Basic Data Types and Interfaces — SVG 2 (original) (raw)


    1. 4.1. Definitions
    2. 4.2. Attribute syntax
      1. 4.2.1. Real number precision
      2. 4.2.2. Clamping values which are restricted to a particular range
    3. 4.3. SVG DOM overview
      1. 4.3.1. Dependencies for SVG DOM support
      2. 4.3.2. Naming conventions
      3. 4.3.3. Elements in the SVG DOM
      4. 4.3.4. Reflecting content attributes in the DOM
      5. 4.3.5. Synchronizing reflected values
      6. 4.3.6. Reflecting an empty initial value
      7. 4.3.7. Invalid values
    4. 4.4. DOM interfaces for SVG elements
      1. 4.4.1. Interface SVGElement
      2. 4.4.2. Interface SVGGraphicsElement
      3. 4.4.3. Interface SVGGeometryElement
    5. 4.5. DOM interfaces for basic data types
      1. 4.5.1. Interface SVGNumber
      2. 4.5.2. Interface SVGLength
      3. 4.5.3. Interface SVGAngle
      4. 4.5.4. List interfaces
      5. 4.5.5. Interface SVGNumberList
      6. 4.5.6. Interface SVGLengthList
      7. 4.5.7. Interface SVGStringList
    6. 4.6. DOM interfaces for reflecting animatable SVG attributes
      1. 4.6.1. Interface SVGAnimatedBoolean
      2. 4.6.2. Interface SVGAnimatedEnumeration
      3. 4.6.3. Interface SVGAnimatedInteger
      4. 4.6.4. Interface SVGAnimatedNumber
      5. 4.6.5. Interface SVGAnimatedLength
      6. 4.6.6. Interface SVGAnimatedAngle
      7. 4.6.7. Interface SVGAnimatedString
      8. 4.6.8. Interface SVGAnimatedRect
      9. 4.6.9. Interface SVGAnimatedNumberList
      10. 4.6.10. Interface SVGAnimatedLengthList
    7. 4.7. Other DOM interfaces
      1. 4.7.1. Interface SVGUnitTypes
      2. 4.7.2. Mixin SVGTests
      3. 4.7.3. Mixin SVGFitToViewBox
      4. 4.7.4. Mixin SVGURIReference

4.1. Definitions

initial value

The initial value of an attribute or property is the value used when that attribute or property is not specified, or when it has aninvalid value. This value is to be used for the purposes of rendering, calculatinganimation values, and when accessing the attribute or property via DOM interfaces.

invalid value

An invalid value specified for a property, either in a style sheet or a presentation attribute, is one that is either not allowed according to the grammar defining the property's values, or is allowed by the grammar but subsequently disallowed in prose. A CSS declaration with an invalid value isignored.

4.2. Attribute syntax

In this specification, attributes are defined with an attribute definition table, which looks like this:

Name Value Initial value Animatable
exampleattr | none none yes

In the Value column is a description of the attribute's syntax. There are six methods for describing an attribute's syntax:

  1. Using the CSS Value Definition Syntax [css-values]. This is the notation used to define the syntax for most attributes in this specification and is the default.
  2. By reference to anEBNF symbol defined in this or another specification [xml]. For external definitions, this is indicated by [EBNF] appearing in the Value column.
  3. By reference to anABNF symbol defined in another specification [rfc5234]. This is indicated by [ABNF] appearing in the Value column.
  4. As a URL as defined by the URL Standard [URL]. This is indicated by[URL] appearing in the Value column.
  5. As a type as defined by the HTML Standard [HTML]. This is indicated by[HTML] appearing in the Value column.
  6. In prose, below the attribute definition table. This is indicated by the text "(see below)" appearing in the Value column.

When a presentation attributedefined using the CSS Value Definition Syntax is parsed, this is done as follows:

  1. Let value be the value of the attribute.
  2. Let grammar be the grammar given in the attribute definition table's Value column.
  3. Replace all instances of in grammar with [ | ].
  4. Replace all instances of in grammar with [ | ].
  5. Replace all instances of in grammar with [ | ].
  6. Return the result ofparsingvalue with grammar.

The insertion of the symbols allows for unitless length and angles to be used in presentation attribute while disallowing them in corresponding property values.

Note that all presentation attributes, since they are defined by reference to their corresponding CSS properties, are defined using the CSS Value Definition Syntax.

When any other attribute defined using the CSS Value Definition Syntax is parsed, this is done byparsing the attribute's value according to the grammar given in attribute definition table.

Note that this allows CSS comments and escapes to be used in such attributes. For example, a value of '10\px/**/'would successfully parse as '10px' in the ‘x’ presentation attribute of the ‘rect’ element.

When an attribute defined as a URL is parsed, this is done by invoking theURL parser with the attribute's value as input and the document's URL asbase [URL].

The Initial value column gives the initial value for the attribute. When an attribute fails to parse according to the specified CSS Value Definition Syntax, ABNF or EBNF grammar, or if parsing according to the URL Standard or by the prose describing how to parse the attribute indicates failure, the attribute is assumed to have been specified as the given initial value.

The initial value of a presentation attribute is its corresponding property's initial value. Since the use of an invalid value in a presentation attribute will be treated as if the initial value was specified, this value can override values that come from lower priority style sheet rules, such as those from the user agent style sheet.

For example, although the user agent style sheet sets the value of theoverflow property to hidden for ‘svg’ elements, specifying an invalid presentation attribute such as overflow="invalid" will result in a rule setting overflow to visible, overriding the user agent style sheet value.

The Animatable column indicates whether the attribute can be animated usinganimation elements as defined in the SVG Animation module.

4.2.1. Real number precision

Unless stated otherwise, numeric values in SVG attributes and in properties that are defined to have an effect on SVG elements must support at least all finite single-precision values supported by the host architecture.

It is recommended that higher precision floating point storage and computation be performed on operations such as coordinate system transformations to provide the best possible precision and to prevent round-off errors.

conforming SVG viewersare required to perform numerical computation in accordance with their conformance class, as described in Conformance Criteria.

4.2.2. Clamping values which are restricted to a particular range

Some numeric attribute and property values have restricted ranges. Other values will be restricted by the capabilities of the device. If not otherwise specified, the user agent shall defer any out-of-range error checking until as late as possible in the rendering process. This is particularly important for device limitations, as compound operations might produce intermediate values which are out-of-range but final values which are within range.

4.3. SVG DOM overview

Conforming SVG viewers or SVG interpretersthat support script executionmust implement SVG DOM interfaces as defined throughout this specification, with the specific requirements and dependencies listed in this section.

4.3.1. Dependencies for SVG DOM support

The SVG DOM is defined in terms of Web IDLinterfaces. All IDL fragments in this specification must be interpreted as required for conforming IDL fragments, as described in the Web IDL specification. [WebIDL]

The SVG DOM builds upon a number of DOM specifications. In particular:

4.3.2. Naming conventions

The SVG DOM follows similar naming conventions to HTML and DOM standards ([HTML], [DOM]).

All names are defined as one or more English words concatenated together to form a single string. Property or method names start with the initial keyword in lowercase, and each subsequent word starts with a capital letter. For example, a property that returns document meta information such as the date the file was created might be named "fileDateCreated".

Interface names defined in this specification nearly all start with "SVG". Interfaces that represent the DOM Element object for an SVG-namespaced element follow the formatSVG_ElementName_Element, where _ElementName_is the element's tag name with the initial letter capitalized. So SVGRadialGradientElement is the interface for an ‘radialGradient’ element.

An exception to this casing convention is SVGSVGElement, in which the entire tag name is capitalized.

4.3.3. Elements in the SVG DOM

Any SVG software that is required to support the SVG DOM must enhance the DOM elements created for SVG document fragmentsas follows:

In The ‘rect’ element, the SVGRectElement interface is identified. This means that everyElement object whose namespace URI is "" and whose local name is "rect" must also implement SVGRectElement.

