The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church (original) (raw)

The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church

Conclaves of the 19th Century (1799-1878)

1799-1800 1823 1829 1830-1831 1846 1878 Conclaves Catalogs Home Search

Conclave of December 1, 1799 to March 14, 1800 (Pius VII)

Thirty-five of the forty-five cardinals participated. Cardinal František de Paula Hrzán z Harasova manifested the displeasure of Holy Roman Emperor Franz II against the election of Cardinals Carlo Bellisomi and Hyacinthe Sigismond Gerdil, C.R.S.P.. Cardinal Gregorio Barnaba Chiaramonti, O.S.B.Cas., was elected and took the name Pius VII. He succeeded Pope Pius VI, who died in Valence on August 29, 1799, a prisoner of France; Rome was occupied by French troops; the conclave took place in the Benedictine monastery of S. Giorgio Maggiore, Venice, under the protection of Austria.

- Gian Francesco Albani, bishop of Ostia e Velletri, dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals.
- Henry Benedict Mary Clement Stuart, duke of York, bishop of Frascati.
- Leonardo Antonelli, bishop of Palestrina.
- Luigi Valenti Gonzaga, bishop of Albano.
- Francesco Carafa della Spina.
- Francesco Saverio de Zelada.
- Guido Calcagnini, archbishop-bishop of Osimo.
- Bernardino Honorati, archbishop-bishop of Senigallia.
- Andrea Gioannetti, O.S.B.Cam., archbishop of Bologna.
- Hyacinthe Sigismond Gerdil, C.R.S.P.
- Carlo Giuseppe Filippa della Martiniana, bishop of Vercelli.
- Alessandro Mattei.
- František de Paula Hrzán z Harasova.
- Gianandrea Archetti.
- Giuseppe Maria Doria-Pamphilj.
- Gregorio Barnaba Chiaramonti, O.S.B.Cas., bishop of Imola. (Elected Pope Pius VII)
- Carlo Livizzani.
- Carlo Bellisomi, archbishop-bishop of Cesena.
- Francisco Antonio de Lorenzana y Butrón, archbishop of Toledo, Spain.
- Ignazio Busca.
- Stefano Borgia.
- Giovanni Battista Caprara.
- Antonio Dugnani.
- Ippolito Antonio Vincenti Mareri.
- Jean-Siffrein Maury.
- Giovanni Battista Bussi de Pretis, bishop of Jesi.
- Francesco Maria Pignatelli, iuniore.
- Aurelio Roverella.
- Giulio Maria della Somaglia.
- Antonio Maria Doria-Pamphilj.
- Romualdo Braschi-Onesti.
- Filippo Carandini.
- Ludovico Flangini.
- Fabrizio Ruffo.
- Giovanni Rinuccini.

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The following Cardinals did not participate in the conclave:
- Christoph Anton von Migazzi von Waal und Sonnenthurn, archbishop of Vienna, Austria.
- Dominique de La Rochefoucald, archbishop of Rouen, France.
- Johann Heinrich von Frankenberg, archbishop of Mechlin, Belgium.
- Louis-René-Édouard de Rohan-Guéménée, bishop of Strasbourg.
- Giuseppe Maria Capece Zurlo, Theat., archbishop of Naples.
- Vincenzo Ranuzzi, archbishop-bishop of Ancona e Umana.
- Muzio Gallo, bishop of Viterbo e Toscanella.
- José Francisco Miguel António de Mendoça, patriarch of Lisbon, Portugal.
- Antonino de Sentmenat y Castellá, patriarch of the Western Indies, Spain.
- Louis-Joseph de Montmorency-Laval.

