LaSalle (automobile) (original) (raw)
- 3175.0
- LaSalle war der Name einer unter Cadillac-Ägide von 1927 bis 1940 geführten Marke des US-amerikanischen Automobilkonzerns General Motors. (de)
- LaSalle was an American brand of luxury automobiles manufactured and marketed, as a separate brand, by General Motors' Cadillac division from 1927 through 1940. Alfred P. Sloan, GM's Chairman of the Board, developed the concept for four new GM marques - LaSalle, Marquette, Viking and Pontiac - paired with already established brands to fill price gaps he perceived in the General Motors product portfolio. Sloan created LaSalle as a companion marque for Cadillac. LaSalle automobiles were manufactured by Cadillac, but were priced lower than Cadillac-branded automobiles, were shorter, and were marketed as the second-most prestigious marque in the General Motors portfolio. LaSalles were titled as LaSalles, and not as Cadillacs. Like Cadillac — named after Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac — the LaSalle brand name was based on that of another French explorer, René-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle. (en)
- LaSalle est une « marque compagne » de Cadillac créée en 1927 par le constructeur américain General Motors pour combler le vide existant entre les gammes Buick et Cadillac. Dessinée par Harley J. Earl et fabriquée par Cadillac, la LaSalle connaît un succès croissant jusqu’en 1930 mais sa production reste inférieure à sa rivale de chez Packard. Pour réduire ses coûts de fabrication, elle utilise un moteur Oldsmobile entre 1934 et 1937, mais elle se heurte à une concurrence renforcée par l’arrivée de la Lincoln Zephyr. De façon à lui redonner du prestige, la LaSalle retrouve un moteur Cadillac en 1938. Malgré des ventes en progression, elle ne parvient pas à surpasser ses rivales. La marque LaSalle est abandonnée en 1940 ; le modèle est poursuivi dans la gamme Cadillac (Séries 61 et 63). (fr)
- LaSalle fue una marca estadounidense de coches de lujo fabricada y comercializada, como marca separada, por la división Cadillac de General Motors desde 1927 hasta 1940. Alfred P. Sloan, presidente de la junta de GM, desarrolló el concepto de cuatro nuevas líneas de producto de GM. Las marcas LaSalle, Marquette, Viking y Pontiac se combinaron con marcas ya establecidas para llenar las brechas de precios que percibía en la cartera de productos de la General Motors. Sloan creó LaSalle como marca agregada de Cadillac. Los LaSalle fueron fabricados por Cadillac, pero tenían un precio más bajo que los propios Cadillac, eran más pequeños y se comercializaron como la segunda marca más prestigiosa en la cartera de General Motors. Al igual que Cadillac, que lleva el nombre de Antoine de Lamothe-Cadillac, la marca LaSalle se basó en la de otro explorador francés, René Robert Cavelier de La Salle. (es)
- LaSalle is een voormalig automerk van General Motors en zustermerk van Cadillac. Het merk werd opgericht in 1927 en de productie werd in 1940 gestaakt. Net als het zustermerk Cadillac was ook LaSalle naar een Franse ontdekkingsreiziger genoemd: René Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle (1643-1687). (nl)
- La LaSalle è stato un marchio automobilistico della General Motors utilizzato dal 1927 al 1940. (it)
- LaSalle var ett amerikanskt bilmärke som tillverkades av General Motors i Detroit, Michigan mellan 1927 och 1940. (sv)
- LaSalle – amerykańska marka samochodów należąca do General Motors Corporation.Samochody o tej nazwie były produkowane od 1927 roku do 1940 roku. LaSalle byłysprzedawane w sieci dealerów Cadillac, jako luksusowy ale mniejszy i tańszy od Cadillaca samochód. (pl)
