Duncan Sommerville (original) (raw)
- Duncan Sommerville (Beawar, 24 de novembre de 1879 - Wellington, 31 de gener de 1934) va ser un matemàtic i astrònom escocès que va viure a Nova Zelanda. (ca)
- دنكان سومرفيل (بالإنجليزية: Duncan Sommerville) (و. 1879 – 1934 م) هو رياضياتي، وعالم فلك، ورسام، ومؤرخ من نيوزيلندا.توفي في ويلينغتون، عن عمر يناهز 55 عاماً. (ar)
- Duncan MacLaren Young Sommerville FRSE FRAS (1879–1934) was a Scottish mathematician and astronomer. He compiled a bibliography on non-Euclidean geometry and also wrote a leading textbook in that field. He also wrote Introduction to the Geometry of N Dimensions, advancing the study of polytopes. He was a co-founder and the first secretary of the New Zealand Astronomical Society. Sommerville was also an accomplished watercolourist, producing a series New Zealand landscapes. The middle name 'MacLaren' is spelt using the old orthography M'Laren in some sources, for example the records of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. (en)
- Duncan MacLaren Young Sommerville FRSE FRAS foi um matemático e astrônomo escocês. Compilou uma bibliografia sobre geometria não euclidiana e também escreveu um livro-texto clássico sobre o assunto. Também escreveu Introduction to the Geometry of N Dimensions, avançando o estudo de polítopos. Foi co-fundador e primeiro secretário da . Sommerville foi também foi um talentoso aquarelista, produzindo uma série de obras com paisagens da Nova Zelândia. O nome do meio 'MacLaren' é soletrado usando a antiga ortografia M'Laren em algumas fontes, por exemplo os registros da Sociedade Real de Edimburgo. (pt)
- 1879-11-24 (xsd:date)
- 1934-01-31 (xsd:date)
- http://articles.adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-iarticle_query%3Fdb_key=AST&bibcode=1935MNRAS..95..330.&letter=.&classic=YES&defaultprint=YES&whole_paper=NO&page=330&epage=331&send=Send+PDF&filetype=.pdf
- http://quod.lib.umich.edu/u/umhistmath/ABN6053.0001.001/1%3Frgn=works;view=pdf;rgn1=author;q1=Sommerville
- http://www.nzetc.org/tm/scholarly/tei-SeeMath-t1-body-d1.html
- https://books.google.com/books%3Fid=-oNsAAAAMAAJ
- 8276753 (xsd:integer)
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- dbr:Projective_geometry
- dbr:Royal_Astronomical_Society
- dbr:Beawar
- dbr:Anthology
- dbr:Bibliography
- dbr:Perth,_Scotland
- dbr:Perth_Academy
- dbr:United_Kingdom
- dbr:University_of_Michigan
- dbr:University_of_St_Andrews
- dbr:Victoria_University_of_Wellington
- dbr:Dehn–Sommerville_equations
- dbr:Dehn-Sommerville_relations
- dbr:Wellington_University
- dbc:20th-century_New_Zealand_historians
- dbr:Mathematics
- dbr:Orthography
- dbc:20th-century_New_Zealand_mathematicians
- dbr:George_Chrystal
- dbr:Google_Books
- dbr:Monthly_Notices_of_the_Royal_Astronomical_Society
- dbr:Convex_polytope
- dbc:British_historians_of_mathematics
- dbr:Simplex
- dbr:Fellow_of_the_Royal_Astronomical_Society
- dbr:William_Peddie
- dbc:1879_births
- dbc:1934_deaths
- dbc:Academics_of_the_University_of_St_Andrews
- dbc:Alumni_of_the_University_of_St_Andrews
- dbc:Fellows_of_the_Royal_Astronomical_Society
- dbc:Fellows_of_the_Royal_Society_of_Edinburgh
- dbc:Geometers
- dbc:20th-century_New_Zealand_painters
- dbc:20th-century_Scottish_male_artists
- dbc:People_from_Perth,_Scotland
- dbc:People_from_Wellington_City
- dbc:Scottish_male_painters
- dbc:Scottish_watercolourists
- dbr:Cayley–Klein_metric
- dbc:20th-century_Scottish_historians
- dbc:People_educated_at_Perth_Academy
- dbc:Scottish_emigrants_to_New_Zealand
