Racism in Italy (original) (raw)

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Il razzismo in Italia è un fenomeno storico, sicuramente complesso, difficilmente definibile univocamente. In parte potrebbe affondare le sue radici indietro nel tempo, ma non vi sono prove di una sua continuità del o di un collegamento ideologico tra i diversi fenomeni nelle diverse epoche.


Property Value
dbo:abstract تتناول العنصرية في إيطاليا علاقات الإيطاليين وغيرهم من شعوب القوميات المختلفة في تاريخ البلاد. تصادف العنصرية في معظم المجتمعات مثلها مثل التعصب، وإيطاليا ليست استثناء. تفتخر الشعوب الإيطالية منذ فترة طويلة بغياب العداوة العنصرية، على الرغم من هشاشة الشعور الموحد لهوية الشركات الوطنية- كما هو موجود في الدول الأوروبية الكلاسيكية في الشمال- من الناحية التاريخية. غُرست هذه الأفكار لأول مرة عندما بدأت إيطاليا في غزو واستعمار البلدان الأفريقية، على الرغم من أن السياسات المتعلقة بأطفال الاختلاط كانت مربكة. مُرّرت القوانين المعادية للسامية وكذلك القوانين التي تمنع الهجرة الداخلية في ظروف معينة، في ظل دولة بينيتو موسوليني الفاشية، بمجرد أن عزز النظام تحالفه مع ألمانيا النازية. أحدثت هجرة ما بعد الحرب الجماعية من الجنوب إلى الشمال الصناعي، درجة من انعدام الثقة بالنفس عند الطبقات الاجتماعية الإيطالية. أدت موجة هجرة من أواخر ثمانينيات القرن العشرين، من قبل اكستراكومونيتاري (المهاجرين من غير الأوروبيين، وكان للكلمة نغمات قوية من الرفض) إلى ظهور حركات سياسية، مثل رابطة الشمال، والتي كانت معادية لما يدعى بـ «تيروني» (وصم تجاه الإيطاليين الجنوبيين) وكلانديستيني (المهاجرين غير الشرعيين) من مناطق جنوب البحر الأبيض المتوسط. أشار تقرير لهيومن رايتس ووتش في عام 2011 إلى تنامي المؤشرات بخصوص ازدياد رهاب الأجانب في المجتمع الإيطالي. أشار استطلاع أجراه مركز بيو للأبحاث في عام 2017 إلى أن إيطاليا هي الدولة الأكثر عنصرية في أوروبا الغربية. (ar) Racism in Italy deals with the relationship between Italians and other populations of different ethnicities and/or nationalities which has existed throughout the country's history. These ideas, albeit in relation to the internal affairs of the country, were first directed outwardly when the Kingdom of Italy began invading and colonizing various African countries with the purpose to build a colonial empire between the late 19th and early 20th centuries, although policies regarding "miscegenated" children (meticci) were unclear and confusing. Under Benito Mussolini's Fascist regime (1922–1943) were enacted a set of anti-Semitic laws, as well as laws prohibiting internal migration under certain circumstances, shortly after the consolidation of the political and military alliance between Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany. In the aftermath of Mussolini's fall from power, the Badoglio government suppressed the Racial Laws in the Kingdom of Italy. They remained enforced and were made more severe in the territories ruled by the Italian Social Republic (1943–1945) until the end of the Second World War. The post-war migration from Southern Italy towards the more industrialized Northern regions engendered a degree of diffidence across the Italian social strata. A successive wave of immigration by extracomunitari (non-EU immigrants; the word has strong undertones of rejection) from the late 1980s, gave rise to political movements, like the Northern League, hostile to both the so-called terroni (an Italian slur against southern Italians, whose presence in the North is regarded by party members as analogous to that of aliens from North Africa) and clandestini (illegal immigrants: this word also has a strongly negative connotation of secrecy and criminal behavior) from outside of Western Europe and the areas south of the