「solver」の意味や使い方 わかりやすく解説 Weblio辞書 (original) (raw)
A 'solver' is a person, machine, or program that solves problems. In the context of science such as mathematics or physics, a 'solver' can also refer to a computer program that solves specific problems. For instance, a program that finds the solution to linear equations is called a 'linear equation solver'.
1. He is a great problem solver.(彼は優れた問題解決者である)
2. This software is a powerful equation solver.(このソフトウェアは強力な方程式ソルバーである)
3. She is known as a solver of difficult problems.(彼女は難問解決者として知られている)
4. The solver found the optimal solution.(ソルバーは最適解を見つけた)
5. We need a solver for this complex equation.(我々はこの複雑な方程式のソルバーが必要である)
6. The solver provided a feasible solution.(ソルバーは実行可能な解を提供した)
7. The solver is working on the problem.(ソルバーは問題に取り組んでいる)
8. The solver failed to find a solution.(ソルバーは解を見つけることができなかった)
9. The solver is designed to handle large-scale problems.(ソルバーは大規模な問題を扱うように設計されている)
10. The solver uses an iterative method.(ソルバーは反復法を使用する)