List of Late Quaternary prehistoric bird species (original) (raw)
- Die Erforschung der spätquartären Avifauna ist eine Teildisziplin der Paläornithologie, die sich mit Vogeltaxa beschäftigt, die zwischen dem Jungpleistozän und dem Jahre 1500 (Beginn der Besiedelung Amerikas und der Welt durch die Europäer) ausgestorben sind. Ein weiterer Aspekt des Forschungsfeldes ist der Zwerg- bzw. Riesenwuchs von Vögeln, der Verlust der Flugfähigkeit und die Abstammungslinie von prähistorischen zu rezenten Taxa. Führende Vertreter auf diesem Gebiet sind oder waren Trevor H. Worthy, Storrs Lovejoy Olson, Pierce Brodkorb, Jean-Christophe Balouet, David William Steadman, Anthony Cheke, Helen Frances James, Julian Pender Hume und Alice Cibois, deren Forschungsarbeit in den Höhlen und Sedimentschichten Australiens, der Maskarenen, Hawaiis, Neuseelands, der Karibik, St. Helenas, Ascensions, Madagaskars, der Mittelmeer-Inseln, der Kanarischen Inseln, Melanesiens und Polynesiens unschätzbare Daten über die erloschene Avifauna dieser Regionen zu Tage förderte. Einer der Pioniere der Paläornithologie war Richard Owen, der sich als erster mit der Untersuchung von Moa-Knochen beschäftigte. In der Zeit des späten Quartärs (ab 40.000 v. Chr. bis 1500 n. Chr.) sind unzählige Vogelarten ausgestorben, die man heute nur von Knochenfunden aus Pleistozänablagerungen oder vermischten Pleistozän/Holozänablagerungen kennt und deren Alter man nur sehr schwierig mit Hilfe der Radiokohlenstoffdatierung oder DNA-Analysen feststellen kann. Bei manchen Inselformen vom Atlantik, der Karibik, dem Mittelmeer, dem indoaustralischen und pazifischen Bereich geht man bei einigen Arten sogar davon aus, dass sie bis kurz vor dem 16. Jahrhundert überlebt haben könnten. Nach Überzeugung vieler Wissenschaftler ist vor allem der Mensch entweder direkt oder indirekt für das Aussterben vieler Vogelarten in dieser Zeit verantwortlich. Wissenschaftlich nachgewiesen ist dies bei der ersten Besiedelung der Pazifik-Inseln vor 3500 Jahren, wo die endemische Vogelwelt Schaden durch Krankheitserreger, Überjagung, Eiersammeln, Lebensraumzerstörung oder die eingeschleppte Pazifische Ratte (Rattus exulans) nahm. Auch für Australien nehmen einige Wissenschaftler dies an, was jedoch in der Fachwelt äußerst umstritten ist (vgl. Quartäre Aussterbewelle). Die folgende Übersicht listet Vogeltaxa auf, die zwischen 40.000 v. Chr. und 1500 n. Chr. ausgestorben sind: (de)
- Late Quaternary prehistoric birds are avian taxa that became extinct during the Late Quaternary – the Holocene or Late Pleistocene – and before recorded history, or more precisely, before they could be studied alive by ornithological science. They became extinct before the period of global scientific exploration that started in the late 15th century. In other words, this list basically deals with extinctions between 40,000 BC and 1500 AD. For the purposes of this article, a "bird" is any member of the clade Neornithes, that is, any descendant of the most recent