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Radio Television Hong Kong, Abk.: RTHK (chinesisch 香港電台 / 香港电台, Pinyin Xiānggǎng Diàntái, Jyutping Hoeng1gong2 Din6toi4, kurz: 港台, Gǎngtái, Jyutping Gong2toi4) ist eine öffentlich-rechtliche Rundfunkanstalt in Hongkong. RTHK betreibt sieben Hörfunksender sowie das Schul- bzw. Bildungsfernsehen in Hongkong (englisch Education Television Hong Kong, ETVHK). Außerdem produziert der Sender Fernsehsendungen, die es den privaten Fernsehanbietern Hongkongs zur Verfügung stellt. Obwohl RTHK vom Staat finanziert wird, ist der Sender für seine sozial- und regierungskritische Haltung bekannt. (de) Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) is the public broadcasting service in Hong Kong. GOW, the predecessor to RTHK, was established in 1928 as the first broadcasting service in Hong Kong. As a government department under the Commerce and Economic Development Bureau of the Hong Kong Government that directly supported by annual government funding, RTHK's educational, entertainment, and public affairs programmes are broadcast on its eight radio channels and four television channels, as well as commercial television channels. (en) Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK; Hanzi: 香港電台) adalah sebuah layanan Hong Kong. Layanan tersebut sekarang mengoperasikan tujuh saluran radio dan tiga saluran televisi, dan memproduksi program-program pendidikan, hiburan dan urusan publik yang juga disiarkan pada saluran-saluran televisi komersial. (in) RTHK (en anglais : Radio Television Hong Kong, chinois traditionnel : 香港電台 ; cantonais Jyutping : Hoeng1 gong2 din6 toi4 ; cantonais Yale : Hēung góng dihn tòih ; litt. « Radiodiffusion hongkongaise ») est la seule société d'audiovisuel public de Hong Kong. Elle a été créée en 1928 pour la radio et en 1954 pour la télévision. Elle est membre associé de l'UER. (fr) 香港電台(英: Radio Television Hong Kong)は、香港にある公共放送局。1928年にラジオの放送を開始した。略称は港台、RTHK。 (ja) 홍콩라디오텔레비전(Radio Television Hong Kong, 약칭 RTHK, 향항전대, 香港電臺)은 홍콩의 공영 방송국이다. 현재 홍콩에서 가장 공신력 높은 방송국으로 평가되고 있다. (ko) Radio Television Hong Kong (em chinês: 香港電台), mais conhecida pela sigla RTHK, é uma rede de televisão e rádio pública pertencente ao Governo de Hong Kong. Situada em Kowloon City, fez sua primeira transmissão de rádio em 1928, sendo inicialmente referida através da sigla GOW. Em 1970, divulgou seu canal de televisão e, desde então, é focada em educação, entretenimento e programas de variedades, sendo proprietária de outros três canais no território, incluindo redes de televisão comerciais. Atuando como a principal estação de rádio no país, criou sua própria cerimônia em 1978, referida como RTHK International Pop Awards, onde honra os maiores êxitos nacionais e internacionais reproduzidos em sua programação. (pt) Radio Television Hong Kong of RTHK is een Hongkongse publieke omroepstichting die door de Speciale Bestuurlijke Regio Hongkong wordt gesubsidieerd. RTHK beheert zeven radiozenders (in Standaardmandarijn, Standaardkantonees en Engels) en maakt verschillende Standaardkantonese televisieprogramma's die uitgezonden woorden door de Hongkongse commerciële televisiemaatschappijen: , TVB en HKATV. Hoewel RTHK financieel gesteund wordt door de staat, is het geen uitroeper van de idealen van de staat. Sommige televisieprogramma's zoals staan soms negatief tegen de Chief Executive of Hong Kong zoals tijdens het mandaat van Donald Tsang. Ook schreeuwt dit televisieprogramma vaak om meer democratie in Hongkong. Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa kwam in 2000 nogal negatief in het nieuws, toen hij zei dat RTHK gecensureerd moest worden en dat de omroep staatsbelangen moest oproepen. (nl) 香港電台(簡稱港台;英語:Radio Television Hong Kong,RTHK),是香港特別行政區政府商務及經濟發展局轄下的部門,是香港廣播史上首家廣播機構,同時是香港特區政府擁有以公共廣播機構為名的媒體及其中一家具公信力(2011年及2016年數據)的電子傳媒。現時香港電台擁有8條電台頻道、4條數碼地面電視頻道,目前港台共有862名員工。香港電台製作的電視節目,會通過旗下電視頻道港台電視31和其他本地電視台播放。香港電台製作的節目提供資訊、教育、娛樂和本地與國際時事。香港電台新聞部目前在北京設有新聞中心。另在澳門、台灣及美國有派駐記者。 (zh) |
