Free Trade Party (original) (raw)
- حزب التجارة الحرة (بالإنجليزية: Free Trade Party) هو حزب سياسي أسترالي، أسس في 1880، وحل في 1909، يقع مقره في كانبرا. (ar)
- Die Free Trade Party (offiziell Australian Free Trade and Liberal Association) und 1906 in Anti-Socialist Party umbenannt, war eine historische politische Partei in Australien, die von 1880 bis 1909 existierte. (de)
- The Free Trade Party which was officially known as the Australian Free Trade and Liberal Association, also referred to as the Revenue Tariff Party in some states, was an Australian political party, formally organised in 1887 in New South Wales, in time for the 1887 colony election, which the party won. It advocated the abolition of protectionism, especially protective tariffs and other restrictions on trade, arguing that this would create greater prosperity for all. However, many members also advocated use of minimal tariffs for government revenue purposes only. Its most prominent leader was George Reid, who led the Reid Government as the fourth Prime Minister of Australia (1904–05). In New South Wales it was succeeded by the Liberal and Reform Association in 1902, and federally by the Anti-Socialist Party in 1906. In 1909, the Anti-Socialist Party merged with the Protectionist Party to form the Commonwealth Liberal Party. (en)
- El Partido de Libre Comercio fue un partido político australiano de 1889 a 1909. Se la conocía oficialmente como la Asociación Australiana de Libre Comercio y Liberal. También se le llamó Partido del Arancel de Ingresos en algunos estados y se le cambió el nombre por el de Partido Antisocialista en 1906. Quería eliminar los aranceles (impuestos sobre las importaciones y las exportaciones), así como otras restricciones al comercio. Sostuvo que el libre comercio beneficiaría a todos. Sin embargo, muchos miembros también apoyaron algunas tarifas para recaudar fondos para el gobierno. El partido tenía su sede en Nueva Gales del Sur, donde sus líderes eran y Sir George Reid. Fue el partido principal en la política de Nueva Gales del Sur antes de la . Después de las elecciones para el primer Parlamento del Commonwealth, los Free Traders fueron el segundo grupo más numeroso de la Cámara de Representantes de Australia, con 25 escaños. Reid se convirtió en el primer en el Parlamento. Más tarde se convirtió en Primer Ministro en 1904-05. Joseph Cook se convirtió en vicepresidente del partido cuando McMillan se jubiló en 1903. Un partido separado del participó en las elecciones federales de 1903 en Tasmania y obtuvo dos escaños. Se unió al Partido de Libre Comercio en el parlamento federal. Después de que la cuestión de las tarifas se había resuelto en gran medida, Reid miró a su alrededor en busca de otra causa para su partido. Se decidió por la oposición al socialismo. Criticó tanto al Partido Laborista Australiano como al Partido Proteccionista, dirigido por Alfred Deakin. El Partido de Libre Comercio fue rebautizado como Partido Antisocialista (ASP) antes de las . El Partido Laborista y el FTP/ASP continuaron creciendo en fuerza electoral. Algunos proteccionistas dejaron el partido para unirse al Partido Laborista y a la AEP. Reid se retiró en 1908, y la dirección del partido pasó a Joseph Cook. Aceptó fusionarse con los proteccionistas para convertirse en el Partido Liberal del Estado Libre Asociado en 1909. (es)