common ancestor of all currently living birds. The birds are known from their remains, which are subfossil (not fossilized, or not completely fossilized). Some are also known from folk memory, as in the case of Haast's eagle in New Zealand. As the remains are not completely fossilized, they may yield organic material for molecular analyses to provide additional clues for resolving their taxonomic affiliations. The extinction of the taxa in this list was coincident with the expansion of Homo sapiens beyond Africa and Eurasia, and in most cases, anthropogenic factors have played a crucial part in their extinction, be it through hunting, introduced predators or habitat alteration. It is notable that a large proportion of the species are from oceanic islands, especially in Polynesia. Bird taxa that evolved on oceanic islands are usually very vulnerable to hunting or predation by rats, cats, dogs or pigs – animals commonly introduced by humans – as they evolved in the absence of mammalian predators, and therefore have only rudimentary predator avoidance behavior. Many, especially rails, have additionally become flightless for the same reason and thus presented even easier prey. Taxon extinctions taking place before the Late Quaternary happened in the absence of significant human interference. Rather, reasons for extinction are stochastic abiotic events such as bolide impacts, climate changes, mass volcanic eruptions etc. Alternatively, species may have gone extinct due to evolutionary displacement by successor or competitor taxa – it is notable for example that in the early Neogene, seabird biodiversity was much higher than today; this is probably due to competition by the radiation of marine mammals after that time. The relationships of these ancient birds are often hard to determine, as many are known only from very fragmentary remains and complete fossilization precludes analysis of information from DNA, RNA or protein sequencing. Extinct bird species differed from extant birds by being larger, mostly restricted to islands, and often flightless. These factors made them especially vulnerable to human prosecution and to other anthropogenically related declines. (en)
- Di seguito è riportata una lista di uccelli estintisi nel tardo Quaternario: si tratta dunque esclusivamente di neorniti, in quanto tutte le altre linee evolutive di uccelli si estinsero durante il Cretaceo; inoltre, questi uccelli per la stragrande maggioranza si sono estinti per cause naturali (grandi cataclismi, competizione diretta con altri animali evolutisi in quel periodo), con interferenze umane scarse o nulle. (it)
- Strutsar (Struthionidae) * Gobistruts (Struthio anderssoni) (sv)
- Aves Subfósseis são táxons que se extinguiram antes de serem registradas pela ciência, ou mais precisamente antes de serem analisadas vivas por ornitologistas, ou naturalistas. Elas são conhecidas por material subfóssil, e algumas por histórias contadas por antepassados de povos que conviveram com certas espécies, como no caso da Águia-de-haast da Nova Zelândia e o povo Maori. (pt)