4.3.4. Reflecting content attributes in the DOM

Many SVG DOM properties (IDL attributes)reflect a content attribute or property on the corresponding element, meaning that content and IDL attributes represent the same underlying data. For example, the SVGAnimatedLength ry in anSVGRectElementreflects the ry presentation attribute on the associated ‘rect’ element.

The way this reflection is done depends on the type of the IDL attribute:

This relationship is live, and values must be synchronized (following the rules in Synchronizing reflected values) when either the attribute or its reflected property is modified.

If the attribute hasn't been specified explicitly in the document markup, the reflected object is nonetheless initialized upon access, to the attribute's initial value. If the attribute's initial value is (none), the object is initialized as defined inReflecting an empty initial value. This newly constructed object does not generate an attribute on the element until it is modified for the first time. Modifications made to the corresponding attribute are immediately reflected in the object.

If lineElement.x1.baseVal is accessed (where lineElement is an instance of SVGLineElement) and the ‘x1’ attribute was not specified in the document, the returned SVGLength object would represent the value 0 user units, because the initial value for the attribute is 0.

4.3.5. Synchronizing reflected values

Whenever a reflected content attribute's base value changes, then the reflecting object must be synchronized, immediately after the value changed, by running the following steps:

  1. If the reflecting object is a list interface object, then run the steps for synchronizing a list interface object.
  2. Otherwise, update the object's value to be the base value of the reflected content attribute (using the attribute's initial value if it is not present or invalid).
    This will, for example, update the value of an SVGLength object.

When a reflected content attribute is to bereserialized, optionally using a specific value, the following steps must be performed:

  1. Let value be the specific value given, or the value of the content attribute's reflecting IDL attribute if a specific value was not provided.
  2. Depending on value's type:
    Reserialize the content attribute usingvalue's baseVal member.
    1. Let number be the value of value's baseVal member.
    2. Let keyword be the content attribute's keyword value corresponding to number, or the empty string if number is 0.
      This means that if the enumeration value is somehow set to the "unknown" value, the content attribute will be set to the empty string. However, this unknown value can never be set directly on the SVGAnimatedEnumeration object; it represents an unknown attribute value set in the markup.
    3. Set the content attribute to keyword.
      Set the content attribute to "true" if value is true, and "false" otherwise.
      Set the content attribute to an implementation specific string that, if parsed as a using CSS syntax, would return the number value closest to value, given the implementation's supported real number precision.
      Set the content attribute to the value that would be returned from getting value's valueAsString member.
      Set the content attribute to the value that would be returned from getting value's valueAsString member.
    4. Let components be a list of four values, being the values of thex,y,width andheight members of value.
    5. Let serialized components be a list of four strings, where each is an implementation specific string that, if parsed as a using CSS syntax, would return the number value closest to the corresponding value in components, given the implementation's supported real number precision.
    6. Set the content attribute to a string consisting of the strings inserialized components joined and separated by single U+0020 SPACE characters.
      Set the content attribute to value.
    7. Let elements be the list of values in value.
      The values will be SVGNumber, SVGLength,DOMPoint or SVGTransform objects, or DOMString values, depending on value's type.
    8. Let serialized elements be a list of strings, where each string is formed based on the corresponding value in elements and its type:
      an SVGNumber object
      The string is an implementation specific string that, if parsed as a using CSS syntax, would return the number value closest to the SVGNumber object'svalue member, given the implementation's supported real number precision.
      an SVGLength object
      The string is the value that would be returned from getting the value's valueAsString member.
      a DOMPoint object
      The string value is computed as follows:
      1. Let string be an empty string.
      2. Let x and y be the values of theDOMPoint object's x and y coordinates, respectively.
      3. Append to string an implementation specific string that, if parsed as using CSS syntax, would return the number value closest to x, given the implementation's supported real number precision.
      4. Append a single U+002C COMMA character to string.
      5. Append to string an implementation specific string that, if parsed as using CSS syntax, would return the number value closest to y, given the implementation's supported real number precision.
      6. The string is string.
        a SVGTransform object
        The string is the serialization of the SVGTransform object's matrix object.
        a DOMString
        The string is the DOMString's value itself.
    9. Set the content attribute to a string consisting of the strings inserialized elements joined and separated by single U+0020 SPACE characters.

4.3.6. Reflecting an empty initial value

When initializing an SVG DOM attribute that reflects a null or empty initial value, then the property must be initialized according to its data type, as defined in this section. This occurs only if there is no explicit value for the reflected content attribute, and the initial value in the attribute's definition table is (none).

If an interface is not listed below that means that the object initialization shall be done using the values for the objects that the interface contains, e.g., an SVGAnimatedString consists of two DOMString members, while a DOMRect consists of many doubles.


Initialized as the empty string ("").




Any other numeric type defined in WebIDL

Initialized as 0.


Initialized as false.


Initialized as 0 user units (SVG_LENGTHTYPE_NUMBER).






Initialized as the empty list.


Initialized as 0 in unspecified units (SVG_ANGLETYPE_UNSPECIFIED).


Initialized as 'xMidYMid meet'.

If textElement.dx.baseVal is accessed (where textElement is an instance of SVGTextElement) and the ‘dx’ attribute was not specified in the document, the returned SVGLengthList object would be empty.

4.3.7. Invalid values

If a script sets a reflected DOM attribute to an invalid value for the content attribute (e.g., a negative number for an attribute that requires a non-negative number), unless this specification indicates otherwise, no exception shall be raised on setting, but the given document fragment shall become technically in error as described inError processing.

DOM attributes that reflect enumerated values using integer constants are an exception: these throw a TypeError when set to an out-of-range integer, or to the constant (0) that represents an unknown attribute value. This is consistent with thebehavior of the WebIDL enumeration type[WebIDL].

4.4. DOM interfaces for SVG elements

4.4.1. Interface SVGElement

All of the SVG DOM interfaces that correspond directly to elements in the SVG language (such as the SVGPathElement interface for the‘path’ element) derive from the SVGElement interface.

The CSSOM specificationaugments SVGElement with a style IDL attribute, so that the ‘style’attribute can be accessed in the same way as on HTML elements.

[Exposed=Window] interface SVGElement : Element {

[SameObject] readonly attribute SVGAnimatedString className;

readonly attribute SVGSVGElement? ownerSVGElement; readonly attribute SVGElement? viewportElement; };

SVGElement includes GlobalEventHandlers; SVGElement includes DocumentAndElementEventHandlers; SVGElement includes SVGElementInstance; SVGElement includes HTMLOrSVGElement;

The className IDL attributereflects the ‘class’ attribute.

This attribute is deprecated and may be removed in a future version of this specification. Authors are advised to use Element.classList instead.

The classNameattribute on SVGElement overrides the correspond attribute onElement, following the WebIDL rules forinheritance.

The ownerSVGElement IDL attribute represents the nearest ancestor ‘svg’ element. On gettingownerSVGElement, the nearest ancestor ‘svg’ element is returned; if the current element is the outermost svg element, then null is returned.

The viewportElement IDL attribute represents the element that provides the SVG viewport for the current element. On gettingviewport, the nearest ancestor element that establishes an SVG viewport is returned; if the current element is the outermost svg element, then null is returned.

4.4.2. Interface SVGGraphicsElement

The SVGGraphicsElement interface represents SVG elements whose primary purpose is to directly render graphics into a group.

dictionary SVGBoundingBoxOptions { boolean fill = true; boolean stroke = false; boolean markers = false; boolean clipped = false; };

[Exposed=Window] interface SVGGraphicsElement : SVGElement { [SameObject] readonly attribute SVGAnimatedTransformList transform;

DOMRect getBBox(optional SVGBoundingBoxOptions options = {}); DOMMatrix? getCTM(); DOMMatrix? getScreenCTM(); };

SVGGraphicsElement includes SVGTests;

The transform IDL attributereflects the computed value of the transform property and its corresponding ‘transform’ presentation attribute.