- dbr:Wellington
- dbr:Doctor_of_Science
- dbr:Quaternion_Society
- dbr:American_Mathematical_Monthly
- dbr:E._P._Dutton
- dbr:Fife
- dbr:Non-Euclidean_geometry
- dbr:Textbooks
- dbr:Fellow_of_the_Royal_Society_of_Edinburgh
- dbc:20th-century_Scottish_painters
- dbc:Victoria_University_of_Wellington_faculty
- dbc:20th-century_New_Zealand_astronomers
- dbc:20th-century_New_Zealand_male_artists
- dbc:20th-century_Scottish_mathematicians
- dbr:Jodhpur
- dbr:Honeycomb_(geometry)
- dbr:India
- dbr:New_Zealand
- dbr:Royal_Society_of_Edinburgh
- dbr:United_Presbyterian_Church_of_Scotland
- dbr:Journal_of_the_London_Mathematical_Society
- dbr:Non-euclidean_geometry
- dbr:Chelsea_Publishing
- dbr:Nanson's_method
- dbr:Polytope
- dbr:Rajputana
- dbr:Peter_Redford_Scott_Lang
- dbr:Robert_Alexander_Robertson
- dbr:G._Bell_&_Sons
- dbr:St_Andrews_University
- dbr:British_Association
- dbr:Australasian_Association_for_the_Advancement_of_Science
- dbr:New_Zealand_Astronomical_Society
- dbr:Preferential_ballot
- dbr:NZETC
- dbr:Voting_theory
- dbr:File:Duncan_MacLaren_Young_Sommerville_2.jpg
- 1879-11-24 (xsd:date)
- Duncan Sommerville (en)
- 1934-01-31 (xsd:date)
- Wellington, New Zealand (en)
- 200 (xsd:integer)
- dbr:Dehn-Sommerville_relations
- Textbooks on geometry (en)
- Duncan M. Y. Sommerville (en)
- Scottish (en)
- New Zealand (en)
- dbt:Authority_control
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- dbt:Refend
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- dbt:MacTutor_Biography
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- dbt:Recipients_of_the_Hector_Memorial_Medal
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- dbc:20th-century_New_Zealand_mathematicians
- dbc:British_historians_of_mathematics
- dbc:1879_births
- dbc:1934_deaths
- dbc:Academics_of_the_University_of_St_Andrews
- dbc:Alumni_of_the_University_of_St_Andrews
- dbc:Fellows_of_the_Royal_Astronomical_Society
- dbc:Fellows_of_the_Royal_Society_of_Edinburgh
- dbc:Geometers
- dbc:20th-century_New_Zealand_painters
- dbc:20th-century_Scottish_male_artists
- dbc:People_from_Perth,_Scotland
- dbc:People_from_Wellington_City
- dbc:Scottish_male_painters
- dbc:Scottish_watercolourists
- dbc:20th-century_Scottish_historians
- dbc:People_educated_at_Perth_Academy
- dbc:Scottish_emigrants_to_New_Zealand
- dbc:20th-century_Scottish_painters
- dbc:Victoria_University_of_Wellington_faculty
- dbc:20th-century_New_Zealand_astronomers
- dbc:20th-century_New_Zealand_male_artists
- dbc:20th-century_Scottish_mathematicians
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- dbo:Scientist
- dbo:Species
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- yago:WikicatNewZealandMathematicians
- yago:WikicatNewZealandPainters
- yago:WikicatPeopleEducatedAtPerthAcademy
- yago:WikicatPeopleFromPerth,Scotland
- yago:WikicatScottishAstronomers
- yago:WikicatScottishEmigrantsToNewZealand
- yago:WikicatScottishHistorians
- yago:WikicatScottishMathematicians
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- yago:Artist109812338
- yago:Associate109816771
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- yago:LivingThing100004258
- yago:Mathematician110301261
- yago:Migrant110314952
- yago:Object100002684
- yago:Organism100004475
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- yago:Peer109626238
- yago:Person100007846
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- yago:Professional110480253
- yago:WikicatGeometers
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- yago:YagoLegalActor
