Australian Senate (original) (raw)
- مجلس الشيوخ الأسترالي (بالإنجليزية: Australian Senate) هو الهيئة التشريعية في أستراليا، ويتكون من 76 مقعداً، وهو المجلس الأعلى في برلمان أستراليا. (ar)
- The Senate is the upper house of the bicameral Parliament of Australia, the lower house being the House of Representatives. The composition and powers of the Senate are established in Chapter I of the Constitution of Australia. There are a total of 76 senators: 12 are elected from each of the six Australian states regardless of population and 2 from each of the two autonomous internal Australian territories (the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory). Senators are popularly elected under the single transferable vote system of proportional representation. Unlike upper houses in other Westminster-style parliamentary systems, the Senate is vested with significant powers, including the capacity to reject all bills, including budget and appropriation bills, initiated by the government in the House of Representatives, making it a distinctive hybrid of British Westminster bicameralism and American-style bicameralism. As a result of proportional representation, the chamber features a multitude of parties vying for power. Since 1981, the governing party or coalition (which needs to maintain the confidence of the lower house) has only had a majority in the Senate from 2005–2007; otherwise, negotiations with other parties and independents have generally been necessary to pass legislation. (en)
- Der Senat ist das Oberhaus des australischen Parlaments im Zweikammersystem des Landes. Die Sitzungen finden im Parliament House in Canberra statt. (de)
- El Senado (en inglés: Senate) es la cámara alta del Parlamento de Australia. La composición y los poderes del Senado se establecen en el Capítulo I de la Constitución de Australia. Actualmente posse un total de 76 senadores, 12 son elegidos de cada uno de los seis estados australianos independientemente de la población y 2 de cada uno de los dos territorios internos autónomos de Australia (el Territorio de la Capital Australiana y el Territorio del Norte). Los senadores son elegidos popularmente bajo el sistema de voto único transferible. A diferencia de otras cámaras altas del sistema parlamentario Westminster, el Senado está investido con poderes significativos, incluida la capacidad de rechazar todos los proyectos de ley, incluidos los proyectos de ley de presupuesto y asignaciones, iniciados por el gobierno en la Cámara de Representantes. Como resultado de la representación proporcional, la cámara presenta una multitud de partidos que compiten por el poder. El partido o coalición gobernante, que debe mantener la confianza de la cámara baja, no ha tenido una mayoría en el Senado desde 2005-2007 (y antes desde 1981) y, por lo general, necesita negociar con otros partidos e independientes para que se apruebe la legislación. (es)
- Le Sénat (en anglais : Senate ou The upper house) est la chambre haute du Parlement d'Australie. La chambre basse est appelée la Chambre des représentants (en anglais : House of Representatives). (fr)
- Il Senato (in inglese: Senate) è la camera alta del Parlamento australiano, e i suoi membri sono eletti dal popolo con un sistema proporzionale per un mandato della durata di sei anni. La camera bassa è invece la Camera dei rappresentanti. Secondo la Costituzione australiana, il Senato deve: * comprendere un numero uguale di senatori per ogni Stato originario; * avere almeno sei senatori per ogni Stato originario; * assicurare che ogni legge elettorale riguardante il Senato non operi discriminazioni tra gli Stati. Il numero di senatori è cambiato negli anni. Originariamente, la Costituzione prevedeva sei senatori per ogni Stato e quindi un totale di 36 senatori. Nel 1948 si decise di aumentare da sei a dieci il numero di senatori per Stato, raggiungendo quota 60. Il totale fu portato a 64 quando, a partire dal 1975, ai due territori dell'Australia fu consentito di eleggere due senatori ciascuno. L'ultimo aumento risale al 1984, quando fu stabilito che ogni Stato eleggesse 12 senatori. Il Senato australiano conta dunque 76 membri: 12 per ciascuno dei 6 Stati e 2 per ciascuno dei 2 Territori. I senatori eletti negli Stati rimangono in carica sei anni, quelli eletti nei Territori tre anni. I seggi di spettanza degli Stati, inoltre, sono soggetti a rinnovo parziale ogni 3 anni: ad ogni tornata, pertanto, sono rinnovati complessivamente 40 seggi (6 senatori su 12 in ciascuno Stato, nonché i 2 senatori di ciascun Territorio). (it)
- 오스트레일리아 상원(영어: Australian Senate)은 오스트레일리아 하원과 함께 오스트레일리아 의회를 구성하고 있다. (ko)
- 元老院(げんろういん、英語: Senate)は、オーストラリアの連邦議会を構成する議院(上院)である。 (ja)
- Senat Australii – izba wyższa, dwuizbowego parlamentu Australii. Izba niższa znana jest jako Izba Reprezentantów. (pl)
