Aurostibite (original) (raw)

A valid IMA mineral species - grandfathered



About AurostibiteHide

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Named after its chemical composition, containing gold (Latin: aurum) and antimony (Latin: stibium).

Unique IdentifiersHide

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IMA Classification of AurostibiteHide

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Approved, 'Grandfathered' (first described prior to 1959)

Type description reference:

Classification of AurostibiteHide

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2 : SULFIDES and SULFOSALTS (sulfides, selenides, tellurides; arsenides, antimonides, bismuthides; sulfarsenites, sulfantimonites, sulfbismuthites, etc.)
E : Metal Sulfides, M: S <= 1:2
B : M:S = 1:2, with Fe, Co, Ni, PGE, etc.

12 : AmBnXp, with (m+n):p = 1:2


1 : Elements and Alloys (including the arsenides, antimonides and bismuthides of Cu, Ag and Au)

Mineral SymbolsHide

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As of 2021 there are now IMA–CNMNC approved mineral symbols (abbreviations) for each mineral species, useful for tables and diagrams.

Please only use the official IMA–CNMNC symbol. Older variants are listed for historical use only.

Symbol Source Reference
Ausb IMA–CNMNC Warr, L.N. (2021). IMA–CNMNC approved mineral symbols. Mineralogical Magazine, 85(3), 291-320. doi:10.1180/mgm.2021.43
Aus The Canadian Mineralogist (2019) The Canadian Mineralogist (2019) The Canadian Mineralogist list of symbols for rock- and ore-forming minerals (December 30, 2019). download

Pronunciation of AurostibiteHide

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Play Recorded by Country
Sorry, your browser doesn't support HTML5 audio. Jolyon Ralph United Kingdom

Physical Properties of AurostibiteHide

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Gray with bornite like tarnish


VHN100=280 - 292 - Vickers


9.98 g/cm3 (Measured) 9.91 g/cm3 (Calculated)

Optical Data of AurostibiteHide

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Wavelength R
400nm 56.4%
420nm 57.2%
440nm 57.9%
460nm 58.6%
480nm 59.1%
500nm 59.6%
520nm 60.0%
540nm 60.3%
560nm 60.6%
580nm 61.0%
600nm 61.3%
620nm 61.5%
640nm 61.6%
660nm 61.5%
680nm 61.4%
700nm 61.2%

Reflectance graph
Graph shows reflectance levels at different wavelengths (in nm). Top of box is 100%. Peak reflectance is 61.6%.

Colour in reflected light:

Galena like with pinkish tinge.

Chemistry of AurostibiteHide

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Crystallography of AurostibiteHide

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Class (H-M):

m_3(2/m_3) - Diploidal

Cell Parameters:

a = 6.646 Å

Unit Cell V:

293.55 ų (Calculated from Unit Cell)


Sparse elongate grains to 3.5 cm

Crystal StructureHide

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Unit Cell |Unit Cell Packed
2x2x2 |3x3x3 |4x4x4

Big Balls |Small Balls |Just Balls |Spacefill
Polyhedra Off |Si Polyhedra |All Polyhedra
Remove metal-metal sticks

Display Options
Black Background |White Background
Perspective On |Perspective Off
2D |Stereo |Red-Blue |Red-Cyan

CIF File Best |x |y |z |a |b |c

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Console Off |On |Grey |Yellow

ID Species Reference Link Year Locality Pressure (GPa) Temp (K)
0000055 Aurostibite Graham A R, Kaiman S (1952) Aurostibite, AuSb2; A new mineral in the pyrite group American Mineralogist 37 461-469 1952 Giant Yellowknife mine, Northwest Territories, Canada 0 293
0017789 Aurostibite Furuseth S, Selte K, Kjekshus A (1965) Redetermined crystal structures of PdAs2, PdSb2, PtP2, PtAs2, PtSb2, alpha-PtBi2, and AuSb2 Acta Chemica Scandinavica 19 735-741 1965 synthetic 0 293
0017680 Aurostibite Furuseth S, Selte K, Kjekshus A (1967) On the solid solubility and structural properties of PdAs2-xSbx, PtP2-xAsx, PtP2-xSbx, PtP2-xBix, PtAs2-xSbx, PtAs2-xBix, PtSb2-xBix, Pdl-mPtmAs2, Pdl-mPtmSb2, Pdl-mAumSb2, and Ptl-mAumSb2 Acta Chemica Scandinavica 21 527-536 1967 synthetic 0 293
0017727 Aurostibite Oftedal I (1928) Uber die Kristallstrukturen der verbindungen RuS2, OsS2, MnTe2 und AuSb2. Mit einem Anhang uber die Gitterkonstant von Pyrit Zeitschrift fur Physikalische Chemie 135 291-299 1928 0 293

