> and in the accompanying scientific paper: Zeileis et al. (2020, Journal of Statistical Software, <doi:10.18637/jss.v096.i01>).">

colorspace: A Toolbox for Manipulating and Assessing Colors and Palettes (original) (raw)

Reverse imports:

anacor, animalEKF, APCtools, autoimage, autonomics, bartMan, bayesianVARs, BayesX, bea.R, bigMap, BioRssay, BiplotGUI, categoryCompare, ccrs, cds, ChemoSpec2D, circlize, clevRvis, CliquePercolation, cmsaf, cmsafvis, colorblindcheck, colorBlindness, colorist, colorpatch, colorRamp2, colorsGen, cols4all, ComplexHeatmap, ComplexUpset, condvis2, copula, corr2D, CRABS, cranly, DepthProc, dittoSeq, EcotoneFinder, effects, EMC2, eRm, eseis, espadon, expectreg, forecast, frontiles, ftsa, geiger, GeneTonic, GeRnika, getspres, ggblanket, ggcharts, gggenomes, ggrasp, ggseqplot, ggwordcloud, Gifi, gmoviz, gpairs, gptstudio, GRaNIE, gwasforest, hbamr, heatmaply, HH, Hmisc, hues, HYPEtools, INFOSET, insurancerating, InterCellar, iNZightPlots, iNZightTS, IOHanalyzer, IsotopeR, JOPS, lavaangui, ldaPrototype, lessR, levi, MapGAM, mapStats, mcmcplots, MCMCvis, mergenstudio, metafolio, munsell, netboost, NetOrigin, NMF, OpenRepGrid, optimization, orthos, pals, PanViz, phyloregion, Polychrome, PRECAST, pRolocGUI, qgraph, rainbow, randomcoloR, RavenR, RcmdrMisc, rCNV, RegionalST, rms, roloc, rolocISCCNBS, semPlot, seriation, SGP, simplecolors, simplifyEnrichment, simPop, simsalapar, singleCellTK, smallsets, smoothAPC, SPARTAAS, SpatialCPie, stray, subspace, swatches, Thresher, TIMP, tntpr, trackeRapp, TraMineR, TraMineRextras, TreeDist, treemap, TreeTools, ucie, vcd, ViSiElse, visTree, vivid, Wats, WeightedTreemaps, wheatmap, whomds, xaringanthemer

Reverse suggests:

AlphaMissenseR, aqp, atpolR, berryFunctions, BiodiversityR, BloodCancerMultiOmics2017, casebase, cba, collapsibleTree, colorrepel, cotram, csa, cubble, cxhull, dataquieR, DataVisualizations, dendextend, DEoptim, EBcoexpress, eks, emojifont, finalsize, flexsurv, flowViz, ggplotify, grImport, Guerry, hermiter, hetGP, HPiP, httk, IBMPopSim, IncDTW, IsoriX, lattice, LBSPR, LocalControl, mlt.docreg, movMF, mulgar, mvord, netmeta, nodiv, PairViz, palettes, party, r3js, rasterVis, rattle, Rcmdr, regsem, reservr, retrofit, RGraphics, rpanel, SCpubr, sSNAPPY, surveillance, SWMPr, tbm, tcpl,, tourr, tpSVG, tram, tramnet, tramvs, unhcrthemes, UpAndDownPlots, viridis, wacolors, WRS2