Diocesan bishop (original) (raw)
- Un bisbe diocesà, dins de les diverses tradicions cristianes, és un bisbe o arquebisbe encarregat de la d'una diòcesi o arxidiòcesi. En relació amb altres bisbes, un bisbe diocesà pot ser , metropolità (si és arquebisbe) o primat. També poden ocupar diverses altres funcions com a cardenal o patriarca. Els bisbes de l'Església catòlica romana poden ser amb facultats especials, bisbes coadjutors (aquests bisbes són nomenats com a coadjutors de les diòcesis que dirigiran, i no com a bisbes titulars), bisbes auxiliars, nuncis o diplomàtics papals similars (normalment arquebisbes), funcionaris de la Cúria romana (generalment per a bisbes com a caps o diputats de departaments que no han estat anteriorment ordinaris), etc. També poden ocupar altres càrrecs com el cardenalat. La seu de bisbe titular només és nominal, no pastoral, és a dir, no exerceix l'autoritat final com a bisbe titular (l'ordinari), ni té dret a succeir automàticament l'esmentat individu (el coadjutor), a través d'una diòcesi o arxidiòcesi o els seus equivalents de ritus orientals, (arxieparquies). Els bisbes titulars poden estar actius o retirar-se. De vegades, com a sacerdot, pot ser que li donessin un bisbat titular o un arquebisbat com a honor del Papa, similar a quan nomena alguns cardenals. (ca)
- Diecézní biskup je biskup spravující konkrétní existující diecézi. (cs)
- Der Begriff Diözesanbischof wird in Kirchen mit episkopalen Kirchenordnungen verwendet, um einen Bischof, der Vorsteher einer Diözese (Bistum) ist, von den übrigen Bischöfen (Titularbischof, Weihbischof) zu unterscheiden. (de)
- A diocesan bishop, within various Christian traditions, is a bishop or archbishop in pastoral charge of a diocese or archdiocese. In relation to other bishops, a diocesan bishop may be a suffragan, a metropolitan (if an archbishop) or a primate. They may also hold various other positions such as being a cardinal or patriarch. Titular bishops in the Roman Catholic Church may be assistant bishops with special faculties, coadjutor bishops (these bishops are now named as coadjutors of the dioceses they will lead, and not as titular bishops), auxiliary bishops, nuncios or similar papal diplomats (usually archbishops), officials of the Roman Curia (usually for bishops as heads or deputies of departments who are not previous ordinaries), etc. They may also hold other positions such as cardinal. The see of titular bishop is only nominal, not pastoral- meaning he does not exercise final authority as the head bishop (the ordinary), or have the right to automatically succeed the aforementioned individual (the coadjutor), over an existing diocese or archdiocese or their Eastern rite equivalents, (arch-)eparchies. Titular bishops may be active or retired. Occasionally, as a priest, they may have been given a titular bishopric or archbishopric as an honor by the Pope, similar to when he names some cardinals. (en)
- Uskup diosesan, dalam berbagai denominasi agama, adalah seorang uskup (atau uskup agung) yang menjalankan dari sebuah keuskupan atau (atau keuskupan agung), berseberangan dengan uskup tituler atau uskup agung, yang takhtanya hanya bersifat nominal, bukan pastoral. Dalam hubungan dengan uskup lainnya, uskup diosesan dapat berupa sufragan, metropolit (jika ia adalah uskup agung) atau primat, dan juga dapat memegang berbagai jabatan seperti kardinal atau patriark. (in)
- 교구장 주교(敎區長主敎, 라틴어: Episcopus Dioecesanus)(교구 책임:Dioecesanus 주교:Episcopu)는 로마 가톨릭교회와성공회에서 교구를 관리 감독하는 주교를 말한다. 교회법상 교구장은 통상적으로 주교가 맡는다.주교하면 교구장인주교를 말한다 해당교구에서 교구장인 주교외엔 보좌주교나 손님주교이다 (ko)
- Biskup diecezjalny – biskup, któremu powierzono aktualnie istniejącą diecezję. Potocznie wobec biskupa diecezjalnego używa się również określenia biskup ordynariusz. (pl)