- Австралийский Сенат (англ. Senate) — верхняя палата австралийского парламента. В Сенате каждый из 6 штатов государства представлен 12 сенаторами, а каждая территория — двумя. Выборы в Сенат проходят по партийным спискам. Сенаторы избираются на 6 лет. Каждые три года переизбирается половина Сената. Сенаторы от территорий избираются на половину обычного срока, то есть на три года. Срок исполнения полномочий у сенаторов фиксированный — с 1 июля по 30 июня. В то же время выборы в Сенат проводятся одновременно с выборами в Палату представителей, и поскольку вновь избранные сенаторы могут занять своё место лишь 1 июля, то какое-то время Палате представителей нового состава приходится работать с сенаторами старого состава, проигравшими выборы. По Конституции разрешается изменять число сенаторов — при этом каждый из первоначальных штатов должен сохранять равное представительство и иметь не менее 6 сенаторов. Это положение не касается вновь принятых штатов и территорий. В соответствии с парламентским актом 1973 года, Австралийская Столичная Территория и Северная Территория избирают по два сенатора. При этом до 1949 года каждый штат избирал по 6 сенаторов; с 1949 года по десять; с 1984 года — по двенадцать. (ru)
- O Senado australiano é a câmara alta do Parlamento bicameral da Austrália, a câmara baixa é a Câmara dos Representantes. Os senadores são eleitos pelo voto popular em um sistema de representação proporcional. Os senadores são eleitos para um mandato que é normalmente de seis anos, após a dissolução dupla, no entanto, alguns senadores servem seis anos, enquanto outros têm mandato de apenas três. Significativo é o poder conferido ao Senado pela Constituição australiana, incluindo a capacidade de bloquear a legislação iniciada pelo governo na Câmara dos Representantes, tornando-se um híbrido distintivo de bicameralismo Westminster britânico e uma separação dos poderes no estilo estadunidense. (pt)
- 澳大利亚参议院(英語:Australian Senate)是澳大利亚國會的两院之一。参议院也被称作上議院,同时,众议院被称为下議院。参议院成员被称为参议员(Senator)。 与其他西敏制议会系统不同,澳大利亚参议院拥有较大的权力,包括:有全權阻止众议院立法的通过、參議員會兼任重要內閣部長(例如,現任外長黃英賢)等。显然澳大利亚的两院制混合了英美两种制度的特征,但接近于美國參議院。類似於日本參議院般,參議院具有固定的六年任期,定期改選一半議席,不能如眾議院般輕易提前改選,但與日本一樣是眾議院優越制,總理只需得到眾議院多數議員的信任。 (zh)
- Австралійський Сенат (англ. Senate) — верхня палата австралійського парламенту. У Сенаті кожний з 6 штатів держави представлений 12 сенаторами, а кожна — двома. Вибори до Сенату проходять за партійними списками. Сенатори обираються на 6 років. Кожні три роки переобирається половина Сенату. Сенатори від територій обираються на половину звичайного терміну, тобто, на три роки. Термін виконання повноважень у сенаторів фіксований — з 1 липня по 30 червня. У той же час вибори до сенату проводяться одночасно з виборами до Палати представників, і оскільки знову обрані сенатори можуть зайняти свої місця лише 1 липня, то якийсь час Палаті представників нового скликання доводиться працювати із сенаторами старого складу, що програли вибори. За Конституцією дозволяється змінювати число сенаторів — при цьому кожен з первісних штатів повинен зберігати рівне представництво і мати не менше 6 сенаторів. Це положення не стосується знову прийнятих штатів і територій. Відповідно до парламентського акту 1973 року Австралійська Столична Територія і Північна Територія обирають по два сенатори. При цьому до 1949 кожен штат обирав по 6 сенаторів; з 1949 — по десять; з 1984 — по дванадцять. (uk)
- 2022-07-26 (xsd:date)
- 2022-05-21 (xsd:date)
- 47th Parliament of Australia
- dbr:Canberra
- dbr:Commonwealth_of_Australia
- dbr:Australian_Capital_Territory
- dbr:Parliament_House,_Canberra
- 76 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
- 165705 (xsd:integer)
- 88912 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
- 1120895123 (xsd:integer)
- dbr:Cabinet_of_Australia
- dbr:Canberra
- dbr:Prime_Minister_of_Australia
- dbr:Protectionist_Party
- dbr:Rod_Culleton
- dbr:Private_member's_bill
- dbr:2010_Australian_federal_election
- dbr:2013_Australian_federal_election
- dbr:Barnaby_Joyce
- dbr:Bicameralism
- dbr:Bill_(law)
- dbr:Bob_Day
- dbr:Brian_Harradine
- dbr:David_Pocock
- dbr:Democratic_Labour_Party_(Australia)
- dbr:Derryn_Hinch's_Justice_Party
- dbr:House_of_Commons_of_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:House_of_Lords
- dbr:House_of_Representatives_(Australia)
- dbr:Joint_Sitting_of_the_Australian_Parliament_of_1974
- dbr:Paul_Keating
- dbr:Pauline_Hanson's_One_Nation
- dbr:Penny_Wong
- dbr:United_Australia_Party
- dbr:United_Australia_Party_(2013)
- dbr:United_States_Senate
- dbr:Victoria_(Australia)
- dbr:Voluntary_student_unionism
- dbr:Dominion
- dbr:Independent_politicians_in_Australia
- dbr:List_of_senators_from_New_South_Wales
- dbr:List_of_senators_from_Queensland
- dbr:List_of_senators_from_South_Australia
- dbr:List_of_senators_from_Tasmania
- dbr:List_of_senators_from_Victoria
- dbr:List_of_senators_from_Western_Australia
- dbr:List_of_senators_from_the_Australian_Capital_Territory
- dbr:List_of_senators_from_the_Northern_Territory_(Australia)
- dbr:President_of_the_Senate_(Australia)
- dbr:1901_Australian_federal_election
- dbr:1903_Australian_federal_election
- dbr:1906_Australian_federal_election
- dbr:1910_Australian_federal_election
- dbr:1913_Australian_federal_election
- dbr:1914_Australian_federal_election
- dbr:1917_Australian_federal_election
