Bakkwa (original) (raw)
바꾸앙(민난어: bah-koaⁿ, 중국어 간체자: 肉干, 정체자: 肉乾, 병음: ròugān 러우간[*])은 달콤·짭조름한 중국식 마른고기이다. 돼지고기, 쇠고기, 양고기 등을 향신료, 설탕, 소금과 간장으로 양념해 섭씨 50~60도에서 건조해 만든다.
Property | Value |
dbo:abstract | Bakkwa, also known as rougan, is a Chinese salty-sweet dried meat product similar to jerky. Bakkwa is made with a meat preservation and preparation technique originating from China. The general method of production has remained virtually unchanged throughout the centuries, but the techniques have been gradually improved. It is traditionally made of pork, beef, or mutton, which is prepared with spices, sugar, salt and soy sauce, then dried on racks at around 50 to 60 °C (122 to 140 °F) to a final water activity between 0.60 and 0.69. Nowadays, products with a softer texture, lighter color and less sugar are preferred. The shafu type of bakkwa products has a higher water content, and thus has a softer texture and lower sugar content. Whereas the traditional bakkwa has a water activity below 0.7, shafu bakkwa tends to be closer to a water activity of about 0.79. Nevertheless, shafu can have a similar shelf life to other types of bakkwa. Bakkwa is very popular in Singapore and Malaysia where it is traditionally eaten during the Chinese New Year. When Chinese immigrants brought this delicacy over to Singapore and Malaysia, it began to take on local characteristics. A notable example lies in the preparation of bakkwa, where the meat is grilled over charcoal rather than air-dried, imparting a smokier flavor to the meat. The Singaporean and Malaysian versions of bakkwa are also sweeter than their mainland China counterparts with many different variations having developed to suit local palates, such as chili bakkwa. * Different kinds of bakkwa on display, Hong Kong * Bakkwa at a Bee Cheng Hiang shop in Singapore (en) El bakkwa o rougan es un tipo de carne seca china dulce-salada parecido al jerky que se elabora con forma de láminas planas y finas. Suele hacerse de cerdo. Se cree que surgió a partir de una conserva de carne y técnica de preservación empleada en la antigua China y que aún sigue practicándose en algunos lugares de influencia hoklo. En Malasia, Singapur y las Filipinas el nombre más usado es bakkwa o ba gua. Los hablantes cantoneses usan el término yuhk gōn', mientras en China y Taiwán el producto se llama más comúnmente rougan. Las versiones comercialmente disponibles se etiquetan a veces como «cerdo barbacoa», «cerdo seco» o «jerky de cerdo». El rougan es especialmente popular como aperitivo en Macao, Malasia, Singapur, Taiwán y las Filipinas. En Beidou (Taiwán) es considerado una de las tres delicias de cerdo. (es) Bakkwa, juga dikenal sebagai rougan (肉干) atau lazim dikenal di Indonesia dengan sebutan dendeng babi manis, adalah penganan daging kering Tionghoa mirip dendeng, dengan citarasa asin dan manis. Hidangan ini berasal dari provinsi Fujian di Tiongkok, di mana hidangan ini dianggap sebagai hidangan khas Hokkian. Meskipun ada pula jenis yang menggunakan daging sapi, kebanyakan bakkwa dibuat dari bahan daging babi. Bakkwa dibuat berdasarkan teknologi pengawetan pangan tradisional, khususnya