- dbr:Cacatuidae
- dbr:Canary_Islands
- dbr:Amplibuteo
- dbr:Ampoza_ground_roller
- dbr:Potoo
- dbr:Procellariidae
- dbr:Psittacidae
- dbr:Puerto_Rico
- dbr:Quaternary
- dbr:Samoa
- dbr:Eyles'_harrier
- dbr:Megalapterygidae
- dbr:Melanesia
- dbr:Pachyornis
- dbr:Puerto_Rican_barn_owl
- dbr:Threskiornithidae
- dbr:North_Island,_New_Zealand
- dbr:Bennu_heron
- dbr:Biodiversity
- dbr:Bird
- dbr:Bolide
- dbr:Booby
- dbr:Brachypteraciidae
- dbr:Anomalopteryx
- dbr:Anser_djuktaiensis
- dbr:Apteribis
- dbr:Aptornis
- dbr:Aptornithidae
- dbr:Holocene
- dbr:Homo_sapiens
- dbr:Hornbill
- dbr:Huahine
- dbr:Hummingbird
- dbr:Hunter_Island_penguin
- dbr:Phasianidae
- dbr:Rhynochetidae
- dbr:Charadriidae
- dbr:DNA
- dbr:Ua_Huka
- dbr:Vanuatu
- dbr:Viti_Levu
- dbr:Vorombe
- dbr:ʻEua
- dbr:Dune_shearwater
- dbr:Eastern_moa
- dbr:Jamaican_caracara
- dbr:Mohoidae
- dbr:Lifuka
- dbr:Jamaican_flightless_ibis
- dbr:Nēnē-nui
- dbr:Nuku_Hiva_rail
- dbr:Xestospiza
- dbr:Powerful_goshawk
- dbr:Predation
- dbr:Puerto_Rican_quail-dove
- dbr:Puffbird
- dbr:North_Island_stout-legged_wren
- dbr:North_Island_takahē
- dbr:Robust_crow
- dbr:Sylviornis
- dbr:O'ahu_large-billed_moa-nalo
- dbr:Columbidae
- dbr:Convex-billed_cowbird
- dbr:Cook_Islands
- dbr:Coraciiformes
- dbr:Cormorant
- dbr:Corvidae
- dbr:Anatidae
- dbr:Ancient_coua
- dbr:Maui
- dbr:Megalapteryx
- dbr:Saint_Helena
- dbr:Saint_Helena_dove
- dbr:Chendytes_lawi
- dbr:Chicken
- dbr:Genyornis
- dbr:Lowland_kagu
- dbr:Lost_megapode
- dbr:Climate_change_(general_concept)
- dbr:Efate
- dbr:Fringillidae
- dbr:Galliformes
- dbr:Geese
- dbr:Gigantohierax
- dbr:Great_O‘ahu_crake
- dbr:Bountyphaps
- dbr:Brachypteracias
- dbr:Moloka'i_flightless_ibis
- dbr:Most_recent_common_ancestor
- dbr:Mullerornis
- dbr:Cone-billed_finch
- dbr:Conquered_lorikeet
- dbr:Consumed_scrubfowl
- dbr:Crested_moa
- dbr:Cretan_owl
- dbr:Cuban_crow
- dbr:Cuban_kestrel
- dbr:Cuban_pauraque
- dbr:Marquesas_swamphen
- dbr:Hodgen's_waterhen
- dbr:Ornimegalonyx
- dbr:Ornithology
- dbr:Oscaravis
- dbr:Vorombe_titan
- dbr:Angakauitai
- dbr:Apodidae
- dbr:Apterygidae
- dbr:Aquila_chrysaetos_simurgh
- dbr:Bermuda_flicker
- dbr:Bermuda_flightless_duck
- dbr:Bermuda_hawk
- dbr:Bermuda_saw-whet_owl
- dbr:Bermuteo
- dbr:Bertha's_coua
- dbr:Lifou
- dbr:Long-billed_wren_(New_Zealand)
- dbr:Madagascar
- dbr:Madeira
- dbr:Mammal
- dbr:Mangaia
- dbr:Mangareva
- dbr:Californian_turkey
- dbr:Smithsonian_Institution_Press
- dbr:Stout-legged_wren
- dbr:Struthionidae
- dbr:Emberizidae
- dbr:Emeidae
- dbr:Emeus
- dbr:Haliaeetus
- dbr:Henderson_ground_dove
- dbr:Henderson_imperial_pigeon
- dbr:Hova_gallinule
- dbr:Ibiza_rail
- dbr:Leptoptilos_robustus
- dbr:Petrel
- dbr:Madeiran_scops_owl
- dbr:Malagasy_crowned_eagle
- dbr:Malagasy_lapwing
- dbr:Malagasy_sheldgoose
- dbr:Malagasy_shelduck
- dbr:Storm_petrel
- dbr:Maui_Nui_finch
- dbr:Maui_Nui_large-billed_moa-nalo
- dbr:Mauritius_starling
- dbr:Meyer's_goshawk