- LaSalle — марка легковых автомобилей, выпускавшихся корпорацией General Motors с 1927 по 1940 год. Она была названа в честь Рене-Робера Кавелье де Ла Саля. (ru)
- 1933-01-01 (xsd:gYear)
- 1927-01-01 (xsd:gYear)
- 3-speedsynchromeshmanual
- 3.175000 (xsd:double)
- 538780 (xsd:integer)
- 30931 (xsd:nonNegativeInteger)
- 1117091415 (xsd:integer)
- dbr:Cadillac
- dbr:Cadillac_Series_355
- dbr:Cadillac_Series_60
- dbr:Cadillac_Series_61
- dbr:Cadillac_Series_62
- dbr:Cadillac_Seville
- dbr:Cadillac_Type_V-63
- dbr:Cadillac_V-12
- dbr:Cadillac_V-16
- dbr:Cadillac_V8_engine
- dbc:Cadillac
- dbr:Motorama
- dbc:Vintage_vehicles
- dbc:Defunct_brands
- dbr:DeSoto_(automobile)
- dbr:Detroit
- dbr:René-Robert_Cavelier,_Sieur_de_La_Salle
- dbr:Robert_Cumberford
- dbr:Viking_(automobile)
- dbr:Deed
- dbr:Detroit_Assembly
- dbr:GM_C_platform_(RWD)
- dbr:1932_Ford
- dbc:1930s_cars
- dbr:Saint_Valentine's_Day_Massacre
- dbr:Quarter_glass
- dbc:1940s_cars
- dbc:Vehicle_manufacturing_companies_established_in_1927
- dbr:GM_A_platform
- dbr:GM_B_platform
- dbr:GM_C_platform
- dbr:GM_C_platform_(1936)
- dbr:General_Motors
- dbr:General_Motors_companion_make_program
- dbr:The_St._Valentine's_Day_Massacre_(film)
- dbr:The_Streets_of_San_Francisco
- dbr:Oakland_(automobile)
- dbr:Synchromesh
- dbr:Antoine_de_la_Mothe_Cadillac
- dbr:Leo_Gordon
- dbr:Lew_Ayres
- dbr:Lincoln-Zephyr
- dbc:Pre-war_vehicles
- dbr:Front-engine,_rear-wheel-drive_layout
- dbr:Automobile_(magazine)
- dbc:Defunct_motor_vehicle_manufacturers_of_the_United_States
- dbc:Motor_vehicle_manufacturers_based_in_Michigan
- dbr:Buick
- dbr:Buick_Century
- dbr:Buick_Riviera
- dbr:Buick_Roadmaster
- dbr:Buick_Special
- dbr:Buick_Super
- dbr:Duco
- dbr:Alfred_P._Sloan
- dbr:All_In_The_Family
- dbr:Fisher_Body
- dbr:Ford_Model_T
- dbr:Packard_One-Twenty
- dbc:Vehicle_manufacturing_companies_disestablished_in_1940
- dbr:Fastback
- dbr:Hispano-Suiza_T49
- dbr:DuPont_(1802–2017)
- dbr:Harley_Earl
- dbr:Hickory
- dbr:Hispano-Suiza_H6
- dbc:1920s_cars
- dbc:Cars_introduced_in_1927
- dbc:Luxury_motor_vehicle_manufacturers
- dbc:Defunct_manufacturing_companies_based_in_Michigan
- dbc:General_Motors_marques
- dbr:Chevrolet
- dbr:Notchback
- dbr:Marcus_Brody
- dbr:Marquette_(automobile)
- dbr:Pontiac_(automobile)
- dbr:Pontiac_Six
- dbr:Pontiac_Torpedo
- dbr:Great_Depression
- dbr:Grille_(car)
- dbr:Indianapolis_500
- dbr:Michigan
- dbr:Oldsmobile
- dbr:Oldsmobile_98
- dbr:Oldsmobile_L-Series
- dbr:Oldsmobile_Series_70
- dbr:Oldsmobile_Straight-8_engine
- dbr:Raiders_of_the_Lost_Ark
- dbr:Manual_transmission
- dbr:Mike_Heitler
- dbr:Luxury_vehicle
- dbr:Motor_Press_Guild
- dbr:V8_engine
- dbr:Wall_Street_Crash_of_1929
- dbr:Luxury_car
- dbr:Fleetwood_Metal_Body
- dbr:Sunroof
- dbr:Chrysler_Corporation
- dbr:Pace_Car
- dbr:List_of_Indianapolis_500_pace_cars
- dbr:Buick_Series_40
- dbr:Buick_Series_50
- dbr:Milford_Proving_Grounds
- dbr:File:50_Years_Dornier_STOL,_Friedrichshafen_(1X7A4154).jpg
- dbr:File:LaSalle_1927_Dealer_Showroom_Poster_Ad.jpg
- Wyoming Road Assembly, Detroit, Michigan, United States (en)
- 1928 (xsd:integer)
- 1937 (xsd:integer)
- 1940 (xsd:integer)
- U.S. (en)
- L-head V8 (en)
- Oldsmobile Straight-8 engine (en)
- 1927 (xsd:integer)
- Lasalle cars logo.png (en)
- 150 (xsd:integer)
- Cadillac (en)
- U.S. (en)
- 1927 (xsd:integer)
- 1934 (xsd:integer)
- 1939 (xsd:integer)
- LaSalle (en)
- LaSalle Series 303 (en)
- Luxury cars (en)
- 3 (xsd:integer)
- 120.0
- 119.0
- dbt:Citation_needed
- dbt:Cite_book
- dbt:Commons_category
- dbt:Convert
- dbt:End_date_and_age