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Radio Television Hong Kong, Abk.: RTHK (chinesisch 香港電台 / 香港电台, Pinyin Xiānggǎng Diàntái, Jyutping Hoeng1gong2 Din6toi4, kurz: 港台, Gǎngtái, Jyutping Gong2toi4) ist eine öffentlich-rechtliche Rundfunkanstalt in Hongkong. RTHK betreibt sieben Hörfunksender sowie das Schul- bzw. Bildungsfernsehen in Hongkong (englisch Education Television Hong Kong, ETVHK). Außerdem produziert der Sender Fernsehsendungen, die es den privaten Fernsehanbietern Hongkongs zur Verfügung stellt. Obwohl RTHK vom Staat finanziert wird, ist der Sender für seine sozial- und regierungskritische Haltung bekannt. (de) Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) is the public broadcasting service in Hong Kong. GOW, the predecessor to RTHK, was established in 1928 as the first broadcasting service in Hong Kong. As a government department under the Commerce and Economic Development Bureau of the Hong Kong Government that directly supported by annual government funding, RTHK's educational, entertainment, and public affairs programmes are broadcast on its eight radio channels and four television channels, as well as commercial television channels. (en) Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK; Hanzi: 香港電台) adalah sebuah layanan Hong Kong. Layanan tersebut sekarang mengoperasikan tujuh saluran radio dan tiga saluran televisi, dan memproduksi program-program pendidikan, hiburan dan urusan publik yang juga disiarkan pada saluran-saluran televisi komersial. (in) RTHK (en anglais : Radio Television Hong Kong, chinois traditionnel : 香港電台 ; cantonais Jyutping : Hoeng1 gong2 din6 toi4 ; cantonais Yale : Hēung góng dihn tòih ; litt. « Radiodiffusion hongkongaise ») est la seule société d'audiovisuel public de Hong Kong. Elle a été créée en 1928 pour la radio et en 1954 pour la télévision. Elle est membre associé de l'UER. (fr) 香港電台(英: Radio Television Hong Kong)は、香港にある公共放送局。1928年にラジオの放送を開始した。略称は港台、RTHK。 (ja) 홍콩라디오텔레비전(Radio Television Hong Kong, 약칭 RTHK, 향항전대, 香港電臺)은 홍콩의 공영 방송국이다. 현재 홍콩에서 가장 공신력 높은 방송국으로 평가되고 있다. (ko) Radio Television Hong Kong (em chinês: 香港電台), mais conhecida pela sigla RTHK, é uma rede de televisão e rádio pública pertencente ao Governo de Hong Kong. Situada em Kowloon City, fez sua primeira transmissão de rádio em 1928, sendo inicialmente referida através da sigla GOW. Em 1970, divulgou seu canal de televisão e, desde então, é focada em educação, entretenimento e programas de variedades, sendo proprietária de outros três canais no território, incluindo redes de televisão comerciais. Atuando como a principal estação de rádio no país, criou sua própria cerimônia em 1978, referida como RTHK International Pop Awards, onde honra os maiores êxitos nacionais e internacionais reproduzidos em sua programação. (pt) 香港電台(簡稱港台;英語:Radio Television Hong Kong,RTHK),是香港特別行政區政府商務及經濟發展局轄下的部門,是香港廣播史上首家廣播機構,同時是香港特區政府擁有以公共廣播機構為名的媒體及其中一家具公信力(2011年及2016年數據)的電子傳媒。現時香港電台擁有8條電台頻道、4條數碼地面電視頻道,目前港台共有862名員工。香港電台製作的電視節目,會通過旗下電視頻道港台電視31和其他本地電視台播放。香港電台製作的節目提供資訊、教育、娛樂和本地與國際時事。香港電台新聞部目前在北京設有新聞中心。另在澳門、台灣及美國有派駐記者。 (zh) Radio Television Hong Kong of RTHK is een Hongkongse publieke omroepstichting die door de Speciale Bestuurlijke Regio Hongkong wordt gesubsidieerd. RTHK beheert zeven radiozenders (in Standaardmandarijn, Standaardkantonees en Engels) en maakt verschillende Standaardkantonese televisieprogramma's die uitgezonden woorden door de Hongkongse commerciële televisiemaatschappijen: , TVB en HKATV. Hoewel RTHK financieel gesteund wordt door de staat, is het geen uitroeper van de idealen van de staat. Sommige televisieprogramma's zoals staan soms negatief tegen de Chief Executive of Hong Kong zoals tijdens het mandaat van Donald Tsang. Ook schreeuwt dit televisieprogramma vaak om meer democratie in Hongkong. Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa kwam in 2000 nogal negatief in het nieuws, toen hij zei dat R (nl) |