- dbr:Auk
- dbr:Australia
- dbr:Bahamas
- dbr:Barbados
- dbr:Bucerotidae
- dbr:Cathartidae
- dbr:Cayman_Brac
- dbr:Cayman_Islands
- dbr:Cettiidae
- dbr:Tonga
- dbr:Tongan_giant_pigeon
- dbr:Tongatapu
- dbr:Tongoenas
- dbr:Turtle-jawed_moa-nalo
- dbr:Tyto_alba
- dbr:Tytonidae
- dbr:Waitaha_penguin
- dbr:White-eye
- dbr:Wingegyps
- dbr:Duck
- dbr:Gallinago_kakuki
- dbr:Galloanserae
- dbr:Cuban_giant_owl
- dbr:Cuban_teratorn
- dbr:Haast's_eagle
- dbr:Habitat
- dbr:Heavy-footed_moa
- dbr:Eua_rail
- dbr:Lava_shearwater
- dbr:Long-legged_bunting
- dbr:Great_ground-dove
- dbr:Puerto_Rican_crow
- dbr:Titanohierax
- dbr:Scarlett's_duck
- dbr:Niue_night_heron
- dbr:Niue_rail
- dbr:Tyto_pollens
- dbr:Small-billed_moa-nalo
- dbr:Acanthisittidae
- dbr:Accipitridae
- dbr:Adzebill
- dbr:Aepyornis
- dbr:Aiwa
- dbr:Albatross
- dbr:Alcidae
- dbr:American_black_vulture
- dbr:Cuba
- dbr:Cuban_flightless_crane
- dbr:Cygnus_falconeri
- dbr:Dromornithidae
- dbr:Easter_Island
- dbr:Estrildidae
- dbr:Evolution
- dbr:Falconidae
- dbr:Fiji
- dbr:Flamingo
- dbr:Barbados_rail
- dbr:American_Ornithologists'_Union
- dbr:Branta_rhuax
- dbr:Breagyps
- dbr:Noble_megapode
- dbr:Norfolk_Island
- dbr:North_America
- dbr:North_Island_giant_moa
- dbr:Ostrich
- dbr:Oxford_University_Press
- dbr:Pachyplichas_jagmi
- dbr:Pangalliformes
- dbr:Caprimulgidae
- dbr:Chatham_Island_merganser
- dbr:Ciconia_maltha
- dbr:Ciconiidae
- dbr:Dinornithidae
- dbr:Flightless_bird
- dbr:Folk_memory
- dbr:Gracile_goshawk
- dbr:Grallistrix
- dbr:Hirundinidae
- dbr:Kadavu_Island
- dbr:Kanaka_pigeon
- dbr:Kauaʻi_finch
- dbr:King_Kong_grosbeak
- dbr:Flightless_birds
- dbr:Forbes'_snipe
- dbr:Quail
- dbr:RNA
- dbr:Gull
- dbr:Gymnogyps_varonai
- dbr:Hawaiian_Islands
- dbr:Henderson_Island_(Pitcairn_Islands)
- dbr:History
- dbr:Bahaman_caracara
- dbr:Talpanas
- dbr:Taravai
- dbr:Taxonomy_(biology)
- dbr:Borras'_eagle-hawk
- dbr:Coua_berthae
- dbr:Crane_(bird)
- dbr:Teratornithidae
- dbr:Dysmoropelia
- dbr:Asian_ostrich
- dbr:Asio_ecuadoriensis
- dbr:Asphalt_miniature_owl
- dbr:Asphaltoglaux
- dbr:Aegothelidae
- dbr:Aepyornithidae
- dbc:Late_Quaternary_prehistoric_birds
- dbr:Chatham_Islands
- dbr:Chatham_penguin
- dbr:Kaua'i_mole_duck
- dbr:Laridae
- dbr:Late_Pleistocene
- dbr:Sulidae
- dbr:Sylviornithidae
- dbr:High-billed_crow
- dbr:Highland_finch
- dbr:Hoopoe-billed_ʻakialoa
- dbr:Jacamar
- dbr:Jean-Christophe_Balouet
- dbr:Henderson_Island_archaic_pigeon
- dbr:Snipe-rail
- dbr:Scarlett's_shearwater
- dbr:Stout-legged_finch
- dbr:Dinornis
- dbr:Dow's_puffin
- dbr:Ashy-faced_owl
- dbr:Marine_mammal
- dbr:Marquesas_Islands
- dbr:Buka_Island
- dbr:Bush_moa
- dbr:Phoenicopterus_copei
- dbr:Phoenicopterus_minutus
- dbr:Polynesia
- dbr:Society_Islands
- dbr:Solomon_Islands
- dbr:Spheniscidae
- dbr:Clade
- dbr:Great_Maui_crake
- dbr:Greater_Azores_bullfinch
- dbr:Gruidae
- dbr:Huahine_cuckoo-dove
- dbr:Huahine_gull
- dbr:Huahine_rail
- dbr:Huahine_starling
- dbr:Huahine_swamphen
- dbr:Human_impact_on_the_environment
- dbr:Cygnus_equitum
