Apollo 15 postal covers incident (original) (raw)

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Der als Briefmarkenskandal von Apollo 15 bekannte Vorfall sorgte für strengere Regeln, was Astronauten mit an Bord nehmen durften. Einige Monate nach dem Flug von Apollo 15 zum Mond stellte sich heraus, dass die drei Astronauten David Scott, James Irwin und Alfred Worden ohne Genehmigung Briefumschläge mit ins All genommen hatten, die später als Sammlerstücke verkauft wurden.


Property Value
dbo:abstract Der als Briefmarkenskandal von Apollo 15 bekannte Vorfall sorgte für strengere Regeln, was Astronauten mit an Bord nehmen durften. Einige Monate nach dem Flug von Apollo 15 zum Mond stellte sich heraus, dass die drei Astronauten David Scott, James Irwin und Alfred Worden ohne Genehmigung Briefumschläge mit ins All genommen hatten, die später als Sammlerstücke verkauft wurden. (de) The Apollo 15 postal covers incident, a 1972 NASA scandal, involved the astronauts of Apollo 15, who carried about 400 unauthorized postal covers into space and to the Moon's surface on the Lunar Module Falcon. Some of the envelopes were sold at high prices by West German stamp dealer Hermann Sieger, and are known as "Sieger covers". The crew of Apollo 15, David Scott, Alfred Worden, and James Irwin, agreed to take payments for carrying the covers; though they returned the money, they were reprimanded by NASA. Amid much press coverage of the incident, the astronauts were called before a closed session of a Senate committee and never flew in space again. The three astronauts and an acquaintance, Horst Eiermann, had agreed to have the covers made and taken into space. Each astronaut was to receive about 7,000(equivalentto7,000 (equivalent to 7,000(equivalentto45,000 in 2021). Scott arranged to have the covers postmarked on the morning of the Apollo 15 launch on July 26, 1971. They were packaged for space and brought to him as he prepared for liftoff; he brought them aboard in a pocket of his space suit. They were not included on the list of the personal items he was taking into space. The covers spent July 30 to August 2 on the Moon inside Falcon. On August 7, the date of splashdown, the covers were postmarked again on the recovery carrier USS Okinawa. One hundred were sent to Eiermann (and passed on to Sieger); the remaining covers were divided among the astronauts. Worden had agreed to carry 144 additional covers, largely for an acquaintance, F. Herrick Herrick; these had been approved for travel to space. Apollo 15 carried a total of approximately 641 covers. In late 1971, when NASA learned that the Herrick covers were being sold, the astronauts' supervisor, Deke Slayton, warned Worden to avoid further commercialization of what he had been allowed to take into space. After Slayton heard of the Sieger arrangement, he removed the three as backup crew members for Apollo 17, though the astronauts had by then returned compensation from Sieger. The Sieger matter became generally known in the newspapers in June 1972. There was widespread coverage; some commentators argued that astronauts should not be allowed to reap personal profits from NASA missions. By 1977, all three former astronauts had left NASA. In 1983, Worden sued, and the covers were returned to them. One of the postal covers given to Sieger sold for over 50,000in2014(equivalentto50,000 in 2014 (equivalent to 50,000in2014(equivalentto57,000 in 2021). (en) Le scandale des enveloppes postales d'Apollo 15 est une affaire impliquant les astronautes de la mission lunaire de la NASA Apollo 15, qui emportent sans autorisation environ 400 enveloppes commémoratives de la mission sur la Lune pour les revendre à un prix élevé. Certaines d'entre elles ont été vendues par la société philatélique allemande Hermann Ernst Sieger GmbH et sont désormais connues sous le nom d'« enveloppes Sieger ». L'équipage d'Apollo 15 (David Scott, Alfred Worden et James Irwin) accepte dans un premier temps de recevoir