- Le Free Trade Party, plus précisément Australian Free Trade and Liberal Association, était un parti politique australien, créé en 1889, qui fut renommé en 1906 en Anti-Socialist Party avant de disparaitre en 1909 pour former le Parti libéral du Commonwealth. Il était favorable à l'abolition des droits de douane et autres restrictions sur le commerce expliquant qu'on favoriserait ainsi une plus grande prospérité pour tous. Il s'était surtout développé en Nouvelle-Galles du Sud où il eut comme leaders Sir Henry Parkes et Sir George Reid. Il fut le plus important des partis de l'état juste avant la création de la fédération. Aux premières élections du Parlement fédéral australien, le parti remporta 25 sièges ce qui en fit le deuxième parti en nombre du parlement et Reid devint le chef de l'opposition parlementaire avant de devenir premier Ministre en 1904-05. Après que la question des droits de douane eut été réglée, Reid s'attaqua à un autre problème pour justifier l'existence de son parti. Il fit son cheval de bataille de son opposition au socialisme critiquant tout à la fois le parti travailliste australien et le Parti Protectionniste conduit par Alfred Deakin. Le "Free Trade Party" fut finalement renommé l'"Anti-Socialist Party". Le "Labor Party" et le "Free Trade Party" continuèrent à se développer aus dépens du parti Protectionniste et même certains députés changèrent de parti. Finalement, Reid réussit à convaincre Deakin de faire fusionner leurs deux partis ce qu'ils firent en 1909 pour devenir le Parti libéral du Commonwealth ("Commonwealth Liberal Party"). * Portail de la politique * Portail du monde contemporain * Portail de l’Australie * Portail du libéralisme (fr)
- Il Partito del Libero Commercio (ufficialmente Associazione Australiana Liberale e del Libero Commercio), rinominato nel 1906 quale Partito Anti-Socialista, fu un partito politico australiano, costituitosi formalmente nel 1889 e sciolto nel 1909. Supportò politiche rivolte all'abolizione di dazi doganali o altre restrizioni al commercio, sostenendo che tali politiche avrebbero portato una maggiore ricchezza. Ebbe le sue basi elettorali nel Nuovo Galles del Sud, dove i suoi leader furono e Sir George Reid, i quali dominarono la politica coloniale nella regione prima di arrivare alla federazione. Nelle elezioni per il primo parlamento, i liberisti formarono il secondo gruppo più grande alla Camera dei rappresentanti con 25 seggi. Reid fu il primo con come suo vice; più tardi lo stesso Reid divenne primo ministro. Joseph Cook divenne vicepresidente del partito quando McMillan si ritirò dalla scena politica. George Reid, Primo ministro dell'Australia dal 1904 al 1905 Dopo aver definito ampiamente l'idea del partito per ciò che riguardava i dazi doganali, Reid necessitò di ulteriori politiche per giustificare l'esistenza del movimento, ed è per questo che focalizzò l'attenzione sull'opposizione al socialismo, volta a criticare sia il Partito Laburista sia il Partito Protezionista, guidato allora da Alfred Deakin, che diede il supporto al primo in un governo di minoranza. Il partito del libero commercio fu quindi rinominato poco prima delle , assumendo il nuovo nome di Partito Anti-Socialista. I laburisti e il nuovo partito continuarono a crescere elettoralmente ai danni del partito protezionista, il quale si indeboliva anche internamente a causa di deputati che lo abbandonavano per prender parte ad una delle due fazioni maggiori. Reid si ritirò nel 1908, lasciando la leadership a Joseph Cook, il quale si accordò con i protezionisti per formare il nuovo Partito Liberale del Commonwealth, nel 1909. (it)