CIF Raw Data - click here to close

X-Ray Powder DiffractionHide

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Powder Diffraction Data:

d-spacing Intensity
3.32 Å (50)
2.97 Å (40)
2.71 Å (30)
2.34 Å (40)
1.999 Å (100)
0.865 Å (50)
0.783 Å (40)


Giant Yellowknife mine, Canada.

Geological EnvironmentHide

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Geological Setting:

In hydrothermal gold-quartz veins.

Type Occurrence of AurostibiteHide

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General Appearance of Type Material:

Rounded grains to about 350 microns.

Place of Conservation of Type Material:

Canadian Geological Survey, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, number 61458.
Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, number M37248.

Associated Minerals at Type Locality:


Graham, A.R., Kaiman, S. (1952) Aurostibite, AuSb2; a new mineral in the pyrite group. American Mineralogist: 37: 461-469.

Other Language Names for AurostibiteHide

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Relationship of Aurostibite to other SpeciesHide

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Other Members of this group:

Common AssociatesHide

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Associated Minerals Based on Photo Data:

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2.EB. Iridarsenite (Ir,Ru)As2 Mon. 2/m : _P_21/b
2.EB. Selenolaurite RuSe2 Iso. m_3(2/m_3) : P _a_3
2.EB. Andrieslombaardite RhSbS Iso. 23 : _P_213
2.EB. Kanatzidisite (SbBiS3)2Te2 Mon. 2/m : _P_21/m
2.EB.05b Bambollaite Cu(Se,Te)2 Tet.
2.EB.05a Cattierite CoS2 Iso. m_3(2/m_3) : P _a_3
2.EB.05a Erlichmanite OsS2 Iso. m_3(2/m_3) : P _a_3
2.EB.05a Fukuchilite Cu3FeS8 Iso. m_3(2/m_3) : P _a_3
2.EB.05a Geversite PtSb2 Iso. m_3(2/m_3) : P _a_3
2.EB.05a Hauerite MnS2 Iso. m_3(2/m_3) : P _a_3
2.EB.05a Insizwaite Pt(Bi,Sb)2 Iso. m_3(2/m_3) : P _a_3
2.EB.05a Krut'aite CuSe2 Iso. m_3(2/m_3) : P _a_3
2.EB.05a Laurite RuS2 Iso. m_3(2/m_3) : P _a_3
2.EB.05a Penroseite (Ni,Co,Cu)Se2 Iso. m_3(2/m_3) : P _a_3
2.EB.05a Pyrite FeS2 Iso. m_3(2/m_3) : P _a_3
2.EB.05a Sperrylite PtAs2 Iso. m_3(2/m_3) : P _a_3
2.EB.05a Trogtalite CoSe2 Iso. m_3(2/m_3) : P _a_3
2.EB.05a Vaesite NiS2 Iso. m_3(2/m_3) : P _a_3
2.EB.05a Villamanínite (Cu,Ni,Co,Fe)S2 Tric.
2.EB.05a Dzharkenite FeSe2 Iso. m_3(2/m_3) : P _a_3
2.EB.05a Gaotaiite Ir3Te8 Iso. m_3(2/m_3) : P _a_3
2.EB.05a v Cayeuxite
2.EB.10b Alloclasite Co1-xFexAsS Mon. 2 : _P_21
2.EB.10d Costibite CoSbS Orth. m _m_2 : P m _n_21
2.EB.10a Ferroselite FeSe2 Orth. m m m _(_2/_m_2/_m_2/m ) : P n n m