Bibliography. Baumgartner, Frederic. Behind locked doors. A history of the papal elections. New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2003; Burkle-Young, Francis A. Papal elections in the age of transition, 1878-1922. Lanham, MD : Lexington Books, 2000; Lector, Lucius (pseud. of Joseph Guthlin). Le conclave, ouvrage orné de gravures et de plans, suivi d'un Tableau chronologique des papes et des conclaves. Paris: P. Lethielleux, 1894; Piazzoni, Ambrogio. Storia delle elezioni pontificie. Casale Monferrato : Piemme, 2003. (Piemme religio); Ritzler, Remigium, and Pirminum Sefrin. Hierarchia Catholica Medii et Recientoris Aevi. Volumen VII (1800-1846). Patavii : Typis et Sumptibus Domus Editorialis "Il Messaggero di S. Antonio" apud Basilicam S. Antonii, 1968, p. 3, n. 2; Walsh, Michael. The conclave. A sometimes secret and occasionally bloody history of papal elections. Lanham ; Chicago ; New York ; Toronto ; Oxford : Sheed & Ward, 2003; Zizola, Giancarlo. Il conclave, storia e segreti. L'elezione papale da San Pietro a Giovanni Paolo II. Rome : Newton, 1993. (Grandi Tascabali Economici, 404).

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Conclave of September 2 to 28, 1823 (Leo XII)

Forty-nine of the fifty-three cardinals participated. Cardinal Giuseppe Albani presented the veto of Emperor Franz I of Austria against the election of Cardinal Antonio Gabriele Severoli. Cardinal Annibale della Genga was elected and took the name Leo XII. He succeeded Pope Pius VII, who died on August 20, 1823.

- Giulio Maria della Somaglia, bishop of Ostia e Velletri, dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals.
- Bartolomeo Pacca, seniore, bishop of Porto e Santa Rufina, sub-dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals.
- Giuseppe Spina, bishop of Palestrina.
- Pierfrancesco Galleffi, bishop of Albano.
- Tommaso Arezzo, bishop of Sabina.
- Francesco Xaverio Castiglioni, bishop of Frascati.
- Giuseppe Firrao.
- Luigi Ruffo Scilla.
- Cesare Brancadoro.
- Carlo Francesco Caselli, O.S.M.
- Joseph Fesch.
- Carlo Oppizzoni.
- Annibale della Genga (Elected Pope Leo XII).
- Pietro Gravina.
- Antonio Gabriele Severoli.
- Giuseppe Morozzo della Rocca.
- Fabrizio Scebarras Testaferrata.
- Benedetto Naro.
- Francesco Cesarei Leoni.
- Dionisio Bardaxí y Azara.
- Antonio Lamberto Rusconi.
- Emmanuele de Gregorio.
- Giorgio Doria Pamphili.
- Luigi Ercolani.
- Paolo Giuseppe Solaro di Villanova.
- Johann Casimir Häffelin.
- Anne- Antoine-Jules de Clermont-Tonnerre, archbishop of Toulouse, France.
- Francesco Bertazzoli.
- Gianfrancesco Falzacappa, archbishop-bishop of Ancona.
- Antonio Pallotta.
- Francesco Serlupi.
- Carlo Maria Pedicini.
- Luigi Pandolfi.
- Fabrizio Turriozzi.
- Ercole Dandini.
- Carlo Odescalchi.
- Giacinto Placido Zurla, O.S.B.Cam.
- Anne-Louis-Henri de La Fare, archbishop of Sens, France.
- Fabrizio Ruffo.
- Ercole Consalvi.
- Giuseppe Albani.
- Francesco Guidobono Cavalchini.
- Giovanni Caccia-Piatti.
- Stanislao Sanseverino.
- Pietro Vidoni, iuniore.
- Agostino Rivarola.
- Cesare Guerrieri Gonzaga.
- Antonio Maria Frosini.
- Tommaso Riario Sforza.

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Absent were the following cardinals:
- Domenico Spinucci, archbishop of Benevento.
- Louis-François de Bausset-Roquefort.
- Rudolf Johannes Joseph Rainier von Habsburg-Lotharingen, archduke of Austria, royal prince of Hungary and Bohemia, archbishop of Olmütz, Moravia.
- Carlos da Cunha e Menezes, patriarch of Lisbon, Portugal.

