Sotk, Gegharkunik Province, Armenia (original) (raw)

Sotk, Gegharkunik Province, Armeniai

Regional Level Types
Sotk Village
Gegharkunik Province Province
Armenia Country

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Other/historical names associated with this locality:

Sotk'; Zod


Sotk, Gegharkunik, Arménie


Sotk, Gegharkunik, Armenia


Сотк, Гехаркуникская область, Армения


Sotk, Geghark'unik', Armenia


Սոթք, Գեղարքունիքի մարզ, Հայաստան


Zod, Geğarkunik, Ermənistan


Sotk, Província de Gegharkunik, Armènia


ستک, استان گغارکونیک, ارمنستان


სოთქი, გეღარქუნიქის პროვინცია, სომხეთი


Sotk, Gegharkunik, Armenia


Sotk, Gegharkunik, Armenia


Sotk, Gegharkunik Province, Armenie

South Azerbaijani:

سوتک، روسیه, ارمنیستان


Сотк, Ґегаркунік, Вірменія


Sotk, Gegharkunik, Armenia

Sotk (Armenian: Սոթք, Romanized: Sotk' or Armenian: Զոդ, Romanized: Zod, Azerbaijani: Zod) is a village in the Gegharkunik Province of Armenia, well known for its gold mines.

Select Mineral List Type

Standard Detailed Gallery Strunz Chemical Elements

Mineral List

Mineral list contains entries from the region specified including sub-localities

27 valid minerals. 4 (TL) - type locality of valid minerals.

Detailed Mineral List:

