Text and rubrics of the Roman Canon (original) (raw)

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Římský kánon, od roku 1969 nazývaný také první eucharistická modlitba, vznikl v liturgii římskokatolické církve během 4. až 7. století. Od té doby zůstal prakticky nezměněn až do liturgické reformy po druhém vatikánském koncilu, kdy byl mírně upraven a současně k němu byly jako alternativa zavedeny ještě druhá, třetí a čtvrtá eucharistická modlitba (později bylo zavedeno ještě několik dalších). Nyní se používá jen zřídka, zejména při slavnostních příležitostech.

Property Value
dbo:abstract Římský kánon, od roku 1969 nazývaný také první eucharistická modlitba, vznikl v liturgii římskokatolické církve během 4. až 7. století. Od té doby zůstal prakticky nezměněn až do liturgické reformy po druhém vatikánském koncilu, kdy byl mírně upraven a současně k němu byly jako alternativa zavedeny ještě druhá, třetí a čtvrtá eucharistická modlitba (později bylo zavedeno ještě několik dalších). Nyní se používá jen zřídka, zejména při slavnostních příležitostech. (cs) The text and rubrics of the Roman Canon have undergone revisions over the centuries, while the canon itself has retained its essential form as arranged no later than the 7th century. The text consists of a succession of short prayers with no clear sequence of thought. The rubrics, as is customary in similar liturgical books, indicate the manner in which to carry out the celebration. The two most recent revisions of the text and rubrics of the canon have been the insertion of the name of Saint Joseph on 13 November 1962 by order of Pope John XXIII and the more general revision of 3 April 1969 under Pope Paul VI, which made some modifications in the text, but somewhat more significant changes in the rubrics. Although the latter revision was published in the Order of Mass issued along with promulgation of the revision, it was in the following year that the edition of the Roman Missal containing the revised Roman Canon along with three newly composed eucharistic prayers was issued. This revision of the Roman Canon will be referred to in this article as the 1970 text. Both the 1962 and the 1970 revisions of the canon are authorized for public liturgical use in the Roman Rite of the Catholic Church, that of 1970 in the form of Mass in general use, that of 1962 in the form permitted under certain conditions in Traditionis custodes by Pope Francis. This article does not deal with the significance and history of this Eucharistic Prayer (see History of the Roman Canon), but only with the text and rubrics of the Canon from the Te igitur to the final doxology, omitting consideration of the Preface and the Sanctus. The English translation used in this article is that in the 1902 English version of Nicholas Gihr's The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass (1902), originally published in German in 1877. The current official English translation (2011) is under copyright, but is available on many sites on the Internet. (en) Il Canone romano è la preghiera eucaristica che nel rito romano era l'unica nella Messa tridentina, fino alla revisione del Messale Romano nel 1969, con cui è stata modificata e appare, come nelle edizioni successive, con il titolo alternativo di "Preghiera eucaristica I". Nel Messale romano tridentino è chiamato Canone della Messa e anche, in latino, Actio, come già nel Sacramentario gelasiano. (it) Kanon rzymski – tekst modlitwy eucharystycznej tradycji rzymskiej, celebrowanej w Kościele łacińskim. Należy do najstarszych w chrześcijaństwie, jej korzenie sięgają liturgii chrześcijańskiej pierwszych wieków, przystosowującej do swoich potrzeb modlitwy sederu paschalnego oraz liturgii synagogalnej. W formie pisanej Kanon istnieje prawdopodobnie od IV