2.EB.10a Frohbergite FeTe2 Orth. m m m _(_2/_m_2/_m_2/m ) : P n n m
2.EB.10c Glaucodot (Co0.50Fe0.50)AsS Orth. m _m_2 : P m _n_21
2.EB.10a Kullerudite NiSe2 Orth. m m m _(_2/_m_2/_m_2/m ) : P n n m
2.EB.10a Marcasite FeS2 Orth. m m m _(_2/_m_2/_m_2/m ) : P n n m
2.EB.10a Mattagamite CoTe2 Orth. m m m _(_2/_m_2/_m_2/m ) : P n n m
2.EB.10e Paracostibite CoSbS Orth. m m m _(_2/_m_2/_m_2/m ) : P b c a
2.EB.10e Pararammelsbergite NiAs2 Orth. m m m _(_2/_m_2/_m_2/m ) : P b c a
2.EB.10f Oenite CoSbAs Orth.
2.EB.10a Petříčekite CuSe2 Orth. m m m _(_2/_m_2/_m_2/m ) : P n n m
2.EB.15a Anduoite (Ru,Os)As2 Orth.
2.EB.15a Clinosafflorite CoAs2 Mon. 2/m : _P_21/m
2.EB.15a Löllingite FeAs2 Orth. m m m _(_2/_m_2/_m_2/m ) : P n n m
2.EB.15a Nisbite NiSb2 Orth. m m m _(_2/_m_2/_m_2/m ) : P n n m
2.EB.15a Omeiite (Os,Ru)As2 Orth.
2.EB.15c Paxite CuAs2 Mon. 2/m : _P_21/b
2.EB.15a Rammelsbergite NiAs2 Orth. m m m _(_2/_m_2/_m_2/m ) : P n n m
2.EB.15a Safflorite (Co,Ni,Fe)As2 Orth. m m m _(_2/_m_2/_m_2/m ) : P n n m
2.EB.15b Seinäjokite FeSb2 Orth.
2.EB.20 Arsenopyrite FeAsS Mon. 2/m : _P_21/b
2.EB.20 Gudmundite FeSbS Mon. 2/m : _P_21/b
2.EB.20 Osarsite (Os,Ru)AsS Mon.
2.EB.20 Ruarsite (Ru,Os)AsS Mon.
2.EB.25 va Antimony-bearing Gersdorffite Ni(As,Sb)S
2.EB.25 Cobaltite CoAsS Orth. m _m_2 : P c _a_21
2.EB.25 Gersdorffite NiAsS Iso. m_3(2/m_3) : P _a_3
2.EB.25 Hollingworthite (Rh,Pt,Pd)AsS Iso. m_3(2/m_3) : P _a_3
2.EB.25 Irarsite (Ir,Ru,Rh,Pt)AsS Iso. m_3(2/m_3) : P _a_3
2.EB.25 Jolliffeite NiAsSe Iso. m_3(2/m_3) : P _a_3
2.EB.25 Krutovite NiAs2 Iso. 23 : _P_213
2.EB.25 Maslovite PtBiTe Iso. 23 : _P_213
2.EB.25 Michenerite PdBiTe Iso. 23 : _P_213
2.EB.25 Padmaite PdBiSe Iso. 432
2.EB.25 Platarsite Pt(As,S)2 Iso. m_3(2/m_3) : P _a_3
2.EB.25 Testibiopalladite PdSbTe Iso.
2.EB.25 Tolovkite IrSbS Iso.
2.EB.25 Ullmannite NiSbS Iso. 23 : _P_213
2.EB.25 Willyamite CoSbS
2.EB.25 Changchengite IrBiS Iso. 23 : _P_213
2.EB.25 Mayingite IrBiTe Iso. m_3(2/m_3) : P _a_3
2.EB.25 Kalungaite PdAsSe Iso. m_3(2/m_3) : P _a_3
2.EB.25 Milotaite PdSbSe Iso. 23 : _P_213
2.EB.25 Paragersdorffite Ni(As,S)2 Iso. m_3(2/m_3) : P _a_3
2.EB.25 Orthogersdorffite NiAsS Orth. m _m_2 : P c _a_21
2.EB.25 Kvačekite NiSbSe Iso. 23 : _P_213
2.EB.30 Urvantsevite Pd(Bi,Pb)2 Tet. 4/m m m _(_4/_m_2/_m_2/m ) : _I_4/m m m
2.EB.35 Rheniite ReS2 Tric. 1 : _P_1

Other InformationHide

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Health Risks:

No information on health risks for this material has been entered into the database. You should always treat mineral specimens with care.