teknik pengawetan daging yang berasal dari Tiongkok. Secara umum, teknik pengawetan daging ini tidak berubah selama berabad-abad, dengan sedikit perbaikan teknis. Umumnya bakkwa dibuat dari bahan daging sapi, kambing, atau daging babi, dengan campuran bumbu, gula, garam, dan kecap asin, kemudian dikeringkan dalam rak dengan suhu oven antara 50 to 60 °C. Selain di Fujian, bakkwa sangat populer di Singapura dan Malaysia, khususnya di kalangan warga keturunan Tionghoa, sebagai hidangan saat tahun baru imlek. Bakkwa ala Singapura dan Malaysia sedikit berbeda dengan bakkwa asal Tiongkok, misalnya menggunakan teknik pemanggangan di atas bara api sehingga beraroma asap. Bakkwa Singapura dan Malaysia juga memiliki citarasa lebih manis dan terdapat pula variasi rasa pedas yang dibubuhi cabai. (in) Le bakkwa, aussi appelé rougan (肉干), est un morceau de viande séchée sucré-salé issu de la cuisine chinoise. Originaire du Fujian, il est considéré comme une sucrerie. Le bakkwa est fabriqué en suivant une ancienne méthode de conservation chinoise. La méthode principale consiste à faire sécher sur une plaque, entre 50 et 60 °C, des morceaux de bœuf, de porc ou de mouton, préparés avec des épices, du sucre, du sel et de la sauce soja. Il existe de nombreuses variétés de bakkwa, comme le shafu, moins déshydraté, moins sucré et plus clair. Le bakkwa est présenté en fines tranches carrées. Cet aliment est très populaire à Singapour et en Malaisie, où il est essentiellement consommé lors du Nouvel An chinois. Importé par les migrants chinois, il s'est adapté aux caractéristiques locales. Généralement plus sucré qu'en Chine, le bakkwa peut ici être séché en plein air, ce qui lui confère un autre parfum. * Différents types de bakkwa à Hong Kong. * Bakkwa dans un magasin de Singapour. (fr) 바꾸앙(민난어: bah-koaⁿ, 중국어 간체자: 肉干, 정체자: 肉乾, 병음: ròugān 러우간[*])은 달콤·짭조름한 중국식 마른고기이다. 돼지고기, 쇠고기, 양고기 등을 향신료, 설탕, 소금과 간장으로 양념해 섭씨 50~60도에서 건조해 만든다. (ko) Bakkwa (ou "bak kwa", 肉干, em língua chinesa ou mandarim) ou "rougan" (ou "rou gan", 肉干, em língua hokkien), é uma forma de conservação de carne tradicional da China, em que a carne de vaca, porco ou carneiro é curada com açúcar, sal, molho de soja e especiarias e depois seca e grelhada; ambas as expressões significam “carne seca”. Esta iguaria é originária da província de Fujian, mas tornou-se um prato favorito em Singapura e na Malásia, especialmente durante o Ano Novo Chinês. Este prato terá origem nas populações pobres, onde o consumo de carne só era possível durante o Ano Novo; as sobras eram cortadas em fatias finas, marinadas, secas ao ar livre e depois assadas numa placa. Quando os imigrantes trouxeram esta iguaria para Singapura e Malásia, ela tomou novas caraterísticas, com tempero mais doce e assada em brasas de carvão, o que lhe dá um agradável sabor a fumo. A primeira e mais antiga banca de bak kwa em Singapura é Kim Hock Guan, estabelecida em 1905. (pt) 肉乾、肉脯,是指經醃製及乾燥處理後的肉類,通常以雞肉、豬肉或牛肉製成(雞肉乾、豬肉乾或牛肉乾)。肉乾大多被摺疊包裹在幾片白色吸油紙裡。為保存一段更長的時間,通常會以真空為主。經過這種處理後,肉乾能夠保存一段很長的時間。 肉乾在臺灣、中國、馬來西亞和新加坡等國家,深獲華人家庭喜歡,是很有象徵性的過年禮,也常作為過年必吃食品。 (zh) |
dbo:alias | Rougan (en) |
dbo:country | dbr:China |