wieku. W okresie od VI do XX wieku był sprawowany w prawie niezmienionym brzmieniu, choć forma jego celebracji przechodziła okresy upadku i odnowy. W czasach nowożytnych został najpierw odnowiony w mszale rzymskim Piusa V wydanym po soborze trydenckim w 1570 r., potem także w mszale opublikowanym przez Jana XXIII w 1962 r. Przez wieki był jedyną rzymską liturgią eucharystyczną. W nowym mszale rytu rzymskiego, opublikowanym w wyniku reformy soboru watykańskiego II, kanon został uzupełniony o inne modlitwy eucharystyczne i odtąd nazywa się go Pierwszą modlitwą eucharystyczną. (pl) O Texto e rubricas do Cânon Romano referem-se às orações, normas e instruções do Missal Romano para a sua primeira anáfora, chamada oficialmente de Oração Eucarística I, também referida como o Cânon Romano ou o Cânon da Missa. Antes da revisão de 1970 do Missal Romano, a missa teve apenas essa Oração Eucarística; desde a revisão, algumas mudanças mínimas no texto foram feitas, embora com maior proeminência nas rubricas. No , essa oração é chamada de "O Cânon da Missa Romana". O texto e as rubricas do Cânon começam com a oração Te Igitur, até o Pater Noster; antes do Te Igitur, há ainda o diálogo introdutório, o Prefácio, e o Sanctus, partes que não foram alterados em 1970, exceto pela adição de novos prefácios. Na tradução do Missal Romano na forma ordinária, feita pela CNBB em 1970, foi incluído após cada oração do Cânon, feita pelo sacerdote, um responso dito pelo povo; essa prática, porém, só existe na Igreja do Brasil, e não encontra justificativa histórica ou doutrinal. (pt)
dbo:wikiPageExternalLink https://media.musicasacra.com/books/latin_missal2002.pdf http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/09790b.htm https://www.wlp.jspaluch.com/download/New_Roman_Missal_Brochure_003_006Rev.pdf http://www.sanctamissa.org/EN/rubrics https://www.liturgyoffice.org.uk/Missal/Text/EP1-A4.pdf https://media.musicasacra.com/pdf/missale62.pdf http://universalis.com/static/mass/orderofmass.htm%23eucharisticPrayer1_1 http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/03255c.htm https://archive.org/details/MissaleRomanum1962RomanMissalColorLatin/page/n379 https://www.catholicbishops.ie/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/Order-of-Mass.pdf
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dbo:wikiPageWikiLink dbr:Canon_of_the_Mass dbr:Prosper_Guéranger dbr:Rubrics dbr:Sanctus dbr:Scapegoat dbr:Elevation_(liturgy) dbr:English_Missal dbr:Epiclesis dbr:Roman_Missal dbr:Memorial_Acclamation dbr:Octave_of_Easter dbr:Barnabas dbr:Bartholomew_the_Apostle dbr:Hungary dbr:John_the_Apostle dbr:John_the_Baptist dbr:Jude_the_Apostle dbr:Paul_the_Apostle dbr:Pentecost dbr:Dominican_Rite dbr:Easter_Vigil dbr:James,_son_of_Alphaeus dbr:Psalm_50 dbr:Corporal dbr:Council_of_Trent dbr:Anastasia_of_Sirmium dbc:Anaphoras_(liturgy) dbr:Mass_(liturgy) dbr:Mass_of_Paul_VI dbr:Maundy_Thursday dbr:Saint_Chrysogonus dbr:Saint_Joseph dbr:Saint_Lucy dbr:Saint_Matthias dbr:Saint_Peter dbr:Saint_Stephen dbr:Saints_Cosmas_and_Damian dbr:General_Instruction_of_the_Roman_Missal dbr:Nativity_of_Jesus dbr:Octave_(liturgy) dbr:Order_of_Mass dbr:Liturgy_of_St_Cyril dbr:Church_of_the_East dbr:Coadjutor_bishop dbr:Epiphany_(holiday) dbr:Concelebration dbr:Corporal_(liturgy) dbr:Thomas_the_Apostle dbr:Simon_the_Zealot dbr:Feeding_the_multitude dbr:Ignatius_of_Antioch dbr:Pall_(liturgy) dbr:Synoptic_Gospels dbr:Marcellinus_and_Peter dbr:Austria dbr:Catholic_Church dbr:Traditionis_custodes dbr:Tridentine_Mass dbr:Abel dbr:Abraham dbr:Adrian_Fortescue dbr:Agatha_of_Sicily dbr:Agnes_of_Rome dbr:Ambrose dbr:Anamnesis_(Christianity) dbr:Anaphora_(liturgy) dbr:Cyprian dbr:Feast_of_the_Ascension dbr:Chasuble dbr:History_of_the_Roman_Canon dbr:John_and_Paul dbr:Pope_Cornelius