AltaiteFormula: PbTeLocality: Sotk gold mine, Sotk, Gegharkunik Province, ArmeniaReferences: Harris, D. C., Sinclair, W. D., Thorpe, R. I. (1973) Telluride minerals from the Ashley Deposit, Bannockburn Township, Ontario. The Canadian Mineralogist, 12 (1) 137-143 Pekov, Igor V. (1998) Minerals first discovered on the territory of the former Soviet Union. Ocean Pictures, Moscow. 369pp.
ArsenopyriteFormula: FeAsSLocality: Sotk gold mine, Sotk, Gegharkunik Province, ArmeniaReferences: Harris, D. C., Sinclair, W. D., Thorpe, R. I. (1973) Telluride minerals from the Ashley Deposit, Bannockburn Township, Ontario. The Canadian Mineralogist, 12 (1) 137-143 Pekov, Igor V. (1998) Minerals first discovered on the territory of the former Soviet Union. Ocean Pictures, Moscow. 369pp.
AurostibiteFormula: AuSb2Locality: Sotk gold mine, Sotk, Gegharkunik Province, ArmeniaReferences: **Rolf Luetcke**Identification: Dealer/Collection Label
BilibinskiteFormula: PbCu2Au3Te2Locality: Sotk gold mine, Sotk, Gegharkunik Province, ArmeniaReferences: Spiridonov, E. M. (2011) Bilibinskite,(Au5-6Cu3-2)8 (Te,Pb,Sb)5, from the Cementation Zone of the Aginskoe, Kamchatka and Pionerskoe, Sayan Mountains Gold-telluride Deposits. New Data on Minerals. 46:162-164
BoulangeriteFormula: Pb5Sb4S11Locality: Sotk gold mine, Sotk, Gegharkunik Province, ArmeniaReferences: Harris, D. C., Sinclair, W. D., Thorpe, R. I. (1973) Telluride minerals from the Ashley Deposit, Bannockburn Township, Ontario. The Canadian Mineralogist, 12 (1) 137-143 Pekov, Igor V. (1998) Minerals first discovered on the territory of the former Soviet Union. Ocean Pictures, Moscow. 369pp.
Chekhovichite (TL)Formula: Bi2Te4+4O11Type Locality: References: Spiridonov, E.M., Petrova, I.V., Demina, L.A., Dolgikh, V.I., Antonyan, G.M. (1987) The new mineral chekhovichite (Bi2Te4O11). Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta, Geologiya (Moscow University Geology Bulletin): 42(6): 71-75. Jambor, John L., Burke, Ernst A. J. (1989) New Mineral Names. American Mineralogist, 74 (11-12) 1399-1404 Pekov, Igor V. (1998) Minerals first discovered on the territory of the former Soviet Union. Ocean Pictures, Moscow. 369pp.
DolomiteFormula: CaMg(CO3)2Locality: Sotk gold mine, Sotk, Gegharkunik Province, ArmeniaReferences: Harris, D. C., Sinclair, W. D., Thorpe, R. I. (1973) Telluride minerals from the Ashley Deposit, Bannockburn Township, Ontario. The Canadian Mineralogist, 12 (1) 137-143 Pekov, Igor V. (1998) Minerals first discovered on the territory of the former Soviet Union. Ocean Pictures, Moscow. 369pp.
FreieslebeniteFormula: AgPbSbS3Locality: Sotk gold mine, Sotk, Gegharkunik Province, ArmeniaReferences: Harris, D. C., Sinclair, W. D., Thorpe, R. I. (1973) Telluride minerals from the Ashley Deposit, Bannockburn Township, Ontario. The Canadian Mineralogist, 12 (1) 137-143
GalenaFormula: PbSLocality: Sotk gold mine, Sotk, Gegharkunik Province, ArmeniaReferences: Harris, D. C., Sinclair, W. D., Thorpe, R. I. (1973) Telluride minerals from the Ashley Deposit, Bannockburn Township, Ontario. The Canadian Mineralogist, 12 (1) 137-143 Pekov, Igor V. (1998) Minerals first discovered on the territory of the former Soviet Union. Ocean Pictures, Moscow. 369pp.
GersdorffiteFormula: NiAsSLocality: Sotk gold mine, Sotk, Gegharkunik Province, ArmeniaReferences: Harris, D. C., Sinclair, W. D., Thorpe, R. I. (1973) Telluride minerals from the Ashley Deposit, Bannockburn Township, Ontario. The Canadian Mineralogist, 12 (1) 137-143
GoldFormula: AuLocality: Sotk gold mine, Sotk, Gegharkunik Province, ArmeniaReferences: Harris, D. C., Sinclair, W. D., Thorpe, R. I. (1973) Telluride minerals from the Ashley Deposit, Bannockburn Township, Ontario. The Canadian Mineralogist, 12 (1) 137-143 Pekov, Igor V. (1998) Minerals first discovered on the territory of the former Soviet Union. Ocean Pictures, Moscow. 369pp.
HessiteFormula: Ag2TeLocality: Sotk gold mine, Sotk, Gegharkunik Province, ArmeniaReferences: Pekov, Igor V. (1998) Minerals first discovered on the territory of the former Soviet Union. Ocean Pictures, Moscow. 369pp.