- yago:YagoLegalActorGeo
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- yago:Scientist110560637
- yago:Traveler109629752
- yago:Watercolorist110770545
- yago:Whole100003553
- yago:Wikicat20th-centuryMathematicians
- yago:WikicatAcademicsOfTheUniversityOfStAndrews
- yago:WikicatAlumniOfTheUniversityOfStAndrews
- yago:WikicatFellowsOfTheRoyalAstronomicalSociety
- yago:WikicatFellowsOfTheRoyalSocietyOfEdinburgh
- yago:WikicatPeopleFromWellingtonCity
- Duncan Sommerville (Beawar, 24 de novembre de 1879 - Wellington, 31 de gener de 1934) va ser un matemàtic i astrònom escocès que va viure a Nova Zelanda. (ca)
- دنكان سومرفيل (بالإنجليزية: Duncan Sommerville) (و. 1879 – 1934 م) هو رياضياتي، وعالم فلك، ورسام، ومؤرخ من نيوزيلندا.توفي في ويلينغتون، عن عمر يناهز 55 عاماً. (ar)
- Duncan MacLaren Young Sommerville FRSE FRAS (1879–1934) was a Scottish mathematician and astronomer. He compiled a bibliography on non-Euclidean geometry and also wrote a leading textbook in that field. He also wrote Introduction to the Geometry of N Dimensions, advancing the study of polytopes. He was a co-founder and the first secretary of the New Zealand Astronomical Society. Sommerville was also an accomplished watercolourist, producing a series New Zealand landscapes. (en)
- Duncan MacLaren Young Sommerville FRSE FRAS foi um matemático e astrônomo escocês. Compilou uma bibliografia sobre geometria não euclidiana e também escreveu um livro-texto clássico sobre o assunto. Também escreveu Introduction to the Geometry of N Dimensions, avançando o estudo de polítopos. Foi co-fundador e primeiro secretário da . Sommerville foi também foi um talentoso aquarelista, produzindo uma série de obras com paisagens da Nova Zelândia. (pt)
- دنكان سومرفيل (ar)
- Duncan Sommerville (ca)
- Duncan Sommerville (en)
- Duncan Sommerville (pt)
- freebase:Duncan Sommerville
- http://viaf.org/viaf/76399441
- http://d-nb.info/gnd/115609377
- wikidata:Duncan Sommerville
- http://data.bibliotheken.nl/id/thes/p09747892X
- dbpedia-ar:Duncan Sommerville
- http://arz.dbpedia.org/resource/دنكان_سومرفيل
- dbpedia-ca:Duncan Sommerville
- http://ht.dbpedia.org/resource/Duncan_MacLaren_Young_Sommerville
- dbpedia-pt:Duncan Sommerville
- https://global.dbpedia.org/id/4iUJu
- yago-res:Duncan Sommerville
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Duncan_MacLaren_Young_Sommerville_2.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Duncan_MacLaren_Young_Sommerville_1.jpg
- Duncan M. Y. Sommerville (en)
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- dbr:Duncan_MacLaren_Young_Sommerville
- dbr:Duncan_M'Laren_Young_Sommerville
- dbr:Duncan_M._Y._Sommerville
- dbr:Duncan_M_Y_Sommerville
- dbr:Duncan_Mclaren_Young_Sommerville
is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of
- dbr:1934_in_New_Zealand
- dbr:Beawar
- dbr:Archimedean_solid
- dbr:List_of_people_educated_at_Perth_Academy
- dbr:Dehn–Sommerville_equations
- dbr:Elongated_square_gyrobicupola
- dbr:George_Bell_&_Sons
- dbr:Clifford_parallel
- dbr:Cayley–Klein_metric
- dbr:Hector_Medal
- dbr:Quaternion_Society
- dbr:Dual_graph
- dbr:Gram–Euler_theorem
- dbr:List_of_International_Congresses_of_Mathematicians_Plenary_and_Invited_Speakers
- dbr:Royal_Astronomical_Society_of_New_Zealand
- dbr:D._M._Y._Sommerville
- dbr:Duncan_MacLaren_Young_Sommerville
- dbr:Schlegel_diagram
- dbr:Nanson's_method
- dbr:Duncan_M'Laren_Young_Sommerville
- dbr:Duncan_M._Y._Sommerville
- dbr:Duncan_M_Y_Sommerville
- dbr:Duncan_Mclaren_Young_Sommerville
is foaf:primaryTopic of