Northern theater of the American Revolutionary War after Saratoga (original) (raw)
- El Teatre nord de la Guerra de la Revolució Americana després de Saratoga va consistir en una sèrie de batalles entre revolucionaris americans i forces britàniques, de 1778 a 1782 durant la guerra de la Revolució Americana. Es caracteritza per dues àrees d'activitat primàries: * El primer conjunt d'activitats es va basar al voltant de la base d'operacions britànica a la ciutat de Nova York, on cada bàndol va fer temptejos o diversos moviments prop les posicions de l'altre que de vegades van derivar en accions notables. * La segona va ser essencialment una guerra fronterera a i a la zona rural del nord de Pennsilvània, que va ser lluitada en gran manera per companyies de milícies estatals i alguns aliats amerindis del bàndol estatunidenc, i companyies lleialistes recolzades per amerindis, agents amerindis britànics i ocasionalment regulars britànics. L'excepció notable de la participació important de l'Exèrcit Continental a la frontera va ser l' de 1779, en la qual el general John Sullivan va dirigir una expedició de l'exèrcit que va expulsar els iroquesos fora de Nova York. La guerra entre els fragments de les Sis nacions iroqueses va ser particularment brutal, convertint gran part de la població ameríndia en refugiats. Les úniques altres accions notables es van produir a Nova Anglaterra. Es va fer un intent estatunidenc-francès combinat per expulsar els britànics de Newport (Rhode Island). La va acabar malament quan la flota francesa va abandonar el combat; el fracàs va fer mal a les relacions estatunidenques. El 1779 els britànics van establir una base al riu Penobscot (al ) amb la intenció d'establir-hi una presència lleialista. L'estat de Massachusetts va respondre amb l'amfibia , que va acabar en un complet desastre. Els britànics van continuar un procés d'atac a les comunitats costaneres de Nova Anglaterra. Un d'aquests atacs va provocar una (Massachusetts), mentre que altres descendien a les comunitats costaneres de Massachusetts i Connecticut. A la de 1781, els britànics van ser dirigits pel Benedict Arnold, un natiu de Connecticut, qui va causar danys importants a la ciutat. (ca)
- The Northern theater of the American Revolutionary War after Saratoga consisted of a series of battles between American revolutionaries and British forces, from 1778 to 1782 during the American Revolutionary War. It is characterized by two primary areas of activity. The first set of activities was based around the British base of operations in New York City, where each side made probes and counterprobes against the other's positions that sometimes resulted in notable actions. The second was essentially a frontier war in Upstate New York and rural northern Pennsylvania that was largely fought by state militia companies and some Indian allies on the American side, and Loyalist companies supported by Indians, British Indian agents, and occasionally British regulars. The notable exception to significant Continental Army participation on the frontier was the 1779 Sullivan Expedition, in which General John Sullivan led an army expedition that drove the Iroquois out of New York. The warfare amongst the splinters of the Iroquois Six Nations were particularly brutal, turning much of the Indian