Havva AKSEL ÇİÇEKÇİ | Tekirdağ Namık Kemal üniversitesi (original) (raw)

Papers by Havva AKSEL ÇİÇEKÇİ


October, Oct 2023

Building industry and buildings cause various environmental impacts at different stages of their ... more Building industry and buildings cause various environmental impacts at different stages of their life cycles such as natural resource and non-renewable energy consumption, waste generation, air pollution etc. Along with all these environmental effects, it is seen that the environmental responsibility of the construction industry stakeholders is increasing day by day. Many concepts have found their place in architectural practice until today, some of them are "energy efficient buildings", "green buildings", "sustainable buildings", "passive houses", "zero energy buildings" and so on.
The circular building is an approach based on the circular economy approach that was introduced in the 1970s and is based on the principle of circularization of all linear systems in the production process. Linear economies, in other words, classical economies, are based on the take-make-waste principle in which “take” here means the extraction of the raw material. The “make refers to the production processes of products from raw materials, while waste refers to the products to be disposed of as waste at the end of the life cycle or when the user does not need that product anymore etc. The linear economy is a one-way system and describes an economic model that turns natural resources into waste through production and consumption processes. Contrarily, a Circular economy refers to an economic model where material and energy cycles are slowed, shut down, and narrowed and it is a regenerative system in which resource/material input, waste generation, emissions, and energy loss are minimized. There are various approaches in the literature for the application of the circular economy in the building industry. However, the circular buildings issue is a topic that has recently gained importance, especially in the building industry, and it contains many uncertainties.
In this context, the aim of the study is to raise awareness about the concepts of "circular buildings”, within the discipline of architecture, and also to increase the applicability of circular buildings. Within the scope of the study, the circular buildings that are designed by the students involved in the course entitled “Construction and Demolition Waste Management and Circularity” which is conducted as an elective course for 4th-year undergraduate students at Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University will be evaluated within the context of circular building criteria. Twenty-three works were submitted within the scope of the workshop, and twenty of the (suitable ones) were evaluated. These evaluations cover; spatial use; construction method and material selection and circular buildings criterion selection.

Yapı endüstrisi ve bu endüstrinin fiziksel çıktılarından olan yapılar yaşam döngüsünün farklı aşamalarında doğal kaynak tüketimi, yenilenemeyen enerji tüketimi, atık oluşumu, hava kirliliği vb. pek çok çevresel etkiye neden olmaktadır. Tüm bu çevresel etkilerle beraber yapı endüstrisi paydaşlarının çevre ile ilgili sorumluluğunun gün geçtikçe artığı görülmektedir. Mimarlık pratiği içinde çevresel konular ile ilgili günümüze kadar pek çok konsept kendine yer bulmuş olup, bunlardan bazıları “enerji etkin binalar”, “yeşil binalar”, “sürdürülebilir yapılar”, “pasif evler”, “sıfır enerji yapılar” vb. olarak özetlenebilir. Günümüzde tüm bu konseptleri kapsayan bir yaklaşım olarak döngüsel yapı konsepti ön plana çıkmaktadır. Döngüsel yapılar 1970.li yıllarda oraya atılan döngüsel ekonomi yaklaşımından temellenmekte olup, üretim süreci içerisinde doğrusal işleyen tüm sistemlerin döngüselleştirilmesi prensibine dayanmaktadır. Doğrusal ekonomiler diğer bir deyişle uygulanagelen klasik ekonomiler, edin- üret- at (take-make- waste) ilkesine dayanmaktadır. Burada edinmek, hammaddenin elde edilmesi; üretmek hammaddeden ürün üretimi, atmak ise; ürünlerin kullanım ömrünü tamamlanması ve/veya kullanıcının o ürüne gereksinim duymaması vb. gerekçelerle atık olarak elden çıkarılmasını ifade etmektedir. Doğrusal ekonomi, tek yönlü bir sistem olup, doğal kaynakları üretim ve tüketim yoluyla atık haline getiren bir ekonomik modeli tariflemektedir. Döngüsel ekonomiler ise; malzeme ve enerji döngülerinin yavaşlatıldığı, kapatıldığı ve daraltıldığı; kaynak/malzeme girişinin, atık oluşumunun ve emisyonlar ile enerji kaybının en aza indirildiği yenilenebilir bir sistemi tanımlanmaktadır. Döngüsel ekonominin yapı endüstrisinde uygulanmasına yönelik literatürde çeşitli yaklaşımlar yer almaktadır. Ancak döngüsellik konusu özellikle yapı endüstrisinde henüz güncellik kazanan bir konu olup, pek çok belirsizliği bünyesinde barındırmaktadır. Bu bağlamda çalışmanın amacı; mimarlık disiplini içerisinde “döngüsel yapı” konsepti konusunda farkındalığın arttırılarak, konuyla ilgili uygulamaların yaygınlaştırılmasıdır. Çalışma kapsamında Tekirdağ Namık Kemal Üniversitesi, Mimarlık Bölümde, lisans seçmeli ders statüsünde yürütülen “Yapısal Atık Yönetimi ve Döngüsellik” başlıklı ders kapsamında, yapı üretiminde çevresel etkilerin azaltılmasına yönelik yaklaşımların benimsenmesi ve uygulanabilmesi amacıyla, döngüsel yapı konseptine ilişkin gerçekleştirilen atölye çalışmasına ait çıktılar üzerinden bir değerlendirme ortaya konulmuştur. Atölye çalışması kapsamında yirmi üç adet çalışma teslim edilmiş, uygun olan yirmi adeti değerlendirilmiştir. Bu değerlendirmeler; mekânsal kullanım açısından irdeleme, konstrüksiyon yöntemi ve malzeme seçimi açısından irdeleme, döngüsel yapı kriter seçimi açısında irdeleme şeklindedir.