- Partia Wolnego Handlu (ang. Free Trade Party) – australijskie ugrupowanie polityczne istniejące od lat. 80 XIX wieku do roku 1909. Jak wskazywała już sama nazwa, jej nadrzędnym postulatem programowym był liberalizm w polityce celnej i stanowczy sprzeciw wobec protekcjonizmu. Najważniejszym obszarem działalności partii była Nowa Południowa Walia, na której scenie politycznej partia odgrywała dominującą rolę w ciągu ostatnich dwóch dekad XIX wieku, zaś jej kolejni liderzy – i George Reid – pełnili funkcję premiera tej kolonii. Po powstaniu zjednoczonej Australii w 1901, partia w pierwszych wyborach parlamentarnych uplasowała się na drugim miejscu i została najważniejszą partią opozycyjną. W latach 1904–1905 tworzyła mniejszościowy rząd pod wodzą Reida. Gdy kwestia polityki handlowej przestała budzić większe emocje wśród australijskich wyborców, partia rozpoczęła poszukiwania nowej tożsamości. Zdecydowała się na bardzo radykalną krytykę lewicy i przemianowała na Partię Antysocjalistyczną (Anti-Socialist Party). Ostatecznie w 1909 połączyła się ze swoją niedawną główną konkurentką – Partią Protekcjonistyczną – tworząc Związkową Partię Liberalną. (pl)
- 自由貿易黨(英語:Free Trade Party)是澳洲歷史上的政黨,是20世紀初年的兩大黨之一(另一大黨是保護貿易黨)。自由貿易黨全名“澳洲自由貿易及自由協會”,於1887年成立,在1906年更名為反社會主義黨(Anti-Socialist Party),1909年解散,党员加入聯邦自由黨。 自由貿易黨以新南威爾斯為總部,存在的22年中只有兩位黨魁:和喬治·里德。亨利·帕克斯曾任新南威爾士殖民地總理,在澳大利亞聯邦建立過程中起到重要作用,因而被尊為“聯邦之父”。喬治·里德和黨員約瑟夫·庫克先後當上澳洲第5、6任總理。 自由貿易黨贊成廢除保護性關稅和其他貿易限制,鼓吹自由貿易。自由貿易與保護主義的爭論在19世紀后半葉的澳洲各英屬殖民地的最大政治議題,但在聯邦建立以後,由於新的聯邦關稅制度的建立失去存在意義,因此自由貿易黨在短暫維持與保護貿易黨、工黨三足鼎立的局面后嘗試重新定位為反社會主義政黨,但已無法維繫基本陣營,因此和原保護貿易黨合併,成爲以對抗工黨座位基本政治定位的聯邦自由黨。 (zh)
- dbr:Canberra
- dbr:Prime_Minister_of_Australia
- dbr:Protectionist_Party
- dbr:Joseph_Cook
- dbr:Reid_Government
- dbc:1909_disestablishments_in_Australia
- dbr:Liberalism_in_Australia
- dbr:Protective_tariff
- dbr:1887_New_South_Wales_colonial_election
- dbr:1889_New_South_Wales_colonial_election
- dbr:1891_New_South_Wales_colonial_election
- dbr:1894_New_South_Wales_colonial_election
- dbr:1895_New_South_Wales_colonial_election
- dbr:1898_New_South_Wales_colonial_election
- dbr:1901_Australian_federal_election
- dbr:1903_Australian_federal_election
- dbr:1906_Australian_federal_election
- dbr:Commonwealth_Liberal_Party
- dbr:Free_trade
- dbr:List_of_Australian_Leaders_of_the_Opposition
- dbc:Political_parties_established_in_1887
- dbr:Federation_of_Australia
- dbr:Australian_House_of_Representatives
- dbr:Australian_political_party
- dbc:1887_establishments_in_Australia
- dbc:Defunct_liberal_political_parties
- dbr:Two-party_system
- dbr:William_McMillan_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:Criticisms_of_socialism
- dbr:George_Reid_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:Alfred_Deakin
- dbc:Defunct_political_parties_in_Australia
- dbr:Dugald_Thomson
- dbr:Parliament_of_Australia
- dbr:Centre-right_politics
- dbr:Protectionism
- dbr:Revenue
- dbr:Revenue_Tariff_Party_(Tasmania)
- dbr:Henry_Parkes
- dbr:Economic_liberalism
- dbr:Westminster_system
- dbc:Political_parties_disestablished_in_1909
- dbr:New_South_Wales
- dbr:File:George_Reid_crop.jpg
- dbr:Liberalism_worldwide
- dbr:Australian_Labour_Party
- dbc:1909_disestablishments_in_Australia
- dbc:Political_parties_established_in_1887
- dbc:1887_establishments_in_Australia
- dbc:Defunct_liberal_political_parties
- dbc:Defunct_political_parties_in_Australia
- dbc:Political_parties_disestablished_in_1909
- owl:Thing
- schema:Organization
- dul:Agent
- dul:SocialPerson
- dbo:Agent
- wikidata:Q24229398
- wikidata:Q43229
- wikidata:Q7278
- yago:WikicatConservativeParties
- yago:Abstraction100002137
- yago:Group100031264
- yago:Organization108008335
- yago:Party108256968
- yago:YagoLegalActor
- yago:YagoLegalActorGeo
- yago:YagoPermanentlyLocatedEntity
- dbo:Organisation
- dbo:PoliticalParty
- yago:SocialGroup107950920
- yago:WikicatDefunctLiberalPoliticalParties
- yago:WikicatDefunctPoliticalParties