des paiements pour leur transport et, bien qu'ayant rendu ensuite rapidement l'argent, est réprimandé par la NASA. Au milieu de la couverture médiatique de l'incident, les astronautes sont convoqués devant une commission sénatoriale à huis clos et sont interdits de vol. L'affaire commence lorsque les trois astronautes et une connaissance, Horst Eiermann, acceptent que des enveloppes soient emmenées dans l'espace. Chacun d'entre eux doit recevoir environ 7 000 dollars (44 000 dollars aujourd'hui). Scott fait en sorte qu'elles soient timbrées le matin du lancement d'Apollo 15, le 26 juillet 1971. Elles passent la période du 30 juillet au 2 août sur la Lune à l'intérieur du module lunaire Falcon. Le 7 août, date du retour sur terre, elles sont oblitérées à nouveau sur le porte-avions de récupération USS Okinawa. Apollo 15 a transporté un total d'environ 641 enveloppes. Fin 1971, lorsque la NASA apprend que certaines vont être vendues, le superviseur des astronautes, Deke Slayton, avertit Worden d'éviter toute commercialisation supplémentaire de ce qu'il a été autorisé à emmener dans l'espace. Après avoir entendu parler de l'accord Sieger, Slayton retire les trois membres de l'équipage de réserve d'Apollo 17, bien que les astronautes aient auparavant rendu leur compensation financière. Toutes les enveloppes sont confisquées par la NASA, mais en 1983, Worden intente un procès et les enveloppes sont rendues aux astronautes. Une de celles données à Sieger a été adjugée plus de 50 000 dollars en 2014. (fr) O incidente dos envelopes postais da Apollo 15 foi um escândalo da NASA em 1972 envolvendo os astronautas da Apollo 15, que levaram aproximadamente quatrocentos envelopes postais não autorizados para o espaço e até a superfície da Lua a bordo do módulo lunar Falcon. Alguns desses foram vendidos pelo comerciante de selos alemão Hermann Sieger por preços altos, ficando conhecidos como "envelopes Sieger". Os astronautas David Scott, Alfred Worden e James Irwin concordaram em aceitar pagamentos para levarem os envelopes, porém devolveram o dinheiro e foram repreendidos pela NASA. A imprensa realizou uma grande cobertura do incidente e a tripulação foi convocada para depor diante de um comitê do Senado. Os três nunca mais voltaram para o espaço e deixaram a NASA até 1977; os envelopes apreendidos foram devolvidos em 1983. Os três astronautas mais seu conhecido Horst Eiermann concordaram em produzir os envelopes e levá-los para o espaço. Cada um dos membros da tripulação receberia por volta de sete mil dólares. Scott conseguiu fazer com que os envelopes fossem carimbados na manhã do lançamento da Apollo 15 em 21 de julho de 1971. Eles foram embalados e entregues a ele enquanto se preparava. Os envelopes não foram incluídos na lista de itens pessoais que estariam carregando por causa de um erro. Todos ficaram desde 30 de julho até 2 de agosto a bordo do Falcon na superfície lunar. Eles foram carimbados novamente em 7 de agosto, o dia da amerrissagem, a bordo do navio de resgate USS Okinawa. Cem foram enviados para Eiermann, que os repassou para Sieger; os restantes foram divididos entre os astronautas. Worden tinha concordado em carregar 144 envelopes adicionais, principalmente para seu conhecido F. Herrick Herrick; estes foram aprovados para serem levados para o espaço. A Apollo 15 levou aproximadamente 641 envelopes. A NASA descobriu no final de 1971 que os envelopes de Herrick estavam sendo vendidos, com Donald Slayton, o supervisor dos astronautas, avisando Worden para evitar maiores comercializações daquilo que tinha sido permitido que fosse levado para o espaço. Slayton removeu os três astronautas da tripulação reserva da Apollo 17 assim que soube do acordo com Sieger, mesmo com Scott, Worden e Irwin já tendo recusado a compensação de Eiermann e Sieger. A questão tornou-se de conhecimento público em junho de 1972. A cobertura da imprensa foi ampla, com alguns afirmando que astronautas não deveriam colher lucros pessoais