Mediterranean. In 2011, a report by Human Rights Watch pointed to growing indications of a rise in xenophobia within the Italian society. A 2017 Pew Research Center survey indicated Italy as the most racist country in western Europe. A 2019 survey by Sgw revealed that 55% of the Italian interviewees justified the perpetration of racist acts. On the occasion of a European Parliament resolution to condemn structural racism and racially motivated violence in 2020, around half of the Italian members voted against it. According to a 2020 YouGov opinion polling, the Italian interviewees claimed that the second most common cause of discrimination practiced in the country lie with racist prejudices. A 2020 Eurispes report revealed that 15.6% of Italians contend that the Holocaust never happened, and that 23.9% of the population adhere to the anti-Semitic conspiracy theories which claim that Jews control their economy. (en) Il razzismo in Italia è un fenomeno storico, sicuramente complesso, difficilmente definibile univocamente. In parte potrebbe affondare le sue radici indietro nel tempo, ma non vi sono prove di una sua continuità del o di un collegamento ideologico tra i diversi fenomeni nelle diverse epoche. (it)
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dbo:wikiPageExternalLink http://www.bayefsky.com/pdf/italy_t4_cerd_72.pdf https://web.archive.org/web/20110617233116/http:/hudoc.ecri.coe.int/XMLEcri/ENGLISH/Cycle_03/03_CbC_eng/ITA-CbC-III-2006-19-ENG.pdf https://web.archive.org/web/20120922225440/http:/daccess-dds-ny.un.org/doc/UNDOC/GEN/G07/108/59/PDF/G0710859.pdf%3FOpenElement
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dbo:wikiPageWikiLink dbr:Cabo_Verde dbr:Calabria dbr:Campania dbr:Cape_Verde dbr:Caserta dbr:Prognathism dbr:Province_of_Vibo_Valentia dbr:Roberto_Calderoli dbr:Roberto_Farinacci dbr:Romani_people dbr:Romania dbr:Rome dbr:Rosarno dbr:Roseto_degli_Abruzzi dbr:San_Calogero dbr:Sardinia dbr:Scientific_racism dbr:List_of_conspiracy_theories dbr:Mongoloid dbr:Eugenetics dbr:Benito_Mussolini dbr:Democratic_Party_(Italy) dbr:Demographics dbr:Alfredo_Niceforo dbr:Anti-Jewish_laws dbr:Anti-miscegenation_laws dbr:Holocaust dbr:Holocaust_denial dbr:Holy_See dbr:House_of_Savoy dbr:Human_Rights_Watch dbr:Julius_Evola dbr:Pew_Research_Center dbr:Veneto dbr:Venice dbr:Vicenza dbr:Telesio_Interlandi dbr:Italian_rite_Jews dbr:White_supremacy dbr:Colleferro dbr:Matteo_Salvini dbr:Emilia-Romagna dbr:End_of_World_War_II_in_Europe dbr:Enrico_Letta dbr:Galeazzo_Ciano dbr:Genoa dbr:Go_back_where_you_came_from dbr:Graffiti dbr:Greater_Romania_Party dbr:Miscegenation dbr:Murder_of_Pamela_Mastropietro dbr:La_Difesa_della_Razza dbc:Racism_in_Italy dbr:Anthropology dbr:Antisemitism dbr:Lega_Nord dbr:Letta_Cabinet dbr:Ljubljana dbr:Macerata dbr:Mali dbr:Sicily dbr:Slavery dbr:Slovenia dbr:Statistics dbr:Structural_racism dbr:Sub-Saharan_Africa dbr:Hostility dbr:Balkans dbr:Central_Italy dbr:Cesare_Lombroso dbr:Tuscany dbr:Drive-by_shooting dbr:Giovanni_Preziosi dbr:Abruzzo dbr:Adolf_Hitler dbr:Alessandra_Mussolini dbr:Alpine_race dbr:Alps dbr:Cécile_Kyenge dbr:Eritrea dbr:Ettore_Ovazza dbr:European_Parliament dbr:European_Union dbr:Expedition_of_the_Thousand dbr:Falerna dbr:Fall_of_the_Fascist_regime_in_Italy dbr:Fascist_Italy_(1922–1943) dbr:Flag_of_Italy dbr:Forlì dbr:Brigandage_in_Southern_Italy_after_1861 dbr:North_Africa dbr:Northern_Italy dbr:Pact_of_Steel dbr:Palermo dbr:Partinico dbr:History_of_Italy dbr:Italian_nationalism dbr:Italian_racial_laws dbr:Prejudice dbr:Atavism dbr:Italian_Empire dbr:Italian_Fascism dbr:Italian_Jews dbr:Italian_Social_Republic