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References for AurostibiteHide

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Reference List:

Furuseth, S., Selte, K., Kjekshus, A. (1967) On the solid solubility and structural properties of PdAs2-xSbx, PtP2-xAsx, PtP2-xSbx, PtP2-xBix, PtAs2-xSbx, PtAs2-xBix, PtSb2-xBix, Pdl-mPtmAs2, Pdl-mPtmSb2, Pdl-mAumSb2, and Ptl-mAumSb2. Acta Chemica Scandinavica: 21: 527-536.

Ondruš, P., Veselovský, F., Gabašová, A., Hloušek, J., Šrein, V., Vavrín, I., Skála, R., Sejkora, J., Drábek, M. (2003) Primary minerals of the Jáchymov ore district. Journal of the Czech Geological Society: 48: 19-147.

Localities for AurostibiteHide

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This map shows a selection of localities that have latitude and longitude coordinates recorded. Click on the symbol to view information about a locality. The symbol next to localities in the list can be used to jump to that position on the map.

Locality ListHide

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- This locality has map coordinates listed. - This locality has estimated coordinates. ⓘ - Click for references and further information on this occurrence. ? - Indicates mineral may be doubtful at this locality. - Good crystals or important locality for species. - World class for species or very significant. (TL) - Type Locality for a valid mineral species. (FRL) - First Recorded Locality for everything else (eg varieties). Struck out - Mineral was erroneously reported from this locality. Faded * - Never found at this locality but inferred to have existed at some point in the past (e.g. from pseudomorphs).

All localities listed without proper references should be considered as questionable.