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Conclave of February 24 to March 31, 1829 (Pius VIII)

Fifty of the fifty-eight cardinals participated in the conclave. Cardinal Francesco Xaverio Castiglioni was elected and took the name Pius VIII. He succeeded Pope Leo XII, who died on February 10, 1829.

- Giulio Maria della Somaglia, bishop of Ostia e Velletri, dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals, vice-chancellor of the Holy Roman Church, Sommista of the Apostolic Letters.
- Bartolomeo Pacca, seniore, bishop of Porto e Santa Rufina and Civitavecchia, sub-dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals, pro-datary of His Holiness.
- Pierfrancesco Galleffi, bishop of Albano, archpriest of the patriarchal Vatican basilica, prefect of the S.C. of the Fabric of St. Peter's.
- Tommaso Arezzo, bishop of Sabina, pontifical legate in Ferrara.
- Francesco Xaverio Castiglioni, bishop of Frascati, penitentiary major, prefect of the S.C. of the Index. (Elected Pope Pius VIII)
- Francesco Bertazzoli, bishop of Palestrina, prefect of the S.C. of Studies.
- Giuseppe Firrao.
- Luigi Ruffo Scilla, archbishop of Naples.
- Joseph Fesch, archbishop of Lyon, France.
- Carlo Oppizzoni, archbishop of Bologna.
- Pietro Gravina, archbishop of Palermo, Sicily.
- Giuseppe Morozzo della Rocca, archbishop-bishop of Novara.
- Fabrizio Scebarras Testaferrata, bishop of Senigallia.
- Benedetto Naro, prefect of the S.C. of the Discipline of Religious, archpriest of the patriarchal Liberian basilica.
- Emmanuele de Gregorio, prefect of the S.C. of the Tridentine Council.
- Giorgio Doria Pamphili, prefect of the S.C. of Rites.
- Anne- Antoine-Jules de Clermont-Tonnerre, archbishop of Toulouse, France.
- Gianfrancesco Falzacappa, prefect of the Tribunal of the Signature of Justice.
- Antonio Pallotta, legate a latere of the province of Maritima e Campania.
- Carlo Maria Pedicini.
- Ercole Dandini, prefect of the S.C. of Good Government.
- Carlo Odescalchi, prefect of the S.C. of Bishops and Religious.
- Giacinto Placido Zurla, O.S.B.Cam., vicar of His Holiness for Rome.
- Anne-Louis-Henri de La Fare, archbishop of Sens, France.
- Giovanni Battista Bussi, archbishop of Benevento.
- Bonaventura Gazzola, O.F.M.Ref., bishop of Montefiascone and Corneto.
- Karl Kajetan von Gaisruck, archbishop of Milan, kingdom of Lombardy-Venetia (Austria-Hungary).
- Ludovico Micara, O.F.M.Cap.
- Gustav-Maximilien-Juste de Croy, archbishop of Rouen, France.
- Mauro Alberto Cappellari, O.S.B.Cam., prefect of the S.C. of Propaganda Fide.
- Jean-Baptiste-Marie-Anne-Antoine de Latil, archbishop of Reims, France.
- Pietro Caprano, secretary of the S.C. of the Index.
- Giacomo Giustiniani, archbishop-bishop of Imola.
- Vincenzo Macchi, apostolic legate in Ravenna.
- Giacomo Filippo Fransoni.
- Benedetto Barberini.
- Giovanni Antonio Benvenuti, bishop of Osimo and Cingoli.
- Ignazio Nasalli.
- Joaquim-Jean-Xavier d'Isoard, archbishop of Auch, Francia.
- Antonio Domenico Gamberini, bishop of Orvieto.
- Giuseppe Albani, secretary of Secret Briefs, apostolic legate in Bologna.
- Giovanni Caccia-Piatti, prefect of the Tribunal of the Signature of Grace.
- Pietro Vidoni, iuniore.
- Agostino Rivarola, legate a latere extraordinary in Ravenna.
- Cesare Guerrieri Gonzaga.
- Antonio Maria Frosini, prefect of the S.C. of Indulgences and Sacred Relics.
- Tommaso Riario Sforza.
- Tommaso Bernetti, secretary of State of His Holiness.
- Belisario Cristaldi.
- Juan Francisco Marco y Catalán.