Research paper thumbnail of Döngüsel Toprak Yapılar:  Toprak Yapıların “Döngüsel Tasarım” Konsepti Bağlamında İrdelenmesi

Ege Mimarlık Dergisi , 2022

Yapılar, doğal kaynak tüketimi, atık oluşumu, küresel ısınma vb. birçok çevresel etkiye neden olm... more Yapılar, doğal kaynak tüketimi, atık oluşumu, küresel ısınma vb. birçok çevresel etkiye neden olmaktır. Yapıların çevresel etkilerinin azaltılabilmesi için, atık oluşumunu engelleyerek, yapı ürünlerin yeniden kullanımını ve geri dönüşümünü teşvik eden döngüsel sistemlerin uygulanması önem göstermektedir.
Toprak çağlar boyunca kullanılagelen en eski yapı malzemelerindendir. Toprak yapılar, toprak kökenli malzemelerden pişirilmeden üretilen ürünlerdir. Çalışmada toprak yapıların döngüsel tasarım konsepti bağlamında irdelenerek, olanak ve kısıtlarının ortaya konulması amaçlanmıştır. Toprak döngüsel bir yapı malzemesi olup, toprak yapılar döngüsel tasarım stratejilerini önemli ölçüde karşılamaktadır.

Buildings cause various environmental effects such as natural resource consumption, waste generation, global warming etc. In order to reduce these environmental effects, it is important to create circular systems that prevent waste generation and promote reuse and recycling of building products.
Earth is one of the oldest building materials used throughout the ages. Earthen structures are products produced from soil-based materials. The aim of this study is to reveal the possibilities and constraints of earthen structures in the context of the circular design concept. Earth is a circular building material, and earthen structures, substantially meet circular design strategies.

Research paper thumbnail of Yapım Sürecinde Atık Yönetimi: Yapım Sürecinde Atık Yönetiminin Sistem Yaklaşımıyla Ele Alınması

Mimarlık Bilimleri ve Uygulamaları Dergisi, 2021

Yapı üretimi birçok aktör ve nesnenin sürecin farklı aşamalarında dâhil olduğu endüstriyel bir ür... more Yapı üretimi birçok aktör ve nesnenin sürecin farklı aşamalarında dâhil olduğu endüstriyel bir üretim süreci olup; atık üretiminde önemli etkiye sahiptir. Yapım süreci ise; birbirleriyle ilişkili birçok sistem ve alt sistemden oluşan "Yapı üretimi sisteminin" alt sistemini niteliğindeki "yapım sisteminin" bir öğesidir. Yapım sürecinde üretilen atık miktarı ve türü, uygulanan proje, yapım teknolojisi, işçilik vb. birçok parametreye bağlı olarak değişkenlik göstermektedir. Bu durum yapım sürecindeki atık yönetiminin anlaşılabilirliği ve uygulanabilirliği açısından önemli bir kısıt oluşturmaktadır. Çalışmanın amacı; yapım sürecinde atık yönetiminin sistemli bir şekilde uygulanabilirliğini sağlamak üzere kavramsal bir çerçeve sunmak yoluyla bir "Atık Yönetimi Sistemi (YS-AYS)'nin oluşturulmasıdır. Çalışma, literatür verilerinin sistem yaklaşımıyla ele alınması yöntemiyle gerçekleştirilmiş olup, analiz, sentez ve değerlendirme aşamalarından oluşmaktadır. YS-AYS yapım sistemi ile atık yönetimine ilişkin ögeleri kapsamakta olup, açık bir sistem olma özelliğindedir. Ayrıca yapım sürecinin çok değişkenli yapısı ile atık yönetim işlemlerinin çeşitliliği nedenleriyle birçok potansiyel alt sistemi bünyesinde barındırmadır.