dbo:ingredient | dbr:Dried_meat |
dbo:ingredientName | Dried meat |
dbo:region | dbr:Fujian |
dbo:thumbnail | wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Bak_kwa.jpg?width=300 |
dbo:wikiPageID | 47836906 (xsd:integer) |
dbo:wikiPageLength | 4092 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger) |
dbo:wikiPageRevisionID | 1116160889 (xsd:integer) |
dbo:wikiPageWikiLink | dbr:Bee_Cheng_Hiang dbr:Beef dbr:Rousong dbr:Fujian dbr:Mutton dbr:Malaysia dbr:Chinese_cuisine dbr:Singapore dbr:Dendeng dbr:Pork dbc:Taiwanese_cuisine dbr:Jerky dbc:Hong_Kong_cuisine dbr:Dried_meat dbr:Dried_shredded_squid dbc:Chinese_New_Year_foods dbc:Chinese_meat_dishes dbc:Dried_meat dbc:Macau_cuisine dbr:Water_activity dbc:Indonesian_cuisine dbc:Malaysian_cuisine dbc:Singaporean_cuisine dbr:China dbr:Chinese_New_Year dbr:Meat_preservation |
dbp:alternateName | Rougan (en) |
dbp:caption | Chinese bakkwa made from pork (en) |
dbp:country | dbr:China |
dbp:j | juk6 gon1 (en) |
dbp:l | dried meat (en) |
dbp:mainIngredient | dbr:Dried_meat |
dbp:name | Bakkwa (en) |
dbp:p | ròugān (en) |
dbp:poj | bah-koaⁿ (en) |
dbp:region | dbr:Fujian |
dbp:s | 肉干 (en) |
dbp:showflag | poj (en) |
dbp:t | 肉乾 (en) |
dbp:title | Bakkwa (en) |
dbp:wikiPageUsesTemplate | dbt:Chinese_New_Year dbt:Macanese_cuisine dbt:Commons_category dbt:Convert dbt:Infobox_Chinese dbt:Infobox_food dbt:Portal_bar dbt:Reflist dbt:Short_description dbt:Spoken_Wikipedia dbt:Transl dbt:IPAc-cmn dbt:Indonesian_cuisine dbt:Malaysian_cuisine dbt:Singaporean_cuisine dbt:Taiwanese_cuisine dbt:Barbecue dbt:Hong_Kong_cuisine |
dcterms:subject | dbc:Taiwanese_cuisine dbc:Hong_Kong_cuisine dbc:Chinese_New_Year_foods dbc:Chinese_meat_dishes dbc:Dried_meat dbc:Macau_cuisine dbc:Indonesian_cuisine dbc:Malaysian_cuisine dbc:Singaporean_cuisine |
gold:hypernym | dbr:Product |
rdf:type | owl:Thing dbo:Software wikidata:Q2095 yago:WikicatChineseNewYearFoods yago:Food100021265 yago:Matter100020827 yago:PhysicalEntity100001930 dbo:Food yago:Substance100020090 |
rdfs:comment | 바꾸앙(민난어: bah-koaⁿ, 중국어 간체자: 肉干, 정체자: 肉乾, 병음: ròugān 러우간[*])은 달콤·짭조름한 중국식 마른고기이다. 돼지고기, 쇠고기, 양고기 등을 향신료, 설탕, 소금과 간장으로 양념해 섭씨 50~60도에서 건조해 만든다. (ko) 肉乾、肉脯,是指經醃製及乾燥處理後的肉類,通常以雞肉、豬肉或牛肉製成(雞肉乾、豬肉乾或牛肉乾)。肉乾大多被摺疊包裹在幾片白色吸油紙裡。為保存一段更長的時間,通常會以真空為主。經過這種處理後,肉乾能夠保存一段很長的時間。 肉乾在臺灣、中國、馬來西亞和新加坡等國家,深獲華人家庭喜歡,是很有象徵性的過年禮,也常作為過年必吃食品。 (zh) Bakkwa, also known as rougan, is a Chinese salty-sweet dried meat product similar to jerky. Bakkwa is made with a meat preservation and preparation technique originating from China. The general method of production has remained virtually unchanged throughout the centuries, but the techniques have been gradually improved. It is traditionally made of pork, beef, or mutton, which is prepared with spices, sugar, salt and soy sauce, then dried on racks at around 50 to 60 °C (122 to 140 °F) to a final water activity between 0.60 and 0.69. * Different kinds of bakkwa on display, Hong Kong * (en) El bakkwa o rougan es un tipo de carne seca china dulce-salada parecido al jerky que se elabora con forma de láminas planas y finas. Suele hacerse de cerdo. Se cree que surgió a partir de una conserva de