- dbr:1919_Australian_federal_election
- dbr:1922_Australian_federal_election
- dbr:1925_Australian_federal_election
- dbr:1928_Australian_federal_election
- dbr:1931_Australian_federal_election
- dbr:1934_Australian_federal_election
- dbr:1977_Australian_federal_election
- dbr:1980_Australian_federal_election
- dbr:1983_Australian_federal_election
- dbr:1984_Australian_federal_election
- dbr:1987_Australian_federal_election
- dbr:1990_Australian_federal_election
- dbr:1993_Australian_federal_election
- dbr:Commonwealth_Liberal_Party
- dbr:Commonwealth_of_Australia
- dbr:Constitution_of_Australia
- dbr:Country_Liberal_Party
- dbc:National_upper_houses
- dbr:Members_of_the_Australian_Senate,_2019–2022
- dbr:Lower_house
- dbr:Opposition_(Australia)
- dbr:Optional_preferential_voting
- dbr:One_vote_one_value
- dbc:Parliament_of_Australia
- dbr:Christmas_Island
- dbr:Coalition_(Australia)
- dbr:Cocos_(Keeling)_Islands
- dbr:Fraser_Anning
- dbr:Free_Trade_Party
- dbr:Gary_Humphries
- dbr:Gough_Whitlam
- dbr:Conscience_vote
- dbr:Contempt_of_Parliament
- dbr:Crossing_the_floor
- dbr:1937_Australian_federal_election
- dbr:1940_Australian_federal_election
- dbr:1943_Australian_federal_election
- dbr:1946_Australian_federal_election
- dbr:1949_Australian_federal_election
- dbr:1951_Australian_federal_election
- dbr:1953_Australian_Senate_election
- dbr:1955_Australian_federal_election
- dbr:1958_Australian_federal_election
- dbr:1961_Australian_federal_election
- dbr:1967_Australian_referendum_(Parliament)
- dbr:1974_Australian_federal_election
- dbr:1975_Australian_constitutional_crisis
- dbr:1975_Australian_federal_election
- dbc:1975_Australian_constitutional_crisis
- dbr:2019_Australian_federal_election
- dbc:Australian_Senate
- dbr:Anne_Ruston
- dbr:Antony_Green
- dbr:Appropriation_bill
- dbr:Liberal_Democratic_Party_(Australia)
- dbr:Liberal_Movement_(Australia)
- dbr:Liberal_National_Party_of_Queensland
- dbr:Liberal_Party_of_Australia
- dbr:Lucy_Gichuhi
- dbr:Simon_Birmingham
- dbr:Single_transferable_vote
- dbr:States_and_territories_of_Australia
- dbr:Steve_Martin_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:Sue_Lines
- dbr:Clerk_of_the_Australian_Senate
- dbr:Federation_of_Australia
- dbr:Palmer_United_Party
- dbr:Parliament_Acts_1911_and_1949
- dbr:Party_line_(politics)
- dbr:Plurality-at-large_voting
- dbr:Preferential_block_voting
- dbr:1996_Australian_federal_election
- dbr:1998_Australian_federal_election
- dbr:2001_Australian_federal_election
- dbr:2004_Australian_federal_election
- dbr:2007_Australian_federal_election
- dbr:1964_Australian_Senate_election
- dbr:1967_Australian_Senate_election
- dbr:1970_Australian_Senate_election
- dbr:Australian_Capital_Territory
- dbr:Australian_Conservatives
- dbr:Australian_Democrats
- dbr:Australian_Greens
- dbr:Australian_Labor_Party
- dbr:Australian_Motoring_Enthusiast_Party
- dbc:1901_establishments_in_Australia
- dbr:Centre_Alliance
- dbr:Treasurer_of_Australia
- dbr:Two-party_system
- dbr:Gair_Affair
- dbr:Landslide_victory
- dbr:Leader_of_the_Government_in_the_Senate_(Australia)
- dbr:Leader_of_the_Opposition_in_the_Senate_(Australia)
- dbr:List_of_Australian_Senate_appointments
- dbr:Howard_Government
- dbr:2016_Australian_federal_election
- dbr:2022_Australian_federal_election
- dbr:47th_Parliament_of_Australia
- dbr:Executive_(government)
- dbr:Family_First_Party
- dbr:Nick_Xenophon
- dbr:Norfolk_Island
- dbr:Northern_Territory
- dbr:Nuclear_Disarmament_Party
- dbr:Parliament_House,_Canberra
- dbr:Parliament_of_Australia
- dbr:Hansard
- dbr:Democratic_Labor_Party_(historical)
- dbr:Proportional_representation
- dbr:Parliamentary_privilege
- dbr:Revenue
- dbr:Revenue_Tariff_Party_(Tasmania)
- dbr:Greens_Western_Australia
- dbr:High_Court_of_Australia
- dbr:Jacqui_Lambie_Network
- dbr:Backbencher
- dbr:Tasmania
- dbr:Tasmanian_Greens
- dbc:Politics_of_Australia
- dbc:Westminster_system
- dbr:Jervis_Bay_Territory
- dbr:John_Gorton
- dbr:John_Howard
- dbr:John_Kerr_(governor-general)
- dbr:Katy_Gallagher
- dbr:Westminster_system
- dbr:Whip_(politics)
- dbr:Double_dissolution
- dbr:Australian_Senate_committees
- dbr:Politics_of_Australia
- dbr:Group_voting_tickets_in_Australia
- dbr:Independent_politician
- dbr:National_Party_of_Australia
- dbr:Nationalist_Party_(Australia)
- dbr:New_South_Wales
- dbr:Canberra_Press_Gallery
- dbr:Australian_Country_Party_(1920)
- dbr:Australian_senate_committees
- dbr:Casual_vacancies_in_the_Australian_Parliament
- dbr:Reading_(legislature)
- dbr:Senate_of_Canada
- dbr:Loss_of_supply
- dbr:Section_23_of_the_Constitution_of_Australia
- dbr:Nick_Xenophon_Team
- dbr:Upper_house
- dbr:First-past-the-post_voting
- dbr:Manager_of_Government_Business_in_the_Senate
- dbr:Manager_of_Opposition_Business_in_the_Senate
- dbr:Members_of_the_Australian_Parliament_who_have_served_for_at_least_30_years
- dbr:Section_13_of_the_Constitution_of_Australia
- dbr:Section_24_of_the_Constitution_of_Australia
- dbr:Women_in_the_Australian_Senate
- dbr:National_Country_Party
- dbr:Father_of_the_Australian_Senate
