「consciously」の意味や使い方 わかりやすく解説 Weblio辞書 (original) (raw)



「consciously」は英語の副詞で、意識的に自覚的に故意にといった意味を持つ。この単語は、行動思考自分意識の中で明確に行われている状態を表す。例えば、「彼は意識的に健康的な食事心がけている」は、「He is consciously trying to eat healthy」のように表現される




「Consciously」 is an adverb that describes the state of being aware of one's actions or thoughts. It implies that the individual is intentionally and knowingly engaging in a particular behavior or thought process. For instance, the sentence "She consciously decided to avoid negative thoughts" indicates that she made a deliberate effort to steer clear of negative thinking.






1. He consciously avoided the topic.(彼は意識的にその話題避けた
2. She consciously chose to live a minimalist lifestyle.(彼女は意識的にミニマリストの生活を選んだ
3. They consciously decided to reduce their carbon footprint.(彼らは意識的に炭素足跡を減らすことを決めた
4. He consciously tries to avoid negative thoughts.(彼は意識的に否定的な思考避けるようにしている)
5. She consciously practices mindfulness every day.(彼女は毎日意識的にマインドフルネス実践している)
6. They consciously incorporated exercise into their daily routine.(彼らは意識的に運動日常生活取り入れた
7. He consciously decided to quit smoking.(彼は意識的に喫煙をやめることを決めた
8. She consciously makes an effort to eat healthily.(彼女は意識的に健康的な食事心がけている)
9. They consciously chose to use renewable energy sources.(彼らは意識的に再生可能エネルギー源を使用することを選んだ
10. He consciously tries to reduce waste.(彼は意識的に廃棄物を減らすようにしている)