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Absent were the following cardinals:
- Cesare Brancadoro, archbishop of Fermo.
- Francesco Cesarei Leoni, bishop of Jesi.
- Rudolf Johannes Joseph Rainier von Habsburg-Lotharingen, archduke of Austria, archbishop of Olmütz, Moravia, Austria-Hungary.
- Patricio da Silva, O.E.S.A., patriarch of Lisbon, Portugal.
- Teresio Ferrero della Marmora.
- Pedro de Inguanzo y Rivero, archbishop of Toledo, Spain.
- Francisco Javier de Cienfuegos y Jovellanos, archbishop of Sevilla, Spain.
- Alexander von Rudnay und Divékújfalusi, archbishop of Esztergom, primate of the kingdom of Hungary.

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Conclave of December 14, 1830 to February 2, 1831 (Gregory XVI)

There were fifty-five cardinals at the beginning of the vacant see, but Cardinal Pietro Gravina, archbishop of Palermo, Sicily, died eight days before the beginning of the conclave. Forty-five of the remaining fifty-four cardinals participated. Cardinal Juan Francisco Marco y Catalán presented the veto of King Fernando VII of Spain against the election of Cardinal Giacomo Giustiniani, archbishop-bishop of Imola. Cardinal Joaquim-Jean-Xavier d'Isoard was instructed by King Louis-Philippe of France to place a veto against the election of Cardinal Vincenzo Macchi if necessary, which apparently did not happen. Cardinal Mauro Cappellari, O.S.B.Cam., was elected in the morning ballot, the eighty-third, on the fiftieth day of the conclave. He took the name Gregory XVI, and succeeded Pope Pius VIII, who died on November 30, 1830.- Bartolomeo Pacca, seniore, bishop of Ostia e Velletri, dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals, datary of His Holiness.
- Pierfrancesco Galleffi, bishop of Porto e Santa Rufina, sub-dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals, archpriest of the patriarchal Vatican basilica, prefect of the S.C. of the Fabric of St. Peter's.
- Tommaso Arezzo, bishop of Sabina, pontifical legate in Ferrara.
- Emmanuele de Gregorio, bishop of Frascati, Penitentiary Major.
- Gianfrancesco Falzacappa, bishop of Albano, prefect of the Tribunal of the Signature of Justice.
- Carlo Maria Pedicini, bishop of Palestrina.
- Luigi Ruffo Scilla, archbishop of Naples.
- Joseph Fesch, archbishop of Lyon, France.
- Carlo Oppizzoni, archbishop of Bologna.
- Giuseppe Morozzo della Rocca, archbishop-bishop of Novara.
- Fabrizio Scebarras Testaferrata, bishop of Senigallia.
- Benedetto Naro, prefect of the S.C. of the Discipline of Religious, archpriest of the patriarchal Liberian basilica.
- Giorgio Doria Pamphili, prefect of the S.C. of Rites.
- Antonio Pallotta, legate a latere of the province of Maritima e Campania.
- Ercole Dandini, prefect of the S.C. of Good Government.
- Carlo Odescalchi, prefect of the S.C. of Bishops and Regulars.
- Giacinto Placido Zurla, O.S.B.Cam., vicar general of Rome.
- Giuseppe Albani, secretary of Secret Briefs, apostolic legate in Bologna.
- Agostino Rivarola, legate a latere extraordinary in Ravenna.
- Cesare Guerrieri Gonzaga.
- Antonio Maria Frosini, prefect of the S.C. of Indulgences and Sacred Relics.
- Tommaso Riario Sforza, legate of Forlì.
- Giovanni Battista Bussi, archbishop of Benevento.
- Karl Kajetan von Gaisruck, archbishop of Milan, kingdom of Lombardy-Venetia (Austria-Hungary).
- Pedro de Inguanzo y Rivero, archbishop of Toledo, Spain.
- Ludovico Micara, O.F.M.Cap.
- Gustav-Maximilien-Juste de Croy, archbishop of Rouen, France.
- Mauro Cappellari, O.S.B.Cam., prefect of the S.C. of Propaganda Fide. (Elected Pope Gregory XVI)
- Pietro Caprano, secretary of the S.C. of the Index.
- Giacomo Giustiniani, archbishop-bishop of Imola.
- Vincenzo Macchi, apostolic legate of Ravenna.
- Giacomo Filippo Fransoni.
- Benedetto Barberini.
- Giovanni Antonio Benvenuti, bishop of Osimo e Cingoli.
- Ignazio Nasalli.
- Joaquim-Jean-Xavier d'Isoard, archbishop of Auch, France.
- Antonio Domenico Gamberini, bishop of Orvieto.
- Tommaso Bernetti, apostolic legate of Bologna.
- Belisario Cristaldi.
- Cesare Nembrini Pironi Gonzaga, bishop of Ancona and Umana.
- Thomas Weld.
- Louis-François-Auguste de Rohan Chabot, archbishop of Besançon, France.
- Juan Francisco Marco y Catalán.
- Raffaele Mazio.
- Domenico de Simone, legate of Ferrara.

