Re: Redistribution of graphics that includes Gentoo logo (original) (raw)

On Sun, 01 Jul 2007, Krzysztof Burghardt wrote:

I'd like to ask if Debian packages can include graphic that includes Gentoo logo. And if so which conditions those packages need to meet. Gentoo logo artwork license is available at

I'm asking about this because Gentoo logo have two different license for commercial and not commercial use. And I decided to remove GRUB splash screen that shows Gentoo logo form grub-splashsimages package, as it was requested in bug #266480.

This is the correct option; the logo either should be removed, replaced with the open use debian logo, replaced with a freely licensed image of your choice, or replaced with an empty image. [The main problem with the Gentoo logo is that it doesn't have a licence statement which allows users to modify the logo.]

The decision as to which solution to use is of course the maintainer's.

Don Armstrong

-- PowerPoint is symptomatic of a certain type of bureaucratic environment: one typified by interminable presentations with lots of fussy little bullet-points and flashy dissolves and soundtracks masked into the background, to try to convince the audience that the goon behind the computer has something significant to say. -- Charles Stross The Jennifer Morgue p33

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