- dbr:Anti-Socialist_Party
- dbr:File:Senate,_Old_Parliament_House,_Canberra.JPG
- dbr:File:Australian_Parliament_Parliamentary_Committees.webm
- dbr:File:AustralianSenateCommitteeRm.JPG
- dbr:File:Australian_Senate_1923.jpg
- dbr:File:Senate_panorama.jpg
- dbr:File:Victorian-senate-paper-folded-01.png
- yes (en)
- Governor-General Sir John Kerr (en)
- firebrick (en)
- Parliament of Australia (en)
- no (en)
- Coat of Arms of Australia.svg (en)
- 2022-06-01 (xsd:date)
- 2022-06-05 (xsd:date)
- 2022-07-26 (xsd:date)
- Upper house (en)
- 2022-05-21 (xsd:date)
- 47 (xsd:integer)
- dbr:Canberra
- dbr:Commonwealth_of_Australia
- dbr:Australian_Capital_Territory
- dbr:Parliament_House,_Canberra
- Senate Chamber (en)
- 76 (xsd:integer)
- Senate (en)
- 2025 (xsd:integer)
- no (en)
- Australian Senate - Parliament of Australia.jpg (en)
- Statement (en)
- File:2022 Election Australian Senate - Composition of Members.svg (en)
- 255 (xsd:integer)
- (en)
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- Because of the federal nature of our Constitution and because of its provisions the Senate undoubtedly has constitutional power to refuse or defer supply to the Government. Because of the principles of responsible government a Prime Minister who cannot obtain supply, including money for carrying on the ordinary services of government, must either advise a general election or resign. If he refuses to do this I have the authority and indeed the duty under the Constitution to withdraw his Commission as Prime Minister. The position in Australia is quite different from a position in the United Kingdom. Here the confidence of both Houses on supply is necessary to ensure its provision. In United Kingdom the confidence of the House of Commons alone is necessary. But both here and in the United Kingdom the duty of the Prime Minister is the same in a most important aspect – if he cannot get supply he must resign or advise an election. (en)
- dbt:National_upper_houses
- dbt:Australian_Senators
- dbt:Blockquote
- dbt:Cite_book
- dbt:Cite_journal
- dbt:Clear
- dbt:Coord
- dbt:Efn
- dbt:Infobox_legislature
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- dbt:Notelist
- dbt:Refbegin
- dbt:Refend
- dbt:Reflist
- dbt:See_also
- dbt:Short_description
- dbt:Small
- dbt:URL
- dbt:Use_Australian_English
- dbt:Use_dmy_dates
- dbt:Library_resources_box
- dbt:Politics_of_Australia_sidebar
- dbt:Australian_political_parties
- dbt:Composition_of_Australian_Senate
- dbt:Parliament_of_Australia
- dbt:Parliaments_of_Australia
- dbt:Politics_of_Australia
- dbt:Australian_Senate_Delegations
- Australian senate (en)
- dbc:National_upper_houses
- dbc:Parliament_of_Australia
- dbc:1975_Australian_constitutional_crisis
- dbc:Australian_Senate
- dbc:1901_establishments_in_Australia
- dbc:Politics_of_Australia
- dbc:Westminster_system
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- yago:Abstraction100002137
- yago:Assembly108163792
- yago:Gathering107975026
- yago:Group100031264
- yago:Legislature108163273
- dbo:Building
- dbo:Legislature
- dbo:Organisation
- yago:SocialGroup107950920
- umbel-rc:GovernmentalOrganization
- umbel-rc:Organization
- مجلس الشيوخ الأسترالي (بالإنجليزية: Australian Senate) هو الهيئة التشريعية في أستراليا، ويتكون من 76 مقعداً، وهو المجلس الأعلى في برلمان أستراليا. (ar)
- Der Senat ist das Oberhaus des australischen Parlaments im Zweikammersystem des Landes. Die Sitzungen finden im Parliament House in Canberra statt. (de)
- Le Sénat (en anglais : Senate ou The upper house) est la chambre haute du Parlement d'Australie. La chambre basse est appelée la Chambre des représentants (en anglais : House of Representatives). (fr)
- 오스트레일리아 상원(영어: Australian Senate)은 오스트레일리아 하원과 함께 오스트레일리아 의회를 구성하고 있다. (ko)
- 元老院(げんろういん、英語: Senate)は、オーストラリアの連邦議会を構成する議院(上院)である。 (ja)
- Senat Australii – izba wyższa, dwuizbowego parlamentu Australii. Izba niższa znana jest jako Izba Reprezentantów. (pl)
- O Senado australiano é a câmara alta do Parlamento bicameral da Austrália, a câmara baixa é a Câmara dos Representantes. Os senadores são eleitos pelo voto popular em um sistema de representação proporcional. Os senadores são eleitos para um mandato que é normalmente de seis anos, após a dissolução dupla, no entanto, alguns senadores servem seis anos, enquanto outros têm mandato de apenas três. Significativo é o poder conferido ao Senado pela Constituição australiana, incluindo a capacidade de bloquear a legislação iniciada pelo governo na Câmara dos Representantes, tornando-se um híbrido distintivo de bicameralismo Westminster britânico e uma separação dos poderes no estilo estadunidense. (pt)
- 澳大利亚参议院(英語:Australian Senate)是澳大利亚國會的两院之一。参议院也被称作上議院,同时,众议院被称为下議院。参议院成员被称为参议员(Senator)。 与其他西敏制议会系统不同,澳大利亚参议院拥有较大的权力,包括:有全權阻止众议院立法的通过、參議員會兼任重要內閣部長(例如,現任外長黃英賢)等。显然澳大利亚的两院制混合了英美两种制度的特征,但接近于美國參議院。類似於日本參議院般,參議院具有固定的六年任期,定期改選一半議席,不能如眾議院般輕易提前改選,但與日本一樣是眾議院優越制,總理只需得到眾議院多數議員的信任。 (zh)