- dbr:Metropolitan_bishop
- dbr:Bishop
- dbc:Bishops_by_type
- dbr:Archbishop
- dbr:Holy_See
- dbr:Nuncio
- dbr:Ordinary_(church_officer)
- dbr:Coadjutor_bishop
- dbr:Emeritus
- dbr:Patriarch
- dbr:Pastoral_care
- dbr:Bishop_(Catholic_Church)
- dbc:Bishops_by_diocese
- dbr:Diocese
- dbr:Roman_Curia
- dbr:Primate_(bishop)
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Church
- dbc:Episcopacy_in_the_Catholic_Church
- dbr:Bishop_of_Rome
- dbr:Assistant_bishop
- dbr:Auxiliary_bishop
- dbr:Pope_Emeritus_Benedict_XVI
- dbr:Suffragan_bishop
- dbr:Particular_Church
- dbr:Archdiocese
- dbr:Cardinalate
- owl:Thing
- dbo:Person
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- yago:Bishop109857200
- yago:CausalAgent100007347
- yago:Clergyman109927451
- yago:Leader109623038
- yago:LivingThing100004258
- yago:Object100002684
- yago:Organism100004475
- yago:Person100007846
- yago:PhysicalEntity100001930
- yago:Priest110470779
- yago:YagoLegalActor
- yago:YagoLegalActorGeo
- yago:SpiritualLeader109505153
- yago:Whole100003553
- Diecézní biskup je biskup spravující konkrétní existující diecézi. (cs)
- Der Begriff Diözesanbischof wird in Kirchen mit episkopalen Kirchenordnungen verwendet, um einen Bischof, der Vorsteher einer Diözese (Bistum) ist, von den übrigen Bischöfen (Titularbischof, Weihbischof) zu unterscheiden. (de)
- Uskup diosesan, dalam berbagai denominasi agama, adalah seorang uskup (atau uskup agung) yang menjalankan dari sebuah keuskupan atau (atau keuskupan agung), berseberangan dengan uskup tituler atau uskup agung, yang takhtanya hanya bersifat nominal, bukan pastoral. Dalam hubungan dengan uskup lainnya, uskup diosesan dapat berupa sufragan, metropolit (jika ia adalah uskup agung) atau primat, dan juga dapat memegang berbagai jabatan seperti kardinal atau patriark. (in)
- 교구장 주교(敎區長主敎, 라틴어: Episcopus Dioecesanus)(교구 책임:Dioecesanus 주교:Episcopu)는 로마 가톨릭교회와성공회에서 교구를 관리 감독하는 주교를 말한다. 교회법상 교구장은 통상적으로 주교가 맡는다.주교하면 교구장인주교를 말한다 해당교구에서 교구장인 주교외엔 보좌주교나 손님주교이다 (ko)
- Biskup diecezjalny – biskup, któremu powierzono aktualnie istniejącą diecezję. Potocznie wobec biskupa diecezjalnego używa się również określenia biskup ordynariusz. (pl)
- Un bisbe diocesà, dins de les diverses tradicions cristianes, és un bisbe o arquebisbe encarregat de la d'una diòcesi o arxidiòcesi. En relació amb altres bisbes, un bisbe diocesà pot ser , metropolità (si és arquebisbe) o primat. També poden ocupar diverses altres funcions com a cardenal o patriarca. (ca)
- A diocesan bishop, within various Christian traditions, is a bishop or archbishop in pastoral charge of a diocese or archdiocese. In relation to other bishops, a diocesan bishop may be a suffragan, a metropolitan (if an archbishop) or a primate. They may also hold various other positions such as being a cardinal or patriarch. (en)
- Bisbe diocesà (ca)
- Diecézní biskup (cs)
- Diözesanbischof (de)
- Diocesan bishop (en)
- Uskup diosesan (in)
- 교구장 주교 (ko)
- Biskup diecezjalny (pl)
- freebase:Diocesan bishop
- yago-res:Diocesan bishop
- wikidata:Diocesan bishop
- http://arz.dbpedia.org/resource/اسقف_ابرشيه
- dbpedia-ca:Diocesan bishop
- dbpedia-cs:Diocesan bishop
- dbpedia-de:Diocesan bishop
- dbpedia-id:Diocesan bishop
- dbpedia-ko:Diocesan bishop
- dbpedia-la:Diocesan bishop
- dbpedia-pl:Diocesan bishop
- dbpedia-sw:Diocesan bishop
- dbpedia-th:Diocesan bishop
- dbpedia-tr:Diocesan bishop
- dbpedia-vi:Diocesan bishop
- https://global.dbpedia.org/id/BsMW
is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of
- dbr:Cambridge_Platform
- dbr:Campbell_Hone
- dbr:Caorle
- dbr:Benito_Cabanban
- dbr:Robert_Marshall_Anderson
- dbr:Robert_R._Brown_(bishop)
