6 October 1976 massacre (original) (raw)

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Le massacre de Thammasat est un massacre perpétré le 6 octobre 1976 par les forces de police thaïlandaises et des bandes paramilitaires d'extrême-droite sur un cortège pacifique d'étudiants et de travailleurs, à l'université Thammasat, en Thaïlande. Le bilan officiel est de 46 morts, 67 blessés et 3 000 arrestations. Selon (en), « des sources de la Chinese Benevolent Foundation, qui a transporté et brûlé les morts (…), révèlent qu'elle a traité plus d'une centaine de corps. »


Property Value
dbo:abstract The 6 October 1976 massacre, or the 6 October event (Thai: เหตุการณ์ 6 ตุลา RTGS: het kan hok tula) as it is known in Thailand, was a violent crackdown by Thai police and lynching by right-wing paramilitaries and bystanders against leftist protesters who had occupied Bangkok's Thammasat University and the adjacent Sanam Luang, on 6 October 1976. Prior to the massacre, thousands of leftists, including students, workers and others, had been holding ongoing demonstrations against the return of former dictator Thanom Kittikachorn to Thailand since mid-September. Official reports state that 46 were killed (on both sides) and 167 were wounded, while unofficial reports state that more than 100 demonstrators were killed. In the "Documentation of Oct 6" project, Thongchai Winichakul argued that official death toll should be 45, including 40 demonstrators and 5 perpetrators, because one demonstrator died in jail after the incident. In the aftermath of the events of 14 October 1973, the military dictatorship which had ruled Thailand for more than a decade was overthrown. Political, economic and ideological factors caused the society to polarize into socialist-minded left, and conservative and royalist right camps. The unstable political climate which was exacerbated by the existence of fragile coalition governments, frequent strikes and protests, and the rise of communist governments in neighboring countries led at least two factions of the armed forces to conclude that they needed to launch another coup in order to restore order; one faction plotted to bring Thanom back in order to provoke turmoil which could be used to justify a coup. On 19 September 1976, Thanom returned to Thailand, was instantly ordained at Wat Bowonniwet Vihara, and was visited by the King and the Queen, resulting in anti-Thanom protests and demonstrations. On 5 October, the protesters were accused of lese-majeste following a mock play which led to right-wing allegations that its actor looked like the Crown Prince; the police and rightist paramilitary groups then gathered outside the university. At 5.30–11.00 a.m. on the morning of 6 October, the police used war-grade weapons, including assault rifles, grenade launchers, anti-armor rounds and grenades, to wage the crackdown against the surrounded protesters. The protesters briefly tried to defend themselves, but they were quickly defeated. Right-wing paramilitaries also lynched fleeing protesters; they were assaulted, robbed, sexually abused, shot, burned alive, and beaten to death, even some who had already surrendered. Bodies were also desecrated. 