- The Senate is the upper house of the bicameral Parliament of Australia, the lower house being the House of Representatives. The composition and powers of the Senate are established in Chapter I of the Constitution of Australia. There are a total of 76 senators: 12 are elected from each of the six Australian states regardless of population and 2 from each of the two autonomous internal Australian territories (the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory). Senators are popularly elected under the single transferable vote system of proportional representation. (en)
- El Senado (en inglés: Senate) es la cámara alta del Parlamento de Australia. La composición y los poderes del Senado se establecen en el Capítulo I de la Constitución de Australia. Actualmente posse un total de 76 senadores, 12 son elegidos de cada uno de los seis estados australianos independientemente de la población y 2 de cada uno de los dos territorios internos autónomos de Australia (el Territorio de la Capital Australiana y el Territorio del Norte). Los senadores son elegidos popularmente bajo el sistema de voto único transferible. (es)
- Il Senato (in inglese: Senate) è la camera alta del Parlamento australiano, e i suoi membri sono eletti dal popolo con un sistema proporzionale per un mandato della durata di sei anni. La camera bassa è invece la Camera dei rappresentanti. Secondo la Costituzione australiana, il Senato deve: * comprendere un numero uguale di senatori per ogni Stato originario; * avere almeno sei senatori per ogni Stato originario; * assicurare che ogni legge elettorale riguardante il Senato non operi discriminazioni tra gli Stati. (it)
- Австралийский Сенат (англ. Senate) — верхняя палата австралийского парламента. В Сенате каждый из 6 штатов государства представлен 12 сенаторами, а каждая территория — двумя. Выборы в Сенат проходят по партийным спискам. Сенаторы избираются на 6 лет. Каждые три года переизбирается половина Сената. Сенаторы от территорий избираются на половину обычного срока, то есть на три года. При этом до 1949 года каждый штат избирал по 6 сенаторов; с 1949 года по десять; с 1984 года — по двенадцать. (ru)
- Австралійський Сенат (англ. Senate) — верхня палата австралійського парламенту. У Сенаті кожний з 6 штатів держави представлений 12 сенаторами, а кожна — двома. Вибори до Сенату проходять за партійними списками. Сенатори обираються на 6 років. Кожні три роки переобирається половина Сенату. Сенатори від територій обираються на половину звичайного терміну, тобто, на три роки. При цьому до 1949 кожен штат обирав по 6 сенаторів; з 1949 — по десять; з 1984 — по дванадцять. (uk)
- Australian Senate (en)
- مجلس الشيوخ الأسترالي (ar)
- Australischer Senat (de)
- Senado de Australia (es)
- Sénat (Australie) (fr)
- Senato (Australia) (it)
- 오스트레일리아 상원 (ko)
- 元老院 (オーストラリア) (ja)
- Senat Australii (pl)
- Senado da Austrália (pt)
- Сенат Австралии (ru)
- Сенат Австралії (uk)
- 澳大利亚参议院 (zh)
- dbr:Electoral_system_of_Australia
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- dbr:Results_of_the_2019_Australian_federal_election_(Senate)
- dbr:Results_of_the_2022_Australian_federal_election_(Senate)
- dbr:2022–2025
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- Senate (en)
is dbo:house of
is dbo:leader of
is dbo:occupation of
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- dbr:The_Australian_Senate
- dbr:Senate_(Australia)
- dbr:Aussie_Senate
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- dbr:Senate_of_Australia
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- dbr:Campbell_Newman
- dbr:Canberra_United_FC
- dbr:Carbon_emission_trading
- dbr:Cardwell,_Queensland
- dbr:Carol_Brown_(politician)
- dbr:Carty_Salmon
- dbr:Cate_Faehrmann
- dbr:Prime_Minister_of_Australia
- dbr:Prince_Alfred_College
- dbr:Progress_Party_(Australia)
- dbr:Protestant_People's_Party
- dbr:Queensland
- dbr:Queensland_Greens
- dbr:Queensland_v_Commonwealth
- dbr:Robert_Ray_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:Robert_Reid_(Australian_politician,_born_1842)
- dbr:Robert_Sayers
- dbr:Robert_Simms_(politician)
- dbr:Robert_Wardlaw
- dbr:Robert_Wood_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:Robert_Wordsworth
- dbr:Robin_Gray_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:Rod_Culleton
- dbr:Rod_Kemp
- dbr:Roger_Price_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Archdiocese_of_Adelaide
- dbr:Ron_Boswell
- dbr:Ron_Elstob
- dbr:Ron_Maunsell
- dbr:Ron_McAuliffe
- dbr:Ronald_Harvey_(administrator)
- dbr:Ronald_Munro_Ferguson,_1st_Viscount_Novar
- dbr:Rosemary_Crowley
- dbr:Ross_Cadell
- dbr:Ross_Fitzgerald
- dbr:Ross_Lightfoot
- dbr:Rowe_v_Electoral_Commissioner
- dbr:Roy_Kendall
- dbr:Royal_Commission_into_Aged_Care_Quality_and_Safety
- dbr:Royal_Commission_into_Institutional_Responses_to_Child_Sexual_Abuse
- dbr:Royal_Commission_into_Misconduct_in_th...ation_and_Financial_Services_Industry
- dbr:Royal_Commission_into_the_Building_and_Construction_Industry
- dbr:Rudolph_Ready
- dbr:Sam_Calder
- dbr:Sam_Cohen_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:Sam_Dastyari
- dbr:Sam_McMahon
- dbr:Sam_Rosa
- dbr:Sam_Watson_(political_activist)
- dbr:Same-sex_marriage_in_the_Australian_Capital_Territory