- yago:WikicatDefunctPoliticalPartiesInAustralia
- yago:WikicatPoliticalPartiesDisestablishedIn1909
- yago:WikicatPoliticalPartiesEstablishedIn1889
- حزب التجارة الحرة (بالإنجليزية: Free Trade Party) هو حزب سياسي أسترالي، أسس في 1880، وحل في 1909، يقع مقره في كانبرا. (ar)
- Die Free Trade Party (offiziell Australian Free Trade and Liberal Association) und 1906 in Anti-Socialist Party umbenannt, war eine historische politische Partei in Australien, die von 1880 bis 1909 existierte. (de)
- 自由貿易黨(英語:Free Trade Party)是澳洲歷史上的政黨,是20世紀初年的兩大黨之一(另一大黨是保護貿易黨)。自由貿易黨全名“澳洲自由貿易及自由協會”,於1887年成立,在1906年更名為反社會主義黨(Anti-Socialist Party),1909年解散,党员加入聯邦自由黨。 自由貿易黨以新南威爾斯為總部,存在的22年中只有兩位黨魁:和喬治·里德。亨利·帕克斯曾任新南威爾士殖民地總理,在澳大利亞聯邦建立過程中起到重要作用,因而被尊為“聯邦之父”。喬治·里德和黨員約瑟夫·庫克先後當上澳洲第5、6任總理。 自由貿易黨贊成廢除保護性關稅和其他貿易限制,鼓吹自由貿易。自由貿易與保護主義的爭論在19世紀后半葉的澳洲各英屬殖民地的最大政治議題,但在聯邦建立以後,由於新的聯邦關稅制度的建立失去存在意義,因此自由貿易黨在短暫維持與保護貿易黨、工黨三足鼎立的局面后嘗試重新定位為反社會主義政黨,但已無法維繫基本陣營,因此和原保護貿易黨合併,成爲以對抗工黨座位基本政治定位的聯邦自由黨。 (zh)
- El Partido de Libre Comercio fue un partido político australiano de 1889 a 1909. Se la conocía oficialmente como la Asociación Australiana de Libre Comercio y Liberal. También se le llamó Partido del Arancel de Ingresos en algunos estados y se le cambió el nombre por el de Partido Antisocialista en 1906. Quería eliminar los aranceles (impuestos sobre las importaciones y las exportaciones), así como otras restricciones al comercio. Sostuvo que el libre comercio beneficiaría a todos. Sin embargo, muchos miembros también apoyaron algunas tarifas para recaudar fondos para el gobierno. (es)
- The Free Trade Party which was officially known as the Australian Free Trade and Liberal Association, also referred to as the Revenue Tariff Party in some states, was an Australian political party, formally organised in 1887 in New South Wales, in time for the 1887 colony election, which the party won. It advocated the abolition of protectionism, especially protective tariffs and other restrictions on trade, arguing that this would create greater prosperity for all. However, many members also advocated use of minimal tariffs for government revenue purposes only. Its most prominent leader was George Reid, who led the Reid Government as the fourth Prime Minister of Australia (1904–05). In New South Wales it was succeeded by the Liberal and Reform Association in 1902, and federally by the Ant (en)
- Le Free Trade Party, plus précisément Australian Free Trade and Liberal Association, était un parti politique australien, créé en 1889, qui fut renommé en 1906 en Anti-Socialist Party avant de disparaitre en 1909 pour former le Parti libéral du Commonwealth. Il était favorable à l'abolition des droits de douane et autres restrictions sur le commerce expliquant qu'on favoriserait ainsi une plus grande prospérité pour tous. Il s'était surtout développé en Nouvelle-Galles du Sud où il eut comme leaders Sir Henry Parkes et Sir George Reid. Il fut le plus important des partis de l'état juste avant la création de la fédération. (fr)
- Il Partito del Libero Commercio (ufficialmente Associazione Australiana Liberale e del Libero Commercio), rinominato nel 1906 quale Partito Anti-Socialista, fu un partito politico australiano, costituitosi formalmente nel 1889 e sciolto nel 1909. Supportò politiche rivolte all'abolizione di dazi doganali o altre restrizioni al commercio, sostenendo che tali politiche avrebbero portato una maggiore ricchezza. Ebbe le sue basi elettorali nel Nuovo Galles del Sud, dove i suoi leader furono e Sir George Reid, i quali dominarono la politica coloniale nella regione prima di arrivare alla federazione. (it)