Research paper thumbnail of Construction waste management practices on-sites: A case study of Istanbul city

Environmental Research and Technology, 2020

Increasing construction activities put enormous stress on waste generation in Turkey. Therefore, ... more Increasing construction activities put enormous stress on waste generation in Turkey. Therefore, to manage all these construction wastes by setting effective waste management strategies becomes more significant day by day. Although there is a rising interest in waste management issues, there are not enough studies in Turkey. The lack of data is a prominent obstacle for the researchers. Addressing this research gap, an explanatory multiple-case study was conducted to reveal the waste management practices (waste generation, collection-sorting, storage-disposal, and recovery) on-sites. Unstructured interviews were conducted with different 13 experts working at different construction sites in Istanbul. According to the qualitative study results, there is usually no waste management plan on-sites. Project revisions and cutting of materials for sizing, storage problems are the most emphasized causes of waste on-sites. Wastes are mostly collected and disposed of by the contractors and there is a tendency to collect wastes in mixed on-site and later partly sort. Collection-sorting and storage-disposal practices on-sites are affected by the quantity of waste, site facilities, storage opportunities, scale of the contractor and economic value of waste. The recovery facilities are mostly depending on the economic gain to be obtained from waste. In this context, the recycling and reusing of steel waste is given the best importance. There are not enough networks for recovery of cardboard/paper-plastic wastes on-sites. There is no illegal dumping among the cases included in this study. However, awareness on special treatment of hazardous wastes has not yet been developed enough on-sites in Turkey.

Research paper thumbnail of A Discussion on The Quantification Methodologies and Their Applicability in Turkey for Construction and Demolition Waste (C&D

There is an increasing awareness about waste issues all over the world in parallel with the raisi... more There is an increasing awareness about waste issues all over the world in parallel with the raising environmental consciousness. Different management strategies have been generated by the researchers according to the different waste types. Various studies reveal that construction industry constitutes an important part of environmental impacts and waste generation which increase day by day due to production of a large number of building construction. Construction and demolition (C&D) waste, as a component of Industrial Waste, is one of the most currently studied waste types in literature, and their quantification is a prerequisite for the implementation of successful waste management strategies. In accordance with the global conjuncture and also economic and social changes in Turkey, construction activities have accelerated especially in the last ten years. Thus, generating some waste management strategies for C&D waste has become necessary. There are, however, some difficulties to designate these strategies because of the lack of data related to the quantity of C&D waste. In literature, there are various methodologies at regional and project levels conducted by different researchers on quantifying C&D waste. This paper firstly presents an overview on the description of waste and waste types, waste quantification methodologies in literature and the current development about C&D waste in Turkey. And then it discusses the quantification methodologies and their applicability in Turkey.

Research paper thumbnail of Mimari Detaylandırma Eğitimi Bağlamında “İnce Yapı Bilgisi” Dersinin Analizi

This study aims to analyze the efficiency of MIM 316 Architectural Detailing (İnce Yapı Bilgisi) ... more This study aims to analyze the efficiency of MIM 316 Architectural Detailing (İnce Yapı Bilgisi) course being conducted in Faculty of
Architecture in MSFAU, in the context of architectural detailing training. As a result of operation performance evaluation of the course, development of suggestions for problems is targeted. Primarily, the course schedule, consisting of theoretical end practical parts, is generally explained. In the theoretical part of the course, students are presented with theoretical information about architectural detailing and detail design. The complementary practice part of the course, requires students to make detailed drawings on determined topic in order to
intensify their theoretical knowledge and to gain the ability of detailing. Course data, practice drawings of 2015-16 Fall Semester is evaluated in the context of ‘Course Learning Outcomes’ and according to criteria
determined upon practice topics. Most common mistakes and number of mistakes of students are identified. Learning ratio of students
are measured by these weekly results. Problems in the operation and content of the course are seeked. Outputs of performance evaluation are discussed, deficiencies and weaknesses in the content and teaching
methods are explained and suggestions for amelioration are presented.