- dbt:Inflation
- dbt:Inflation-fn
- dbt:Inflation-year
- dbt:Infobox_automobile
- dbt:Infobox_brand
- dbt:Reflist
- dbt:Short_description
- dbt:Automotive_industry_in_the_United_States
- dbt:General_Motors_brands
- dbt:Cadillac_vehicles
- dbc:Cadillac
- dbc:Vintage_vehicles
- dbc:Defunct_brands
- dbc:1930s_cars
- dbc:1940s_cars
- dbc:Vehicle_manufacturing_companies_established_in_1927
- dbc:Pre-war_vehicles
- dbc:Defunct_motor_vehicle_manufacturers_of_the_United_States
- dbc:Motor_vehicle_manufacturers_based_in_Michigan
- dbc:Vehicle_manufacturing_companies_disestablished_in_1940
- dbc:1920s_cars
- dbc:Cars_introduced_in_1927
- dbc:Luxury_motor_vehicle_manufacturers
- dbc:Defunct_manufacturing_companies_based_in_Michigan
- dbc:General_Motors_marques
- owl:Thing
- dbo:Company
- schema:Product
- dbo:MeanOfTransportation
- yago:WikicatCompaniesEstablishedIn1927
- yago:WikicatLuxuryMotorVehicleManufacturers
- yago:WikicatMotorVehicleManufacturersBasedInMichigan
- yago:WikicatMotorVehicleManufacturersOfTheUnitedStates
- yago:Abstraction100002137
- yago:Business108061042
- yago:Company108058098
- yago:Enterprise108056231
- yago:Group100031264
- yago:Institution108053576
- yago:Manufacturer108060446
- yago:Organization108008335
- yago:YagoLegalActor
- yago:YagoLegalActorGeo
- yago:YagoPermanentlyLocatedEntity
- dbo:Automobile
- yago:SocialGroup107950920
- yago:WikicatDefunctCompaniesBasedInMichigan
- yago:WikicatDefunctMotorVehicleManufacturers
- yago:WikicatDefunctMotorVehicleManufacturersOfTheUnitedStates
- umbel-rc:Automobile
- umbel-rc:TransportationDevice_Vehicle
- LaSalle war der Name einer unter Cadillac-Ägide von 1927 bis 1940 geführten Marke des US-amerikanischen Automobilkonzerns General Motors. (de)
- LaSalle is een voormalig automerk van General Motors en zustermerk van Cadillac. Het merk werd opgericht in 1927 en de productie werd in 1940 gestaakt. Net als het zustermerk Cadillac was ook LaSalle naar een Franse ontdekkingsreiziger genoemd: René Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle (1643-1687). (nl)
- La LaSalle è stato un marchio automobilistico della General Motors utilizzato dal 1927 al 1940. (it)
- LaSalle var ett amerikanskt bilmärke som tillverkades av General Motors i Detroit, Michigan mellan 1927 och 1940. (sv)
- LaSalle – amerykańska marka samochodów należąca do General Motors Corporation.Samochody o tej nazwie były produkowane od 1927 roku do 1940 roku. LaSalle byłysprzedawane w sieci dealerów Cadillac, jako luksusowy ale mniejszy i tańszy od Cadillaca samochód. (pl)
- LaSalle — марка легковых автомобилей, выпускавшихся корпорацией General Motors с 1927 по 1940 год. Она была названа в честь Рене-Робера Кавелье де Ла Саля. (ru)
- LaSalle was an American brand of luxury automobiles manufactured and marketed, as a separate brand, by General Motors' Cadillac division from 1927 through 1940. Alfred P. Sloan, GM's Chairman of the Board, developed the concept for four new GM marques - LaSalle, Marquette, Viking and Pontiac - paired with already established brands to fill price gaps he perceived in the General Motors product portfolio. Sloan created LaSalle as a companion marque for Cadillac. LaSalle automobiles were manufactured by Cadillac, but were priced lower than Cadillac-branded automobiles, were shorter, and were marketed as the second-most prestigious marque in the General Motors portfolio. LaSalles were titled as LaSalles, and not as Cadillacs. Like Cadillac — named after Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac — the LaSal (en)