KeystoneiteFormula: Mg0.5Ni2+Fe3+(Te4+O3)3 · 4.5H2OLocality: Sotk gold mine, Sotk, Gegharkunik Province, ArmeniaReferences: Pavel M. Kartashov analytical data (2003)
MagnesiteFormula: MgCO3Locality: Sotk gold mine, Sotk, Gegharkunik Province, ArmeniaReferences: Pavel.M. Kartashov (n.d.) analytical data.
MeloniteFormula: NiTe2Locality: Sotk gold mine, Sotk, Gegharkunik Province, Armenia
MuscoviteFormula: KAl2(AlSi3O10)(OH)2Locality: Sotk gold mine, Sotk, Gegharkunik Province, ArmeniaReferences: Pavel.M. Kartashov (n.d.) analytical data.
Muscovite var. FuchsiteFormula: K(Al,Cr)3Si3O10(OH)2Locality: Sotk gold mine, Sotk, Gegharkunik Province, ArmeniaReferences: Pavel.M. Kartashov (n.d.) analytical data.
NagyágiteFormula: [Pb3(Pb,Sb)3S6](Au,Te)3Locality: Sotk gold mine, Sotk, Gegharkunik Province, ArmeniaReferences: Pavel M. Kartashov analytical data (2013)
PilseniteFormula: Bi4Te3Locality: Sotk gold mine, Sotk, Gegharkunik Province, ArmeniaReferences: Pavel.M. Kartashov (n.d.) analytical data.
PyriteFormula: FeS2Locality: Sotk gold mine, Sotk, Gegharkunik Province, ArmeniaReferences: Harris, D. C., Sinclair, W. D., Thorpe, R. I. (1973) Telluride minerals from the Ashley Deposit, Bannockburn Township, Ontario. The Canadian Mineralogist, 12 (1) 137-143
QuartzFormula: SiO2Locality: Sotk gold mine, Sotk, Gegharkunik Province, ArmeniaReferences: Harris, D. C., Sinclair, W. D., Thorpe, R. I. (1973) Telluride minerals from the Ashley Deposit, Bannockburn Township, Ontario. The Canadian Mineralogist, 12 (1) 137-143 Pekov, Igor V. (1998) Minerals first discovered on the territory of the former Soviet Union. Ocean Pictures, Moscow. 369pp.
Rucklidgeite (TL)Formula: PbBi2Te4Type Locality: References: Harris, D. C., Sinclair, W. D., Thorpe, R. I. (1973) Telluride minerals from the Ashley Deposit, Bannockburn Township, Ontario. The Canadian Mineralogist, 12 (1) 137-143 Zav'yalov, Ye.N., Begizov, V.D. (1977) Rucklidgeite, (Bi,Pb)3Te4, a new mineral from from the Zod and Kochkar gold ore deposits. Zapiski Vsesoyuznogo Mineralogicheskogo Obshchestva: 106(1): 62-68. Pekov, Igor V. (1998) Minerals first discovered on the territory of the former Soviet Union. Ocean Pictures, Moscow. 369pp.
'Serpentine Subgroup'Formula: D3[Si2O5](OH)4Locality: Sotk gold mine, Sotk, Gegharkunik Province, ArmeniaReferences: Pavel.M. Kartashov (n.d.) analytical data.
Smirnite (TL)Formula: Bi2Te4+O5Type Locality: References: Spiridonov, E.M., Demina, L.A., Dolgikh, V.A., Antonina, G.M., Rakcheev, A.D., Bulgak, L.V., Lebedeva, S.I., Chvileva, T.N. (1984) Smirnite Bi2TeO5 - a new mineral. Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR: 278: 199-202. Pekov, Igor V. (1998) Minerals first discovered on the territory of the former Soviet Union. Ocean Pictures, Moscow. 369pp.
StibniteFormula: Sb2S3Locality: Sotk gold mine, Sotk, Gegharkunik Province, ArmeniaReferences: Pavel M. Kartashov analytical data (2013)
TellurantimonyFormula: Sb2Te3Locality: Sotk gold mine, Sotk, Gegharkunik Province, ArmeniaReferences: Pavel M. Kartashov analytical data (2013)
TellurobismuthiteFormula: Bi2Te3Locality: Sotk gold mine, Sotk, Gegharkunik Province, ArmeniaReferences: Harris, D. C., Sinclair, W. D., Thorpe, R. I. (1973) Telluride minerals from the Ashley Deposit, Bannockburn Township, Ontario. The Canadian Mineralogist, 12 (1) 137-143 Pekov, Igor V. (1998) Minerals first discovered on the territory of the former Soviet Union. Ocean Pictures, Moscow. 369pp.
TetradymiteFormula: Bi2Te2SLocality: Sotk gold mine, Sotk, Gegharkunik Province, ArmeniaReferences: Harris, D. C., Sinclair, W. D., Thorpe, R. I. (1973) Telluride minerals from the Ashley Deposit, Bannockburn Township, Ontario. The Canadian Mineralogist, 12 (1) 137-143 Pekov, Igor V. (1998) Minerals first discovered on the territory of the former Soviet Union. Ocean Pictures, Moscow. 369pp.
Volynskite (TL)Formula: AgBiTe2Type Locality: References: Eksp. Metod. Issled. Rudnykh Mineralov, 1965, 129–141 Harris, D. C., Sinclair, W. D., Thorpe, R. I. (1973) Telluride minerals from the Ashley Deposit, Bannockburn Township, Ontario. The Canadian Mineralogist, 12 (1) 137-143 Pekov, Igor V. (1998) Minerals first discovered on the territory of the former Soviet Union. Ocean Pictures, Moscow. 369pp.