Research paper thumbnail of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) in Buildings and Environmental Assessment of Structural Steel’s End of Life Options.pdf

Buildings interact with the environment directly or indirectly at their life cycle. There occur v... more Buildings interact with the environment directly or indirectly at their life cycle. There occur various environmental impacts in construction, operation and maintenance of buildings. As a result of these impacts natural balance and human health are badly influenced. In concern with, it is important to reveal environmental impacts of buildings to make an environmental decision. LCA is a method to assess environmental impact of a products at their whole life cycle or one of the life cycle stages. LCA is an important decision making support tool applicable for buildings, building materials and components including construction, operation and maintenance stages. The aim of this review is to attract attention to sustainability and environmentally friendly building material selection on using the example of steel structural building components having a high recovery potentiality. The Steel is a sustainable building material with end of life options just as recycling and reuse. Recycling is a process using a material as an input to produce a new material at its end of life cycle. Reuse is an application of disassembly to use component or material without melting This study also reveals the importance of using. recyclable and reusable material in construction sector to reduce environmental impacts.

Research paper thumbnail of A Discussion on the Advantages of Steel Structures in the Context of Sustainable Construction

The various studies were revealed that the environmental impacts such as global warming, the depl... more The various studies were revealed that the environmental
impacts such as global warming, the depletion of natural
resources, waste generation and pollution etc. increase day by
day due to rapidly increasing population of the world which
creates a large number of building and construction demand.
As a resource-intensive industry, construction industry puts
enormous pressure on natural resources and constitutes an
important part in all these environmental effects which have
badly influences on natural balance, human health and
survival. There occur various environmental impacts in
construction, operation, maintenance and even at the end of
life cycle of buildings. From this point of view, to reduce the
environmental impacts of buildings, “sustainability” and
“sustainable construction” concepts get importance. It is
important to select environmentally friendly building material
to implement principles and methodologies of “sustainable
construction”. Steel is the unique structural component which
has almost a closed-loop material cycling and can be
reprocessed without quality losses. This study discusses the
advantages of steel structures in the context of sustainable
construction. This paper provides an overview on “sustainable
construction term” and its common criteria and focuses on the
advantages of steel structures and examines steel structures
through the life cycle stages according to the sustainability

Books by Havva AKSEL ÇİÇEKÇİ

Research paper thumbnail of Kerpiç Yapıların Mekân Organizasyonu, Malzeme Kullanımı ve Yapım Tekniği Açısından İncelenmesi: Konya Geleneksel Evleri- Hüyük İlçesi Örneği

Mimarlık Planlama ve Tasarım Alanında Uluslararası Akademik Çalışmalar-Haziran, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Circular Buildings An Outline of Circularity in Building Production

Sustainability, Conservation and Ecology in Spatial Planning and Design, 2022

Abstract: Buildings cause various many environmental effects such as natural resource consumption... more Abstract: Buildings cause various many environmental effects such as natural resource consumption, waste generation, pollution, etc. All these environmental effects are expected to increase in parallel with population growth and urbanization. As a resource-intensive industry, the construction industry puts enormous pressure on limited resources on earth. In this context, many approaches have been developed so far to ensure sustainability in buildings. One of them is the application of the circular economic model in building production. The circular economy aims to redesign the entire production system depending on the principles of; eliminating waste and pollution; circulating the products and materials (at their highest value) and regenerating natural systems. Ensuring circularity in building production is a circular design research area that increases its importance day by day. Accordingly, “circular design” and “circular buildings” concepts were put forward by different researchers in the construction industry. In this context, this study aims to present a general overview of the circular economy concept in "building production" through a “circular building” perspective. It is aimed to contribute to the reduction of the environmental impacts of the buildings by increasing awareness about ensuring circularity in buildings. There are various strategies and approaches for the implementation of the circular economy in building production. On the other hand, there is no standardized framework for the application of circularity in buildings and three is no consensus in the literature regarding the usefulness and functionality of different circular building design strategies. Moreover, Buildings are unique and complex products and building production includes different variables such as project type, project size, building materials, technologies and techniques used in construction, etc. The complex nature of building production may cause constraints in the transition to a circular built environment Therefore, the layered structure of buildings that have different lifetimes causes difficulties in applying the circular design principles at different stages of building production. Besides, buildings have long lifetimes and circular design strategies are usually applied to short-lived products.
Buildings are unique products that have artistic value, unlike many other products in the production cycle. In this context, the issue of how to preserve the artistic values and the uniquity feature of the buildings in the context of the circular design and circular building concepts is an important research problem. Being an important research gap, academic researchers on this subject are needed. Another difficulty in ensuring circularity in building production is the existing buildings that were not designed according to the circular design principle. In this context, considering the long lifetimes of the buildings, there is also a need for studies on the ensuring circularity of existing structures in their life cycle.
Keywords: Circular building, circular design, circular construction, circular economy, circularity in Building production


