Jäkkvik, Arjeplog, Norrbotten County, Sweden (original) (raw)

Jäkkvik, Arjeplog, Norrbotten County, Swedeni

Regional Level Types
Jäkkvik Hamlet
Arjeplog Municipality
Norrbotten County County
Sweden Country

Latitude & Longitude (WGS84):

66° 23' 12'' North , 16° 57' 52'' East

Latitude & Longitude (decimal):

Mindat Locality ID:


Long-form identifier:




Jäckvik, Arjeplog, Comté de Norrbotten, Suède


Jäckvik, Arjeplog , Norrbottens län, Schweden


Jäckvik, Arjeplogs kommun, Norrbottens län, Sverige


Jäkkvik, Arjeplog , Norrbottens län, Zweden


Jäckvik, Arjeplogin kunta, Norrbottenin lääni, Ruotsi


Jäkkvik, Arjeplog kommune, Norrbottens län, Sverige


جاککویک, نوربوتن کاؤنٹی, سویڈن

A mountain hamlet.

Select Mineral List Type

Standard Detailed Gallery Strunz Chemical Elements

Commodity List

This is a list of exploitable or exploited mineral commodities recorded from this region.

Mineral List

Mineral list contains entries from the region specified including sub-localities

9 valid minerals.

Detailed Mineral List:

BoltwooditeFormula: (K,Na)(UO2)(SiO3OH) · 1.5H2OLocalities: Harrejåkk, Jäkkvik, Arjeplog, Norrbotten County, SwedenJäkkvik, Arjeplog, Norrbotten County, Sweden
'Chlorite Group'Locality: Pleutajokk, Jäkkvik, Arjeplog, Norrbotten County, Sweden
EpidoteFormula: (CaCa)(AlAlFe3+)O[Si2O7][SiO4](OH)Locality: Pleutajokk, Jäkkvik, Arjeplog, Norrbotten County, Sweden
HematiteFormula: Fe2O3Locality: Pleutajokk, Jäkkvik, Arjeplog, Norrbotten County, Sweden
Hematite var. MartiteFormula: Fe2O3Locality: Pleutajokk, Jäkkvik, Arjeplog, Norrbotten County, Sweden
KasoliteFormula: Pb(UO2)(SiO4) · H2OLocality: Pleutajokk, Jäkkvik, Arjeplog, Norrbotten County, SwedenReferences: Natural History Museum, Stockholm collection # 19790003
RiebeckiteFormula: ◻[Na2][Fe2+3Fe3+2]Si8O22(OH)2Locality: Pleutajokk, Jäkkvik, Arjeplog, Norrbotten County, Sweden
TitaniteFormula: CaTi(SiO4)OLocality: Pleutajokk, Jäkkvik, Arjeplog, Norrbotten County, Sweden
UraniniteFormula: UO2Locality: Pleutajokk, Jäkkvik, Arjeplog, Norrbotten County, SwedenReferences: Hålenius, U., Smellie, J.A.T., Wilsom. M. R. (1986) Uranium genesis within the Arjeplog- Arvidsjaur- Sorsele Uranium Province, Northern Sweden. IAEA-TECDOC-361: 21-42
UranophaneFormula: Ca(UO2)2(SiO3OH)2 · 5H2OLocalities: Pleutajokk, Jäkkvik, Arjeplog, Norrbotten County, SwedenHarrejåkk, Jäkkvik, Arjeplog, Norrbotten County, SwedenGuodelisjaur, Jäkkvik, Arjeplog, Norrbotten County, Sweden
WölsendorfiteFormula: Pb7(UO2)14O19(OH)4 · 12H2OLocality: Pleutajokk, Jäkkvik, Arjeplog, Norrbotten County, Sweden


Mineralization age: Paleoproterozoic : 1738 ± 18 Ma

Important note: This table is based only on rock and mineral ages recorded on mindat.org for this locality and is not necessarily a complete representation of the geochronology, but does give an indication of possible mineralization events relevant to this locality. As more age information is added this table may expand in the future. A break in the table simply indicates a lack of data entered here, not necessarily a break in the geologic sequence. Grey background entries are from different, related, localities.

Geologic Time Rocks, Minerals and Events

Other Databases

Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J%C3%A4kkvik
Wikidata ID: Q1013308
GeoNames ID: 2703431

Localities in this Region

Other Regions, Features and Areas containing this locality

This page contains all mineral locality references listed on mindat.org. This does not claim to be a complete list. If you know of more minerals from this site, please register so you can add to our database. This locality information is for reference purposes only. You should never attempt to visit any sites listed in mindat.org without first ensuring that you have the permission of the land and/or mineral rights holders for access and that you are aware of all safety precautions necessary.