Gegharkunik Province Sotk Sotk gold mine Rolf Luetcke
Atlantic Ocean
Mid-Atlantic Ridge complex Semenov region Semyenov-2 Hydrothermal Field Firstova et al. (2019)
New South Wales Robinson Co. Cobar New Occidental Mine (New Occidental gold mine; Occidental gold mine; The United mine) Paar et al. (2006)
Sandon Co. Hillgrove Ashley et al. (1990)
Victoria City of Greater Bendigo Costerfield Alison Reef Hawkins (1980)
Mount Alexander Shire Maldon Cristiana Ciobanu & Bill Birch 2008 +1 other reference
Strathbogie Shire Nagambie Mineralogical Society of America - ...
Western Australia East Pilbara Shire Nullagine Blue Spec Mine (Golden Spec; Gold Spec; Northern Lode; Southern Lode) Mock et al. (1987)
Kalgoorlie-Boulder Shire Kundana Goldfield Eilu (2003)
Laverton Shire Mount Weld Station Sunrise Dam Gold Mine (Sunrise pit; Cleo pit) Sung (2008)
Potosí Antonio Quijarro Province Porco Municipality Carma Mine (Kharma Mine) Dill et al. (1995) +4 other references
Minas Gerais Mariana Passagem de Mariana district Passagem mine Oberthür et al. (2008)
Haskovo Province Madzharovo Municipality Madzharovo Madzharovo deposit Tarkian et al. (1989)
Manitoba Snow Lake District Lalor deposit Duff (2016)
New Brunswick York Co. Clarence Stream area Clarence Stream Gold Deposit Thorne +4 other references
Northwest Territories North Slave Region Yellowknife Coleman (1953)
Giant Yellowknife Mine (Giant Mine) (TL) Graham et al. (1952) +1 other reference
Nova Scotia Hants Co. West Gore West Gore mine Kontak et al. (1996)
Ontario Kenora District Balmer Township Dickenson Mine (Red Lake; Goldcorp; Arthur White) Rocks & Minerals 79:2 pp94-99
Thunder Bay District Bomby Township Hemlo gold deposit Harris et al. (1988) +1 other reference
David Bell Mine Sabina (1991)
Golden Giant Mine Mineralogical Magazine 1988 52 : 691-697 +3 other references
Williams Mine (Page Williams Mine) Mineralogical Magazine 1988 52 : 691-697
Timiskaming District McGarry Township Chesterville Mine (TL) Graham et al. (1952)
Québec Abitibi-Témiscamingue La Vallée-de-l'Or RCM Val d'Or Lapa Mine (Lapa Cadillac Mine) Simard et al. (2013) +1 other reference
Sigma mine (Sigma No. 1 mine)
Gansu Gannan Luqu Co. La'erma Au-Se deposit Minghua Zheng et al. (1993)
Guangxi Hechi Jinchengjiang District Beixiang - Furongchang ore field Beixiang Ag-polymetallic deposit (Hechi Ag-polymetallic deposit) Zhifen Li (1988) +1 other reference
Hunan Huaihua Yuanling Co. Woxi Mines (Wuxi Mines; Xiangxi Mines; Xianxi Mines) Changjin Cai (1993) +2 other references
Yueyang Pingjiang Co. Yangshanzhuang Mine Baoqin Yuan et al. (1989) +1 other reference
Zhuzhou Liling Co. Liling goldfield Tuanshanbei Au deposit Wang et al. (2024)
Xinjiang Yili Hasake Autonomous Prefecture (Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture) Tacheng Prefecture (Tarbaghatay Prefecture) Tuoli Co. (Toli Co.) Baogutu Baogutu gold mine An et al. (2022)
Kuogeshaye Mine Vein no. L7 Bo Zheng et al. (2013)
Czech Republic
Central Bohemian Region Příbram District Dubenec Uranium Mine No. 19 (Shaft No. 19) Sejkora et al. (2009)
Hvožďany Petrackova hora Paar et al. (2006)
Krásná Hora nad Vltavou Norman King +3 other references
Nová pit [AmMin 84:197]
Příbram Bytíz Uranium Mine No. 17 (Shaft No. 17) Sejkora et al. (2022)
Psí hory gold mining district Chotilsko Mokrsko Mokrsko-West gold deposit (Mokrsko Au deposit) Jiří Zachariáš et al. (2014)
Karlovy Vary Region Jáchymov ore district Ondruš et al. (2003)
DR Congo
South Kivu Mwenga Territory Kamituga-Mobale mine Mineralogical Society of America - ...
Oromia Region Megado Lega Dembi Mine Cook et al. (2000)
Central Finland Pihtipudas Kanalanmäki area Säkkärämäki Pirunkoukku gold occurrence Novoselov et al. (2015)
North Karelia Ilomantsi Pampalo Au deposit Geological Survey of Finland 2008. Pampalo (Ward)
North Ostrobothnia Haapavesi Kiimala (Ängesneva) Kojonen
Vesiperä Geological Survey of Finland 2007 ... +1 other reference
Kalajoki Hirvikangas Kontionoemi et al. (2006)
Pirkanmaa Orivesi Kutemajärvi mine Economic Geology (1996)
Ylöjärvi Järvenpää Luukkonen Ari 1994. Main geological ...
Satakunta Huittinen Jokisivu (Kujankallio) (2001) +1 other reference
Ritakallio Satu Vuori et al. (2005)
South Ostrobothnia Seinäjoki Kalliosalo Geological Survey of Finland website