3,094 protesters were arrested on that day, while none of the perpetrators were brought to justice to date. On 6.00 p.m. that same evening, a coup was launched citing lèse-majesté and heavily armed protesters. In the aftermath, the preceding age of "democratic experimentation," which had lasted only about two years and eleven months, was ended. Thanin Kraivichien was named Prime Minister and the ultra-right government further fuelled the communist insurgency. The public were largely silent following the government stance of "forgive and forget", including the modern Thai public who are more sympathetic to the massacred protesters. Scholars have pointed out that the monarchy contributed to the events, at least partly, by supporting the rightist paramilitaries and the visit of Thanom. (en) Das Massaker an der Thammasat-Universität oder Massaker vom 6. Oktober 1976 (thailändisch เหตุการณ์ 6 ตุลา, RTGS Hetkan Hok Tula, „Ereignis des 6. Oktober“) war ein tödlicher Angriff von Sicherheitskräften und rechtsextremen Bürgerwehren auf linksgerichtete Studenten und Demonstranten auf dem Campus der Thammasat-Universität und auf dem Sanam Luang im Zentrum der thailändischen Hauptstadt Bangkok. Nach offiziellen Angaben starben dabei 46 Menschen. Mitarbeiter des Chinesischen Wohltätigkeitsvereins, der die Toten abtransportierte und einäscherte, berichteten dagegen von über hundert Leichen. Tausende Studenten wurden verhaftet. Anschließend fand ein Militärputsch statt, der die kurze Phase parlamentarischer Demokratie in Thailand beendete. (de) Le massacre de Thammasat est un massacre perpétré le 6 octobre 1976 par les forces de police thaïlandaises et des bandes paramilitaires d'extrême-droite sur un cortège pacifique d'étudiants et de travailleurs, à l'université Thammasat, en Thaïlande. Le bilan officiel est de 46 morts, 67 blessés et 3 000 arrestations. Selon (en), « des sources de la Chinese Benevolent Foundation, qui a transporté et brûlé les morts (…), révèlent qu'elle a traité plus d'une centaine de corps. » (fr) Pembantaian Universitas Thammasat (di Thailand hanya dikenal sebagai "Peristiwa 6 Oktober", bahasa Thai: เหตุการณ์ 6 ตุลา RTGS: het kan hok tula) adalah sebuah serangan oleh pasukan negara Thailand dan paramiliter kanan jauh terhadap para mahasiswa pengunjuk rasa di kampus Universitas Thammasat dan Lapangan yang berdekatan di Bangkok, Thailand, pada 6 Oktober 1976. Sebelum pembantaian, empat hingga lima ribu mahasiswa dari berbagai universitas telah berunjuk rasa selama lebih dari seminggu menentang kembalinya mantan diktator militer Thanom Kittikachorn ke Thailand dari Singapura. Sehari sebelum pembantaian, pers Thailand melaporkan sebuah drama yang dipentaskan oleh para mahasiswa pengunjuk rasa pada hari sebelumnya, yang diduga menampilkan penggantungan pura-pura Putra Mahkota Vajiralongkorn saat itu. Sebagai tanggapan atas penghinaan yang diisukan ini, militer dan polisi, serta pasukan paramiliter mengepung universitas. Tepat sebelum fajar tanggal 6 Oktober, serangan terhadap para mahasiswa pengunjuk rasa dimulai dan berlanjut hingga siang hari. Sampai hari ini, jumlah korban masih menjadi pertikaian antara pemerintah Thailand dan para korban pembantaian yang selamat. Menurut pemerintah, 46 tewas dalam pembantaian ini, dengan 167 terluka dan 3.000 ditangkap. Banyak yang selamat menyatakan bahwa korban tewas lebih dari 100 orang.:236 (in) Il massacro dell'Università Thammasat, detto anche massacro del 6 ottobre 1976, fu il risultato della dura repressione da parte della polizia e di gruppi paramilitari dell'estrema destra contro la protesta studentesca che si svolse all'Università Thammasat e nella