sobre as missões espaciais. O incidente fez a NASA rever sua regulamentação sobre que tipos de itens pessoais os astronautas podiam levar em missões. (pt) Скандал с филателистическими конвертами «Аполлона-15» — инцидент, который произошёл в отряде астронавтов США в 1971—1972 годах и был связан с филателистическими конвертами, прихваченными на борт «Аполлона-15». Продажа несанкционированных космических филателистических материалов (почтовых сувениров) седьмой лунной миссии вызвала негативную реакцию и разбирательство на уровне Конгресса США, что отрицательно сказалось на дальнейшей карьере причастных к инциденту астронавтов. (ru) 阿波罗15号首日封事件(Apollo 15 postal covers incident)是指1972年一件美国航天局的丑闻,涉及阿波罗15号的三位宇航员,大卫·斯科特、阿尔弗莱德·沃尔登和詹姆斯·艾尔文,其中斯科特将400枚未经批准的首日封随猎鹰号登月小艇带入太空,并到达月球表面。一部分信封(也被称为西格封)被以高价卖给西德,。最终宇航员们将获得的钱还回,但仍被航天局正式警告。众多媒体对该事件的报道中,宇航员们被召唤参加美国参议院的闭门会议,并再也无法回到太空。 此事件中,三位宇航员和达成协议,制造首日封并由航天员带入太空。每个航天员可以获得$7,000(相当于2021年的$45,000)。斯科特安排在1971年7月26日阿波罗15号准备发射的早晨给信封被盖上邮戳。首日封为应对太空环境而被包裹起来,在准备升空前交给斯科特;他把它们放在自己航天服的口袋里带上了太空船。但这些信封没有被记录在斯科特带上太空的个人物品的名单上 ,这些信封从7月30日到8月2日在月球上(随航天员被带到猎鹰号月球车上)。8月7日海面溅落当天,信封在前来回收的军舰上被再次盖上邮戳。其中有一百封信封经手西格被送到赫尔曼手中,其余的信封被分给三位航天员。 沃尔顿为结识的额外携带了144个信封,这些信封经过航天局的批准。因此阿波罗15号总共带了641封信封。1971年,当航天局知晓沃尔顿的信封也被当作商品售卖,迪克·斯雷顿(沃尔顿的主管)警告了沃尔顿,要求他不要让被允许带入太空的物品被。后来斯雷顿又听说了西格的事情,他旋即把三位航天员移到阿波罗17号的后备机组人员中。1972年6月,此事已经广为人知,部分大众认为航天员不应该从太空局项目中获取私利。 1977年,三位航天员离开航天局。1983年,沃尔顿起诉航天局,拿回了首日封。在那100封给西格的首日封中,有一封在2014年卖出了$50,000的高价。 (zh)
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dbp:quote [Worden :] Yes, those – those covers would have been infinitely more valuable, I think. (en) [Worden:] Yes. You got to – yes. We've already signed those, haven't we? We haven't signed these? It really doesn't make much difference, does it? (en) [Irwin:] No! (en) [Irwin:] Okay. (en) [Scott:] No. (en) [Scott:] Oh, well. (en) [Scott:] Okay? (en) [Scott:] What's that, Jim? (en) [Worden:] Good. Very good. (en) The other astronauts were divided in their opinions. Some saw it as simply a dumb mistake. Others thought Scott, as mission commander, should be court-martialed. To some, it was a gray area. Astronauts had sold their autographs, for example, and profited in other less dramatic ways from their fame. But this time, there was so much money involved, and it had all become so public. It had tarnished the astronaut corps. That it had all been done by earnest, straight-arrow Dave Scott, whose mission had been such a high point for Apollo, only made the shock greater ... Whatever the astronauts thought of the stamp affair, the damage was done ... For better or for worse, the myth of the Perfect Astronaut had crumbled. (en) [Worden:] Maybe, Dave, it's just as well we didn't. (en) [Worden:] We don't really have to sign them now I guess. We can do that anytime. (en) The hearings themselves did not go well at all. [NASA Inspections Division director Bartley A. Fugler] made a very poor witness. He was imprecise, vague, and just did not look like a strong investigator. Fletcher and I took a severe beating on NASA's administrative procedures. Chris Kraft took a very offensive approach to the Committee, which of course, annoyed the Committee. Deke made a fairly good witness, but the Committee did not believe his story. The astronauts themselves appeared to be even more naïve than they actually were. (en)
dbp:salign center (en) right (en)
dbp:source 0001-08-03 (xsd:gMonthDay) NASA Deputy Administrator George M. Low (en) Andrew Chaikin, A Man on the Moon: The Voyages of the Apollo Astronauts , pp. 497–498 (en)
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dct:subject dbc:Scandals_in_the_United_States dbc:Alfred_Worden dbc:Apollo_15 dbc:David_Scott dbc:History_of_spaceflight dbc:James_Irwin dbc:Space_exploration_on_stamps dbc:Postal_history_of_the_United_States dbc:1971_in_the_United_States dbc:1972_controversies dbc:1972_in_the_United_States