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Absent were the following cardinals:
- Giovanni Caccia-Piatti, prefect of the Tribunal of the Signature of Grace.
- Francisco Javier de Cienfuegos y Jovellanos, archbishop of Sevilla, Spain.
- Cesare Brancadoro, archbishop of Fermo.
- Bonaventura Gazzola, O.F.M.Ref., bishop of Montefiascone e Corneto.
- Teresio Ferrero della Marmora.
- Rudolf Johannes Joseph Rainier von Habsburg-Lotharingen, archduke of Austria, archbishop of Olmütz, Moravia, Austria-Hungary.
- Patricio da Silva, O.E.S.A., patriarch of Lisbon, Portugal.
- Alexander von Rudnay und Divékújfalusi, archbishop of Esztergom, primate of the kingdom of Hungary.
- Jean-Baptiste-Marie-Anne-Antoine de Latil, archbishop of Reims, France.

Bibliography. Cacciamani, O.S.B.Cam., Giuseppe M. Storia del Conclave di Papa Gregorio XVI, (15 dicembre 1830 - 2 febbraio 1831). Fano : Edizioni Camaldoli, 1960; Ritzler, Remigium, and Pirminum Sefrin. Hierarchia Catholica Medii et Recientoris Aevi. Volumen VII (1800-1846). Patavii : Typis et Sumptibus Domus Editorialis "Il Messaggero di S. Antonio" apud Basilicam S. Antonii, 1968, p. 24, n. 2.

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Conclave of June 14 to 16, 1846 (Pius IX)

Fifty of the sixty-two cardinals participated. Cardinal Giovanni Maria Mastai Ferretti, archbishop-bishop of Imola, was elected in the fourth ballot and took the name Pius IX. He succeeded Pope Gregory XVI, who died on June 1, 1846. Cardinal Karl Kajetan von Gaisruck, archbishop of Milan, kingdom of Lombardy-Venetia (Austria-Hungary), who arrived when the new pope had already been elected, was bringing the veto of Emperor Ferdinand I of Austria-Hungary against Cardinal Mastai Ferretti.