- dbr:Robert_Springett
- dbr:Roderic_Coote
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Archdiocese_of_Chicago
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Archdiocese_of_Sydney
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Diocese_of_Aba
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Diocese_of_Antipolo
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Diocese_of_Borongan
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Diocese_of_Cyangugu
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Diocese_of_Fort_Wayne–South_Bend
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Diocese_of_Guadix
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Diocese_of_Kidapawan
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Diocese_of_Ogdensburg
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Diocese_of_Ondo
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Diocese_of_Paterson
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Diocese_of_San_Jose_(Nueva_Ecija)
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Diocese_of_Scranton
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Suburbicarian_Diocese_of_Albano
- dbr:Roman_Catholic_Suburbicarian_Diocese_of_Palestrina
- dbr:Ronald_Williams_(bishop)
- dbr:Rose_Hudson-Wilkin
- dbr:Scott_Mayer_(bishop)
- dbr:Eparchy_of_Budimlja_and_Nikšić
- dbr:Episcopal_Conference_of_Austria
- dbr:Episcopal_Conference_of_Madagascar
- dbr:Episcopal_Diocese_of_Albany
- dbr:Episcopal_Diocese_of_Duluth
- dbr:Episcopal_Diocese_of_New_York
- dbr:Episcopal_Diocese_of_West_Texas
- dbr:Episcopal_Diocese_of_Western_Massachusetts
- dbr:Episcopal_Diocese_of_Western_North_Carolina
- dbr:Episcopal_Diocese_of_the_Dominican_Republic
- dbr:Episcopal_conference
- dbr:List_of_University_of_Michigan_alumni
- dbr:List_of_University_of_Reading_alumni
- dbr:List_of_bishops_in_the_Church_of_England
- dbr:List_of_bishops_of_Katowice
- dbr:List_of_bishops_of_Płock
- dbr:List_of_bishops_of_the_Episcopal_Church_in_the_United_States_of_America
- dbr:List_of_college_visitors_of_the_University_of_Oxford
- dbr:List_of_female_Anglican_bishops
- dbr:Metropolitan_bishop
- dbr:Priesthood_in_the_Catholic_Church
- dbr:Benjamin_Henry_Paddock
- dbr:Bishop
- dbr:Bishop_John_M._D'Arcy_Stadium
- dbr:Bishop_of_Killala
- dbr:Bishops'_Conference_of_Scotland
- dbr:Bonnie_Perry
- dbr:David_Ball_(bishop)
- dbr:David_Court_(bishop)
- dbr:David_M._Reed
- dbr:Davis_Sessums
- dbr:Andrew_Asbil
- dbr:Antilles_Episcopal_Conference
- dbr:Apostolic_administration
- dbr:Archbishop
- dbr:Archbishop_of_Armagh
- dbr:Archbishop_of_Dublin_(Church_of_Ireland)
- dbr:Archdiocese_of_Turku
- dbr:Archiereus
- dbr:Humnyska
- dbr:Jonathan_Gibbs_(bishop)
- dbr:Julian_Henderson
- dbr:List_of_Howard_University_people
- dbr:Pavlo_Honcharuk
- dbr:Penny_Jamieson
- dbr:Peter_Kohlgraf
- dbr:Reginald_Heber_Weller
- dbr:Richard_M._Trelease_Jr.
- dbr:Richard_Third
- dbr:Robert_E._L._Strider_Sr.
- dbr:Robert_F._Gibson_Jr.
- dbr:Charles_O'Reilly
- dbr:Cyril_Swaby
- dbr:Vivienne_Faull
- dbr:David_Edwards_(bishop)
- dbr:David_Jung-Hsin_Lai
- dbr:Dorsey_W._M._McConnell
- dbr:Eastern_Region_Ministry_Course
- dbr:Indult
- dbr:Ivor_Norris
- dbr:Jan_Dawidziuk
- dbr:John_Burgess_(bishop)
- dbr:Kyprianos_Koutsoumpas
- dbr:Linda_Nicholls
- dbr:List_of_people_associated_with_the_Pontifical_University_of_St._Thomas_Aquinas
- dbr:Preses_(Church_of_Norway)
- dbr:Provisional_bishop
- dbr:Cosmo_Gordon_Lang
- dbr:Matthew_H._Clark
- dbr:General_Convention_of_the_Episcopal_Church_in_the_United_States_of_America
- dbr:Pontifical_Commission_for_the_Protection_of_Minors
- dbr:1990_in_New_Zealand
- dbr:Christianity
- dbr:Christine_Hardman
- dbr:Christoph_Keller_Jr.
