How to Address an Indian Chief Tribal Leader of Native American Tribe:Chief, President, or Governor**How to Address a Chief of a Native American Tribe?**Dear Robert, I work in the Mayor's office and we are sending out invitations to the opening of our new civic center. There are two chiefs of local tribes on the list. How do I address the envelopes? Are they Honorables like the the county and state officials on the list? - Sonja in Texas Dear Sonja, Tribes do use the courtesy title the Honorable when addressing their chiefs. Many have explained to me that as sovereign nations, their elected officials are granted the same courtesy title as elected officials of the United States. Be sure to check with the tribes for their preferred form of address and the exact title of their "chief" (that varies too). Some tribes have a chief -- others a president -- and still others a governor. I have a chapter on tribal officials in my book (see pages 235-242) which includes the titles used in tribal governments help out in exactly these situations. -- Robert HickeyWhat is the Salutation for the Chair of a Tribal Council? I am an 11-year-old 5th grader working on a school project. I have to write to the Tribal Council Chair of an Indian Tribe. I have found the Chair's name and the address. However, I am not sure of the proper salutation and don't want to offend him. I want to be his friend. I am hoping you could give me some advice on this. Do I use Mr. (name) or Chairman (name)? Thank you for your advice. -- Sarah StrahanDear Miss Strahan, I have a form for that office on page 236. Chairman is not formally used as an honorific in writing (you will hear it used verbally sometimes). Mr./Madame (office) is the most formal. Mr./Mrs./Ms. (Surname) is probably the standard form for chairs of councils. So here are two good options: Dear Mr. Chairman: OR Dear Mr. (Surname):-- Robert Hickey