- dbr:Sancta_Sophia_College,_University_of_Sydney
- dbr:Sandra_Nori
- dbr:Sandy_Creek,_South_Australia
- dbr:Sandy_Macdonald
- dbr:Santo_Santoro
- dbr:Sarah_Courtney
- dbr:Sarah_Hanson-Young
- dbr:Sarah_Henderson
- dbr:Satire
- dbr:Science_Party_(Australia)
- dbr:Scientology
- dbr:Scotch_College,_Adelaide
- dbr:Scott_Buchholz
- dbr:Scott_Higgins
- dbr:Scott_Ludlam
- dbr:Scott_Ryan_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:Election_deposit
- dbr:Electoral_district_of_Brown_Hill-Ivanhoe
- dbr:Electoral_district_of_Lyell
- dbr:Electoral_district_of_Perth
- dbr:Electoral_district_of_Waratah_(Tasmania)
- dbr:Electoral_fusion
- dbr:Electoral_history_of_Harry_Holland
- dbr:Electoral_system_of_Australia
- dbr:Electoral_systems_of_the_Australian_states_and_territories
- dbr:Ensuring_Integrity_Bill
- dbr:Environmental_movement_in_Australia
- dbr:Environmentalists_for_Nuclear_Energy_Australia
- dbr:List_of_Western_Australian_Legislative_Council_casual_vacancies
- dbr:List_of_Western_Australian_state_by-elections
- dbr:List_of_alumni_of_Barker_College
- dbr:List_of_breast_cancer_patients_by_survival_status
- dbr:List_of_countries_with_universal_health_care
- dbr:List_of_current_presidents_of_legislatures
- dbr:List_of_electoral_systems_by_country
- dbr:List_of_female_speakers_of_national_and_territorial_upper_houses
- dbr:List_of_foreign_politicians_of_Indian_origin
- dbr:List_of_foreign_politicians_of_Pakistani_origin
- dbr:Menzies_government_(1949–1966)
- dbr:Molonglo_electorate
- dbr:National_Union_of_Students_(Australia)
- dbr:Warren_Mundine
- dbr:Members_of_multiple_Australian_legislatures
- dbr:Members_of_the_Australian_Capital_Territory_Legislative_Assembly,_2001–2004
- dbr:Members_of_the_Australian_House_of_Representatives,_1910–1913
- dbr:Members_of_the_Australian_House_of_Representatives,_1974–1975
- dbr:Members_of_the_Australian_House_of_Representatives,_1975–1977
- dbr:Members_of_the_Australian_Parliament_w...nted_more_than_one_state_or_territory
- dbr:Members_of_the_Australian_Senate
- dbr:Members_of_the_New_South_Wales_Legislative_Assembly,_1901–1904
- dbr:Members_of_the_Northern_Territory_Legislative_Assembly,_1974–1977
- dbr:Members_of_the_Queensland_Legislative_Assembly,_1915–1918
- dbr:Members_of_the_Queensland_Legislative_Assembly,_1947–1950
- dbr:Members_of_the_South_Australian_House_of_Assembly,_1918–1921
- dbr:Members_of_the_South_Australian_House_of_Assembly,_1950–1953
- dbr:Members_of_the_South_Australian_House_of_Assembly,_1973–1975
- dbr:Members_of_the_South_Australian_House_of_Assembly,_1989–1993
- dbr:Members_of_the_South_Australian_Legislative_Council,_2006–2010
- dbr:Members_of_the_South_Australian_Legislative_Council,_2018–2022
- dbr:Members_of_the_Tasmanian_House_of_Assembly,_1909–1912
- dbr:Members_of_the_Tasmanian_House_of_Assembly,_1916–1919
- dbr:Members_of_the_Tasmanian_House_of_Assembly,_1919–1922
- dbr:Members_of_the_Tasmanian_House_of_Assembly,_1922–1925
- dbr:Members_of_the_Tasmanian_House_of_Assembly,_1931–1934
- dbr:Members_of_the_Tasmanian_House_of_Assembly,_1948–1950
- dbr:Members_of_the_Tasmanian_House_of_Assembly,_1950–1955
- dbr:Members_of_the_Tasmanian_House_of_Assembly,_1959–1964
- dbr:Members_of_the_Tasmanian_House_of_Assembly,_1972–1976
- dbr:Members_of_the_Tasmanian_House_of_Assembly,_1982–1986
- dbr:Members_of_the_Tasmanian_Legislative_Council,_1915–1921
- dbr:Members_of_the_Victorian_Legislative_Assembly,_1927–1929
- dbr:Members_of_the_Western_Australian_Legislative_Assembly,_1927–1930
- dbr:Members_of_the_Western_Australian_Legislative_Assembly,_1939–1943
- dbr:Members_of_the_Western_Australian_Legislative_Assembly,_2001–2005
- dbr:Members_of_the_Western_Australian_Legislative_Council,_1900–1902
- dbr:Members_of_the_Western_Australian_Legislative_Council,_1910–1912
- dbr:Members_of_the_Western_Australian_Legislative_Council,_2005–2009
- dbr:Monuments_of_Australia
- dbr:Random_ballot
- dbr:William_Grasby
- dbr:Parliamentary_Entitlements_Act_1990
- dbr:Parliamentary_Joint_Committee_on_Intelligence_and_Security
- dbr:Parliamentary_Library_of_Australia
- dbr:Parliamentary_system
- dbr:Wallace_Fraser
- dbr:Private_member's_bill
- dbr:Pro_forma
- dbr:1917_Newcastle_state_by-election
- dbr:1921_Parramatta_by-election
- dbr:1940_Swan_by-election
- dbr:1942_York_state_by-election
- dbr:1943
- dbr:1943_in_Australia
- dbr:2008_Western_Australian_state_election
- dbr:2009_Liberal_Party_of_Australia_leadership_spill
- dbr:2009_Pel-Air_Westwind_ditching
- dbr:2009_United_Nations_Climate_Change_Conference
- dbr:2010_Australian_Labor_Party_leadership_spill
- dbr:2010_Australian_federal_election
- dbr:2010_South_Australian_state_election
- dbr:2011_Qantas_industrial_disputes
- dbr:2013_Australian_federal_election
- dbr:2020s_in_Australian_political_history
- dbr:Barnaby_Joyce
- dbr:Barney_Cooney
- dbr:Barry_O'Sullivan
- dbr:Baulkham_Hills_High_School
- dbr:Belconnen_United_FC
- dbr:Belinda_Neal
- dbr:Ben_Chifley
- dbr:Ben_Courtice
- dbr:Ben_Small_(politician)
- dbr:Bendigo
- dbr:Benjamin_Benny
- dbr:Bernard_Collaery
- dbr:Bernie_Kilgariff
- dbr:Bernie_Masters
- dbr:Bert_Hendrickson