October, Oct 2023

Building industry and buildings cause various environmental impacts at different stages of their ... more Building industry and buildings cause various environmental impacts at different stages of their life cycles such as natural resource and non-renewable energy consumption, waste generation, air pollution etc. Along with all these environmental effects, it is seen that the environmental responsibility of the construction industry stakeholders is increasing day by day. Many concepts have found their place in architectural practice until today, some of them are "energy efficient buildings", "green buildings", "sustainable buildings", "passive houses", "zero energy buildings" and so on.
The circular building is an approach based on the circular economy approach that was introduced in the 1970s and is based on the principle of circularization of all linear systems in the production process. Linear economies, in other words, classical economies, are based on the take-make-waste principle in which “take” here means the extraction of the raw material. The “make refers to the production processes of products from raw materials, while waste refers to the products to be disposed of as waste at the end of the life cycle or when the user does not need that product anymore etc. The linear economy is a one-way system and describes an economic model that turns natural resources into waste through production and consumption processes. Contrarily, a Circular economy refers to an economic model where material and energy cycles are slowed, shut down, and narrowed and it is a regenerative system in which resource/material input, waste generation, emissions, and energy loss are minimized. There are various approaches in the literature for the application of the circular economy in the building industry. However, the circular buildings issue is a topic that has recently gained importance, especially in the building industry, and it contains many uncertainties.
In this context, the aim of the study is to raise awareness about the concepts of "circular buildings”, within the discipline of architecture, and also to increase the applicability of circular buildings. Within the scope of the study, the circular buildings that are designed by the students involved in the course entitled “Construction and Demolition Waste Management and Circularity” which is conducted as an elective course for 4th-year undergraduate students at Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University will be evaluated within the context of circular building criteria. Twenty-three works were submitted within the scope of the workshop, and twenty of the (suitable ones) were evaluated. These evaluations cover; spatial use; construction method and material selection and circular buildings criterion selection.

Yapı endüstrisi ve bu endüstrinin fiziksel çıktılarından olan yapılar yaşam döngüsünün farklı aşamalarında doğal kaynak tüketimi, yenilenemeyen enerji tüketimi, atık oluşumu, hava kirliliği vb. pek çok çevresel etkiye neden olmaktadır. Tüm bu çevresel etkilerle beraber yapı endüstrisi paydaşlarının çevre ile ilgili sorumluluğunun gün geçtikçe artığı görülmektedir. Mimarlık pratiği içinde çevresel konular ile ilgili günümüze kadar pek çok konsept kendine yer bulmuş olup, bunlardan bazıları “enerji etkin binalar”, “yeşil binalar”, “sürdürülebilir yapılar”, “pasif evler”, “sıfır enerji yapılar” vb. olarak özetlenebilir. Günümüzde tüm bu konseptleri kapsayan bir yaklaşım olarak döngüsel yapı konsepti ön plana çıkmaktadır. Döngüsel yapılar 1970.li yıllarda oraya atılan döngüsel ekonomi yaklaşımından temellenmekte olup, üretim süreci içerisinde doğrusal işleyen tüm sistemlerin döngüselleştirilmesi prensibine dayanmaktadır. Doğrusal ekonomiler diğer bir deyişle uygulanagelen klasik ekonomiler, edin- üret- at (take-make- waste) ilkesine dayanmaktadır. Burada edinmek, hammaddenin elde edilmesi; üretmek hammaddeden ürün üretimi, atmak ise; ürünlerin kullanım ömrünü tamamlanması ve/veya kullanıcının o ürüne gereksinim duymaması vb. gerekçelerle atık olarak elden çıkarılmasını ifade etmektedir. Doğrusal ekonomi, tek yönlü bir sistem olup, doğal kaynakları üretim ve tüketim yoluyla atık haline getiren bir ekonomik modeli tariflemektedir. Döngüsel ekonomiler ise; malzeme ve enerji döngülerinin yavaşlatıldığı, kapatıldığı ve daraltıldığı; kaynak/malzeme girişinin, atık oluşumunun ve emisyonlar ile enerji kaybının en aza indirildiği yenilenebilir bir sistemi tanımlanmaktadır. Döngüsel ekonominin yapı endüstrisinde uygulanmasına yönelik literatürde çeşitli yaklaşımlar yer almaktadır. Ancak döngüsellik konusu özellikle yapı endüstrisinde henüz güncellik kazanan bir konu olup, pek çok belirsizliği bünyesinde barındırmaktadır. Bu bağlamda çalışmanın amacı; mimarlık disiplini içerisinde “döngüsel yapı” konsepti konusunda farkındalığın arttırılarak, konuyla ilgili uygulamaların yaygınlaştırılmasıdır. Çalışma kapsamında Tekirdağ Namık Kemal Üniversitesi, Mimarlık Bölümde, lisans seçmeli ders statüsünde yürütülen “Yapısal Atık Yönetimi ve Döngüsellik” başlıklı ders kapsamında, yapı üretiminde çevresel etkilerin azaltılmasına yönelik yaklaşımların benimsenmesi ve uygulanabilmesi amacıyla, döngüsel yapı konseptine ilişkin gerçekleştirilen atölye çalışmasına ait çıktılar üzerinden bir değerlendirme ortaya konulmuştur. Atölye çalışması kapsamında yirmi üç adet çalışma teslim edilmiş, uygun olan yirmi adeti değerlendirilmiştir. Bu değerlendirmeler; mekânsal kullanım açısından irdeleme, konstrüksiyon yöntemi ve malzeme seçimi açısından irdeleme, döngüsel yapı kriter seçimi açısında irdeleme şeklindedir.