- Partia Wolnego Handlu (ang. Free Trade Party) – australijskie ugrupowanie polityczne istniejące od lat. 80 XIX wieku do roku 1909. Jak wskazywała już sama nazwa, jej nadrzędnym postulatem programowym był liberalizm w polityce celnej i stanowczy sprzeciw wobec protekcjonizmu. (pl)
- Free Trade Party (en)
- حزب التجارة الحرة (ar)
- Free Trade Party (de)
- Partido de Libre Comercio (es)
- Parti pour le libre-échange (fr)
- Partito del Libero Commercio (it)
- Partia Wolnego Handlu (pl)
- 自由貿易黨 (zh)
is dbo:affiliation of
- dbr:1887_New_South_Wales_colonial_election
- dbr:1891_New_South_Wales_colonial_election
- dbr:1900_Tasmanian_colonial_election
- dbr:1901_Australian_federal_election
- dbr:1903_Australian_federal_election
- dbr:1903_East_Sydney_by-election
- dbr:1904_Wilmot_by-election
- dbr:1909_Tasmanian_state_election
is dbo:party of
- dbr:Robert_Reid_(Australian_politician,_born_1842)
- dbr:Samuel_Cooke
- dbr:Bernhard_Wise
- dbr:Bill_Wilks
- dbr:David_Charleston
- dbr:David_Storey_(politician)
- dbr:John_Neild
- dbr:John_Plumb_(politician)
- dbr:John_Street_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:John_Watt_(politician)
- dbr:Joseph_Cook
- dbr:Josiah_Symon
- dbr:Robert_Blackwood_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:Vaiben_Louis_Solomon
- dbr:Edward_Braddon
- dbr:Edward_Harney
- dbr:Edward_Lamb_(politician)
- dbr:Edward_Millen
- dbr:Edward_Pulsford
- dbr:Elias_Solomon
- dbr:Elliot_Johnson_(politician)
- dbr:Frank_Liddell_(politician)
- dbr:Frank_Smith_(New_South_Wales_politician)
- dbr:Frederick_Holder
- dbr:Frederick_Thomas_Sargood
- dbr:Frederick_William_Piesse
- dbr:George_Cox_(New_South_Wales_politician)
- dbr:George_Edwards_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:George_Holden_(politician)
- dbr:George_Reid
- dbr:Thomas_Skene
- dbr:Sir_Alexander_Matheson,_3rd_Baronet
- dbr:Staniforth_Smith
- dbr:Bruce_Smith_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:Walter_Lamb
- dbr:Walter_Lee_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:William_Hartnoll
- dbr:William_Henry_Piddington
- dbr:William_Knox_(Victorian_politician)
- dbr:William_McMillan_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:William_Rigg_(politician)
- dbr:Willie_Kelly_(politician)
- dbr:Albert_Gould
- dbr:Alexander_Poynton
- dbr:Alfred_Conroy
- dbr:Alfred_Lamb_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:Dugald_Thomson
- dbr:Edmund_Lonsdale
- dbr:Francis_McLean_(politician)
- dbr:Norman_Cameron_(politician)
- dbr:Norman_Ewing
- dbr:Paddy_Glynn
- dbr:Henry_Lee_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:Henry_Saunders_(politician)
- dbr:Henry_Willis_(politician)
- dbr:Jacob_Garrard
- dbr:James_Gibb_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:James_Macfarlane_(Tasmanian_politician)
- dbr:James_Walker_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:Arthur_Groom_(politician)
- dbr:Arthur_Robinson_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:John_Beveridge_(mayor)
- dbr:John_Clemons
- dbr:John_Ferguson_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:John_Gratton_Wilson
- dbr:John_Gray_(New_South_Wales_politician)
- dbr:John_Hurley_(New_South_Wales_politician,_born_1844)
- dbr:John_Kirwan_(politician)
- dbr:John_Lamb_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:Sydney_Burdekin
- dbr:Sydney_Smith_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:Henry_Parkes__Sir_Henry_Parkes__1
- dbr:Thomas_Clarke_(Australian_politician)
is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of
- dbr:Carruthers_ministry
- dbr:Premier_of_New_South_Wales
- dbr:Progressive_Party_(1901)
- dbr:Protectionist_Party
- dbr:Robert_Reid_(Australian_politician,_born_1842)
- dbr:Robert_Sayers