dbr:Italian_unification dbr:Italians dbr:Ivory_Coast dbr:Badoglio_I_Cabinet dbr:Terrone dbr:Jews dbr:L'Osservatore_Romano dbr:Latina,_Lazio dbr:Lazio dbr:Zionism dbr:Discrimination dbr:25_Luglio dbr:Aryan_race dbr:Marche dbr:Margherita_Sarfatti dbr:Pistoia dbr:Southern_Italy dbr:Terror_attack dbr:Identity,_Tradition,_Sovereignty dbr:Il_Giornale_d'Italia dbr:Kingdom_of_Italy dbr:Kings_of_Rome dbr:Anti-Semitic dbr:Mestre dbr:Naples dbr:National_Fascist_Party dbr:Nazi_Germany dbr:Nazi_concentration_camps dbr:Nazism dbr:Negroid dbr:New_Force_(Italy) dbr:Orangutan dbr:Orientalism dbr:Caste dbr:Racial_segregation dbr:Racism dbr:Second_Italo-Ethiopian_War dbr:Second_World_War dbr:Senegal dbr:World_War_I dbr:Xenophobia dbr:YouGov dbr:Umberto_Benigni dbr:Mafia dbr:Master_race dbr:Mediterranean_race dbr:Sardinians dbc:Racism_by_country dbr:Ethnic_cleansing dbr:Ridolfo_Livi dbr:Southern_question dbr:Manifesto_of_Race dbr:Physiognomy dbr:Race-soul dbr:Pope_Pius_XII_and_the_Roman_razzia dbr:Western_Europe dbr:Neo-fascist dbr:Italian_Racial_Laws_(1938-45) dbr:Pew_Research dbr:Protocols_of_the_Elders_of_Zion dbr:Spiritual_racism dbr:Kingdom_of_the_two_Sicilies dbr:Czech_people dbr:White_man's_burden dbr:AntiDarwinism dbr:File:Pullman_armstrong.jpg dbr:File:Corriere_testata_1938.jpg dbr:File:Blond_hair_Italy.png dbr:File:Istituto_di_anatomia_patologica,_..._scheletri,_cranio_lombrosiano_02.JPG dbr:La_Nostra_Bandiera
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dcterms:subject dbc:Racism_in_Italy dbc:Racism_by_country
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rdfs:comment Il razzismo in Italia è un fenomeno storico, sicuramente complesso, difficilmente definibile univocamente. In parte potrebbe affondare le sue radici indietro nel tempo, ma non vi sono prove di una sua continuità del o di un collegamento ideologico tra i diversi fenomeni nelle diverse epoche. (it) تتناول العنصرية في إيطاليا علاقات الإيطاليين وغيرهم من شعوب القوميات المختلفة في تاريخ البلاد. تصادف العنصرية في معظم المجتمعات مثلها مثل التعصب، وإيطاليا ليست استثناء. تفتخر الشعوب الإيطالية منذ فترة طويلة بغياب العداوة العنصرية، على الرغم من هشاشة الشعور الموحد لهوية الشركات الوطنية- كما هو موجود في الدول الأوروبية الكلاسيكية في الشمال- من الناحية التاريخية. أشار تقرير لهيومن رايتس ووتش في عام 2011 إلى تنامي المؤشرات بخصوص ازدياد رهاب الأجانب في المجتمع الإيطالي. أشار استطلاع أجراه مركز بيو للأبحاث في عام 2017 إلى أن إيطاليا هي الدولة الأكثر عنصرية في أوروبا الغربية. (ar) Racism in Italy deals with the relationship between Italians and other populations of different ethnicities and/or nationalities which has existed throughout the country's history. These ideas, albeit in relation to the internal affairs of the country, were first directed outwardly when the Kingdom of Italy began invading and colonizing various African countries with the purpose to build a colonial empire between the late 19th and early 20th centuries, although policies regarding "miscegenated" children (meticci) were unclear and confusing. Under Benito Mussolini's Fascist regime (1922–1943) were enacted a set of anti-Semitic laws, as well as laws prohibiting internal migration under certain circumstances, shortly after the consolidation of the political and military alliance between Fasc (en)
rdfs:label Racism in Italy (en) العنصرية في إيطاليا (ar) Razzismo in Italia (it)
rdfs:seeAlso dbr:2011_Florence_shootings
owl:sameAs freebase:Racism in Italy wikidata:Racism in Italy dbpedia-ar:Racism in Italy dbpedia-it:Racism in Italy https://global.dbpedia.org/id/3e8Pr
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