The getBBox method is used to compute the bounding box of the current element. When the getBBox(options) method is called, the bounding box algorithmis invoked for the current element, with fill, stroke, markersand clipped members of the options dictionary argument used to control which parts of the element are included in the bounding box, using the element's user coordinate system as the coordinate system to return the bounding box in. A newly created DOMRect object that defines the computed bounding box is returned. If getBBox gets called on a non-rendered element, and the UA is not able to compute the geometry of the element, then throw an InvalidStateError.

The getCTM method is used to get the matrix that transforms the current element's coordinate system to its SVG viewport's coordinate system. When getCTM() is called, the following steps are run:

  1. If the current element is not in the document, then return null.
  2. If the current element is a non-rendered element, and the UA is not able to resolve the style of the element, then return null.
  3. Let ctm be a matrix determined based on what the current element is:
    the current element is the outermost svg element
    ctm is a matrix that transforms the coordinate space of the ‘svg’ (including its transform property) to the coordinate space of the document's viewport. The matrix includes the transforms produced by the ‘viewBox’ and ‘preserveAspectRatio’ attributes, the transform property, and any transform due to currentScale and currentTranslate properties on the SVGSVGElement.
    any other element
    ctm is a matrix that transforms the coordinate space of the current element (including its transform property) to the coordinate space of its closest ancestor viewport-establishing element (also including its transform property).
  4. Return a newly created, detached DOMMatrix object that represents the same matrix as ctm.

The getScreenCTM method is used to get the matrix that transforms the current element's coordinate system to the coordinate system of the SVG viewport for the SVG document fragment. When getScreenCTM() is called, the following steps are run:

  1. If the current element is not in the document, then return null.
  2. If the current element is a non-rendered element, and the UA is not able to resolve the style of the element, then return null.
  3. Let ctm be a matrix that transforms the coordinate space of the current element (including its transform property) to the coordinate space of the document's viewport.
    This will include:
  4. Return a newly created, detached DOMMatrix object that represents the same matrix as ctm.

This method would have been more aptly named as getClientCTM, but the name getScreenCTM is kept for historical reasons.

4.4.3. Interface SVGGeometryElement

Interface SVGGeometryElement represents SVG elements whose rendering is defined by geometry with an equivalent path, and which can be filled and stroked. This includes paths and the basic shapes.

[Exposed=Window] interface SVGGeometryElement : SVGGraphicsElement { [SameObject] readonly attribute SVGAnimatedNumber pathLength;

boolean isPointInFill(optional DOMPointInit point = {}); boolean isPointInStroke(optional DOMPointInit point = {}); float getTotalLength(); DOMPoint getPointAtLength(float distance); };

The isPointInFill method, when invoked, must return true if the point given by point passed to the method, in the coordinate space of an element, is inside the intended path as determined by the winding rule indicated by the fill-rule property of an element; and must return false otherwise. Open subpaths must be implicitly closed when computing the area inside the path, without affecting the actual subpaths. Points on the path itself must be considered to be inside the path. The returned value is independent of any visual CSS property but fill-ruleIf either of the x or y properties on point are infinite or NaN, then the method must return false. If current element is a non-rendered element, and the UA is not able to compute the geometry of the element, then throw an InvalidStateError.

isPointInFill takes the winding rule indicated by the fill-rule property of an element even if the element is a child of a ‘clipPath’ element.

isPointInFill is aligned with the isPointInPath method on the CanvasDrawPath mixin as much as the SVG context allows it to be.

The isPointInStroke method, when invoked, must return true if the point given by point passed to the method, in the coordinate space of an element, is in or on the outline path of an applied stroke on an element; and must return false otherwise. The outline path must take the stroke properties stroke-width,stroke-linecap, stroke-linejoin, stroke-miterlimit, stroke-dasharray,stroke-dashoffset and vector-effect of an element into account. See sectionsComputing the shape of the stroke andVector effects for details. The returned value is independent of any visual CSS property but the listed stroke properties. If either of the x or y properties on point are infinite or NaN, then the method must return false. If current element is a non-rendered element, and the UA is not able to compute the geometry of the element, then throw an InvalidStateError.

isPointInStroke is aligned with the isPointInStroke method on the CanvasDrawPath mixin as much as the SVG context allows it to be.

The pathLength IDL attributereflects the ‘pathLength’ content attribute.

The getTotalLength method is used to compute the length of the path. When getTotalLength() is called, the user agent's computed value for the total length of the path, in user units, is returned. If current element is a non-rendered element, and the UA is not able to compute the total length of the path, then throw an InvalidStateError.

The user agent's computed path length does not take the‘pathLength’ attribute into account.

The getPointAtLength method is used to return the point at a given distance along the path. When getPointAtLength(distance) is called, the following steps are run:

  1. If current element is a non-rendered element, and the UA is not able to compute the total length of the path, then throw an InvalidStateError.
  2. Let length be the user agent's computed value for the total length of the path, in user units.
    As with getTotalLength, this does not take into account the ‘pathLength’ attribute.
  3. Clamp distance to [0, length].
  4. Let (x, y) be the point on the path at distancedistance.
  5. Return a newly created, detached DOMPoint object representing the point (x, y).

4.5. DOM interfaces for basic data types

4.5.1. Interface SVGNumber

The SVGNumber interface is used primarily to represent a value that is a part of an SVGNumberList. Individual SVGNumberobjects can also be created by script.

An SVGNumber object can be designated as read only, which means that attempts to modify the object will result in an exception being thrown, as described below.SVGNumber objects reflected through the animVal IDL attribute are always_read only_.

An SVGNumber object can be _associated_with a particular element. The associated element is used to determine which element's content attribute to update if the object reflectsan attribute. Unless otherwise described, an SVGNumber object is not associated with any element.

An SVGNumber object maintains an internal number value, which is called its value.

[Exposed=Window] interface SVGNumber { attribute float value; };

The value IDL attribute represents the number. On getting value, the SVGNumber's value is returned.

On setting value, the following steps are run:

  1. If the SVGNumber is read only, thenthrow a NoModificationAllowedError.
  2. Set the SVGNumber's value to the value being assigned to the value member.
  3. If the SVGNumber reflects an element of the base value of a reflected attribute, then reserialize the reflected attribute.

4.5.2. Interface SVGLength

The SVGLength interface is used to represent a value that can be a , or value.

An SVGLength object can be designated as read only, which means that attempts to modify the object will result in an exception being thrown, as described below.SVGLength objects reflected through the animVal IDL attribute are always_read only_.

An SVGLength object can be _associated_with a particular element, as well as being designated with a directionality: horizontal, vertical or unspecified. The associated element and the directionality of the length are used to resolve percentage values to user units and is also used to determine which element's content attribute to update if the object reflectsan attribute. Unless otherwise described, an SVGLength object is not associated with any element and has unspecified directionality.

An SVGLength object maintains an internal or or value, which is called itsvalue.