Research paper thumbnail of Döngüsel Toprak Yapılar:  Toprak Yapıların “Döngüsel Tasarım” Konsepti Bağlamında İrdelenmesi

Ege Mimarlık Dergisi , 2022

Yapılar, doğal kaynak tüketimi, atık oluşumu, küresel ısınma vb. birçok çevresel etkiye neden olm... more Yapılar, doğal kaynak tüketimi, atık oluşumu, küresel ısınma vb. birçok çevresel etkiye neden olmaktır. Yapıların çevresel etkilerinin azaltılabilmesi için, atık oluşumunu engelleyerek, yapı ürünlerin yeniden kullanımını ve geri dönüşümünü teşvik eden döngüsel sistemlerin uygulanması önem göstermektedir.
Toprak çağlar boyunca kullanılagelen en eski yapı malzemelerindendir. Toprak yapılar, toprak kökenli malzemelerden pişirilmeden üretilen ürünlerdir. Çalışmada toprak yapıların döngüsel tasarım konsepti bağlamında irdelenerek, olanak ve kısıtlarının ortaya konulması amaçlanmıştır. Toprak döngüsel bir yapı malzemesi olup, toprak yapılar döngüsel tasarım stratejilerini önemli ölçüde karşılamaktadır.

Buildings cause various environmental effects such as natural resource consumption, waste generation, global warming etc. In order to reduce these environmental effects, it is important to create circular systems that prevent waste generation and promote reuse and recycling of building products.
Earth is one of the oldest building materials used throughout the ages. Earthen structures are products produced from soil-based materials. The aim of this study is to reveal the possibilities and constraints of earthen structures in the context of the circular design concept. Earth is a circular building material, and earthen structures, substantially meet circular design strategies.

Research paper thumbnail of Yapım Sürecinde Atık Yönetimi: Yapım Sürecinde Atık Yönetiminin Sistem Yaklaşımıyla Ele Alınması

Mimarlık Bilimleri ve Uygulamaları Dergisi, 2021

Yapı üretimi birçok aktör ve nesnenin sürecin farklı aşamalarında dâhil olduğu endüstriyel bir ür... more Yapı üretimi birçok aktör ve nesnenin sürecin farklı aşamalarında dâhil olduğu endüstriyel bir üretim süreci olup; atık üretiminde önemli etkiye sahiptir. Yapım süreci ise; birbirleriyle ilişkili birçok sistem ve alt sistemden oluşan "Yapı üretimi sisteminin" alt sistemini niteliğindeki "yapım sisteminin" bir öğesidir. Yapım sürecinde üretilen atık miktarı ve türü, uygulanan proje, yapım teknolojisi, işçilik vb. birçok parametreye bağlı olarak değişkenlik göstermektedir. Bu durum yapım sürecindeki atık yönetiminin anlaşılabilirliği ve uygulanabilirliği açısından önemli bir kısıt oluşturmaktadır. Çalışmanın amacı; yapım sürecinde atık yönetiminin sistemli bir şekilde uygulanabilirliğini sağlamak üzere kavramsal bir çerçeve sunmak yoluyla bir "Atık Yönetimi Sistemi (YS-AYS)'nin oluşturulmasıdır. Çalışma, literatür verilerinin sistem yaklaşımıyla ele alınması yöntemiyle gerçekleştirilmiş olup, analiz, sentez ve değerlendirme aşamalarından oluşmaktadır. YS-AYS yapım sistemi ile atık yönetimine ilişkin ögeleri kapsamakta olup, açık bir sistem olma özelliğindedir. Ayrıca yapım sürecinin çok değişkenli yapısı ile atık yönetim işlemlerinin çeşitliliği nedenleriyle birçok potansiyel alt sistemi bünyesinde barındırmadır.