dbr:Preface_(liturgy) dbr:James,_son_of_Zebedee dbr:Ablution_in_Christianity dbc:Catholic_liturgy dbc:Eucharist dbr:Jesus_Christ dbr:Last_Supper dbr:Latin_Church dbr:Pre-Tridentine_Mass dbr:Paten dbr:Auxiliary_bishop dbr:Manichaeism dbr:Mary,_mother_of_Jesus dbr:Philip_II_of_Spain dbr:Philip_the_Apostle dbr:Pope_Alexander_I dbr:Pope_Anacletus dbr:Pope_Benedict_XIV dbr:Pope_Clement_I dbr:Pope_Francis dbr:Pope_John_XXIII dbr:Pope_Leo_I dbr:Pope_Paul_VI dbr:Pope_Pius_V dbr:Pope_Sixtus_II dbr:Kingdom_of_the_Two_Sicilies dbr:Naples dbr:Napoleon_III dbr:New_Testament dbr:Carmelite_Rite dbr:Saint_Cecilia dbr:Liturgy dbr:Liturgy_of_the_eighth_book_of_the_Apostolic_Constitutions dbr:Pope_Linus dbr:First_Epistle_to_the_Corinthians dbr:Roman_Rite dbr:Lawrence_of_Rome dbr:Words_of_Institution dbr:Words_of_institution dbr:Words_of_consecration dbr:Saint_Andrew dbr:Letter_to_the_Hebrews dbr:Matthew_the_Evangelist dbr:Melchisedech dbr:Saints_Perpetua_and_Felicitas dbr:Roman_Canon
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rdfs:comment Římský kánon, od roku 1969 nazývaný také první eucharistická modlitba, vznikl v liturgii římskokatolické církve během 4. až 7. století. Od té doby zůstal prakticky nezměněn až do liturgické reformy po druhém vatikánském koncilu, kdy byl mírně upraven a současně k němu byly jako alternativa zavedeny ještě druhá, třetí a čtvrtá eucharistická modlitba (později bylo zavedeno ještě několik dalších). Nyní se používá jen zřídka, zejména při slavnostních příležitostech. (cs) Il Canone romano è la preghiera eucaristica che nel rito romano era l'unica nella Messa tridentina, fino alla revisione del Messale Romano nel 1969, con cui è stata modificata e appare, come nelle edizioni successive, con il titolo alternativo di "Preghiera eucaristica I". Nel Messale romano tridentino è chiamato Canone della Messa e anche, in latino, Actio, come già nel Sacramentario gelasiano. (it) The text and rubrics of the Roman Canon have undergone revisions over the centuries, while the canon itself has retained its essential form as arranged no later than the 7th century. The text consists of a succession of short prayers with no clear sequence of thought. The rubrics, as is customary in similar liturgical books, indicate the manner in which to carry out the celebration. (en) Kanon rzymski – tekst modlitwy eucharystycznej tradycji rzymskiej, celebrowanej w Kościele łacińskim. Należy do najstarszych w chrześcijaństwie, jej korzenie sięgają liturgii chrześcijańskiej pierwszych wieków, przystosowującej do swoich potrzeb modlitwy sederu paschalnego oraz liturgii synagogalnej. W formie pisanej Kanon istnieje prawdopodobnie od IV wieku. W okresie od VI do XX wieku był sprawowany w prawie niezmienionym brzmieniu, choć forma jego celebracji przechodziła okresy upadku i odnowy. W czasach nowożytnych został najpierw odnowiony w mszale rzymskim Piusa V wydanym po soborze trydenckim w 1570 r., potem także w mszale opublikowanym przez Jana XXIII w 1962 r. Przez wieki był jedyną rzymską liturgią eucharystyczną. W nowym mszale rytu rzymskiego, opublikowanym w wyniku reformy s (pl) O Texto e rubricas do Cânon Romano referem-se às orações, normas e instruções do Missal Romano para a sua primeira anáfora, chamada oficialmente de Oração Eucarística I, também referida como o Cânon Romano ou o Cânon da Missa. Antes da revisão de 1970 do Missal Romano, a missa teve apenas essa Oração Eucarística; desde a revisão, algumas mudanças mínimas no texto foram feitas, embora com maior proeminência nas rubricas. No , essa oração é chamada de "O Cânon da Missa Romana". (pt)
rdfs:label Římský kánon (cs) Canone romano (it) Kanon rzymski (pl) Cânon Romano (pt) Text and rubrics of the Roman Canon (en)
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