vicina piazza Sanam Luang di Bangkok, in Thailandia. Gli studenti di vari istituti universitari si erano radunati per protestare contro il ritorno nel Paese del chòm phón (in lingua thai: จอมพล; alto grado dell'esercito simile a feldmaresciallo) Thanom Kittikachorn, ex dittatore e primo ministro in esilio dal 1973. Secondo fonti di Stato furono quarantasei le vittime del massacro, durante il quale gli aggressori spararono, percossero e mutilarono molti manifestanti. L'allora rettore dell'università, l'economista Puey Ungpakorn, dichiarò che membri della Fondazione Cinese di Benevolenza rivelarono di aver trasportato e cremato più di cento cadaveri. Il giorno stesso del massacro vi fu un colpo di Stato: una giunta controllata dai militari e capeggiata dal ministro della Difesa, l'ammiraglio Sangad Chaloryu, si impadronì del potere e due giorni dopo pose a capo del governo il presidente della corte suprema Thanin Kraivichien, un convinto anticomunista che non era mai entrato in politica. Nell'anno in cui fu primo ministro, la repressione contro il movimento studentesco e le opposizioni di sinistra fu particolarmente dura. (it) タンマサート大学虐殺事件(タンマサートだいがくぎゃくさつじけん)または血の水曜日事件(ちのすいようびじけん)は、タイ王国で1976年10月6日クーデターの過程で発生した事件で、このクーデター総称の別称でもある。 (ja) Бойня в Таммасатском университете (тайск. เหตุการณ์ 6 ตุลา, События 6 октября; англ. Thammasat University massacre, Резня в Таммасатском университете) — кровопролитие 6 октября 1976 года в столице Таиланда Бангкоке, результат нападения ультраправых боевиков и полиции на левых студентов в кампусе Таммасатского университета. Привела к гибели 46 человек (по другим данным — до 100 человек). «Таммасатская резня» спровоцировала государственный переворот и установление в Таиланде правоавторитарного режима. Сторонники властей считали, что в более широком контексте эти события остановили процесс распространения коммунизма (реального социализма) в Индокитае. (ru) O massacre na Universidade Thammasat (na Tailândia conhecido simplesmente como "evento de 6 de outubro", em tailandês: เหตุการณ์ 6 ตุลา) foi um ataque das forças policiais tailandesas e paramilitares de extrema-direita contra manifestantes estudantis no campus da Universidade Thammasat, no Sanam Luang Square em Bangkok, Tailândia, em 6 de outubro de 1976. Antes do massacre, de quatro a cinco mil estudantes de várias universidades manifestaram durante mais de uma semana contra o retorno do ex-ditador militar Thanom Kittikachorn, que estava em exílio em Singapura. Um dia antes do massacre, a imprensa tailandesa informou sobre uma peça encenada por manifestantes estudantis no dia anterior, que, alegadamente, contou com a suspensão simulada de príncipe Vajiralongkorn. Em resposta a estes rumores, militares e a polícia, bem como forças paramilitares, cercaram a universidade. Pouco antes do amanhecer no dia 6 de outubro, o ataque contra os manifestantes estudantis começou e continuou até o meio-dia. O número de vítimas permanece incerto. Segundo o governo, 46 morreram nos assassinatos, com 167 feridos e 3 mil presos. Muitos sobreviventes afirmam que o número de mortos foi bem maior que 100. (pt) 法政大學大屠殺,亦稱10月6日事件(泰語:เหตุการณ์ 6 ตุลา)為1976年10月5日至6日間发生於泰國的屠殺事件,該國右派民間組織在官方推波助瀾下進入曼谷的泰國國立法政大學校園內對抗議獨裁者他侬·吉滴卡宗返國而聚集的學生施以暴行、性侵並將之殺害,是泰國歷史於二十世紀民主化的重大挫敗,使泰國軍政府對人權的漠視原形畢露。今日泰國政府仍未承認這起事件中的罪行,在民間也鮮少有人提起,導致與此相關的經歷成了一段噤聲的歷史。學者認為,法政大學大屠殺事件與墨西哥特拉特洛爾科事件、台灣二二八事件類似,經過數十年才打破沉默,且相關紀錄尚未完整呈現。 泰國在二戰後雖然採君主立憲制,實際上國家長期處於軍政府獨裁統治之下,法政大學大屠殺事件結束了1973年人民起義之後開啟的短暫民主時期。之後泰國回歸軍政府統治,實行戒嚴。 根據官方統計,大屠殺一共導致46人死亡,167人受傷,3059人被捕。 (zh)