- dbr:Christopher_Herbert
- dbr:Christopher_Hill_(bishop)
- dbr:Christopher_Sargent
- dbr:Church_in_Wales
- dbr:Church_of_Norway
- dbr:Church_of_Our_Lady_of_the_Rosary,_Asmara
- dbr:Claude_E._Payne
- dbr:Clifton_Daniel_(bishop)
- dbr:Clinton_S._Quin
- dbr:Coadjutor_bishop
- dbr:Colin_Bazley
- dbr:Colin_Johnson_(bishop)
- dbr:Edward_Holland_(bishop)
- dbr:Episcopal_Church_(United_States)
- dbr:Episcopal_Diocese_of_Central_Florida
- dbr:Episcopal_Diocese_of_Colombia
- dbr:Frank_W._Sterrett
- dbr:Fray_Juan_de_Torquemada
- dbr:Fred_Hiltz
- dbr:Fuerzas_Armadas_de_Liberación_Nacional_Puertorriqueña
- dbr:Gary_Lillibridge
- dbr:George_D._Gillespie
- dbr:George_Forrest_Browne
- dbr:George_Herbert_Kinsolving
- dbr:George_William_Peterkin
- dbr:George_Worthington_(bishop)
- dbr:Geralyn_Wolf
- dbr:Godfrey_Ashby
- dbr:Graham_Leonard
- dbr:Graham_Usher_(bishop)
- dbr:Münster_Cathedral
- dbr:Congregation_(Roman_Curia)
- dbr:Consecrated_life
- dbr:Consecrated_virgin
- dbr:Cornell_Moss
- dbr:Corporation_sole
- dbr:Theodore_Dehon
- dbr:Thomas_Casady
- dbr:Military_chaplain
- dbr:Military_ordinariate
- dbr:Orders,_decorations,_and_medals_of_the_Holy_See
- dbr:André_Soares_(bishop)
- dbr:Anglican_Archbishop_of_Adelaide
- dbr:Anglican_Archbishop_of_Brisbane
- dbr:Anglican_Archbishop_of_Melbourne
- dbr:Anglican_Archbishop_of_Perth
- dbr:Anglican_Archbishop_of_Sydney
- dbr:Anglican_Bishop_of_Armidale
- dbr:Anglican_Bishop_of_Ballarat
- dbr:Anglican_Bishop_of_Bathurst
- dbr:Anglican_Bishop_of_Bendigo
- dbr:Anglican_Bishop_of_Bunbury
- dbr:Anglican_Bishop_of_Canberra_and_Goulburn
- dbr:Anglican_Bishop_of_Gippsland
- dbr:Anglican_Bishop_of_Grafton
- dbr:Anglican_Bishop_of_Newcastle_(Australia)
- dbr:Anglican_Bishop_of_North_Queensland
- dbr:Anglican_Bishop_of_North_West_Australia
- dbr:Anglican_Bishop_of_Riverina
- dbr:Anglican_Bishop_of_Rockhampton
- dbr:Anglican_Bishop_of_Tasmania
- dbr:Anglican_Bishop_of_The_Murray
- dbr:Anglican_Bishop_of_Wangaratta
- dbr:Anglican_Bishop_of_Willochra
- dbr:Anglican_Bishop_of_the_Northern_Territory
- dbr:Anglican_Church_in_Aotearoa,_New_Zealand_and_Polynesia
- dbr:Anglican_Primate_of_Australia
- dbr:Anson_Rogers_Graves
- dbr:Bavagaliana
- dbr:Leigh_Richmond_Brewer
- dbr:Lemuel_B._Shirley
- dbr:Leon_Chechemian
- dbr:Leonard_Ashton
- dbr:Leonard_Beecher
- dbr:Leonard_Burrows
- dbr:Leslie_Brown_(bishop)
- dbr:Libby_Lane
- dbr:M._George_Henry
- dbr:St_Mary_Undercroft
- dbr:Stanley_Booth-Clibborn
- dbr:Stephen_Keeler
- dbr:Stephen_Sykes
- dbr:Clergy
- dbr:Clerk_of_the_Closet
- dbr:Deon_K._Johnson
- dbr:Yulian_Voronovskyi
- dbr:Emeritus
- dbr:House_of_Bishops
- dbr:John_Joseph_Clancy_(bishop)
- dbr:John_Mitchinson_(bishop)
- dbr:Parish_(Catholic_Church)
- dbr:Parish_(Church_of_England)
- dbr:Pastor
- dbr:Patrick_Maguire_(bishop)
- dbr:Sue_Moxley_(bishop)
- dbr:Materiana
- dbr:Bagnoregio
- dbr:C._Wallis_Ohl_Jr.