- dbr:Scissor-billed_koa-finch
- dbr:Kurochkin's_pygmy_owl
- dbr:Antillean_cave-rail
- dbr:Merriam's_teratorn
- dbr:Mesitornithidae
- dbr:Microcarbo_serventyorum
- dbr:Neogene
- dbr:New_Caledonia
- Di seguito è riportata una lista di uccelli estintisi nel tardo Quaternario: si tratta dunque esclusivamente di neorniti, in quanto tutte le altre linee evolutive di uccelli si estinsero durante il Cretaceo; inoltre, questi uccelli per la stragrande maggioranza si sono estinti per cause naturali (grandi cataclismi, competizione diretta con altri animali evolutisi in quel periodo), con interferenze umane scarse o nulle. (it)
- Strutsar (Struthionidae) * Gobistruts (Struthio anderssoni) (sv)
- Aves Subfósseis são táxons que se extinguiram antes de serem registradas pela ciência, ou mais precisamente antes de serem analisadas vivas por ornitologistas, ou naturalistas. Elas são conhecidas por material subfóssil, e algumas por histórias contadas por antepassados de povos que conviveram com certas espécies, como no caso da Águia-de-haast da Nova Zelândia e o povo Maori. (pt)
- Die Erforschung der spätquartären Avifauna ist eine Teildisziplin der Paläornithologie, die sich mit Vogeltaxa beschäftigt, die zwischen dem Jungpleistozän und dem Jahre 1500 (Beginn der Besiedelung Amerikas und der Welt durch die Europäer) ausgestorben sind. Ein weiterer Aspekt des Forschungsfeldes ist der Zwerg- bzw. Riesenwuchs von Vögeln, der Verlust der Flugfähigkeit und die Abstammungslinie von prähistorischen zu rezenten Taxa. Einer der Pioniere der Paläornithologie war Richard Owen, der sich als erster mit der Untersuchung von Moa-Knochen beschäftigte. (de)
- Late Quaternary prehistoric birds are avian taxa that became extinct during the Late Quaternary – the Holocene or Late Pleistocene – and before recorded history, or more precisely, before they could be studied alive by ornithological science. They became extinct before the period of global scientific exploration that started in the late 15th century. In other words, this list basically deals with extinctions between 40,000 BC and 1500 AD. For the purposes of this article, a "bird" is any member of the clade Neornithes, that is, any descendant of the most recent common ancestor of all currently living birds. (en)
- Spätquartäre Avifauna (de)
- Uccelli estinti del tardo Quaternario (it)
- List of Late Quaternary prehistoric bird species (en)
- Lista de aves subfósseis (pt)
- Fåglar utdöda i förhistorisk tid (sv)
is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of
- dbr:List_of_extinct_bird_species_since_1500
- dbr:List_of_birds
- dbr:Palaeognathae
- dbr:List_of_New_Zealand_species_extinct_in_the_Holocene
- dbr:Lists_of_extinct_species
- dbr:New_Zealand_raven
- dbr:Late_Quaternary_prehistoric_bird_species
- dbr:Lists_of_prehistoric_animals
- dbr:Late_Quaternary_prehistoric_birds
- dbr:Later_Quarternary_Prehistoric_Birds
- dbr:Later_Quaternary_Prehistoric_Birds
- dbr:Later_Quaternary_prehistoric_birds
- dbr:Prehistoric_birds