- LaSalle est une « marque compagne » de Cadillac créée en 1927 par le constructeur américain General Motors pour combler le vide existant entre les gammes Buick et Cadillac. Dessinée par Harley J. Earl et fabriquée par Cadillac, la LaSalle connaît un succès croissant jusqu’en 1930 mais sa production reste inférieure à sa rivale de chez Packard. Pour réduire ses coûts de fabrication, elle utilise un moteur Oldsmobile entre 1934 et 1937, mais elle se heurte à une concurrence renforcée par l’arrivée de la Lincoln Zephyr. De façon à lui redonner du prestige, la LaSalle retrouve un moteur Cadillac en 1938. Malgré des ventes en progression, elle ne parvient pas à surpasser ses rivales. (fr)
- LaSalle fue una marca estadounidense de coches de lujo fabricada y comercializada, como marca separada, por la división Cadillac de General Motors desde 1927 hasta 1940. Alfred P. Sloan, presidente de la junta de GM, desarrolló el concepto de cuatro nuevas líneas de producto de GM. Las marcas LaSalle, Marquette, Viking y Pontiac se combinaron con marcas ya establecidas para llenar las brechas de precios que percibía en la cartera de productos de la General Motors. Sloan creó LaSalle como marca agregada de Cadillac. Los LaSalle fueron fabricados por Cadillac, pero tenían un precio más bajo que los propios Cadillac, eran más pequeños y se comercializaron como la segunda marca más prestigiosa en la cartera de General Motors. (es)
- LaSalle (Automarke) (de)
- LaSalle (automóviles) (es)
- LaSalle (automobile) (fr)
- LaSalle (azienda) (it)
- LaSalle (automobile) (en)
- LaSalle (marka samochodów) (pl)
- LaSalle (auto) (nl)
- LaSalle (ru)
- LaSalle (bilmärke) (sv)
- freebase:LaSalle (automobile)
- yago-res:LaSalle (automobile)
- wikidata:LaSalle (automobile)
- dbpedia-de:LaSalle (automobile)
- dbpedia-es:LaSalle (automobile)
- dbpedia-fa:LaSalle (automobile)
- dbpedia-fi:LaSalle (automobile)
- dbpedia-fr:LaSalle (automobile)
- dbpedia-it:LaSalle (automobile)
- dbpedia-nl:LaSalle (automobile)
- dbpedia-pl:LaSalle (automobile)
- dbpedia-ru:LaSalle (automobile)
- dbpedia-sh:LaSalle (automobile)
- dbpedia-sv:LaSalle (automobile)
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/1929_LaSalle_Model_328_tourer_(46789110752).jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/50_Years_Dornier_STOL,_Friedrichshafen_(1X7A4154).jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Automobilové_klenoty_2019_C03.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/LaSalle_1927_Dealer_Showroom_Poster_Ad.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/LaSalle_1928_Phaaeton.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/LaSalle_1930.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/LaSalle_1932_Series_345-B_Convertible_Coupe.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/LaSalle_1934_Sedan_in...hio,_by_Sohio_Gas_Station_in_1939.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/LaSalle_1935_Series_50_Four-Door_Touring_Sedan_(9682080887).jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/LaSalle_1937_Series_37-5011_Two-Door_Touring_Sedan.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/LaSalle_1938_Model_5019_Four-Door_Touring_Sedan_.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/LaSalle_1938_Series_38-5027_Coupé.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/LaSalle_1940_(5768339279).jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/LaSalle_Roadster_1936.jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Lasalle_cars_logo.png
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Stahls_Automotive_Col...21_054_(1927_LaSalle_303_Phaeton).jpg