[Exposed=Window] interface SVGLength {

// Length Unit Types const unsigned short SVG_LENGTHTYPE_UNKNOWN = 0; const unsigned short SVG_LENGTHTYPE_NUMBER = 1; const unsigned short SVG_LENGTHTYPE_PERCENTAGE = 2; const unsigned short SVG_LENGTHTYPE_EMS = 3; const unsigned short SVG_LENGTHTYPE_EXS = 4; const unsigned short SVG_LENGTHTYPE_PX = 5; const unsigned short SVG_LENGTHTYPE_CM = 6; const unsigned short SVG_LENGTHTYPE_MM = 7; const unsigned short SVG_LENGTHTYPE_IN = 8; const unsigned short SVG_LENGTHTYPE_PT = 9; const unsigned short SVG_LENGTHTYPE_PC = 10;

readonly attribute unsigned short unitType; attribute float value; attribute float valueInSpecifiedUnits; attribute DOMString valueAsString;

undefined newValueSpecifiedUnits(unsigned short unitType, float valueInSpecifiedUnits); undefined convertToSpecifiedUnits(unsigned short unitType); };

The numeric length unit type constants defined on SVGLength are used to represent the type of an SVGLength's value. Their meanings are as follows:

Constant Meaning
SVG_LENGTHTYPE_NUMBER A unitless interpreted as a value in px.
SVG_LENGTHTYPE_EMS A with an em unit.
SVG_LENGTHTYPE_EXS A with an ex unit.
SVG_LENGTHTYPE_PX A with a px unit.
SVG_LENGTHTYPE_CM A with a cm unit.
SVG_LENGTHTYPE_MM A with a mm unit.
SVG_LENGTHTYPE_IN A with an in unit.
SVG_LENGTHTYPE_PT A with a pt unit.
SVG_LENGTHTYPE_PC A with a pc unit.
SVG_LENGTHTYPE_UNKNOWN Some other type of value.

The use of numeric length unit type constants is an anti-pattern and new constant values will not be introduced for any other units or length types supported bySVGLength. If other types of lengths are supported and used, the SVGLengthuses the SVG_LENGTHTYPE_UNKNOWNunit type. See below for details on how the other properties of an SVGLengthoperate with these types of lengths.

The unitType IDL attribute represents the type of value that the SVGLength's value is. On getting unitType, the following steps are run:

  1. If the SVGLength's value is a unitless, a , or a with anem,ex,px,cm,mm,in,pt orpc unit, then return the corresponding constant value from the length unit type table above.
  2. Otherwise, return SVG_LENGTHTYPE_UNKNOWN.
    For example, for a with a ch unit or one that has a non-scalar value such as calc(),SVG_LENGTHTYPE_UNKNOWN would be returned.

The value IDL attribute represents the SVGLength's value in user units. On getting value, the following steps are run:

  1. Let value be the SVGLength's value.
  2. If value is a , return that number.
  3. Let viewport size be a basis to resolve percentages against, based on the SVGLength'sassociated element anddirectionality:
    has no associated element
    size is 100
    has an associated element and horizontal directionality
    size is the width of the associated element's SVG viewport
    has an associated element and vertical directionality
    size is the height of the associated element's SVG viewport
    has an associated element and unspecified directionality
    size is the length of the associated element's SVG viewport diagonal (see Units)
  4. Let font size be a basis to resolve font size values against, based on the SVGLength's associated element:
    has no associated element
    font size is the absolute length of the initial value of the font-size property
    has an associated element
    size is the computed value of the associated element's font-size property
  5. Return the result of converting value to an absolute length, using viewport size and font size as percentage and font size bases. If the conversion is not possible due to the lack of anassociated element, return 0.

On setting value, the following steps are run:

  1. If the SVGLength object is read only, thenthrow a NoModificationAllowedError.
  2. Let value be the value being assigned tovalue.
  3. Set the SVGLength's value to a whose value is value.
  4. If the SVGLength reflects the base value of a reflected attribute,reflects a presentation attribute, orreflects an element of the base value of a reflected attribute, then reserialize the reflected attribute.

The valueInSpecifiedUnits IDL attribute represents the numeric factor of the SVGLength's value. On getting valueInSpecifiedUnits, the following steps are run:

  1. Let value be the SVGLength's value.
  2. If value is a , return that number.
  3. Otherwise, if value is a or any scalar value, return the numeric factor before its unit.
  4. Otherwise, return 0.
    Thus valueInSpecifiedUnits would return 12 for both '12%' and12em, but 0 would be returned for non-scalar values likecalc(12px + 5%).

On setting valueInSpecifiedUnits, the following steps are run:

  1. If the SVGLength object is read only, thenthrow a NoModificationAllowedError.
  2. Let value be the value being assigned tovalueInSpecifiedUnits.
  3. If the SVGLength's value is a, then update its value to value.
  4. Otherwise, if the SVGLength's value is a or a scalar-valued , then update its numeric factor to value.
  5. Otherwise, the SVGLength's value is of some other type. Set it to a whose value is value.
  6. If the SVGLength reflects the base value of a reflected attribute orreflects an element of the base value of a reflected attribute, then reserialize the reflected attribute.

The valueAsString IDL attribute represents the SVGLength's value as a string. On getting valueAsString, the following steps are run:

  1. Let value be the SVGLength's value.
  2. Let string be an empty string.
  3. If value is a , or scalar value, then:
    1. Let factor be value's numeric factor, if it is a or , or value itself it is a .
    2. Append to string an implementation specific string that, if parsed as a using CSS syntax, would return the number value closest to factor, given the implementation's supported real number precision.
    3. If value is a then append tostring a single U+0025 PERCENT SIGN character.
    4. Otherwise, if value is a , then append to string the canonical spelling ofvalue's unit.
    5. Return string.
  4. Otherwise, return an implementation specific string that, if parsed as a , would return the closest length value to value, given the implementation's supported real number precision.

On setting valueAsString, the following steps are run:

  1. If the SVGLength object is read only, thenthrow a NoModificationAllowedError.
  2. Let value be the value being assigned tovalueAsString.
  3. Parse value using the CSS syntax [ | | ].
  4. If parsing failed, then throw a SyntaxError.
  5. Otherwise, parsing succeeded. Set SVGLength's value to the parsed value.
  6. If the SVGLength reflects the base value of a reflected attribute orreflects an element of the base value of a reflected attribute, then reserialize the reflected attribute.

The newValueSpecifiedUnitsmethod is used to set the SVGLength's value in a typed manner. When newValueSpecifiedUnits(unitType, valueInSpecifiedUnits) is called, the following steps are run:

  1. If the SVGLength object is read only, thenthrow a NoModificationAllowedError.
  2. If unitType isSVG_LENGTHTYPE_UNKNOWN or is a value that does not appear in the length unit type table above, then throw a NotSupportedError.
  3. Set SVGLength's value depending on the value of unitType:
    a whose value is valueInSpecifiedUnits
    a whose numeric factor is valueInSpecifiedUnits
    anything else
    a whose numeric factor is valueInSpecifiedUnits and whose unit is as indicated by the length unit type table above
  4. If the SVGLength reflects the base value of a reflected attribute orreflects an element of the base value of a reflected attribute, then reserialize the reflected attribute.

The convertToSpecifiedUnitsmethod is used to convert the SVGLength's value to a specific type. When convertToSpecifiedUnits(unitType) is called, the following steps are run:

  1. If the SVGLength object is read only, thenthrow a NoModificationAllowedError.
  2. If unitType isSVG_LENGTHTYPE_UNKNOWN or is a value that does not appear in the length unit type table above, then throw a NotSupportedError.
  3. Let absolute be the value that would be returned from thevalue member.
  4. If unitType is SVG_LENGTHTYPE_NUMBER, then:
    1. Set the SVGLength's value to a whose value is absolute.
  5. Otherwise, if unitType is SVG_LENGTHTYPE_PERCENTAGE, then:
    1. Let viewport size be a basis to resolve percentages against, based on the SVGLength'sassociated element anddirectionality:
      has no associated element
      size is 100
      has an associated element and horizontal directionality
      size is the width of the associated element's SVG viewport
      has an associated element and vertical directionality
      size is the height of the associated element's SVG viewport
      has an associated element and unspecified directionality
      size is the length of the associated element's SVG viewport diagonal (see Units)
    2. Set the SVGLength's value to the result of converting absolute to a , using viewport size as the percentage basis.
  6. Otherwise, if unitType is SVG_LENGTHTYPE_EMS or SVG_LENGTHTYPE_EXS, then:
    1. Let font size be a basis to resolve font size values against, based on the SVGLength's associated element:
      has no associated element
      font size is the absolute length of the initial value of the font-size property
      has an associated element
      size is the computed value of the associated element's font-size property
    2. Set the SVGLength's value to the result of converting absolute to a with an em or ex unit (depending on unitType), using font size as the font-size basis.
  7. Otherwise:
    1. Set the SVGLength's value to the result of converting absolute to a with the unit found by looking up unitType in the length unit type table above.
  8. If the SVGLength reflects the base value of a reflected attribute orreflects an element of the base value of a reflected attribute, then reserialize the reflected attribute.