rdfs:comment Der als Briefmarkenskandal von Apollo 15 bekannte Vorfall sorgte für strengere Regeln, was Astronauten mit an Bord nehmen durften. Einige Monate nach dem Flug von Apollo 15 zum Mond stellte sich heraus, dass die drei Astronauten David Scott, James Irwin und Alfred Worden ohne Genehmigung Briefumschläge mit ins All genommen hatten, die später als Sammlerstücke verkauft wurden. (de) Скандал с филателистическими конвертами «Аполлона-15» — инцидент, который произошёл в отряде астронавтов США в 1971—1972 годах и был связан с филателистическими конвертами, прихваченными на борт «Аполлона-15». Продажа несанкционированных космических филателистических материалов (почтовых сувениров) седьмой лунной миссии вызвала негативную реакцию и разбирательство на уровне Конгресса США, что отрицательно сказалось на дальнейшей карьере причастных к инциденту астронавтов. (ru) The Apollo 15 postal covers incident, a 1972 NASA scandal, involved the astronauts of Apollo 15, who carried about 400 unauthorized postal covers into space and to the Moon's surface on the Lunar Module Falcon. Some of the envelopes were sold at high prices by West German stamp dealer Hermann Sieger, and are known as "Sieger covers". The crew of Apollo 15, David Scott, Alfred Worden, and James Irwin, agreed to take payments for carrying the covers; though they returned the money, they were reprimanded by NASA. Amid much press coverage of the incident, the astronauts were called before a closed session of a Senate committee and never flew in space again. (en) Le scandale des enveloppes postales d'Apollo 15 est une affaire impliquant les astronautes de la mission lunaire de la NASA Apollo 15, qui emportent sans autorisation environ 400 enveloppes commémoratives de la mission sur la Lune pour les revendre à un prix élevé. Certaines d'entre elles ont été vendues par la société philatélique allemande Hermann Ernst Sieger GmbH et sont désormais connues sous le nom d'« enveloppes Sieger ». L'équipage d'Apollo 15 (David Scott, Alfred Worden et James Irwin) accepte dans un premier temps de recevoir des paiements pour leur transport et, bien qu'ayant rendu ensuite rapidement l'argent, est réprimandé par la NASA. Au milieu de la couverture médiatique de l'incident, les astronautes sont convoqués devant une commission sénatoriale à huis clos et sont inter (fr) O incidente dos envelopes postais da Apollo 15 foi um escândalo da NASA em 1972 envolvendo os astronautas da Apollo 15, que levaram aproximadamente quatrocentos envelopes postais não autorizados para o espaço e até a superfície da Lua a bordo do módulo lunar Falcon. Alguns desses foram vendidos pelo comerciante de selos alemão Hermann Sieger por preços altos, ficando conhecidos como "envelopes Sieger". Os astronautas David Scott, Alfred Worden e James Irwin concordaram em aceitar pagamentos para levarem os envelopes, porém devolveram o dinheiro e foram repreendidos pela NASA. A imprensa realizou uma grande cobertura do incidente e a tripulação foi convocada para depor diante de um comitê do Senado. Os três nunca mais voltaram para o espaço e deixaram a NASA até 1977; os envelopes apreendid (pt) 阿波罗15号首日封事件(Apollo 15 postal covers incident)是指1972年一件美国航天局的丑闻,涉及阿波罗15号的三位宇航员,大卫·斯科特、阿尔弗莱德·沃尔登和詹姆斯·艾尔文,其中斯科特将400枚未经批准的首日封随猎鹰号登月小艇带入太空,并到达月球表面。一部分信封(也被称为西格封)被以高价卖给西德,。最终宇航员们将获得的钱还回,但仍被航天局正式警告。众多媒体对该事件的报道中,宇航员们被召唤参加美国参议院的闭门会议,并再也无法回到太空。 此事件中,三位宇航员和达成协议,制造首日封并由航天员带入太空。每个航天员可以获得$7,000(相当于2021年的$45,000)。斯科特安排在1971年7月26日阿波罗15号准备发射的早晨给信封被盖上邮戳。首日封为应对太空环境而被包裹起来,在准备升空前交给斯科特;他把它们放在自己航天服的口袋里带上了太空船。但这些信封没有被记录在斯科特带上太空的个人物品的名单上 ,这些信封从7月30日到8月2日在月球上(随航天员被带到猎鹰号月球车上)。8月7日海面溅落当天,信封在前来回收的军舰上被再次盖上邮戳。其中有一百封信封经手西格被送到赫尔曼手中,其余的信封被分给三位航天员。 1977年,三位航天员离开航天局。1983年,沃尔顿起诉航天局,拿回了首日封。在那100封给西格的首日封中,有一封在2014年卖出了$50,000的高价。 (zh)
rdfs:label Briefmarkenaffäre von Apollo 15 (de) Apollo 15 postal covers incident (en) Insiden sampul pos Apollo 15 (in) Scandale des enveloppes postales d'Apollo 15 (fr) Incidente dos envelopes postais da Apollo 15 (pt) Скандал с филателистическими конвертами «Аполлона-15» (ru) 阿波罗15号首日封事件 (zh)
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