишимских скарнов: общие и отличительные особенности]. Regional Geology and Metallogy [Региональная геология и металлогения], 79, 89-97 (in Russian).


Formula: CaSO4 · 2H2O


Formula: CaFe2+Si2O6


Agaev, A.M., Mamedaliev, R.N., Bayramov, A.A., and Sadikhov, E.A. [Агаев, А.М., Мамедалиев, Р.Н., Байрамов, А. А., и Садыхов, Е.А.] (2019) Vesuvianite from Gedabek and Shishim skarns: common and distinctive features [Везувианы Кедабекских и Шишимских скарнов: общие и отличительные особенности]. Regional Geology and Metallogy [Региональная геология и металлогения], 79, 89-97 (in Russian).


Formula: Fe2O3


Formula: Ag2Te


Hemon, P., Moritz, R., & Ramazanov, V. (2012). The Gedabek Epithermal Cu–Au Deposit, Lesser Caucasus, Western Azerbaijan: geology, alterations, petrography and evolution of the sulfidation fluid states. In Integrated Exploration and Ore Deposits, Proceedings SEG 2012 Conference, Lima, Peru (p. Poster 50).


Formula: Al2(Si2O5)(OH)4

'K Feldspar'

'K Feldspar var. Adularia'

Formula: KAlSi3O8


Hemon, P., Moritz, R., & Ramazanov, V. (2012). The Gedabek Epithermal Cu–Au Deposit, Lesser Caucasus, Western Azerbaijan: geology, alterations, petrography and evolution of the sulfidation fluid states. In Integrated Exploration and Ore Deposits, Proceedings SEG 2012 Conference, Lima, Peru (p. Poster 50).



Formula: Cu3AsS4


Hemon, P., Moritz, R., & Ramazanov, V. (2012). The Gedabek Epithermal Cu–Au Deposit, Lesser Caucasus, Western Azerbaijan: geology, alterations, petrography and evolution of the sulfidation fluid states. In Integrated Exploration and Ore Deposits, Proceedings SEG 2012 Conference, Lima, Peru (p. Poster 50).


Formula: Fe2+Fe3+2O4


Hemon, P., Moritz, R., & Ramazanov, V. (2012). The Gedabek Epithermal Cu–Au Deposit, Lesser Caucasus, Western Azerbaijan: geology, alterations, petrography and evolution of the sulfidation fluid states. In Integrated Exploration and Ore Deposits, Proceedings SEG 2012 Conference, Lima, Peru (p. Poster 50).


Formula: Cu2(CO3)(OH)2


Formula: FeS2



Formula: MoS2


Formula: PbCu(VO4)(OH)


Hemon, P., Moritz, R., & Ramazanov, V. (2012). The Gedabek Epithermal Cu–Au Deposit, Lesser Caucasus, Western Azerbaijan: geology, alterations, petrography and evolution of the sulfidation fluid states. In Integrated Exploration and Ore Deposits, Proceedings SEG 2012 Conference, Lima, Peru (p. Poster 50).


Formula: KAl2(AlSi3O10)(OH)2

Muscovite var. Sericite

Formula: KAl2(AlSi3O10)(OH)2


Formula: (Na,Ca)[(Si,Al)AlSi2]O8


Agaev, A.M., Mamedaliev, R.N., Bayramov, A.A., and Sadikhov, E.A. [Агаев, А.М., Мамедалиев, Р.Н., Байрамов, А. А., и Садыхов, Е.А.] (2019) Vesuvianite from Gedabek and Shishim skarns: common and distinctive features [Везувианы Кедабекских и Шишимских скарнов: общие и отличительные особенности]. Regional Geology and Metallogy [Региональная геология и металлогения], 79, 89-97 (in Russian).


Formula: FeS2


Formula: Fe1-xS


Hemon, P., Moritz, R., & Ramazanov, V. (2012). The Gedabek Epithermal Cu–Au Deposit, Lesser Caucasus, Western Azerbaijan: geology, alterations, petrography and evolution of the sulfidation fluid states. In Integrated Exploration and Ore Deposits, Proceedings SEG 2012 Conference, Lima, Peru (p. Poster 50).


Formula: SiO2


Hemon, P., Moritz, R., & Ramazanov, V. (2012). The Gedabek Epithermal Cu–Au Deposit, Lesser Caucasus, Western Azerbaijan: geology, alterations, petrography and evolution of the sulfidation fluid states. In Integrated Exploration and Ore Deposits, Proceedings SEG 2012 Conference, Lima, Peru (p. Poster 50).

Agaev, A.M., Mamedaliev, R.N., Bayramov, A.A., and Sadikhov, E.A. [Агаев, А.М., Мамедалиев, Р.Н., Байрамов, А. А., и Садыхов, Е.А.] (2019) Vesuvianite from Gedabek and Shishim skarns: common and distinctive features [Везувианы Кедабекских и Шишимских скарнов: общие и отличительные особенности]. Regional Geology and Metallogy [Региональная геология и металлогения], 79, 89-97 (in Russian).