4.5.3. Interface SVGAngle

The SVGAngle interface is used to represent a value that can be an or value.

An SVGAngle object can be designated as read only, which means that attempts to modify the object will result in an exception being thrown, as described below. An SVGAngle reflected through the animVal attribute is always read only.

An SVGAngle object can be _associated_with a particular element. The associated element is used to determine which element's content attribute to update if the object reflectsan attribute. Unless otherwise described, an SVGAngle object is not associated with any element.

An SVGAngle object maintains an internal or value, which is called its value.

[Exposed=Window] interface SVGAngle {

// Angle Unit Types const unsigned short SVG_ANGLETYPE_UNKNOWN = 0; const unsigned short SVG_ANGLETYPE_UNSPECIFIED = 1; const unsigned short SVG_ANGLETYPE_DEG = 2; const unsigned short SVG_ANGLETYPE_RAD = 3; const unsigned short SVG_ANGLETYPE_GRAD = 4;

readonly attribute unsigned short unitType; attribute float value; attribute float valueInSpecifiedUnits; attribute DOMString valueAsString;

undefined newValueSpecifiedUnits(unsigned short unitType, float valueInSpecifiedUnits); undefined convertToSpecifiedUnits(unsigned short unitType); };

The numeric angle unit type constants defined on SVGAngle are used to represent the type of an SVGAngle's value. Their meanings are as follows:

Constant Meaning
SVG_ANGLETYPE_UNSPECIFIED A unitless interpreted as a value in degrees.
SVG_ANGLETYPE_DEG An with a deg unit.
SVG_ANGLETYPE_RAD An with a rad unit.
SVG_ANGLETYPE_GRAD An with a grad unit.
SVG_ANGLETYPE_UNKNOWN Some other type of value.

The use of numeric angle unit type constants is an anti-pattern and new constant values will not be introduced for any other units or angle types supported bySVGAngle. If other types of angles are supported and used, the SVGAngleuses the SVG_ANGLETYPE_UNKNOWNunit type. See below for details on how the other properties of an SVGAngleoperate with these types of angles.

The unitType IDL attribute represents the type of value that the SVGAngle's value is. On getting unitType, the following steps are run:

  1. If the SVGAngle's value is a unitless or a with adeg,rad orgrad unit, then return the corresponding constant value from the angle unit type table above.
  2. Otherwise, return SVG_ANGLETYPE_UNKNOWN.
    For example, for an with a turn unit, SVG_ANGLETYPE_UNKNOWN would be returned.

The value IDL attribute represents the SVGAngle's value in degrees. On getting value, the following steps are run:

  1. Let value be the SVGAngle's value.
  2. If value is a , return that number.
  3. Return the result of converting value to an angle in degrees.

On setting value, the following steps are run:

  1. If the SVGAngle object is read only, thenthrow a NoModificationAllowedError.
  2. Let value be the value being assigned tovalue.
  3. Set the SVGAngle's value to a whose value is value.
  4. If the SVGAngle reflects the base value of a reflected attribute, then reserialize the reflected attribute.

The valueInSpecifiedUnits IDL attribute represents the numeric factor of the SVGAngle's value. On getting valueInSpecifiedUnits, the following steps are run:

  1. Let value be the SVGAngle's value.
  2. If value is a , return that number.
  3. Otherwise, value is an value. Return the numeric factor before its unit.

On setting valueInSpecifiedUnits, the following steps are run:

  1. If the SVGAngle object is read only, thenthrow a NoModificationAllowedError.
  2. Let value be the value being assigned tovalueInSpecifiedUnits.
  3. If the SVGAngle's value is a, then update its value to value.
  4. Otherwise, if the SVGAngle's value is an , then update its numeric factor to value.
  5. If the SVGAngle reflects the base value of a reflected attribute orreflects an element of the base value of a reflected attribute, then reserialize the reflected attribute.

The valueAsString IDL attribute represents the SVGAngle's value as a string. On getting valueAsString, the following steps are run:

  1. Let value be the SVGAngle's value.
  2. Let string be an empty string.
  3. Let factor be value's numeric factor, if it is an , or value itself it is a .
  4. Append to string an implementation specific string that, if parsed as a using CSS syntax, would return the number value closest to factor, given the implementation's supported real number precision.
  5. If value is an , then append to string the canonical spelling ofvalue's unit.
  6. Return string.

On setting valueAsString, the following steps are run:

  1. If the SVGAngle object is read only, thenthrow a NoModificationAllowedError.
  2. Let value be the value being assigned tovalueAsString.
  3. Parse value using the CSS syntax [ | ].
  4. If parsing failed, then throw a SyntaxError.
  5. Otherwise, parsing succeeded. Set SVGAngle's value to the parsed value.
  6. If the SVGAngle reflects the base value of a reflected attribute orreflects an element of the base value of a reflected attribute, then reserialize the reflected attribute.

The newValueSpecifiedUnitsmethod is used to set the SVGAngle's value in a typed manner. When newValueSpecifiedUnits(unitType, valueInSpecifiedUnits) is called, the following steps are run:

  1. If the SVGAngle object is read only, thenthrow a NoModificationAllowedError.
  2. If unitType isSVG_ANGLETYPE_UNKNOWN or is a value that does not appear in the angle unit type table above, then throw a NotSupportedError.
  3. Set SVGAngle's value depending on the value of unitType:
    a whose value is valueInSpecifiedUnits
    anything else
    an whose numeric factor is valueInSpecifiedUnits and whose unit is as indicated by the angle unit type table above
  4. If the SVGAngle reflects the base value of a reflected attribute orreflects an element of the base value of a reflected attribute, then reserialize the reflected attribute.

The convertToSpecifiedUnitsmethod is used to convert the SVGAngle's value to a specific type. When convertToSpecifiedUnits(unitType) is called, the following steps are run:

  1. If the SVGAngle object is read only, thenthrow a NoModificationAllowedError.
  2. If unitType isSVG_ANGLETYPE_UNKNOWN or is a value that does not appear in the angle unit type table above, then throw a NotSupportedError.
  3. Let degrees be the value that would be returned from thevalue member.
  4. If unitType is SVG_ANGLETYPE_UNSPECIFIED, then:
    1. Set the SVGAngle's value to a whose value is degrees.
  5. Otherwise:
    1. Set the SVGAngle's value to the result of converting degrees to an with the unit found by looking up unitType in the angle unit type table above.
  6. If the SVGAngle reflects the base value of a reflected attribute orreflects an element of the base value of a reflected attribute, then reserialize the reflected attribute.

4.5.4. List interfaces

Some SVG attributes contain lists of values, and to represent these values there are a number of SVG DOM list interfaces, one for each required element type – SVGNumberList, SVGLengthList,SVGPointList, SVGTransformList and SVGStringList. The first four are used to represent the base and animated components of SVGAnimatedNumberList, SVGAnimatedLengthList,SVGAnimatedPoints and SVGTransformList objects, while the fifth, SVGStringList, is used to reflect a few unanimated attributes that take a list of strings.

Most list interfaces take the following form:

interface SVGNameList {

readonly attribute unsigned long length; readonly attribute unsigned long numberOfItems;

undefined clear(); Type initialize(Type newItem); getter Type getItem(unsigned long index); Type insertItemBefore(Type newItem, unsigned long index); Type replaceItem(Type newItem, unsigned long index); Type removeItem(unsigned long index); Type appendItem(Type newItem); setter undefined (unsigned long index, Type newItem); };

where Name is a descriptive name for the list element's ("Number", "Length", "Point", "Transform" or "String") and Type is the IDL type of the list's elements (SVGNumber, SVGLength, DOMPoint, SVGTransform or DOMString).