- dbr:Bert_Hoare
- dbr:Bert_Lacey
- dbr:Bertie_Johnston
- dbr:Bertie_Milliner
- dbr:Beryl_Evans
- dbr:Bess_Price
- dbr:Bettina_Arndt
- dbr:Bettina_Gorton
- dbr:Bev_McArthur
- dbr:Bicameralism
- dbr:Bill_Ashley_(politician)
- dbr:Bill_Aylett
- dbr:Bill_Brown_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:Bill_Burns_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:Bill_Denny
- dbr:Bill_Heatley
- dbr:Bill_Heffernan
- dbr:Bill_Landeryou
- dbr:Bill_Morrow_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:Bill_O'Chee
- dbr:Bill_Robinson_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:Bill_Spooner_(politician)
- dbr:Bill_Wentworth
- dbr:Billy_Snedden
- dbr:Bindoon,_Western_Australia
- dbr:Blacktown
- dbr:Blacktown_Boys_High_School
- dbr:Blockchain_Global
- dbr:Blundell_v_Vardon
- dbr:Bob_Adams_(American_football)
- dbr:Bob_Brown
- dbr:Bob_Carr
- dbr:Bob_Collins_(politician)
- dbr:Bob_Cotton
- dbr:Bob_Day
- dbr:Bob_Hawke
- dbr:Bob_McMullan
- dbr:Bob_Poke
- dbr:Bob_Randall_(politician)
- dbr:Bob_Sherrington
- dbr:Bob_Woods_(politician)
- dbr:Bond_University
- dbr:Breakers_(TV_series)
- dbr:Brenda_Gibbs
- dbr:Brett_Mason
- dbr:Brian_Archer
- dbr:Brian_Burston
- dbr:Brian_Gibson_(politician)
- dbr:Brian_Greig
- dbr:Brian_Harradine
- dbr:Brian_Herbert_Medlin
- dbr:Bridget_McKenzie
- dbr:Briggs_(rapper)
- dbr:David_Andrew
- dbr:David_Brownhill
- dbr:David_Bushby
- dbr:David_Campbell_(Australian_political_scientist)
- dbr:David_Charleston
- dbr:David_Fairbairn_(politician)
- dbr:David_Fawcett
- dbr:David_Feeney
- dbr:David_Gordon_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:David_Hall_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:David_Hamer
- dbr:David_Johnston_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:David_Kennedy_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:David_Leyonhjelm
- dbr:David_MacGibbon_(politician)
- dbr:David_Morrison
- dbr:David_O'Keefe_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:David_Oldfield_(politician)
- dbr:David_Pocock
- dbr:David_Reid_(politician)
- dbr:David_Shoebridge
- dbr:David_Simmons_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:David_Smith_(Australian_Capital_Territory_politician)
- dbr:David_Van
- dbr:David_Vigor
- dbr:David_Watson_(New_South_Wales_politician)
- dbr:David_Wirrpanda
- dbr:David_Wordsworth
- dbr:Deakin_University
- dbr:Dean_Brown
- dbr:Dean_Smith_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:Deborah_O'Neill
- dbr:Declaration_on_the_Rights_of_Indigenous_Peoples
- dbr:Dee_Margetts
- dbr:Democracy
- dbr:Democratic_Labour_Party_(Australia)
- dbr:Denham_Henty
- dbr:Department_of_Agriculture_(Australia,_2019–20)
- dbr:Department_of_Agriculture_and_Water_Resources
- dbr:Department_of_Education_(Australia,_2013–14)
- dbr:Department_of_Employment_(Australia)
- dbr:Derryn_Hinch
- dbr:Derryn_Hinch's_Justice_Party
- dbr:Alfred_Jacobs
- dbr:Annette_Cameron
- dbr:Apology_to_Australia's_Indigenous_peoples
- dbr:Apportionment_by_country
- dbr:Archibald_Sanderson
- dbr:History_of_the_Australian_Broadcasting_Corporation
- dbr:History_of_the_Australian_Labor_Party
- dbr:Hollie_Hughes_(politician)
- dbr:Holodomor_in_modern_politics
- dbr:Horace_Nock
- dbr:Hugh_McDermott_(politician)
- dbr:Hugh_Sinclair_(politician)
- dbr:Hugh_de_Largie
- dbr:John_Mullan_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:John_Murray_(pastoralist)
- dbr:John_Neild
- dbr:John_Newlands_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:John_Norton_(journalist)
- dbr:John_Olsen
- dbr:John_Panizza
- dbr:John_Percival_Tate
- dbr:John_Quirke
- dbr:John_Ryan_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:John_Shannon_(politician)
- dbr:John_Siddons
- dbr:John_Spicer_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:John_Stone_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:John_Tierney_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:John_Verran
- dbr:John_Watson_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:John_Wheeldon
- dbr:John_Williams_(Australian_senator)
- dbr:John_Woodley
- dbr:Joint_Sitting_of_the_Australian_Parliament_of_1974
- dbr:Jonathon_Duniam
- dbr:Jordon_Steele-John
is dbp:3data of
is dbp:consideredBy of
is dbp:enactedBy of
- dbr:Competition_and_Consumer_Act_2010
- dbr:Clean_Energy_Act_2011
- dbr:Succession_to_the_Crown_Act_2015
- dbr:Australian_nationality_law
- dbr:Jervis_Bay_Territory_Acceptance_Act_1915
- dbr:Age_Discrimination_Act_2004
- dbr:Disability_Discrimination_Act_1992
- dbr:Supply_Act_(Australia)
- dbr:Spam_Act_2003
- dbr:News_Media_Bargaining_Code
is dbp:honorificPrefix of
- dbr:Carol_Brown_(politician)
- dbr:Ross_Cadell
- dbr:Sarah_Hanson-Young
- dbr:Sarah_Henderson
- dbr:Bridget_McKenzie
- dbr:David_Fawcett
- dbr:David_Pocock
- dbr:David_Shoebridge
- dbr:David_Van
- dbr:Dean_Smith_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:Deborah_O'Neill
- dbr:Hollie_Hughes_(politician)
- dbr:Jonathon_Duniam
- dbr:Jordon_Steele-John
- dbr:Paul_Scarr
- dbr:Pauline_Hanson
- dbr:Penny_Allman-Payne
- dbr:Penny_Wong
- dbr:Perin_Davey
- dbr:Peter_Whish-Wilson