Routakallio Quarry (Satamo Quarry) Aho +1 other reference
Southwest Finland Somero Satulinmäki prospect Eilu (2003)
Brittany Ille-et-Vilaine Fougères-Vitré Martigné-Ferchaud Le Semnon Pillard F. et al. (1985) +1 other reference
Nouvelle-Aquitaine Creuse Aubusson Budelière Le Châtelet mine Econ Geol (1994)
Saint-Dizier-la-Tour Viges quarry Y. Moëlo : "Compte-rendu de la ...
Pays de la Loire Mayenne Laval Le Genest-Saint-Isle La Lucette mine Cheval-Garabédian et al. (2023)
Baden-Württemberg Freiburg Region Emmendingen Waldkirch Suggental Hornbühl Walenta (1992)
Ashanti Region Obuasi Gold Project Ashanti Mine Oberthür et al. (1997)
Kurdistan Province Qorveh County Qorveh Dashkasan Mine Rafiei et al. (2010)
Sardinia South Sardinia Province Furtei Furtei mine SW mineralization Ruggieri et al. (1)
Hokkaidō Prefecture Rumoi Subprefecture Tomamae District Haboro Ainusawa River NISHIO–HAMANE et al. (2022)
Abai Region Semey Suzdal Mine Kovalev et al. (2009) +1 other reference
Akmola Region Stepnogorsk Stepnyak group Bes-Tyube deposit Pavel.M. Kartashov (n.d.) +1 other reference
Jambyl Region Moiynkum District Akbakay Dill (1999)
Sarawak Kuching Division Bau Percival et al. (1990)
Sarabau Mine Wolfram Dieter Schuh (1993)
Kayes Region Kayes Cercle Sadiola Commune Sadiola (Sadiola Mine) Masurel (2016) +1 other reference
Sikasso Region Bougouni Cercle Morila Mine McFarlane et al. (2011)
Nordland Fauske Sulitjelma Sulitjelma Copper Mines Cook (1996)
Giken II Mine Cook (1996)
Beja Beja Nossa Senhora das Neves Herdade da Ventosa Mine Mateus et al. (2005)
Mértola São Pedro de Solis e São Sebastião dos Carros Ventosa (Ferrarias) Mine Mateus
Chelyabinsk Oblast Plastovsky District Plast Kochkar' District Svetlinskoe Au deposit Vikent’eva et al. (2022)
Krasnoyarsk Krai Enisei Range (Yenisei Ridge; Enisei Ridge) Olimpiada Mine Sazonov +8 other references
Veduga deposit Genkin et al. (1998)
Severo-Yeniseysky District Panimba deposit Onufrienok et al. (2015)
Magadan Oblast Omsukchansky District Ducat ore field Ducat Mine (Dukat Mine) Bryzgalov et al. (2007, November)
Murmansk Oblast Voron'i Tundry Oleninskoe gold occurrence Kalinin +2 other references
Primorsky Krai Dalnerechensky District Dalnerechensk area Ariadnoe (Ariadnenskoe) Ti deposit Pavel M. Kartashov analytical data 2021
South Primor'ye deposit American Mineralogist
Republic of Karelia Kostomuksha City District Kostomuksha Fe deposit Kostomuksha Au prospect Kuleshevich et al. (2008)
Sakha Indigirka River Basin Sarylakh Au-Sb deposit Pavel.M. Kartashov (n.d.)
Verkhoyansk District Sentachan deposit Genkin et al. (1998) +1 other reference
Zabaykalsky Krai Tungokochensky District Vershino-Darasunskiy Darasun mine Bryzgalov et al. (2007, November) +1 other reference
Pirrotinovaya vein Bryzgalov et al. (2007, November)
Tambacounda Region Massawa deposit (Massawa prospect) The Massawa gold deposit et al. (Trans. Inst. Min. Metall. B)
Košice Region Košice-okolie District Zlatá Idka Pršek J (2009)
Zlatá Idka Ag-Au-Sb deposit Pršek J. & Lauko Ľ. (Spišsko-gemerské rudohorie)
Rožňava District Rochovce Dúbrava ore occurrence Radková P. et al. (2019)
South Africa
Limpopo Mopani District Municipality Ba-Phalaborwa Local Municipality Murchison Range Gravelotte Consolidated Murchison Mines Alpha-Gravelotte Mine Cairncross et al. (1995) +1 other reference
Northern State Duweishat gold mine Fuganti et al. (1991)
Norrbotten County Gällivare Aitik Mine Monika Kontturi & Olof Martinsson (2000)
Västerbotten County Skellefteå Skellefte mining district Boliden Boliden Mine Econ Geol (1996) +1 other reference
Långsele Nysten (1986) +1 other reference
Kigoma Region Kapalagulu Intrusion Wilhelmij et al. (2016)
Scotland ? Tindle (2008)
Alaska Fairbanks North Star Borough Fairbanks Mining District Dolphin Prospect Raymond (2018)
Washington Chelan County Wenatchee Mining District Cannon Mine Lasmanis (1995)
Samarqand North Nuratau Mountains Zarmitan Charmitan Mine (Zarmitan Mine) Bortnikov et al. (1996) +1 other reference
Matabeleland South Gwanda - Filabusi District Jessie gold mine Mineralogical Society of America - ...
Lone Hand Mineralogical Society of America - ...
Midlands Kwekwe District Indarama Mine Zeitschrift fuer angewandte Geologie 38 (1992)