population into refugees. The only other notable actions occurred in New England. A combined American-French attempt was made to drive the British out of Newport, Rhode Island. The Battle of Rhode Island ended badly when the French fleet abandoned the effort; the failure did some damage to American–French relations. In 1779 the British established a base on the Penobscot River in the District of Maine with the intent of establishing a Loyalist presence there. The state of Massachusetts responded with the amphibious Penobscot Expedition, which ended in complete disaster. The British continued a process of raiding the New England coastal communities. One such raid led to a skirmish at Freetown, Massachusetts, while others descended on Massachusetts and Connecticut coastal communities. In the 1781 Battle of Groton Heights, the British were led by Connecticut native Benedict Arnold, who did substantial damage to the town. (en)
- アメリカ独立戦争のサラトガ以降の北部戦線は、1778年から1782年にかけて、アメリカ革命勢力とイギリス軍の間の一連の戦闘によって構成されている。2つの主要地域での活動で特徴付けられる。最初のものはニューヨーク市を拠点としたイギリス軍の周りでのものであり、両軍共に互いを探りあい、それが時には注目すべき戦闘になった。2つ目のものは実質的にニューヨーク北部やペンシルベニア北部田園のフロンティアで行われたものであり、アメリカ側は各邦の民兵隊と同盟したインディアン、イギリス側はロイヤリストの部隊をインディアンやイギリス側インディアン代理人が支援し、さらに時としてイギリス正規軍が加わって戦われた。例外的に大陸軍の然るべき部隊がフロンティアに進軍したのは1779年のサリバン遠征であり、ジョン・サリバン将軍が遠征隊を率いてニューヨークからイロコイ族インディアンを駆逐することになった。イロコイ6部族連邦各派の中での戦闘は特に残忍なものとなり、インディアンの大半を難民に変えた。 ニューイングランドでは唯一注目すべき戦闘があった。アメリカ軍とフランス軍の連合軍がロードアイランドのニューポートからイギリス軍を駆逐しようとしたものである。このロードアイランドの戦いはフランス艦隊が任務を放棄したときに連合軍の敗北となり、この失敗でアメリカとフランスの関係にひびを生じた。1779年、イギリス軍はメイン地区のペノブスコット川でロイヤリストの拠点を構築するためにそこに基地を建設した。マサチューセッツ邦はこれに水陸両面のペノブスコット遠征で応えたが、完敗に終わった。 イギリス軍はニューイングラン海岸の地域社会を襲う作戦を続けた。そのうちの1つがマサチューセッツのフリータウンでの小戦闘であり、マサチューセッツやコネチカットでの襲撃が続いた。1781年のグロトンハイツの戦いでは、コネチカット出身のベネディクト・アーノルドがイギリス軍を率い、町に相当な損害を与えた。 (ja)
- 180 Killed
- 310 Wounded
- 45 Missing or captured
- Vermont Republic
- Iroquois
- *Seneca
- *Cayuga
- *Mohawk
- *Oneida
- dbr:John_Sullivan_(general)
- dbr:Joseph_Brant
- dbr:Frederick_Haldimand
- dbr:George_Collier
- dbr:George_Washington
- dbr:Cornplanter
- dbr:Thomas_Hartley
- dbr:Abraham_Ten_Broeck
- dbr:Jacob_Klock_(colonel)
- dbr:James_Clinton
- dbr:John_Butler_(pioneer)
- dbr:Henry_Clinton_(American_War_of_Independence)
- dbr:Walter_Butler_(Loyalist)
- dbr:Sayenqueraghta
- Tactically Inconclusive
- Strategic American victory
- * Hundreds of Native American villages are burnt down by American troops as retaliation
- *New Yorkremains under British control for the rest of the war
- 3,000
- 4,500
- 9728084 (xsd:integer)
- 22705 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
- 1070184666 (xsd:integer)
- dbr:Caribbean
- dbc:New_Jersey_in_the_American_Revolution
- dbc:Maine_in_the_American_Revolution
- dbr:Saratoga_campaign
- dbr:Onaquaga
- dbc:Resistance_to_the_British_Empire
- dbr:Barry_St._Leger
- dbr:Battle_of_Bull's_Ferry
- dbr:Battle_of_Chestnut_Neck
- dbr:Battle_of_Cobleskill
- dbr:Battle_of_Connecticut_Farms
- dbr:Battle_of_Groton_Heights
- dbr:Battle_of_Newtown
- dbr:Battle_of_Oriskany
- dbr:Battle_of_Paulus_Hook
- dbr:Battle_of_Rhode_Island
- dbr:Battle_of_Springfield_(1780)
- dbr:Battle_of_Stony_Point
- dbr:Battle_of_Wyoming
- dbr:Battle_of_Young's_House
- dbr:Battles_of_Saratoga
- dbr:Baylor_Massacre
- dbr:Benedict_Arnold
- dbr:Big_Runaway
- dbr:Delaware_River
- dbr:Hudson_River