- dbr:Cathedral_of_Saint_Eugene_(Santa_Rosa,_California)
- dbr:Cathedral_of_the_Blessed_Sacrament_(Sacramento,_California)
- dbr:Catherine_Waynick
- dbr:CatholicTV
- dbr:Catholic_Bishops'_Conference_of_England_and_Wales
- dbr:Catholic_Bishops'_Conference_of_Japan
- dbr:Catholic_Church_and_abortion
- dbr:Tim_Thornton_(bishop)
- dbr:Traditionis_custodes
- dbr:Trevor_Willmott
- dbr:Tridentine_Mass
- dbr:W._R._Chilton_Powell
- dbr:Wendell_Gibbs
- dbr:Wilburn_C._Campbell
- dbr:William_A._Dimmick
- dbr:William_Albert_Wack
- dbr:William_B._W._Howe
- dbr:William_Ford_Nichols
- dbr:William_Loyall_Gravatt
- dbr:William_N._McVickar
- dbr:Willis_R._Henton
- dbr:John_Healy_(bishop)
- dbr:Julian_Dobbs
- dbr:Julines_Herring
- dbr:Julio_Murray
- dbr:Laurence_Forristal
- dbr:List_of_African-American_firsts
- dbr:List_of_Anglo-Catholic_churches_in_England
- dbr:Philip_Goodrich
- dbr:A._Robert_Hirschfeld
- dbr:A._Theodore_Eastman
- dbr:Adam_Naruszewicz
- dbr:Alfred_Rawlinson_(bishop)
- dbr:Alfred_Rose_(bishop)
- dbr:Alfredo_Obviar
- dbr:Algernon_Markham
- dbr:Cádiz
- dbr:Dabney_Tyler_Smith
- dbr:Daniel_Cohalan_(bishop_of_Cork)
- dbr:Eric_Treacy
- dbr:Falkner_Allison
- dbr:Anglican_Diocese_of_Toronto
- dbr:Barry_Robert_Howe
- dbr:Nigel_Peyton
- dbr:Parliament_of_the_United_Kingdom
- dbr:Cardinal_Vicar
- dbr:Cecil_Warren
- dbr:Bishop_of_Helsinki
- dbr:Diocese
- dbr:Diocese_of_Armagh_(Church_of_Ireland)
- dbr:Diocese_of_Meath
- dbr:Edmund_Morgan_(bishop)
- dbr:Edward_Longid
- dbr:German_Bishops'_Conference
- dbr:Glossary_of_the_Catholic_Church
- dbr:Historical_list_of_the_Catholic_bishops_of_the_United_States
- dbr:History_of_Christianity_in_Iceland
- dbr:History_of_Christianity_in_Ireland
- dbr:History_of_Diyarbakır
- dbr:History_of_Filipino_Americans
- dbr:Judicial_vicar
- dbr:List_of_Eastern_Orthodox_bishops_in_the_United_States_and_Canada
- dbr:List_of_Roman_Catholic_bishops_and_archbishops_of_Olomouc
- dbr:List_of_Roman_Catholic_dioceses_in_the_Caribbean
- dbr:Religious_education
- dbr:Grigorije_Durić
- dbr:Guy_Marshall
- dbr:Hamilton_Hyde_Kellogg
- dbr:Harold_Gosnell
- dbr:Harry_Price
- dbr:Harry_S._Kennedy
- dbr:Helen-Ann_Hartley
- dbr:Henry_Holbeach
- dbr:Henry_Montgomery_Campbell
- dbr:Henry_Niles_Pierce
- dbr:Hewlett_Thompson
- dbr:Historical_list_of_the_Catholic_bishops_of_Puerto_Rico
- dbr:Historical_list_of_the_Catholic_bishops_of_the_Philippines
- dbr:Irish_Catholic_Bishops'_Conference
- dbr:James_H._Wise
- dbr:James_Kelly_(bishop)
- dbr:James_Newcome
- dbr:James_Ottley
- dbr:Jan_Olszanski
- dbr:Jane_Alexander_(bishop)
- dbr:Court_of_Ecclesiastical_Causes_Reserved
- dbr:Thagora
- dbr:The_Broxbourne_School
- dbr:Hymns_Ancient_and_Modern
- dbr:Jennifer_Baskerville-Burrows
- dbr:Archbishop_of_Canterbury
- dbr:Archbishop_of_York
- dbr:Arthur_A._Vogel
- dbr:Arthur_Llewellyn_Williams
- dbr:Assyrian_Church_of_the_East
- dbr:Abbot
- dbr:Abbot_of_Clonard
- dbr:Abbot_of_Emly
- dbr:Abbot_of_Lismore
- dbr:Advowson