- dbr:Samuel_Cooke
- dbr:Samuel_Lees
- dbr:Samuel_Wilkinson_Moore
- dbr:Electoral_district_of_Moruya
- dbr:Electoral_district_of_Zeehan
- dbr:Electoral_results_for_the_Division_of_Angas_(1903–1934)
- dbr:Electoral_results_for_the_Division_of_Corangamite
- dbr:Electoral_results_for_the_Division_of_Flinders
- dbr:Electoral_results_for_the_district_of_East_Sydney
- dbr:Members_of_the_Australian_House_of_Representatives,_1906–1910
- dbr:Members_of_the_Australian_House_of_Representatives,_1910–1913
- dbr:Members_of_the_Tasmanian_House_of_Assembly,_1906–1909
- dbr:Members_of_the_Tasmanian_House_of_Assembly,_1909–1912
- dbr:White_Australia_policy
- dbr:Benjamin_Short
- dbr:Bernhard_Wise
- dbr:Bill_Wilks
- dbr:David_Charleston
- dbr:David_Hall_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:David_Storey_(politician)
- dbr:David_Storrer
- dbr:David_Watkins_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:Alfred_Allen_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:Archibald_Campbell_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:History_of_the_Australian_Labor_Party
- dbr:John_Neild
- dbr:John_Plumb_(politician)
- dbr:John_Street_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:John_Watt_(politician)
- dbr:John_Wheeler_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:Joseph_Carruthers
- dbr:Joseph_Cook
- dbr:Joseph_Palmer_Abbott
- dbr:Joseph_Penzer
- dbr:Josiah_Symon
- dbr:July_1900_Canterbury_colonial_by-election
- dbr:List_of_political_parties_in_Australia
- dbr:List_of_prime_ministers_of_Australia
- dbr:List_of_prime_ministers_of_Australia_by_birthplace
- dbr:List_of_prime_ministers_of_Australia_by_time_in_office
- dbr:Reid_ministry_(New_South_Wales)
- dbr:Richard_Ball_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:Robert_Blackwood_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:Robert_Fitzgerald_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:Charles_Bull_(politician)
- dbr:Charles_Dight_(New_South_Wales_politician)
- dbr:Vaiben_Louis_Solomon
- dbr:David_Dale_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:Deakin_government_(1903–1904)
- dbr:Don_Urquhart
- dbr:Independent_politicians_in_Australia
- dbr:James_Thompson_Wilshire
- dbr:William_Affleck
- dbr:Liberalism_in_Australia
- dbr:List_of_historical_political_parties_in_Australia
- dbr:List_of_premiers_of_New_South_Wales_by_time_in_office
- dbr:List_of_premiers_of_Tasmania_by_time_in_office
- dbr:List_of_right-wing_political_parties
- dbr:List_of_senators_from_New_South_Wales
- dbr:List_of_senators_from_Queensland
- dbr:List_of_senators_from_South_Australia
- dbr:List_of_senators_from_Tasmania
- dbr:List_of_senators_from_Victoria
- dbr:List_of_senators_from_Western_Australia
- dbr:Postmaster-General's_Department
- dbr:President_of_the_Senate_(Australia)
- dbr:Timeline_of_Australian_elections
- dbr:Watson_government
- dbr:Watson_ministry
- dbr:1887_New_South_Wales_colonial_election
- dbr:1891_New_South_Wales_colonial_election
- dbr:1891_Wellington_colonial_by-election
- dbr:1895_Rylstone_colonial_by-election
- dbr:1900_Bathurst_colonial_by-election
- dbr:1900_Tasmanian_colonial_election
- dbr:1901_Australian_federal_election
- dbr:1901_New_South_Wales_state_election
- dbr:1903_Australian_federal_election
- dbr:1903_East_Sydney_by-election
- dbr:1903_Tasmanian_state_election
- dbr:1904_Riverina_by-election
- dbr:1904_Wilmot_by-election
- dbr:1906_Australian_federal_election
- dbr:1909_Tasmanian_state_election
- dbr:1912_Tasmanian_state_election
- dbr:1915_Willoughby_state_by-election
- dbr:Crawford_Vaughan
- dbr:Members_of_the_Australian_House_of_Representatives,_1901–1903