- dbr:John_Sullivan_(general)
- dbr:Joseph_Brant
- dbr:Little_Egg_Harbor
- dbr:Pennsylvania
- dbr:Penobscot_Bay
- dbr:Penobscot_Expedition
- dbr:Penobscot_River
- dbr:Rhode_Island
- dbr:Unadilla_(village),_New_York
- dbr:United_States
- dbr:United_States_Army_Center_of_Military_History
- dbr:Vermont
- dbr:Vermont_Republic
- dbr:Virginia
- dbr:Dominic_Serres
- dbr:Connecticut
- dbr:Continental_Army
- dbr:Massachusetts
- dbr:Raid_on_Unadilla_and_Onaquaga
- dbr:Cobleskill_(village),_New_York
- dbc:New_York_(state)_in_the_American_Revolution
- dbr:Frederick_Haldimand
- dbr:George_Collier
- dbr:George_Germain,_1st_Viscount_Sackville
- dbr:George_Washington
- dbr:Georgia_(U.S._state)
- dbr:Mohawk_River
- dbr:Montreal
- dbr:Morristown,_New_Jersey
- dbr:Mount_Hope_Bay_raids
- dbr:Cornplanter
- dbr:Thomas_Hartley
- dbr:Province_of_Quebec_(1763-1791)
- dbr:Anne_Hupp
- dbr:Anthony_Wayne
- dbc:Massachusetts_in_the_American_Revolution
- dbr:Siege_of_Fort_Stanwix
- dbr:Stony_Point,_New_York
- dbc:Northern_theater_of_the_American_Revolutionary_War
- dbr:Patriot_(American_Revolution)
- dbr:Pulaski's_Legion
- dbr:Butler's_Rangers
- dbr:Cayuga_people
- dbr:Westchester_County,_New_York
- dbr:Western_theater_of_the_American_Revolutionary_War
- dbr:Wilhelm_von_Knyphausen
- dbr:William_Tryon
- dbr:Abraham_Ten_Broeck
- dbr:American_Revolutionary_War
- dbr:Dudley_Saltonstall
- dbr:East_Indies
- dbr:Fort_Niagara
- dbr:Brant's_Volunteers
- dbr:North_Carolina
- dbr:Nova_Scotia
- dbr:Goose_Van_Schaick
- dbr:Regular_army
- dbr:Grey's_raid
- dbr:Guy_Carleton,_1st_Baron_Dorchester
- dbc:Battles_involving_the_Iroquois
- dbr:Iroquois
- dbr:Jacob_Klock_(colonel)
- dbr:James_Clinton
- dbc:Rhode_Island_in_the_American_Revolution
- dbr:Attack_on_German_Flatts_(1778)
- dbc:Connecticut_in_the_American_Revolution
- dbr:Charles_Grey,_1st_Earl_Grey
- dbr:Cherry_Valley_(village),_New_York
- dbr:Cherry_Valley_massacre
- dbr:Jersey_City,_New_Jersey
- dbr:John_Burgoyne
- dbr:John_Butler_(pioneer)
- dbc:Northern_theater_of_the_American_Revolutionary_War_after_Saratoga
- dbc:Campaigns_of_the_American_Revolutionary_War
- dbr:Sullivan_Expedition
- dbr:Susquehanna_River
- dbr:Henry_Clinton_(American_War_of_Independence)
- dbr:District_of_Maine
- dbr:Martha's_Vineyard
- dbr:Bulls_Ferry
- dbr:Philadelphia
- dbr:South_Carolina
- dbr:Spain
- dbr:City_of_Halifax
- dbr:Indigenous_peoples_of_the_Americas
- dbr:Nathanael_Greene
- dbr:New_Bedford,_Massachusetts
- dbr:New_England
- dbr:New_Jersey
- dbr:New_York_(state)
- dbr:New_York_City
- dbr:Newport,_Rhode_Island
- dbr:Oneida_people
- dbr:Seneca_people
- dbr:Shawnee
- dbr:Christopher_Carleton
- dbr:Wyoming_Valley
- dbr:Lycoming_County,_Pennsylvania
- dbr:Tuscarora_people
- dbr:Upstate_New_York
- dbr:Walter_Butler_(Loyalist)
- dbr:New_Hampshire_Grants
- dbr:Loyalist_(American_Revolution)
- dbr:Tryon's_raid
- dbr:Seneca_nation
- dbr:Sayenqueraghta
- dbr:Mount_Hope_Bay
- dbr:Carleton's_Raid_(1778)
- dbr:Mohawk_nation
- dbr:Battle_of_Freetown
- dbr:Cayuga_nation
- dbr:Light_Horse_Harry_Lee
- dbr:Oneida_nation
- dbr:Onondaga_Indians
- dbr:Fort_Schuyler_(Rome)
- dbr:Little_Egg_Harbor_massacre
- 0001-08-14 (xsd:gMonthDay)
- 280 (xsd:integer)
- 310 (xsd:integer)
- dbr:Iroquois
- dbr:Seneca_nation
- dbr:Mohawk_nation
- dbr:Cayuga_nation
- dbr:Oneida_nation
- Vermont Republic (en)