- dbr:Richard_Colbeck
- dbr:Matt_Canavan
- dbr:Matt_O'Sullivan
- dbr:Mehreen_Faruqi
- dbr:Gavin_Marshall
- dbr:Gerard_Rennick
- dbr:Glenn_Sterle
- dbr:Murray_Watt
- dbr:Andrew_Bragg
- dbr:Andrew_McLachlan
- dbr:Anne_Ruston
- dbr:Anne_Urquhart
- dbr:Anthony_Chisholm_(politician)
- dbr:Lidia_Thorpe
- dbr:Linda_Reynolds
- dbr:Linda_White_(politician)
- dbr:Louise_Pratt
- dbr:Malarndirri_McCarthy
- dbr:Malcolm_Roberts_(politician)
- dbr:Slade_Brockman
- dbr:Sue_Lines
- dbr:Kerrynne_Liddle
- dbr:Barbara_Pocock
- dbr:Catryna_Bilyk
- dbr:Tim_Ayres
- dbr:Tony_Sheldon_(politician)
- dbr:Wendy_Askew
- dbr:Alex_Antic
- dbr:Allan_McDougall
- dbr:Fatima_Payman
- dbr:Nick_McKim
- dbr:Nita_Green
- dbr:Pat_Dodson
- dbr:Karen_Grogan
- dbr:Helen_Polley
- dbr:Jacinta_Nampijinpa_Price
- dbr:Jacqui_Lambie
- dbr:James_McGrath_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:James_Paterson_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:Jana_Stewart
- dbr:Jane_Hume
- dbr:Janet_Rice
- dbr:Jenny_McAllister
- dbr:Jess_Walsh
- dbr:Jim_Molan
- dbr:Katy_Gallagher
- dbr:Larissa_Waters
- dbr:Susan_McDonald
- dbr:Don_Farrell
- dbr:Dorinda_Cox
- dbr:Marielle_Smith
- dbr:Marise_Payne
- dbr:Michaelia_Cash
- dbr:Raff_Ciccone
- dbr:Ralph_Babet
- dbr:Tammy_Tyrrell
is dbp:house of
is dbp:houses of
is dbp:introducedBy of
is dbp:minister1Name of
is dbp:nationalRepresentationType of
- dbr:Queensland
- dbr:Victoria_(Australia)
- dbr:Christmas_Island
- dbr:Cocos_(Keeling)_Islands
- dbr:Australian_Capital_Territory
- dbr:Western_Australia
- dbr:Norfolk_Island
- dbr:Northern_Territory
- dbr:Tasmania
- dbr:Jervis_Bay_Territory
- dbr:South_Australia
- dbr:New_South_Wales
is dbp:nota of
is dbp:office of
- dbr:Robert_Ray_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:Barnaby_Joyce
- dbr:Robert_Hill_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:Chris_Schacht
- dbr:Graham_Richardson
- dbr:Thomas_Playford_II
- dbr:John_Gorton
- dbr:Philip_McBride
is dbp:seats1Title of
is dbp:seats2Title of
- dbr:Pauline_Hanson's_One_Nation
- dbr:United_Australia_Party
- dbr:United_Australia_Party_(2013)
- dbr:Communist_Party_of_Australia_(1971)
- dbr:Communist_Party_of_Australia_(Marxist–Leninist)
- dbr:Country_Liberal_Party
- dbr:Coalition_(Australia)
- dbr:Fraser_Anning's_Conservative_National_Party
- dbr:Legalise_Cannabis_Australia
- dbr:Liberal_Democratic_Party_(Australia)
- dbr:Liberal_National_Party_of_Queensland
- dbr:Liberal_Party_of_Australia
- dbr:Libertarian_Party_of_Australia
- dbr:Australia_First_Party
- dbr:Australian_Citizens_Party
- dbr:Australian_Conservatives
- dbr:Australian_Federation_Party
- dbr:Australian_Greens
- dbr:Australian_Greens_Victoria
- dbr:Australian_Labor_Party
- dbr:Australian_Party
- dbr:Centre_Alliance
- dbr:Centre_Party_(New_South_Wales)
- dbr:Federal_ICAC_Now
- dbr:Greens_South_Australia
- dbr:The_Great_Australian_Party
- dbr:Lang_Labor
- dbr:Sustainable_Australia
- dbr:TNL_(political_party)
- dbr:Socialist_Alliance_(Australia)
- dbr:Socialist_Equality_Party_(Australia)
- dbr:Indigenous-Aboriginal_Party_of_Australia
- dbr:National_Party_of_Australia
- dbr:National_Party_of_Australia_–_Tasmania
- dbr:Nationalist_Party_(Australia)
- dbr:Socialist_Action_(Australia)
is dbp:seats3Title of
- dbr:Liberal_Party_of_Australia_(A.C.T._Division)
- dbr:Australian_Labor_Party_(Australian_Capital_Territory_Branch)
- dbr:ACT_Greens
- dbr:Greens_New_South_Wales
is dbp:seats4Title of
- dbr:Queensland_Greens
- dbr:Pauline_Hanson's_One_Nation_–_South_Australia
- dbr:Liberal_Party_of_Australia_(New_South_Wales_Division)
- dbr:Liberal_Party_of_Australia_(South_Australian_Division)
- dbr:Liberal_Party_of_Australia_(Victorian_Division)
- dbr:Liberal_Party_of_Australia_(Western_Australian_Division)
- dbr:Australian_Labor_Party_(New_South_Wales_Branch)
- dbr:Australian_Labor_Party_(Northern_Territory_Branch)
- dbr:Australian_Labor_Party_(Queensland_Branch)
- dbr:Australian_Labor_Party_(South_Australian_Branch)
- dbr:Australian_Labor_Party_(Tasmanian_Branch)
- dbr:Australian_Labor_Party_(Victorian_Branch)
- dbr:Greens_Western_Australia
- dbr:National_Party_of_Australia_–_NSW
- dbr:National_Party_of_Australia_–_Victoria
is dbp:seats5Title of
is dbp:title of
- dbr:Ron_Boswell
- dbr:Santo_Santoro
- dbr:Barnaby_Joyce
- dbr:Ben_Small_(politician)
- dbr:Bill_Ashley_(politician)
- dbr:Bob_Carr
- dbr:Bob_Woods_(politician)
- dbr:John_Olsen
- dbr:Penny_Wong
- dbr:Richard_Alston_(politician)
- dbr:Robert_Hill_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:Mathias_Cormann
- dbr:Frank_McManus_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:Gareth_Evans_(politician)
- dbr:George_McLeay
- dbr:Graham_Richardson
- dbr:Mitch_Fifield
- dbr:Thomas_Glassey
- dbr:Steele_Hall
- dbr:Bronwyn_Bishop
- dbr:Walter_Cooper_(Queensland_politician)
- dbr:Arthur_Sinodinos
- dbr:Jim_Cavanagh
- dbr:Joe_Collings
- dbr:John_Button_(Australian_politician)
- dbr:John_Faulkner
- dbr:Susan_Ryan
- dbr:Michael_Ronaldson
- dbr:Neville_Bonner
- dbr:Reg_Withers
is dbp:upperHouse of
is dbp:upperhouse of
is dbp:workplaces of
is foaf:primaryTopic of