「presents」の意味や使い方 わかりやすく解説 Weblio辞書 (original) (raw)








As a verb, ""presents"" is the third person singular present form of the verb ""present,"" which means to give, offer, or show something. As a noun, ""presents"" is the plural form of ""present,"" which refers to gifts or items given to someone on a special occasion.




1. provide
2. offer
3. submit
4. gift
5. introduce


1. gifts
2. offerings
3. tokens
4. donations
5. souvenirs


「presents」に関連する用語表現として、以下のものがある。1. gift wrapping
2. gift box
3. presentation
4. present tense
5. birthday present


1. She presents her ideas clearly and concisely.(彼女は自分アイデアをはっきりと簡潔に提示する。)
2. The company presents a new product to the market.(その会社市場新製品提供する。)
3. He presents a bouquet of flowers to the actress.(彼は女優花束を贈る。)
4. The teacher presents the award to the student.(先生生徒に賞を授与する。)
5. The exhibition presents various works of art.(その展示会ではさまざまな芸術作品提示されている。)
6. They received many presents for their wedding.(彼らは結婚祝いたくさんの贈り物もらった。)
7. The children were excited to open their Christmas presents.(子供たちクリスマスプレゼント開けるのが楽しみだった。)
8. She always gives thoughtful presents to her friends.(彼女はいつも友人に心のこもった贈り物をする。)
9. The presents were wrapped in colorful paper.(プレゼントカラフルな紙で包まれていた。)
10. He bought presents for his family during his trip.(彼は旅行中家族のためのプレゼント買った。)