Research paper thumbnail of Construction waste management practices on-sites: A case study of Istanbul city

Environmental Research and Technology, 2020

Increasing construction activities put enormous stress on waste generation in Turkey. Therefore, ... more Increasing construction activities put enormous stress on waste generation in Turkey. Therefore, to manage all these construction wastes by setting effective waste management strategies becomes more significant day by day. Although there is a rising interest in waste management issues, there are not enough studies in Turkey. The lack of data is a prominent obstacle for the researchers. Addressing this research gap, an explanatory multiple-case study was conducted to reveal the waste management practices (waste generation, collection-sorting, storage-disposal, and recovery) on-sites. Unstructured interviews were conducted with different 13 experts working at different construction sites in Istanbul. According to the qualitative study results, there is usually no waste management plan on-sites. Project revisions and cutting of materials for sizing, storage problems are the most emphasized causes of waste on-sites. Wastes are mostly collected and disposed of by the contractors and there is a tendency to collect wastes in mixed on-site and later partly sort. Collection-sorting and storage-disposal practices on-sites are affected by the quantity of waste, site facilities, storage opportunities, scale of the contractor and economic value of waste. The recovery facilities are mostly depending on the economic gain to be obtained from waste. In this context, the recycling and reusing of steel waste is given the best importance. There are not enough networks for recovery of cardboard/paper-plastic wastes on-sites. There is no illegal dumping among the cases included in this study. However, awareness on special treatment of hazardous wastes has not yet been developed enough on-sites in Turkey.

Research paper thumbnail of A Discussion on The Quantification Methodologies and Their Applicability in Turkey for Construction and Demolition Waste (C&D

There is an increasing awareness about waste issues all over the world in parallel with the raisi... more There is an increasing awareness about waste issues all over the world in parallel with the raising environmental consciousness. Different management strategies have been generated by the researchers according to the different waste types. Various studies reveal that construction industry constitutes an important part of environmental impacts and waste generation which increase day by day due to production of a large number of building construction. Construction and demolition (C&D) waste, as a component of Industrial Waste, is one of the most currently studied waste types in literature, and their quantification is a prerequisite for the implementation of successful waste management strategies. In accordance with the global conjuncture and also economic and social changes in Turkey, construction activities have accelerated especially in the last ten years. Thus, generating some waste management strategies for C&D waste has become necessary. There are, however, some difficulties to designate these strategies because of the lack of data related to the quantity of C&D waste. In literature, there are various methodologies at regional and project levels conducted by different researchers on quantifying C&D waste. This paper firstly presents an overview on the description of waste and waste types, waste quantification methodologies in literature and the current development about C&D waste in Turkey. And then it discusses the quantification methodologies and their applicability in Turkey.

Research paper thumbnail of Mimari Detaylandırma Eğitimi Bağlamında “İnce Yapı Bilgisi” Dersinin Analizi

This study aims to analyze the efficiency of MIM 316 Architectural Detailing (İnce Yapı Bilgisi) ... more This study aims to analyze the efficiency of MIM 316 Architectural Detailing (İnce Yapı Bilgisi) course being conducted in Faculty of
Architecture in MSFAU, in the context of architectural detailing training. As a result of operation performance evaluation of the course, development of suggestions for problems is targeted. Primarily, the course schedule, consisting of theoretical end practical parts, is generally explained. In the theoretical part of the course, students are presented with theoretical information about architectural detailing and detail design. The complementary practice part of the course, requires students to make detailed drawings on determined topic in order to
intensify their theoretical knowledge and to gain the ability of detailing. Course data, practice drawings of 2015-16 Fall Semester is evaluated in the context of ‘Course Learning Outcomes’ and according to criteria
determined upon practice topics. Most common mistakes and number of mistakes of students are identified. Learning ratio of students
are measured by these weekly results. Problems in the operation and content of the course are seeked. Outputs of performance evaluation are discussed, deficiencies and weaknesses in the content and teaching
methods are explained and suggestions for amelioration are presented.