Quartz var. Chalcedony

Formula: SiO2


Agaev, A.M., Mamedaliev, R.N., Bayramov, A.A., and Sadikhov, E.A. [Агаев, А.М., Мамедалиев, Р.Н., Байрамов, А. А., и Садыхов, Е.А.] (2019) Vesuvianite from Gedabek and Shishim skarns: common and distinctive features [Везувианы Кедабекских и Шишимских скарнов: общие и отличительные особенности]. Regional Geology and Metallogy [Региональная геология и металлогения], 79, 89-97 (in Russian).


Formula: TiO2


Hemon, P., Moritz, R., & Ramazanov, V. (2012). The Gedabek Epithermal Cu–Au Deposit, Lesser Caucasus, Western Azerbaijan: geology, alterations, petrography and evolution of the sulfidation fluid states. In Integrated Exploration and Ore Deposits, Proceedings SEG 2012 Conference, Lima, Peru (p. Poster 50).



Agaev, A.M., Mamedaliev, R.N., Bayramov, A.A., and Sadikhov, E.A. [Агаев, А.М., Мамедалиев, Р.Н., Байрамов, А. А., и Садыхов, Е.А.] (2019) Vesuvianite from Gedabek and Shishim skarns: common and distinctive features [Везувианы Кедабекских и Шишимских скарнов: общие и отличительные особенности]. Regional Geology and Metallogy [Региональная геология и металлогения], 79, 89-97 (in Russian).


Formula: Al2(SiO4)O


Agaev, A.M., Mamedaliev, R.N., Bayramov, A.A., and Sadikhov, E.A. [Агаев, А.М., Мамедалиев, Р.Н., Байрамов, А. А., и Садыхов, Е.А.] (2019) Vesuvianite from Gedabek and Shishim skarns: common and distinctive features [Везувианы Кедабекских и Шишимских скарнов: общие и отличительные особенности]. Regional Geology and Metallogy [Региональная геология и металлогения], 79, 89-97 (in Russian).


Formula: Ag


Formula: ZnS


Hemon, P., Moritz, R., & Ramazanov, V. (2012). The Gedabek Epithermal Cu–Au Deposit, Lesser Caucasus, Western Azerbaijan: geology, alterations, petrography and evolution of the sulfidation fluid states. In Integrated Exploration and Ore Deposits, Proceedings SEG 2012 Conference, Lima, Peru (p. Poster 50).


Formula: MgAl2O4


Agaev, A.M., Mamedaliev, R.N., Bayramov, A.A., and Sadikhov, E.A. [Агаев, А.М., Мамедалиев, Р.Н., Байрамов, А. А., и Садыхов, Е.А.] (2019) Vesuvianite from Gedabek and Shishim skarns: common and distinctive features [Везувианы Кедабекских и Шишимских скарнов: общие и отличительные особенности]. Regional Geology and Metallogy [Региональная геология и металлогения], 79, 89-97 (in Russian).

'Tennantite Subgroup'

Formula: Cu6(Cu4C2+2)As4S12S


Hemon, P., Moritz, R., & Ramazanov, V. (2012). The Gedabek Epithermal Cu–Au Deposit, Lesser Caucasus, Western Azerbaijan: geology, alterations, petrography and evolution of the sulfidation fluid states. In Integrated Exploration and Ore Deposits, Proceedings SEG 2012 Conference, Lima, Peru (p. Poster 50).

'Tennantite-Tetrahedrite Series'


Formula: CuO


Formula: CuAl6(PO4)4(OH)8 · 4H2O


Formula: Ca19Fe3+Al4(Al6Mg2)(◻4)◻[Si2O7]4[(SiO4)10]O(OH)9


Agaev, A.M., Mamedaliev, R.N., Bayramov, A.A., and Sadikhov, E.A. [Агаев, А.М., Мамедалиев, Р.Н., Байрамов, А. А., и Садыхов, Е.А.] (2019) Vesuvianite from Gedabek and Shishim skarns: common and distinctive features [Везувианы Кедабекских и Шишимских скарнов: общие и отличительные особенности]. Regional Geology and Metallogy [Региональная геология и металлогения], 79, 89-97 (in Russian).


Formula: Ca3(Si3O9)


Agaev, A.M., Mamedaliev, R.N., Bayramov, A.A., and Sadikhov, E.A. [Агаев, А.М., Мамедалиев, Р.Н., Байрамов, А. А., и Садыхов, Е.А.] (2019) Vesuvianite from Gedabek and Shishim skarns: common and distinctive features [Везувианы Кедабекских и Шишимских скарнов: общие и отличительные особенности]. Regional Geology and Metallogy [Региональная геология и металлогения], 79, 89-97 (in Russian).