The SVGTransformList interface takes the above form but has two additional methods on it.

All list interface objects apart from SVGTransformListreflect the base value of a reflected content attribute. SVGTransformList objects reflect a presentation attribute (‘transform’,‘gradientTransform’ or ‘patternTransform’). All list interface objects are associated with a particular element. Unlike SVGLength and similar objects, there are no "detached"list interface objects.

A list interface object maintains an internal list of elements, which is referred to in the text below simply as "the list". The IDL attributes and methods are used to inspect and manipulate elements of the list. The list can also be changed in response to changes to the reflected content attribute and to animation of the content attribute (or, for SVGTransformList objects, in response to changes to the computed value of the transformproperty).

A list interface object can be designated as_read only_, which means that attempts to modify the object will result in an exception being thrown, as described below. list interface objects reflected through the animVal IDL attribute are always read only.

A list interface object is synchronized by running the following steps:

  1. Let value be the base value of the reflected content attribute (using the attribute's initial value if it is not present or invalid).
  2. Let length be the number of items in the list.
  3. Let new length be the number of values in value. If value is the keyword none (as supported by the transform property), new length is 0.
  4. If the list element type is SVGNumber, SVGLength, DOMPoint or SVGTransform, then:
    1. If length > new length, then:
      1. Detach each object in the list at an index greater than or equal to new length.
      2. Truncate the list to length new length.
      3. Set length to new length.
    2. While length < new length:
      1. Let item be a newly created object of the list element type.
      2. Attach item to this list interface object.
      3. Append item to the list.
      4. Set length to length + 1.
    3. Let index be 0.
    4. While index < length:
      1. Let item be the object in the list at indexindex.
      2. Let v be the value in value at indexindex.
      3. Set item's value to v.
      4. If item is an SVGTransform object, then set the components of its matrix object to match the new transform function value.
      5. Set index to index + 1.
  5. Otherwise, the list element type is DOMString:
    1. Replace the list with a new list consisting of the values in value.

Whenever a list element object is to be detached, the following steps are run, depending on the list element type:


Set the SVGNumber to no longer beassociated with any element. If the SVGNumber is read only, set it to be no longer read only.


Set the SVGLength to no longer beassociated with any element. If the SVGLength is read only, set it to be no longer read only. Set the SVGLength to have unspecified directionality.


Set the DOMPoint to no longer beassociated with any element. If the DOMPoint is read only, set it to be no longer read only.


Set the SVGTransform to no longer beassociated with any element. If the SVGTransform is read only, set it to be no longer read only.


Nothing is done.

Whenever a list element object is to be attached, the following steps are run, depending on the list element type:

The supported property indicesof a list interface object is the set of all non-negative integers less than the length of the list.

The length andnumberOfItems IDL attributes represents the length of the list, and on getting simply return the length of the list.

The clear method is used to remove all items in the list. When clear() is called, the following steps are run:

  1. If the list is read only, then throw aNoModificationAllowedError.
  2. Detach and then remove all elements in the list.
  3. If the list reflects an attribute, or represents the base value of an object that reflects an attribute, thenreserialize the reflected attribute.

The initialize method is used to clear the list and add a single, specified value to it. When initialize(newItem) is called, the following steps are run:

  1. If the list is read only, then throw aNoModificationAllowedError.
  2. Detach and then remove all elements in the list.
  3. If newItem is an object type, and newItem is not a detached object, then set newItem to be a newly created object of the same type as newItem and which has the same (number or length) value.
  4. Attach newItem to the list interface object.
  5. Append newItem to this list.
  6. If the list reflects an attribute, or represents the base value of an object that reflects an attribute, thenreserialize the reflected attribute.
  7. Return newItem.

The getItem method is used to get an item from the list at the specified position. When getItem(index) is called, the following steps are run:

  1. If index is greater than or equal to the length of the list, then throw an IndexSizeError.
  2. Return the element in the list at position index.
    Note that if the list's element type is an object type, such as SVGLength, then a reference to that object and not a copy of it is returned.

The insertItemBeforemethod is used to insert an element into the list at a specific position. When insertItemBefore(newItem, index) is called, the following steps are run:

  1. If the list is read only, then throw aNoModificationAllowedError.
  2. If newItem is an object type, and newItem is not a detached object, then set newItem to be a newly created object of the same type as newItem and which has the same (number or length) value.
  3. If index is greater than the length of the list, then set index to be the list length.
  4. Insert newItem into the list at index index.
  5. Attach newItem to the list interface object.
  6. If the list reflects an attribute, or represents the base value of an object that reflects an attribute, thenreserialize the reflected attribute.
  7. Return newItem.

The replaceItem method is used to replace an existing item in the list with a new item. When replaceItem(newItem, index) is called, the following steps are run:

  1. If the list is read only, then throw aNoModificationAllowedError.
  2. If index is greater than or equal to the length of the list, then throw an IndexSizeError.
  3. If newItem is an object type, and newItem is not a detached object, then set newItem to be a newly created object of the same type as newItem and which has the same (number or length) value.
  4. Detach the element in the list at index index.
  5. Replace the element in the list at index index with newItem.
  6. Attach newItem to the list interface object.
  7. If the list reflects an attribute, or represents the base value of an object that reflects an attribute, thenreserialize the reflected attribute.
  8. Return newItem.

The removeItem method is used to remove an item from the list. When removeItem(index) is called, the following steps are run:

  1. If the list is read only, then throw aNoModificationAllowedError.
  2. If index is greater than or equal to the length of the list, then throw an IndexSizeError with code.
  3. Let item be the list element at index index.
  4. Detach item.
  5. Remove the list element at index index.
  6. Return item.

The appendItem method is used to append an item to the end of the list. When appendItem(newItem) is called, the following steps are run:

  1. If the list is read only, then throw aNoModificationAllowedError.
  2. If newItem is an object type, and newItem is not a detached object, then set newItem to be a newly created object of the same type as newItem and which has the same (number or length) value.
  3. Let index be the length of the list.
  4. Append newItem to the end of the list.
  5. Attach newItem to the list interface object.
  6. If the list reflects an attribute, or represents the base value of an object that reflects an attribute, thenreserialize the reflected attribute.
  7. Return newItem.

The behavior of the indexed property setteris the same as that for the replaceItemmethod.

4.5.5. Interface SVGNumberList

The SVGNumberList interface is a list interface whose elements are SVGNumber objects. An SVGNumberList object represents a list of numbers.

[Exposed=Window] interface SVGNumberList {

readonly attribute unsigned long length; readonly attribute unsigned long numberOfItems;

undefined clear(); SVGNumber initialize(SVGNumber newItem); getter SVGNumber getItem(unsigned long index); SVGNumber insertItemBefore(SVGNumber newItem, unsigned long index); SVGNumber replaceItem(SVGNumber newItem, unsigned long index); SVGNumber removeItem(unsigned long index); SVGNumber appendItem(SVGNumber newItem); setter undefined (unsigned long index, SVGNumber newItem); };

The behavior of all of the interface members of SVGNumberList are defined in the List interfaces section above.

4.5.6. Interface SVGLengthList

The SVGLengthList interface is a list interface whose elements are SVGLength objects. An SVGLengthList object represents a list of lengths.

[Exposed=Window] interface SVGLengthList {

readonly attribute unsigned long length; readonly attribute unsigned long numberOfItems;

undefined clear(); SVGLength initialize(SVGLength newItem); getter SVGLength getItem(unsigned long index); SVGLength insertItemBefore(SVGLength newItem, unsigned long index); SVGLength replaceItem(SVGLength newItem, unsigned long index); SVGLength removeItem(unsigned long index); SVGLength appendItem(SVGLength newItem); setter undefined (unsigned long index, SVGLength newItem); };

The behavior of all of the interface members of SVGLengthList are defined in the List interfaces section above.