Research paper thumbnail of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) in Buildings and Environmental Assessment of Structural Steel’s End of Life Options.pdf

Buildings interact with the environment directly or indirectly at their life cycle. There occur v... more Buildings interact with the environment directly or indirectly at their life cycle. There occur various environmental impacts in construction, operation and maintenance of buildings. As a result of these impacts natural balance and human health are badly influenced. In concern with, it is important to reveal environmental impacts of buildings to make an environmental decision. LCA is a method to assess environmental impact of a products at their whole life cycle or one of the life cycle stages. LCA is an important decision making support tool applicable for buildings, building materials and components including construction, operation and maintenance stages. The aim of this review is to attract attention to sustainability and environmentally friendly building material selection on using the example of steel structural building components having a high recovery potentiality. The Steel is a sustainable building material with end of life options just as recycling and reuse. Recycling is a process using a material as an input to produce a new material at its end of life cycle. Reuse is an application of disassembly to use component or material without melting This study also reveals the importance of using. recyclable and reusable material in construction sector to reduce environmental impacts.

Research paper thumbnail of A Discussion on the Advantages of Steel Structures in the Context of Sustainable Construction

The various studies were revealed that the environmental impacts such as global warming, the depl... more The various studies were revealed that the environmental
impacts such as global warming, the depletion of natural
resources, waste generation and pollution etc. increase day by
day due to rapidly increasing population of the world which
creates a large number of building and construction demand.
As a resource-intensive industry, construction industry puts
enormous pressure on natural resources and constitutes an
important part in all these environmental effects which have
badly influences on natural balance, human health and
survival. There occur various environmental impacts in
construction, operation, maintenance and even at the end of
life cycle of buildings. From this point of view, to reduce the
environmental impacts of buildings, “sustainability” and
“sustainable construction” concepts get importance. It is
important to select environmentally friendly building material
to implement principles and methodologies of “sustainable
construction”. Steel is the unique structural component which
has almost a closed-loop material cycling and can be
reprocessed without quality losses. This study discusses the
advantages of steel structures in the context of sustainable
construction. This paper provides an overview on “sustainable
construction term” and its common criteria and focuses on the
advantages of steel structures and examines steel structures
through the life cycle stages according to the sustainability

Research paper thumbnail of Kerpiç Yapıların Mekân Organizasyonu, Malzeme Kullanımı ve Yapım Tekniği Açısından İncelenmesi: Konya Geleneksel Evleri- Hüyük İlçesi Örneği

Mimarlık Planlama ve Tasarım Alanında Uluslararası Akademik Çalışmalar-Haziran, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Circular Buildings An Outline of Circularity in Building Production

Sustainability, Conservation and Ecology in Spatial Planning and Design, 2022

Abstract: Buildings cause various many environmental effects such as natural resource consumption... more Abstract: Buildings cause various many environmental effects such as natural resource consumption, waste generation, pollution, etc. All these environmental effects are expected to increase in parallel with population growth and urbanization. As a resource-intensive industry, the construction industry puts enormous pressure on limited resources on earth. In this context, many approaches have been developed so far to ensure sustainability in buildings. One of them is the application of the circular economic model in building production. The circular economy aims to redesign the entire production system depending on the principles of; eliminating waste and pollution; circulating the products and materials (at their highest value) and regenerating natural systems. Ensuring circularity in building production is a circular design research area that increases its importance day by day. Accordingly, “circular design” and “circular buildings” concepts were put forward by different researchers in the construction industry. In this context, this study aims to present a general overview of the circular economy concept in "building production" through a “circular building” perspective. It is aimed to contribute to the reduction of the environmental impacts of the buildings by increasing awareness about ensuring circularity in buildings. There are various strategies and approaches for the implementation of the circular economy in building production. On the other hand, there is no standardized framework for the application of circularity in buildings and three is no consensus in the literature regarding the usefulness and functionality of different circular building design strategies. Moreover, Buildings are unique and complex products and building production includes different variables such as project type, project size, building materials, technologies and techniques used in construction, etc. The complex nature of building production may cause constraints in the transition to a circular built environment Therefore, the layered structure of buildings that have different lifetimes causes difficulties in applying the circular design principles at different stages of building production. Besides, buildings have long lifetimes and circular design strategies are usually applied to short-lived products.
Buildings are unique products that have artistic value, unlike many other products in the production cycle. In this context, the issue of how to preserve the artistic values and the uniquity feature of the buildings in the context of the circular design and circular building concepts is an important research problem. Being an important research gap, academic researchers on this subject are needed. Another difficulty in ensuring circularity in building production is the existing buildings that were not designed according to the circular design principle. In this context, considering the long lifetimes of the buildings, there is also a need for studies on the ensuring circularity of existing structures in their life cycle.
Keywords: Circular building, circular design, circular construction, circular economy, circularity in Building production