shinyjs: Easily Improve the User Experience of Your Shiny Apps in Seconds (original) (raw)

Reverse imports:

activAnalyzer, ADAMgui, addinslist, adepro, AdhereRViz, AdverseEvents, AFM, airGRteaching, AMPLE, animalcules, apisensr, appreci8R, arena2r, auth0, batchLLM, bdDwC, bestSDP, BiasCorrector, BiocHubsShiny, BlockmodelingGUI, bnRep, bootwar, bulkAnalyseR, CaPO4Sim, Certara.R, Certara.VPCResults, ChromSCape, CircSeqAlignTk, cjoint, cmsaf, CNVPanelizer, cofad, cognitoR, colourpicker, ComPrAn, corporaexplorer, CRANsearcher, CRISPRball, crisprShiny, crossmeta, CruzPlot, CyTOFpower, dartR.sim, DataEditR, DBTCShiny, ddpcr, deBif, debrowser, dextergui, DiscoRhythm, discoveR, DistPlotter, dosedesignR, dPCP, DQAgui, dragulaR, dtwclust, Eagle, eCerto, editbl, epiworldRShiny, EventDetectGUI, ExploreModelMatrix, FAST.R, fdapaceShiny, FedIRT, FielDHub, filterNHP, fishRman, forecasteR, FossilSimShiny, GA4GHshiny, geneHapR, GenEst, genogeographer, GeoWeightedModel, GFD, GFDrmst, GFDrmtl, GFDsurv, ggExtra, ggquickeda, gimmeTools, GMSE, GNOSIS, gridstackeR, gwpcormapper, GWSDAT, handwriterApp, Holomics, idcnrba, INSPECTumours, iSEE, iSEEhub, iSEEindex, IsoCor, istat, jsmodule, KLINK, LACE, LCMSQA, LDABiplots, LDAShiny, leafdown, levi, LFApp, lightsout, lmviz, loadeR, login, makemyprior, manipulateWidget, mapmixture, MatrixQCvis, MDMAPR, meltt, memapp, mergenstudio, MethodOpt, methylscaper, microbiomeExplorer, MiMIR, miniMeta, mlr3shiny, mmaqshiny, mrMLM.GUI, MSstatsShiny, mstrio, netShiny, NetSimR, NiLeDAM, npregfast, oceanexplorer, oceanis, octopus, omicsViewer, openPrimeRui, OpenRepGrid.ic, packagefinder, PathoStat, PERK, PhyloProfile, piano, PKbioanalysis, PoDCall, polished, praatpicture, predictoR, PRISMA2020, ProjectionBasedClustering, pRolocGUI, Prostar, psichomics, qrlabelr, quarks, Racmacs, RadialVisGadgets, RALSA, ReDaMoR, regexSelect, regressoR, ReviewR, RSP, safetyGraphics, sdcHierarchies, SEAHORS, shiny.reglog, shinyauthr, shinydlplot, shinyepico, shinyfilter, shinyGovstyle, shinyHugePlot, shinyKGode, shinymgr, shinyML, shinyNotes, shinypanel, shinypanels, ShinyQuickStarter, shinyquiz, shinystan, shinyTempSignal, SIAmodules, singleCellTK, SINRELEF.LD, soundClass, soundgen, SPARTAAS, SpatialCPie, Spectran, ssd4mosaic, starry, StepReg, stminsights, subscreen, survivoR, systemPipeShiny, tcgaViz, teal, teal.modules.clinical, teal.modules.general, teal.slice, teal.transform, teal.widgets, tfrmtbuilder, tidyCDISC, trackeRapp, TreeDist, TreeSearch, tripr, TSAR, Ularcirc, Umatrix, uncoverappLib, VariantFiltering, viewpoly, visualFields, voiceR, voronoiTreemap, vvdoctor, wallace, wilson, wppExplorer, yuimaGUI

Reverse suggests:

aifeducation, AzureAuth, Clustering, CNVScope, colorspace, cols4all, compareGroups, coveffectsplot, dartR, dartR.base, DIZtools, DRomics, EML, eSDM, finnsurveytext, GenomicScores, googleLanguageR, grandR, GSVA, HaDeX, HospitalNetwork, hydflood, ibdsim2, idiogramFISH, influential, IOHanalyzer, kgschart, lactater, landsepi, MetaboAnnotation, ModCon, musicatk, One4All, OpenSpecy, optedr, periscope2, pkgsearch, polmineR, PROsetta, protGear, QurvE, RDML, RnBeads, rplanes, SemNeT, shiny.fluent, shiny.telemetry, shinycssloaders, ShinyItemAnalysis, skpr, Sofi, solvebio, SOMbrero, spatialHeatmap, SSVS, strand, Ternary, TestDesign, tigerstats, tipsae, tmaptools, UBayFS, VOSONDash