- dbr:John_Sullivan_(general)
- dbr:Joseph_Brant
- dbr:Frederick_Haldimand
- dbr:George_Collier
- dbr:George_Washington
- dbr:Cornplanter
- dbr:Thomas_Hartley
- dbr:Abraham_Ten_Broeck
- dbr:Jacob_Klock_(colonel)
- dbr:James_Clinton
- dbr:John_Butler_(pioneer)
- dbr:Henry_Clinton_(American_War_of_Independence)
- dbr:Walter_Butler_(Loyalist)
- dbr:Sayenqueraghta
- Northern Theater after 1777 (en)
- 1778 (xsd:integer)
- 300 (xsd:integer)
- the American Revolutionary War (en)
- New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and New England (en)
- Tactically Inconclusive Strategic American victory * New York remains under British control for the rest of the war * Hundreds of Native American villages are burnt down by American troops as retaliation (en)
- 3000 (xsd:integer)
- 4500 (xsd:integer)
- dbt:Anchor
- dbt:Citation_needed
- dbt:Expand_section
- dbt:Flag
- dbt:Flagcountry
- dbt:Flagicon_image
- dbt:Infobox_military_conflict
- dbt:More_citations_needed
- dbt:Portal
- dbt:Reflist
- dbt:See_also
- dbt:American_Revolutionary_War
- dbt:Campaignbox_American_Revolutionary_War
- dbc:New_Jersey_in_the_American_Revolution
- dbc:Maine_in_the_American_Revolution
- dbc:Resistance_to_the_British_Empire
- dbc:New_York_(state)_in_the_American_Revolution
- dbc:Massachusetts_in_the_American_Revolution
- dbc:Northern_theater_of_the_American_Revolutionary_War
- dbc:Battles_involving_the_Iroquois
- dbc:Rhode_Island_in_the_American_Revolution
- dbc:Connecticut_in_the_American_Revolution
- dbc:Northern_theater_of_the_American_Revolutionary_War_after_Saratoga
- dbc:Campaigns_of_the_American_Revolutionary_War
- owl:Thing
- schema:Event
- dul:Event
- dbo:SocietalEvent
- wikidata:Q1656682
- yago:WikicatCampaignsOfTheAmericanRevolutionaryWar
- yago:Abstraction100002137
- yago:Act100030358
- yago:Conflict100958896
- yago:Contest107456188
- yago:Event100029378
- yago:GroupAction101080366
- yago:PoliticalCampaign107472929
- yago:PsychologicalFeature100023100
- yago:Race107472657
- yago:YagoPermanentlyLocatedEntity
- dbo:Event
- dbo:MilitaryConflict
- yago:SocialEvent107288639
- umbel-rc:ConflictEvent
- umbel-rc:Event
- El Teatre nord de la Guerra de la Revolució Americana després de Saratoga va consistir en una sèrie de batalles entre revolucionaris americans i forces britàniques, de 1778 a 1782 durant la guerra de la Revolució Americana. Es caracteritza per dues àrees d'activitat primàries: (ca)
- The Northern theater of the American Revolutionary War after Saratoga consisted of a series of battles between American revolutionaries and British forces, from 1778 to 1782 during the American Revolutionary War. It is characterized by two primary areas of activity. The first set of activities was based around the British base of operations in New York City, where each side made probes and counterprobes against the other's positions that sometimes resulted in notable actions. The second was essentially a frontier war in Upstate New York and rural northern Pennsylvania that was largely fought by state militia companies and some Indian allies on the American side, and Loyalist companies supported by Indians, British Indian agents, and occasionally British regulars. The notable exception to s (en)
