Narestø Feldspar Quarry, Flosta, Arendal, Agder, Norway (original) (raw)

Narestø Feldspar Quarry, Flosta, Arendal, Agder, Norwayi

Regional Level Types
Narestø Feldspar Quarry Quarry (Abandoned)
Flosta Island
Arendal Municipality
Agder County
Norway Country

Latitude & Longitude (WGS84):

58° 31' 33'' North , 8° 56' 8'' East

Latitude & Longitude (decimal):


Quarry (Abandoned) - last checked 2015

Long-form identifier:




Narestø feltspatbrudd, Flosta, Arendal, Agder, Norge

The first quarry in Norway to produce feldspar (started in 1792). Partly an open pit, but also with underground workings.

Coordinates © Kartverket -

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Commodity List

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Mineral List

7 valid minerals. 1 (FRL) - first recorded locality of unapproved mineral/variety/etc.

Rock Types Recorded

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Alphabetical List Tree Diagram

Entries shown in red are rocks recorded for this region.

Detailed Mineral List:

'Allanite Group'Formula: (A12+REE3+)(M13+M23+M32+)O[Si2O7][SiO4](OH)References: Eakin, Paul Andrew (1989) The origin and properties of uranium-niobium-tantalum mineralised hydrocarbons at Narestø, Arendal, southern Norway. Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift [Norwegian Journal of Geology], 69 (1) 29-37
'Apatite'Formula: Ca5(PO4)3(Cl/F/OH)References: Collection of NHM, Vienna
'Biotite'Formula: K(Fe2+/Mg)2(Al/Fe3+/Mg/Ti)([Si/Al/Fe]2Si2O10)(OH/F)2References: Eakin, Paul Andrew (1989) The origin and properties of uranium-niobium-tantalum mineralised hydrocarbons at Narestø, Arendal, southern Norway. Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift [Norwegian Journal of Geology], 69 (1) 29-37
CalciteFormula: CaCO3References: Larsen, Knut Edvard (2015) Noen funn av mineraler i Norge 2013-2015 [Some finds of minerals in Norway 2013-2015]. Norsk Mineralsymposium 2015, 79-88
'Chlorite Group'References: Weibye, Paul Christian (1848) Beiträge zur topograpischen Mineralogie Norwegens. Archiv für Mineralogie, Geognosie, Bergbau und Hüttenkunde, 22. 465-544
'Coal blend'References: Helland, A. (1875) Bergbeg, Anthracit og nogle andre kulholdige Mineralier fra Ertsleiesteder og Granitgange. Geologiska Föreningen i Stockholm Förhandlingar, 2 (12) 513-522 doi:10.1080/11035897509448100 Dons, Johannes A. (1956) Coal blend and uraniferous hydrocarbon in Norway. Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift [Norwegian Journal of Geology], 36 (3-4) 249-266
'Fergusonite'References: **Forbes, D., Dahll, T. (1855) Mineralogiske Iagttagelser omkring Arendal og Kragerö [Mineralogical observations around Arendal and Kragerö]. Nyt magazin for naturvidenskaberne [New magazine for the natural sciences], 8. 213-229**p.227
MagnetiteFormula: Fe2+Fe3+2O4References: Eakin, Paul Andrew (1989) The origin and properties of uranium-niobium-tantalum mineralised hydrocarbons at Narestø, Arendal, southern Norway. Norsk Geologisk Tidsskrift [Norwegian Journal of Geology], 69 (1) 29-37
MicroclineFormula: K(AlSi3O8)Colour: FleshredDescription: Brøgger (1881) reports find of large crystals of microclineReferences: Brøgger, W. (1881): Nogle bemærkninger om pegmatitgangene ved Moss og deres mineraler. Geologiska Föreningen i Stockholm Förhandlingar. 5: 326-376 (p.345)
'Monazite'Formula: REE(PO4)References: Forbes, D., Dahll, T. (1855) Mineralogiske Iagttagelser omkring Arendal og Kragerö [Mineralogical observations around Arendal and Kragerö]. Nyt magazin for naturvidenskaberne [New magazine for the natural sciences], 8. 213-229 **Brøgger, W. C. (1906) Die Mineralien der Südnorwegischen Granit-Pegmatitgänge - I. Niobate, Tantalate, Titanate und Titanoniobate [The minerals of the South Norwegian granite pegmatite dikes - I. Niobates, tantalates, titanates and titanoniobates]. Videnskabsselskabet i Christiania Skrifter - I Mathematisk-naturvidenskabelig klasse, 1906.**p.17
QuartzFormula: SiO2References: Larsen, Knut Edvard (2015) Noen funn av mineraler i Norge 2013-2015 [Some finds of minerals in Norway 2013-2015]. Norsk Mineralsymposium 2015, 79-88
Quartz var. Smoky QuartzFormula: SiO2References: Larsen, Knut Edvard (2015) Noen funn av mineraler i Norge 2013-2015 [Some finds of minerals in Norway 2013-2015]. Norsk Mineralsymposium 2015, 79-88
TitaniteFormula: CaTi(SiO4)OReferences: Forbes, D., Dahll, T. (1855) Mineralogiske Iagttagelser omkring Arendal og Kragerö [Mineralogical observations around Arendal and Kragerö]. Nyt magazin for naturvidenskaberne [New magazine for the natural sciences], 8. 213-229
Titanite var. Yttrium-bearing TitaniteFormula: (Ca,Y)TiSiO5References: Forbes, D., Dahll, T. (1855) Mineralogiske Iagttagelser omkring Arendal og Kragerö [Mineralogical observations around Arendal and Kragerö]. Nyt magazin for naturvidenskaberne [New magazine for the natural sciences], 8. 213-229
Xenotime-(Y)Formula: Y(PO4)Description: Brøgger (1883) described twins by (101) from Narestø. References: Brögger, W. C. (1883) Om uranbegerts og xenotim fra norske forekomster. Geologiska Föreningen i Stockholm Förhandlingar, 6 (14) 744-752 doi:10.1080/11035898309444117
ZirconFormula: Zr(SiO4)Description: Metamict variety of zircon.References: Forbes, D., Dahll, T. (1855) Mineralogiske Iagttagelser omkring Arendal og Kragerö [Mineralogical observations around Arendal and Kragerö]. Nyt magazin for naturvidenskaberne [New magazine for the natural sciences], 8. 213-229
Zircon var. Alvite (FRL)Formula: Zr(SiO4)Type Locality: Description: Metamict variety of zircon.References: Forbes, D., Dahll, T. (1855) Mineralogiske Iagttagelser omkring Arendal og Kragerö [Mineralogical observations around Arendal and Kragerö]. Nyt magazin for naturvidenskaberne [New magazine for the natural sciences], 8. 213-229

Other Databases

Link to Geological Survey of Norway: 8289

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