- dbr:Members_of_the_Australian_House_of_Representatives,_1903–1906
- dbr:Members_of_the_Australian_Senate,_1901–1903
- dbr:Members_of_the_Australian_Senate,_1904–1906
- dbr:Members_of_the_Australian_Senate,_1907–1910
- dbr:Members_of_the_Australian_Senate,_1910–1913
- dbr:Members_of_the_New_South_Wales_Legislative_Assembly,_1887–1889
- dbr:George_Clubb
- dbr:George_Daniel_Clark
- dbr:Richard_Wood_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:Second_Deakin_ministry
- dbr:William_Cortis
- dbr:William_Johnston_Allen
- dbr:Chris_Watson
- dbr:Alexander_Bowman_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:Edward_Braddon
- dbr:Edward_Harney
- dbr:Edward_Lamb_(politician)
- dbr:Edward_Millen
- dbr:Edward_Pulsford
- dbr:Elections_in_Australia
- dbr:Electoral_results_for_the_Division_of_Echuca
- dbr:Elias_Solomon
- dbr:Elliot_Johnson_(politician)
- dbr:Ellison_Quirk
- dbr:Frank_Liddell_(politician)
- dbr:Frank_Smith_(New_South_Wales_politician)
- dbr:Frederick_Gibbes
- dbr:Frederick_Holder
- dbr:Frederick_Thomas_Sargood
- dbr:Frederick_William_Piesse
- dbr:George_Anderson_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:George_Cox_(New_South_Wales_politician)
- dbr:George_Dibbs
- dbr:George_Edwards_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:George_Greene_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:George_Holden_(politician)
- dbr:George_Reid
- dbr:Gillis_Bildt
- dbr:Municipality_of_Ashfield
- dbr:Cornelius_Danahey
- dbr:Thomas_Chataway
- dbr:Thomas_Hughes_(Sydney_mayor)
- dbr:Thomas_Skene
- dbr:1903_in_Australia
- dbr:1909_in_Australia
- dbr:Andrew_Fisher
- dbr:Anthony_St_Ledger
- dbr:Liberal_Party_(Australia,_1909)
- dbr:Liberal_Party_of_Australia
- dbr:Liberal_Reform_Party_(Australia)
- dbr:List_of_Australian_heads_of_government_by_time_in_office
- dbr:Llewellyn_Atkinson
- dbr:Llewellyn_Jones_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:Malcolm_Fraser
- dbr:Sir_Alexander_Matheson,_3rd_Baronet
- dbr:Staniforth_Smith
- dbr:Commonwealth_Conciliation_and_Arbitration_Act_1904
- dbr:Francis_Cotton_(politician)
- dbr:Francis_Woodward_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:Frank_Byrne_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:Frank_Farnell
- dbr:Harry_Newman_(politician)
- dbr:Henry_Chapman_(New_South_Wales_politician)
- dbr:John_Herbert_Cooke
- dbr:John_Kirkpatrick_(politician)
- dbr:John_Linsley_(politician)
- dbr:John_McElhone
- dbr:John_McIntyre_(politician)
- dbr:John_McLaughlin_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:John_Miles_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:John_Nicholson_(New_South_Wales_politician)
- dbr:John_Nobbs
- dbr:Joseph_Woollnough
- dbr:Leslie_Hollis_(politician)
- dbr:Parliament_House,_Melbourne
- dbr:Philip_Morton_(politician)
- dbr:Two-party-preferred_vote
- dbr:Australian_House_of_Representatives
- dbr:Australian_Labor_Party
- dbr:Australian_Labor_Party_(New_South_Wales_Branch)
- dbr:Australian_Senate
- dbr:Broughton_O'Conor
- dbr:Bruce_Smith_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:Walter_Lamb
- dbr:Walter_Lee_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:Walter_Vivian
- dbr:William_Channing_A'Beckett
- dbr:William_Dick_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:William_Hartnoll
- dbr:William_Henry_Piddington
- dbr:William_Holborow
- dbr:William_Knox_(Victorian_politician)
- dbr:William_Lovel_Davis
- dbr:William_Lyne
- dbr:William_McMillan_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:William_McWilliams
- dbr:William_Proctor_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:William_Rigg_(politician)
- dbr:William_Sandford
- dbr:William_Sawers