- アメリカ独立戦争のサラトガ以降の北部戦線は、1778年から1782年にかけて、アメリカ革命勢力とイギリス軍の間の一連の戦闘によって構成されている。2つの主要地域での活動で特徴付けられる。最初のものはニューヨーク市を拠点としたイギリス軍の周りでのものであり、両軍共に互いを探りあい、それが時には注目すべき戦闘になった。2つ目のものは実質的にニューヨーク北部やペンシルベニア北部田園のフロンティアで行われたものであり、アメリカ側は各邦の民兵隊と同盟したインディアン、イギリス側はロイヤリストの部隊をインディアンやイギリス側インディアン代理人が支援し、さらに時としてイギリス正規軍が加わって戦われた。例外的に大陸軍の然るべき部隊がフロンティアに進軍したのは1779年のサリバン遠征であり、ジョン・サリバン将軍が遠征隊を率いてニューヨークからイロコイ族インディアンを駆逐することになった。イロコイ6部族連邦各派の中での戦闘は特に残忍なものとなり、インディアンの大半を難民に変えた。 イギリス軍はニューイングラン海岸の地域社会を襲う作戦を続けた。そのうちの1つがマサチューセッツのフリータウンでの小戦闘であり、マサチューセッツやコネチカットでの襲撃が続いた。1781年のグロトンハイツの戦いでは、コネチカット出身のベネディクト・アーノルドがイギリス軍を率い、町に相当な損害を与えた。 (ja)
- Northern theater of the American Revolutionary War after Saratoga (en)
- Teatre nord de la Guerra de la Revolució Americana després de Saratoga (ca)
- 北部戦線 (アメリカ独立戦争のサラトガ以降) (ja)
- freebase:Northern theater of the American Revolutionary War after Saratoga
- yago-res:Northern theater of the American Revolutionary War after Saratoga
- wikidata:Northern theater of the American Revolutionary War after Saratoga
- dbpedia-ca:Northern theater of the American Revolutionary War after Saratoga
- dbpedia-ja:Northern theater of the American Revolutionary War after Saratoga
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/PenobscotExpeditionBySerres.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Flag_of_the_Vermont_Republic.svg
- Northern Theater after 1777 (en)
is dbo:battle of
- dbr:Massachusetts_National_Guard
- dbr:John_Crysler__MilitaryService__1
- dbr:John_Vaughan_(British_Army_officer,_died_1795)__MilitaryService__1
- dbr:Loyal_American_Regiment
- dbr:Henry_Merkley__MilitaryService__1
- dbr:Jacob_Weager__MilitaryService__1
- dbr:Thomas_Fraser_(Upper_Canada_politician)__MilitaryService__1
- dbr:Richard_Duncan_(Upper_Canada_politician)__MilitaryService__1
is dbo:wikiPageRedirects of
- dbr:Burning_of_the_Valleys_(American_Revolution)
- dbr:Northern_theater_of_the_american_revolutionary_war_after_saratoga
- dbr:Northern_theater_of_the_United_States_Revolutionary_War_after_Saratoga
- dbr:Northern_theatre_of_the_American_Revolutionary_War_after_Saratoga
is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of
- dbr:Battle_of_Bull's_Ferry
- dbr:Boston_campaign
- dbr:John_Vaughan_(British_Army_officer,_died_1795)
- dbr:Burning_of_the_Valleys_(American_Revolution)
- dbr:Departments_of_the_Continental_Army
- dbr:Jacob_Weager
- dbr:Massachusetts_National_Guard
- dbr:1778_in_Canada
- dbr:George_Washington_in_the_American_Revolution
- dbr:Loyal_American_Regiment
- dbr:British_Indian_Department
- dbr:List_of_American_Revolutionary_War_battles
- dbr:American_Revolutionary_War
- dbr:Ford_(crossing)
- dbr:Richard_Duncan_(Upper_Canada_politician)
- dbr:Henry_Merkley
- dbr:Hessian_(soldier)
- dbr:John_Crysler
- dbr:Thomas_Fraser_(Upper_Canada_politician)
- dbr:Military_career_of_George_Washington
- dbr:New_York_and_New_Jersey_campaign
- dbr:Northern_theater_of_the_American_Revolutionary_War
- dbr:Whaleboat_War
- dbr:Northern_theater_of_the_american_revolutionary_war_after_saratoga
- dbr:Northern_theater_of_the_United_States_Revolutionary_War_after_Saratoga
- dbr:Northern_theatre_of_the_American_Revolutionary_War_after_Saratoga
is dbp:battles of
- dbr:Jacob_Weager
- dbr:Loyal_American_Regiment
- dbr:Richard_Duncan_(Upper_Canada_politician)
- dbr:Henry_Merkley
- dbr:John_Crysler
- dbr:Thomas_Fraser_(Upper_Canada_politician)
is rdfs:seeAlso of
is foaf:primaryTopic of