- Ludovico Micara, O.F.M.Cap., bishop of Ostia e Velletri, dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals.
- Vincenzo Macchi, bishop of Porto e Santa Rufina and Civitavecchia, sub-dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals..
- Luigi Lambruschini, C.R.S.P., bishop of Sabina.
- Pietro Ostini, bishop of Albano.
- Castruccio Castracane degli Antelminelli, bishop of Palestrina.
- Mario Mattei, bishop of Frascati, archpriest of the patriarchal Vatican basilica.
- Carlo Oppizzoni, archbishop of Bologna.
- Giacomo Filippo Fransoni.
- Benedetto Barberini.
- Francesco Serra, archbishop of Capua, Italia.
- Ugo Pietro Spinola.
- Giacomo Luigi Brignole.
- Paolo Polidori.
- Giuseppe Alberghini.
- Costantinio Patrizi Naro, vicar general of His Holiness for Rome, archpriest of the patriarchal Liberian basilica.
- Ambrogio Bianchi, O.S.B.Cam.
- Gabriele Della Genga Sermattei, apostolic legate in the provinces of Urbino and Pisa.
- Luigi Amat di San Filippo e Sorso, apostolic legate in Ravenna.
- Angelo Mai, prefect of the S.C. of the Index.
- Giovanni Soglia, bishop of Osimo.
- Chiarissimo Falconnieri Mellini, archbishop of Ravenna.
- Antonio Francesco Orioli, O.F.M.Conv.
- Giuseppe Mezzofanti.
- Antonio Tosti.
- Filippo De Angelis, archbishop of Fermo.
- Gabriele Ferretti.
- Charles Januarius Acton.
- Ferdinando Maria Pignatelli, Theat., archbishop of Palermo, Sicily.
- Giovanni Maria Mastai Ferretti, archbishop-bishop of Imola. (Elected Pope Pius IX)
- Gaspare Bernardo Pianetti, bishop of Viterbo and Toscanella.
- Luigi Vannicelli Casoni, apostolic legate in Bologna.
- Lodovico Altieri.
- Tommaso Pasquale Gizzi, apostolic legate in the province of Forlì.
- Cosimo Barnaba Corsi, bishop of Jesi.
- Antonio Maria Cadolini, C.R.S.P., bishop of Ancona.
- Antonio Maria Cagiano de Azevedo, bishop of Senigaglia.
- Niccola Paracciani Clarelli, bishop of Montefiascone and Corneto.
- Fabio Maria Asquini.
- Domenico Carafa della Spina, archbishop of Benevento.
- Lorenzo Simonetti.
- Giacomo Piccolomini.
- Sisto Riario Sforza, archbishop of Naples.
- Tommaso Riario Sforza.
- Tommaso Bernetti.
- Ludovico Gazzoli.
- Adriano Fieschi.
- Giuseppe Ugolini.
- Luigi Ciacchi.
- Francesco Saverio Massimo.
- Giovanni Serafini.

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Absent were the following cardinals:
- Karl Kajetan von Gaisruck, archbishop of Milan, kingdom of Lombardy-Venetia (Austria-Hungary) (arrived late).
- Francisco Javier de Cienfuegos y Jovellanos, archbishop of Sevilla, Spain.
- Jacopo Monico, patriarch of Venice.
- Placido Maria Tadini, O.C.D., archbishop of Genoa.
- Engelbert Sterckx, archbishop of Mechelen, Belgium.
- Hugues-Robert-Jean-Charles de La Tour d'Auvergne-Lauraguais, bishop of Arras, France.
- Louis-Jacques-Maurice de Bonald, archbishop of Lyon, France.
- Friedrich Johannes Jacob Celestin von Schwarzenberg, archbishop of Salzburg, Austria.
- Francesco di Paola Villadicani, archbishop of Messina, Sicily.
- Ignazio Giovanni Cadolini, archbishop of Ferrara.
- Guilherme Henriques de Carvalho, patriarch of Lisbon, Portugal.
- Joseph Bernet, archbishop of Aix, France.

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Conclave of February 18 to 20, 1878 (Leo XIII)

Sixty-one of the sixty-four cardinals participated in the conclave. Cardinal Gioacchino Pecci, camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church and archbishop-bishop of Perugia, was elected in the third ballot. He took the name Leo XIII, and succeeded Pope Pius IX, who died on February 7, 1878.