- dbr:William_Stephen_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:Willie_Kelly_(politician)
- dbr:Division_of_Angas_(1903–1934)
- dbr:Division_of_Barker
- dbr:Division_of_Corangamite
- dbr:Division_of_Cowper
- dbr:Division_of_Dalley
- dbr:Division_of_Denison
- dbr:Division_of_East_Sydney
- dbr:Division_of_Echuca
- dbr:Division_of_Flinders
- dbr:Division_of_Franklin
- dbr:Division_of_Fremantle
- dbr:Division_of_Grampians
- dbr:Division_of_Grey
- dbr:Division_of_Hunter
- dbr:Division_of_Illawarra
- dbr:Division_of_Indi
- dbr:Division_of_Kalgoorlie
- dbr:Division_of_Kooyong
- dbr:Division_of_Lang
- dbr:Division_of_Macquarie
- dbr:Division_of_Nepean
- dbr:Division_of_New_England
- dbr:Division_of_North_Sydney
- dbr:Division_of_Oxley_(1901–1934)
- dbr:Division_of_Parkes_(1901–1969)
- dbr:Division_of_Parramatta
- dbr:Division_of_South_Australia
- dbr:Division_of_South_Sydney
- dbr:Division_of_Tasmania
- dbr:Division_of_Wannon
- dbr:Division_of_Wentworth
- dbr:Division_of_Werriwa
- dbr:Division_of_Wilmot
- dbr:James_Blanksby
- dbr:James_Eve
- dbr:James_Gordon_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:James_Harvey_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:James_Marks_(politician)
- dbr:James_Martin_(New_South_Wales_politician)
- dbr:John_George_Gough
- dbr:John_Gillies_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:John_Haynes_(journalist)
- dbr:Jonathan_Seaver
- dbr:Leader_of_the_Opposition_(Tasmania)
- dbr:List_of_Australian_Senate_appointments
- dbr:List_of_Australian_federal_by-elections
- dbr:List_of_Australian_federal_elections
- dbr:List_of_Australian_ministries
- dbr:List_of_Australian_politicians_convicted_of_crimes
- dbr:Simeon_Phillips
- dbr:25_February_1888_Newtown_colonial_by-election
- dbr:Albert_Gardiner
- dbr:Albert_Gould
- dbr:Albert_Piddington
- dbr:Alexander_Hutchison_(1838–1917)
- dbr:Alexander_Kethel
- dbr:Alexander_Poynton
- dbr:Alfred_Conroy
- dbr:Alfred_Deakin
- dbr:Alfred_Lamb_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:Allan_McLean_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:Cyril_Cameron
- dbr:Daniel_O'Connor_(politician)
- dbr:Dugald_Thomson
- dbr:Edmund_Barton
- dbr:Edmund_Lonsdale
- dbr:Francis_Clarke_(politician)
- dbr:Francis_McLean_(politician)
- dbr:Francis_Punch
- dbr:Barton_ministry
- dbr:Norman_Cameron_(politician)
- dbr:Norman_Ewing
- dbr:Paddy_Crick
- dbr:Paddy_Glynn
- dbr:Parkes_ministry_(1887–1889)
- dbr:Parkes_ministry_(1889–1891)
- dbr:Parliament_of_Australia
- dbr:Charles_White_(writer)
- dbr:Edmund_Molesworth
- dbr:Edward_Ball_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:Edward_Clark_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:Edward_Foxall
- dbr:Edward_George_Brown
- dbr:Edward_Miles_(Tasmanian_politician)
- dbr:Historical_rankings_of_prime_ministers_of_Australia
- dbr:History_of_tariffs_in_Australia
- dbr:John_Shadrach_Hart
- dbr:John_Shepherd_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:Joseph_Cullen
- dbr:Joseph_Mitchell_(politician)
- dbr:List_of_Jewish_members_of_Australian_parliaments
- dbr:List_of_New_South_Wales_state_by-elections
- dbr:List_of_New_South_Wales_state_elections
- dbr:Political_realignment
- dbr:Revenue_Tariff_Party
- dbr:Revenue_Tariff_Party_(Tasmania)
- dbr:Richard_Stevenson_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:Richard_Thompson_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:Henry_Cooke_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:Henry_Hoyle
- dbr:Henry_Lee_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:Henry_Northcote,_1st_Baron_Northcote
- dbr:Henry_Parkes
- dbr:Henry_Saunders_(politician)