4.5.7. Interface SVGStringList

The SVGStringList interface is a list interface whose elements are DOMString values. An SVGStringList object represents a list of strings.

[Exposed=Window] interface SVGStringList {

readonly attribute unsigned long length; readonly attribute unsigned long numberOfItems;

undefined clear(); DOMString initialize(DOMString newItem); getter DOMString getItem(unsigned long index); DOMString insertItemBefore(DOMString newItem, unsigned long index); DOMString replaceItem(DOMString newItem, unsigned long index); DOMString removeItem(unsigned long index); DOMString appendItem(DOMString newItem); setter undefined (unsigned long index, DOMString newItem); };

The behavior of all of the interface members of SVGStringList are defined in the List interfaces section above.

4.6. DOM interfaces for reflecting animatable SVG attributes

The following interfaces are used to represent the reflected value of animatable content attributes. They each consist of two component objects, representing the same data:baseVal and animVal. The baseVal (base value) object is modifiable, to update the corresponding attribute value.

In SVG 1.1, the animVal attribute of the SVG DOM interfaces represented the current animated value of the reflected attribute. In this version of SVG,animVal no longer represents the current animated value and is instead an alias of baseVal.

4.6.1. Interface SVGAnimatedBoolean

An SVGAnimatedBoolean object is used to reflect an animatable attribute that takes a boolean value.

[Exposed=Window] interface SVGAnimatedBoolean { attribute boolean baseVal; readonly attribute boolean animVal; };

The baseVal andanimVal IDL attributes both represent the current non-animated value of the reflected attribute. On getting baseValor animVal, the following steps are run:

  1. Let value be the value of the reflected attribute, or the empty string if it is not present.
  2. If value is not "true" or "false", then set value to the reflected attribute's initial value.
  3. Return true if value is "true", and false otherwise.

On setting baseVal, the reflected attribute is set to "true" if the value is true, and "false" otherwise.

4.6.2. Interface SVGAnimatedEnumeration

An SVGAnimatedEnumeration object is used to reflectan animatable attribute that takes a keyword value (such as the ‘method’ attribute on ‘textPath’) or to reflect the type of value that an animatable attribute has (done only by the orientTypeIDL attribute for the ‘marker’ element's‘orient’ attribute).

[Exposed=Window] interface SVGAnimatedEnumeration { attribute unsigned short baseVal; readonly attribute unsigned short animVal; };

For SVGAnimatedEnumeration objects that reflect an animatable attribute that takes only a keyword value, thebaseVal andanimVal IDL attributes represents the current non-animated value of the reflected attribute. For orientType, they represent the type of the current non-animated value of the reflected ‘orient’ attribute. On gettingbaseVal oranimVal, the following steps are run:

  1. Let value be the value of the reflected attribute (using the attribute's initial value if it is not present or invalid).
  2. Return the numeric type value for value, according to the reflecting IDL attribute's definition.

On setting baseVal, the following steps are run:

  1. Let value be the value being assigned tobaseVal.
  2. If value is 0 or is not the numeric type value for any value of the reflected attribute, then throw a TypeError.
  3. Otherwise, if the reflecting IDL attribute isorientType and value is SVG_MARKER_ORIENT_ANGLE, then set the reflected attribute to the string "0".
  4. Otherwise, value is the numeric type value for a specific, single keyword value for the reflected attribute. Set the reflected attribute to that value.

4.6.3. Interface SVGAnimatedInteger

An SVGAnimatedInteger object is used to reflect an animatable attribute that takes an integer value (such as‘numOctaves’ on ‘feTurbulence’). It is also used to reflect one part of an animatable attribute that takes an integer followed by an optional second integer (such as‘order’ on ‘feConvolveMatrix’).

This SVGAnimatedInteger interface is not used in this specification, however theFilter Effectsspecification has a number of uses of it.

[Exposed=Window] interface SVGAnimatedInteger { attribute long baseVal; readonly attribute long animVal; };

For SVGAnimatedInteger objects that reflectan animatable attribute that takes a single integer value, thebaseVal andanimVal IDL attributes represent the current non-animated value of the reflected attribute. For those that reflect one integer of an attribute that takes an integer followed by an optional second integer, they represent the current non-animated value of one of the two integers. On gettingbaseVal oranimVal, the following steps are run:

  1. Let value be the value of the reflected attribute (using the attribute's initial value if it is not present or invalid).
  2. If the reflected attribute is defined to take an integer followed by an optional second integer, then:
    1. If this SVGAnimatedInteger object reflects the first integer, then return the first value in value.
    2. Otherwise, this SVGAnimatedInteger object reflects the second integer. Return the second value in value if it has been explicitly specified, and if not, return the implicit value as described in the definition of the attribute.
      For example, the definition of ‘order’ says that the implicit second integer is the same as the explicit first integer.
  3. Otherwise, the reflected attribute is defined to take a single integer value. Return value.

On setting baseVal, the following steps are run:

  1. Let value be the value being assigned tobaseVal.
  2. Let new be a list of integers.
  3. If the reflected attribute is defined to take an integer followed by an optional second integer, then:
    1. Let current be the value of the reflected attribute (using the attribute's initial value if it is not present or invalid).
    2. Let first be the first integer in current.
    3. Let second be the second integer in current if it has been explicitly specified, and if not, the implicit value as described in the definition of the attribute.
    4. If this SVGAnimatedInteger object reflects the first integer, then set first to value. Otherwise, set second to value.
    5. Append first to new.
    6. Append second to new.
  4. Otherwise, the reflected attribute is defined to take a single integer value. Append value to new.
  5. Set the content attribute to a string consisting of each integer in new serialized to an implementation specific string that, if parsed as an using CSS syntax, would return that integer, joined and separated by a single U+0020 SPACE character.

4.6.4. Interface SVGAnimatedNumber

An SVGAnimatedNumber object is used to reflect an animatable attribute that takes a number value (such as‘pathLength’ on ‘path’). It is also used to reflect one part of an animatable attribute that takes an number followed by an optional second number (such as‘kernelUnitLength’ on ‘feDiffuseLighting’).

[Exposed=Window] interface SVGAnimatedNumber { attribute float baseVal; readonly attribute float animVal; };

For SVGAnimatedNumber objects that reflectan animatable attribute that takes a single number value, thebaseVal andanimVal IDL attributes represent the current non-animated value of the reflected attribute. For those that reflect one number of an attribute that takes a number followed by an optional second number, they represent the current non-animated value of one of the two numbers. On gettingbaseVal oranimVal, the following steps are run:

  1. Let value be the value of the reflected attribute (using the attribute's initial value if it is not present or invalid).
  2. If the reflected attribute is defined to take an number followed by an optional second number, then:
    1. If this SVGAnimatedNumber object reflects the first number, then return the first value in value.
    2. Otherwise, this SVGAnimatedNumber object reflects the second number. Return the second value in value if it has been explicitly specified, and if not, return the implicit value as described in the definition of the attribute.
      For example, the definition of ‘kernelUnitLength’ says that the implicit second number is the same as the explicit first number.
  3. Otherwise, the reflected attribute is defined to take a single number value. Return value.

On setting baseVal, the following steps are run:

  1. Let value be the value being assigned tobaseVal.
  2. Let new be a list of numbers.
  3. If the reflected attribute is defined to take an number followed by an optional second number, then:
    1. Let current be the value of the reflected attribute (using the attribute's initial value if it is not present or invalid).
    2. Let first be the first number in current.
    3. Let second be the second number in current if it has been explicitly specified, and if not, the implicit value as described in the definition of the attribute.
    4. If this SVGAnimatedNumber object reflects the first number, then set first to value. Otherwise, set second to value.
    5. Append first to new.
    6. Append second to new.
  4. Otherwise, the reflected attribute is defined to take a single number value. Append value to new.
  5. Set the content attribute to a string consisting of each number in new serialized to an implementation specific string that, if parsed as an using CSS syntax, would return the value closest to the number (given the implementation's supportedPrecisionreal number precision), joined and separated by a single U+0020 SPACE character.