- Luigi Amat di San Filippo e Sorso, bishop of Ostia e Velletri, dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals.
- Camillo di Pietro, bishop of Porto e Santa Rufina, sub-dean of the Sacred College of Cardinals.
- Carlo Sacconi, bishop of Palestrina, prefect of the Tribunal of the Apostolic Signature of Justice.
- Filippo Maria Guidi, O. P., bishop of Frascati.
- Luigi Maria Bilio, B., bishop of Sabina.
- Carlo Luigi Morichini, bishop of Albano.
- Friedrich Johannes Jacob Celestin von Schwarzenberg, prince-archbishop of Prague, Bohemia, Austria-Hungary.
- Fabio Maria Asquini, secretary of Apostolic Briefs.
- Domenico Carafa della Spina, archbishop of Benevento, Italy.
- François-Auguste-Ferdinand Donnet, archbishop of Bordeaux, France.
- Gioacchino Pecci, camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church, archbishop-bishop of Perugia, Italy. (Elected Pope Leo XIII)
- Antonio Benedetto Antonucci, archbishop-bishop of Ancona, Italy.
- Anton Maria Panebianco, O.F.M.Conv.
- Antonino Saverio de Luca, prefect of the S.C. of the Index.
- Jean-Baptiste Pitra, O. S. B., librarian and archivist of the Holy Roman Church.
- Henri-Marie-Gaston de Boisnormand de Bonnechose, archbishop of Rouen, France.
- Gustav Adolf von Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst.
- Lucien-Louis-Joseph-Napoléon Bonaparte.
- Innocenzo Ferrieri, prefect of the S.C. of Indulgences.
- Giuseppe Berardi.
- Juan de la Cruz Ignacio Moreno y Maisonave, archbishop of Toledo, Spain.
- Raffaele Monaco La Valletta.
- Inácio do Nascimento Moraes Cardoso, patriarch of Lisbon, Portugal.
- René-François Régnier, archbishop of Cambrai, France.
- Flavio Chigi.
- Alessandro Franchi.
- Joseph-Hippolyte Guibert, O.M.I., archbishop of Paris, France.
- Luigi Oreglia di Santo Stefano.
- János Simor, archbishop of Esztergom, Austria-Hungary.
- Tommaso Maria Martinelli, O.E.S.A.
- Ruggero Luigi Emidio Antici Mattei.
- Pietro Giannelli.
- Mieczyslaw Halka Ledóchowski, archbishop of Gnesen and Posen, Poland, Prussia.
- Henry Edward Manning, archbishop of Westminster, England.
- Victor-Auguste-Isidor Deschamps, C.SS.R., archbishop of Mechlin, Belgium.
- Giovanni Simeoni.
- Domenico Bartolini.
- Bartolomeo D'Avanzo.
- Johannes Baptist Franzelin, S. J.
- Francisco de Paula Benavides y Navarrete, archbisop of Granada, Spain.
- Francesco Saverio Apuzzo, archbishop of Capua, Italy.
- Manuel García y Gil, O. P., archbishop of Saragossa, Spain.
- Edward Henry Howard of Norfolk.
- Miguel Payá y Rico, archbishop of Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
- Louis-Marie-Joseph-Eusèbe Caverot, archbishop of Lyon, France.
- Luigi Di Canossa, bishop of Verona, Italy.
- Luigi Serafini, bishop of Viterbo, Italy.
- Josip Mihalovic, archbishop of Zagreb, Croatia, Austria-Hungary.
- Johann Rudolf Kutschker, archbishop of Vienna, Austria-Hungary.
- Lucido Maria Parocchi, archbishop of Bologna, Italy.
- Vincenzo Moretti, archbishop of Ravenna, Italy.
- Antonio Pellegrini.
- Prospero Caterini, prefect of the S.C. of the Council.
- Teodolfo Mertel.
- Domenico Consolini, president of the Camera degli Spogli.
- Edoardo Borromeo, prefect of the S.C. of the Fabric of Saint Peter's.
- Lorenzo Ilarione Randi.
- Bartolomeo Pacca, iuniore.
- Lorenzo Nina.
- Enea Sbarretti.
- Frédéric de Falloux de Coudray.

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Cardinal Godefroy Brossais-Saint-Marc, archbishop of Rennes, France, could not participate because of illness.
Cardinals Paul Cullen, archbishop of Dublin, Ireland, and John McCloskey, archbishop of New York, United States of America, arrived after the election had taken place.

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