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Stahls_Automotive_Col..._(1934_LaSalle_Convertible_Coupe).jpg
- LaSalle Series 303 (en)
is dbo:relatedMeanOfTransportation of
- dbr:Cadillac_Series_60
- dbr:Buick_Estate__1940_Super_Estate_Series_50__1
- dbr:Buick_Estate__1941–1942_Special_Estate_Series_40-B__1
- dbr:Buick_Roadmaster__Series_70__1
- dbr:Buick_Roadmaster__Series_80__1
- dbr:Buick_Special__Series_40__1
- dbr:Buick_Super__Series_50__1
- dbr:Cadillac_Series_61__First_Generation__1
- dbr:Oldsmobile_Series_70__First_generation__1
- dbr:Pontiac_Torpedo__First_Generation__1
is dbo:variantOf of
is dbo:wikiPageRedirects of
is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of
- dbr:Cadillac
- dbr:Cadillac_Europe
- dbr:Cadillac_Series_60
- dbr:Cadillac_Series_61
- dbr:Cadillac_Series_65
- dbr:Cadillac_Seville
- dbr:Cadillac_Type_V-63
- dbr:Cadillac_V8_engine
- dbr:Car
- dbr:List_of_automobile_manufacturers
- dbr:List_of_automobiles_manufactured_in_Argentina
- dbr:List_of_automotive_superlatives
- dbr:List_of_car_brands
- dbr:List_of_defunct_automobile_manufacturers_of_the_United_States
- dbr:List_of_defunct_consumer_brands
- dbr:Bill_Mitchell_(automobile_designer)
- dbr:Joubert_and_White_Building
- dbr:List_of_The_Waltons_episodes
- dbr:René-Robert_Cavelier,_Sieur_de_La_Salle
- dbr:Robert_Cumberford
- dbr:Viking_(automobile)
- dbr:Vintage_Grill_&_Car_Museum
- dbr:Detroit_Assembly
- dbr:Earl_A._Thompson
- dbr:Indianapolis_500_pace_cars
- dbr:Kustom_(cars)
- dbr:1927_Indianapolis_500
- dbr:1934_Indianapolis_500
- dbr:General_Motors_B_platform
- dbr:General_Motors_C_platform
- dbr:General_Motors_C_platform_(1925)
- dbr:Timeline_of_motor_vehicle_brands
- dbr:Classic_Car_Club_of_America
- dbr:General_Motors
- dbr:General_Motors_Canada
- dbr:General_Motors_companion_make_program
- dbr:General_Motors_de_Argentina
- dbr:General_Motors_de_México
- dbr:1937_Indianapolis_500
- dbr:Lincoln-Zephyr
- dbr:Lincoln_MKZ
- dbr:Lincoln_Motor_Company
- dbr:Lynch_Road_Assembly
- dbr:March_1927
- dbr:Automotive_industry_in_Japan
- dbr:Buick
- dbr:Buick_Century
- dbr:Buick_Estate
- dbr:Buick_Roadmaster
- dbr:Buick_Special
- dbr:Buick_Super
- dbr:Timeline_of_North_American_automobiles
- dbr:224_West_57th_Street
- dbr:All_in_the_Family
- dbr:Eddie_Rickenbacker
- dbr:Edsel
- dbr:Owen_Nacker
- dbr:Packard_Clipper
- dbr:Packard_One-Twenty
- dbr:Car_Designer_of_the_Century
- dbr:Edward_S._Jordan
- dbr:History_of_General_Motors
- dbr:List_of_GM_engines
- dbr:List_of_General_Motors_factories
- dbr:List_of_General_Motors_platforms
- dbr:List_of_James_Bond_vehicles
- dbr:Harley_Earl
- dbr:James_Bond_Car_Collection
- dbr:Chevrolet_Master
- dbr:Chevrolet_Series_AA_Capitol
- dbr:Chevrolet_Series_AB_National
- dbr:Chevrolet_Series_AC_International
- dbr:Chevrolet_Series_AD_Universal
- dbr:Chevrolet_Series_AE_Independence
- dbr:Chevrolet_Series_BA_Confederate
- dbr:Chevrolet_Series_CA_Eagle_/_Master
- dbr:Chevrolet_Standard_Six
- dbr:Bill_Heard_Enterprises
- dbr:Marquette_(automobile)
- dbr:Pontiac_(automobile)
- dbr:Pontiac_Six
- dbr:Pontiac_Streamliner
- dbr:Pontiac_Torpedo
- dbr:Mercury_(automobile)
- dbr:Nash_Ambassador
- dbr:Oakland_Motor_Car_Company
- dbr:Oakland_Six
- dbr:Oldsmobile_F-Series
- dbr:Oldsmobile_L-Series
- dbr:Oldsmobile_Series_70
- dbr:List_of_Cadillac_vehicles
- dbr:La_Salle
- dbr:Luxury_car
- dbr:Oldsmobile_straight-8_engine
- dbr:Packard_Light_Eight
- dbr:La_Salle_(automobile)
is dbp:brands of
is dbp:related of
- dbr:Cadillac_Series_60
- dbr:Cadillac_Series_61
- dbr:Buick_Estate
- dbr:Buick_Roadmaster
- dbr:Buick_Special
- dbr:Buick_Super
- dbr:Pontiac_Torpedo
- dbr:Oldsmobile_Series_70
is foaf:primaryTopic of