4.6.5. Interface SVGAnimatedLength

An SVGAnimatedLength object is used to reflect either (a) an animatable attribute that takes a , or value, or (b) a CSS property that takes one of these values and its corresponding presentation attribute.

[Exposed=Window] interface SVGAnimatedLength { [SameObject] readonly attribute SVGLength baseVal; [SameObject] readonly attribute SVGLength animVal; };

The baseVal andanimVal IDL attributes represent the current value of the reflected content attribute. On getting baseVal oranimVal, an SVGLength object is returned that:

4.6.6. Interface SVGAnimatedAngle

An SVGAnimatedAngle object is used to reflectthe value of the animated ‘orient’attribute on ‘marker’, through theorientAngleIDL attribute.

[Exposed=Window] interface SVGAnimatedAngle { [SameObject] readonly attribute SVGAngle baseVal; [SameObject] readonly attribute SVGAngle animVal; };

The baseVal andanimVal IDL attributes represent the current non-animated value of the reflected ‘orient’ attribute. On gettingbaseVal oranimVal, anSVGAngle object is returned that:

4.6.7. Interface SVGAnimatedString

An SVGAnimatedString object is used to reflect an animatable attribute that takes a string value. It can optionally be defined to additionally reflect a second, deprecated attribute.

[Exposed=Window] interface SVGAnimatedString { attribute DOMString baseVal; readonly attribute DOMString animVal; };

The baseValand animVal IDL attributes represent the current non-animated value of the reflected attribute. On getting baseValor animVal, the following steps are run:

  1. If the reflected attribute is not present, then:
    1. If the SVGAnimatedString object is defined to additionally reflect a second, deprecated attribute, and that attribute is present, then return its value.
    2. Otherwise, if the reflected attribute has an initial value, then return it.
    3. Otherwise, return the empty string.
  2. Otherwise, the reflected attribute is present. Return its value.

For the hrefmember on the SVGURIReference interface, this will result in the deprecated ‘xlink:href’ attribute being returned if it is present and the ‘href’ attribute is not, and in the ‘href’ attribute being returned in all other cases.

On setting baseVal, the following steps are run:

  1. If the reflected attribute is not present, the SVGAnimatedString object is defined to additionally reflect a second, deprecated attribute, and that deprecated attribute is present, then set that deprecated attribute to the specified value.
  2. Otherwise, set the reflected attribute to the specified value.

For the hrefmember on the SVGURIReference interface, this will result in the deprecated ‘xlink:href’ attribute being set if it is present and the ‘href’ attribute is not, and in the ‘href’ attribute being set in all other cases.

4.6.8. Interface SVGAnimatedRect

An SVGAnimatedRect object is used to reflect an animatable attribute that takes a rectangle value as specified by an x, y, width and height.

In this specification the only attribute to be reflected as an SVGAnimatedRect is ‘viewBox’.

[Exposed=Window] interface SVGAnimatedRect { [SameObject] readonly attribute DOMRect baseVal; [SameObject] readonly attribute DOMRectReadOnly animVal; };

The baseValand animVal IDL attributes represent the current non-animated rectangle value of the reflected attribute. On getting baseValor animVal, a DOMRect object is returned.

Upon creation of the baseValor animVal DOMRect objects, and afterwards whenever the reflected content attribute is added, removed, or changed, the following steps are run:

  1. Let value be the value of the reflected attribute (using the attribute's initial value if it is not present or invalid).
  2. Let x, y, width and height be those corresponding components of value.
  3. Set the DOMRect object'sx coordinate,y coordinate,width andheight to x, y, width and height, respectively.

Whenever thex coordinate,y coordinate,width orheight property of the baseVal oranimVal DOMRect object changes, except as part of the previous algorithm that reflects the value of the content attribute into the DOMRect, the reflected content attribute must be reserialized.

4.6.9. Interface SVGAnimatedNumberList

An SVGAnimatedNumberList object is used to reflect an animatable attribute that takes a list of values.

[Exposed=Window] interface SVGAnimatedNumberList { [SameObject] readonly attribute SVGNumberList baseVal; [SameObject] readonly attribute SVGNumberList animVal; };

The baseValand animVal IDL attributes represent the current non-animated value of the reflected attribute. On getting baseVal oranimVal, an SVGNumberList object is returned that reflects the base value of the reflected attribute.

4.6.10. Interface SVGAnimatedLengthList

An SVGAnimatedLengthList object is used to reflect an animatable attribute that takes a list of , or values.

[Exposed=Window] interface SVGAnimatedLengthList { [SameObject] readonly attribute SVGLengthList baseVal; [SameObject] readonly attribute SVGLengthList animVal; };

The baseValor animVal IDL attributes represent the current non-animated value of the reflected attribute. On getting baseVal oranimVal, an SVGLengthList object is returned that reflects the base value of the reflected attribute.

4.7. Other DOM interfaces

4.7.1. Interface SVGUnitTypes

The SVGUnitTypes interface defines a commonly used set of constants used for reflecting ‘gradientUnits’, ‘patternContentUnits’ and other similar attributes.

[Exposed=Window] interface SVGUnitTypes { // Unit Types const unsigned short SVG_UNIT_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0; const unsigned short SVG_UNIT_TYPE_USERSPACEONUSE = 1; const unsigned short SVG_UNIT_TYPE_OBJECTBOUNDINGBOX = 2; };

The unit type constants defined on SVGUnitTypes have the following meanings:

Constant Meaning
SVG_UNIT_TYPE_USERSPACEONUSE Corresponds to the 'userSpaceOnUse' attribute value.
SVG_UNIT_TYPE_OBJECTBOUNDINGBOX Corresponds to the 'objectBoundingBox' attribute value.
SVG_UNIT_TYPE_UNKNOWN Some other type of value.

4.7.2. Mixin SVGTests

The SVGTests interface is used to reflectconditional processing attributes, and is mixed in to other interfaces for elements that support these attributes.

interface mixin SVGTests { [SameObject] readonly attribute SVGStringList requiredExtensions; [SameObject] readonly attribute SVGStringList systemLanguage; };

The requiredExtensions IDL attributereflects the ‘requiredExtensions’ content attribute.

The systemLanguage IDL attributereflects the ‘systemLanguage’ content attribute.

4.7.3. Mixin SVGFitToViewBox

The SVGFitToViewBox interface is used to reflect the ‘viewBox’ and ‘preserveAspectRatio’ attributes, and is mixed in to other interfaces for elements that support these two attributes.

interface mixin SVGFitToViewBox { [SameObject] readonly attribute SVGAnimatedRect viewBox; [SameObject] readonly attribute SVGAnimatedPreserveAspectRatio preserveAspectRatio; };

The viewBox IDL attributereflects the ‘viewBox’ content attribute.

The preserveAspectRatio IDL attributereflects the ‘preserveAspectRatio’ content attribute.

4.7.4. Mixin SVGURIReference

The SVGURIReference interface is used to reflect the ‘href’ attribute and the deprecated‘xlink:href’ attribute.

interface mixin SVGURIReference { [SameObject] readonly attribute SVGAnimatedString href; };

The href IDL attribute represents the value of the ‘href’attribute, and, on elements that are defined to support it, the deprecated ‘xlink:href’ attribute. On gettinghref, anSVGAnimatedString object is returned that:

The SVGAnimatedString interface is defined to reflect, through its baseValand animVal members, the deprecated‘xlink:href’ attribute, if that attribute is present and the ‘href’ is not, and to reflect the ‘href’ attribute in all other circumstances. Animation elementstreat attributeName='xlink:href'as being an alias for targeting the ‘href’ attribute.