List of minerals for each chemical element

H Hydrogen
H Muscovite var. Fuchsite K(Al,Cr)3Si3O10(OH)2
H Keystoneite Mg0.5Ni2+Fe3+(Te4+O3)3 · 4.5H2O
H Muscovite KAl2(AlSi3O10)(OH)2
H Serpentine Subgroup D3[Si2O5](OH)4
C Carbon
C Dolomite CaMg(CO3)2
C Magnesite MgCO3
O Oxygen
O Chekhovichite Bi2Te44+O11
O Dolomite CaMg(CO3)2
O Muscovite var. Fuchsite K(Al,Cr)3Si3O10(OH)2
O Keystoneite Mg0.5Ni2+Fe3+(Te4+O3)3 · 4.5H2O
O Magnesite MgCO3
O Muscovite KAl2(AlSi3O10)(OH)2
O Quartz SiO2
O Smirnite Bi2Te4+O5
O Serpentine Subgroup D3[Si2O5](OH)4
Mg Magnesium
Mg Dolomite CaMg(CO3)2
Mg Keystoneite Mg0.5Ni2+Fe3+(Te4+O3)3 · 4.5H2O
Mg Magnesite MgCO3
Al Aluminium
Al Muscovite var. Fuchsite K(Al,Cr)3Si3O10(OH)2
Al Muscovite KAl2(AlSi3O10)(OH)2
Si Silicon
Si Muscovite var. Fuchsite K(Al,Cr)3Si3O10(OH)2
Si Muscovite KAl2(AlSi3O10)(OH)2
Si Quartz SiO2
Si Serpentine Subgroup D3[Si2O5](OH)4
S Sulfur
S Arsenopyrite FeAsS
S Boulangerite Pb5Sb4S11
S Freieslebenite AgPbSbS3
S Galena PbS
S Gersdorffite NiAsS
S Nagyágite [Pb3(Pb,Sb)3S6](Au,Te)3
S Pyrite FeS2
S Stibnite Sb2S3
S Tetradymite Bi2Te2S
K Potassium
K Muscovite var. Fuchsite K(Al,Cr)3Si3O10(OH)2
K Muscovite KAl2(AlSi3O10)(OH)2
Ca Calcium
Ca Dolomite CaMg(CO3)2
Cr Chromium
Cr Muscovite var. Fuchsite K(Al,Cr)3Si3O10(OH)2
Fe Iron
Fe Arsenopyrite FeAsS
Fe Keystoneite Mg0.5Ni2+Fe3+(Te4+O3)3 · 4.5H2O
Fe Pyrite FeS2
Ni Nickel
Ni Gersdorffite NiAsS
Ni Keystoneite Mg0.5Ni2+Fe3+(Te4+O3)3 · 4.5H2O
Ni Melonite NiTe2
Cu Copper
Cu Bilibinskite PbCu2Au3Te2
As Arsenic
As Arsenopyrite FeAsS
As Gersdorffite NiAsS
Ag Silver
Ag Freieslebenite AgPbSbS3
Ag Hessite Ag2Te
Ag Volynskite AgBiTe2
Sb Antimony
Sb Aurostibite AuSb2
Sb Boulangerite Pb5Sb4S11
Sb Freieslebenite AgPbSbS3
Sb Nagyágite [Pb3(Pb,Sb)3S6](Au,Te)3
Sb Stibnite Sb2S3
Sb Tellurantimony Sb2Te3
Te Tellurium
Te Altaite PbTe
Te Bilibinskite PbCu2Au3Te2
Te Chekhovichite Bi2Te44+O11
Te Hessite Ag2Te
Te Keystoneite Mg0.5Ni2+Fe3+(Te4+O3)3 · 4.5H2O
Te Melonite NiTe2
Te Nagyágite [Pb3(Pb,Sb)3S6](Au,Te)3
Te Pilsenite Bi4Te3
Te Rucklidgeite PbBi2Te4
Te Smirnite Bi2Te4+O5
Te Tellurantimony Sb2Te3
Te Tellurobismuthite Bi2Te3
Te Tetradymite Bi2Te2S
Te Volynskite AgBiTe2
Au Gold
Au Aurostibite AuSb2
Au Bilibinskite PbCu2Au3Te2
Au Gold Au
Au Nagyágite [Pb3(Pb,Sb)3S6](Au,Te)3
Pb Lead
Pb Altaite PbTe
Pb Bilibinskite PbCu2Au3Te2
Pb Boulangerite Pb5Sb4S11
Pb Freieslebenite AgPbSbS3
Pb Galena PbS
Pb Nagyágite [Pb3(Pb,Sb)3S6](Au,Te)3
Pb Rucklidgeite PbBi2Te4
Bi Bismuth
Bi Chekhovichite Bi2Te44+O11
Bi Pilsenite Bi4Te3
Bi Rucklidgeite PbBi2Te4
Bi Smirnite Bi2Te4+O5
Bi Tellurobismuthite Bi2Te3
Bi Tetradymite Bi2Te2S
Bi Volynskite AgBiTe2


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