carne y técnica de preservación empleada en la antigua China y que aún sigue practicándose en algunos lugares de influencia hoklo. (es) Le bakkwa, aussi appelé rougan (肉干), est un morceau de viande séchée sucré-salé issu de la cuisine chinoise. Originaire du Fujian, il est considéré comme une sucrerie. Le bakkwa est fabriqué en suivant une ancienne méthode de conservation chinoise. La méthode principale consiste à faire sécher sur une plaque, entre 50 et 60 °C, des morceaux de bœuf, de porc ou de mouton, préparés avec des épices, du sucre, du sel et de la sauce soja. Il existe de nombreuses variétés de bakkwa, comme le shafu, moins déshydraté, moins sucré et plus clair. Le bakkwa est présenté en fines tranches carrées. * * (fr) Bakkwa, juga dikenal sebagai rougan (肉干) atau lazim dikenal di Indonesia dengan sebutan dendeng babi manis, adalah penganan daging kering Tionghoa mirip dendeng, dengan citarasa asin dan manis. Hidangan ini berasal dari provinsi Fujian di Tiongkok, di mana hidangan ini dianggap sebagai hidangan khas Hokkian. Meskipun ada pula jenis yang menggunakan daging sapi, kebanyakan bakkwa dibuat dari bahan daging babi. (in) Bakkwa (ou "bak kwa", 肉干, em língua chinesa ou mandarim) ou "rougan" (ou "rou gan", 肉干, em língua hokkien), é uma forma de conservação de carne tradicional da China, em que a carne de vaca, porco ou carneiro é curada com açúcar, sal, molho de soja e especiarias e depois seca e grelhada; ambas as expressões significam “carne seca”. Esta iguaria é originária da província de Fujian, mas tornou-se um prato favorito em Singapura e na Malásia, especialmente durante o Ano Novo Chinês. (pt) |
rdfs:label | Bakkwa (en) Bakkwa (es) Bakkwa (fr) Bakkwa (in) 바꾸앙 (ko) Bakkwa (pt) 肉乾 (zh) |
owl:sameAs | freebase:Bakkwa yago-res:Bakkwa wikidata:Bakkwa dbpedia-es:Bakkwa dbpedia-fr:Bakkwa dbpedia-id:Bakkwa dbpedia-ko:Bakkwa dbpedia-ms:Bakkwa dbpedia-no:Bakkwa dbpedia-pt:Bakkwa dbpedia-vi:Bakkwa dbpedia-zh:Bakkwa |
prov:wasDerivedFrom | wikipedia-en:Bakkwa?oldid=1116160889&ns=0 |
foaf:depiction | wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Bak_kwa.jpg wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Bakkwa_at_a_Bee_Cheng_Hiang_store,_Singapore_-_20040111.jpg wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/歐~肉乾!.jpg |
foaf:isPrimaryTopicOf | wikipedia-en:Bakkwa |
foaf:name | Bakkwa (en) |
is dbo:wikiPageRedirects of | dbr:Rou_gan dbr:Rougan dbr:Pork_chip dbr:Pork_jerky dbr:Bak_kua dbr:Bak_kwa dbr:Bakkua |
is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of | dbr:Bee_Cheng_Hiang dbr:Bagua_(disambiguation) dbr:Rousong dbr:List_of_dried_foods dbr:List_of_Malaysian_dishes dbr:Index_of_Singapore-related_articles dbr:Snack dbr:Mister_Jiu's dbr:Malaysian_Chinese_cuisine dbr:Chinese_Indonesian_cuisine dbr:Singlish_vocabulary dbr:Dendeng dbr:Pork dbr:Japan–Singapore_relations dbr:Dried_meat dbr:List_of_Malaysia-related_topics dbr:Barbecued_pork dbr:Field_ration dbr:Hsin_Tung_Yang dbr:Kinmen dbr:Malaysian_cuisine dbr:Smoking_(cooking) dbr:Rou_gan dbr:Rougan dbr:Pork_chip dbr:Pork_jerky dbr:Bak_kua dbr:Bak_kwa dbr:Bakkua |
is foaf:primaryTopic of | wikipedia-en:Bakkwa |