dbo:thumbnail wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/Beating_corpse_with_a_chair,_6_October_1976.jpg?width=300
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dbo:wikiPageWikiLink dbr:Cambodian_genocide dbr:Praphas_Charusathien dbr:Prem_Tinsulanonda dbr:Privy_Council_of_Thailand dbr:Puey_Ungphakorn dbr:Pulitzer_Prize dbr:Royal_Thai_Police dbr:Sangad_Chaloryu dbr:Sarit_Thanarat dbr:1922_Turin_massacre dbc:Anti-communist_terrorism dbc:Cold_War_conflicts dbc:Lynching dbc:Police_brutality_in_Thailand dbr:Benedict_Anderson dbr:Black_July dbr:Death_and_funeral_of_Bhumibol_Adulyadej dbr:Right-wing_terrorism dbr:Vajiralongkorn dbr:Domino_theory dbc:Protest-related_deaths dbc:School_massacres dbr:1988_Thai_general_election dbr:Communist_Party_of_Thailand dbr:Communist_Party_of_Vietnam dbr:Communist_insurgency_in_Thailand dbr:Constitutional_monarchy dbr:Crown_Property_Bureau dbr:Occupation_(protest) dbr:Sanam_Luang dbc:Events_of_Thai_amnesty_laws dbc:Filmed_killings dbr:Nakhon_Pathom dbr:Thongchai_Winichakul dbr:Recoilless_rifles dbr:1973_Thai_popular_uprising dbc:1976_in_Thailand dbc:1976_protests dbc:Conflicts_in_1976 dbc:Crimes_committed_by_law_enforcement dbc:October_1976_events_in_Asia dbc:Political_repression_in_Thailand dbr:Anti-communism dbr:Lèse_majesté_in_Thailand dbr:Machine_gun dbr:Body_politic dbr:Paramilitary dbr:Polity dbr:2002_Gujarat_riots dbr:1973_oil_crisis dbc:Anti-communism_in_Thailand dbc:Massacres_committed_by_Thailand dbc:Massacres_in_Thailand dbc:Political_violence_in_Thailand dbc:Protests_in_Thailand dbr:Bangkok dbc:1970s_in_Bangkok dbc:1976_murders_in_Asia dbc:Censorship_in_Thailand dbc:Mass_murder_in_1976 dbc:Massacres_in_1976 dbc:People_shot_dead_by_law_enforcement_officers_in_Thailand dbc:Socialism_in_Thailand dbc:Thammasat_University dbr:By_the_Time_It_Gets_Dark dbr:Trisakti_shootings dbr:Turin dbr:Wat_Bowonniwet_Vihara dbr:Whitewashing_(censorship) dbr:Lao_Royal_Family dbr:1984_Anti-Sikh_riots dbr:Fall_of_Phnom_Penh dbr:Fascist dbr:North_Vietnam dbr:Northern_Italy dbr:Grenade_launcher dbr:Gwangju_Uprising dbr:Italy dbr:Thailand dbr:Thammasat_University dbr:Thanin_Kraivichien dbr:Thanom_Kittikachorn dbr:Chakri_dynasty dbr:Chao_Phraya_River dbr:Karma dbr:Kent_State_shootings dbr:Khmer_Rouge dbr:Lady-in-waiting dbr:Lao_People's_Revolutionary_Party dbr:Suphannahong_National_Film_Awards dbr:Thai_nationalism dbr:Thainess dbr:Assault_rifle dbr:Plaek_Phibunsongkhram dbr:Socialist dbr:South_Vietnam dbr:Internal_Security_Operations_Command dbr:Kingdom_of_Italy dbr:Merit_(Buddhism) dbr:Military_dictatorship dbr:Seni_Pramoj dbr:Shibboleth dbr:Lynching dbr:Neal_Ulevich dbr:Network_monarchy dbr:Nawaphon dbr:Red_Gaurs dbr:Village_Scouts dbr:Lese-majeste dbr:Vocational_school dbr:Red_Gaur dbr:File:6_ตุลา_ธรรมศาสตร์_2563_ครบรอบ_44_ปี_04.jpg dbr:File:6_ตุลา_อนุสรณ์สถานที่ธรรมศาสตร์_2563_ครบรอบ_44_ปี_02.jpg dbr:File:President_Richard_Nixon_and_King_...._Delegation_in_Bangkok,_Thailand.jpg dbr:File:Thanin_and_Whitehouse.jpg dbr:File:Thanom_Kittikachorn_1960_02.jpg dbr:File:นิทรรศการ_แขวน_ระลึก_44_ปี_6_ตุลา_ในปี_2563_ภาพที่_01.jpg dbr:Jarupong_Thongsin dbr:Wikt:impunity dbr:Wikt:retribution
dbp:caption A crowd looks on, some with smiles on their faces, as a man uses a folding chair to beat the hanged body of an unknown student just outside the university. Photo by Neal Ulevich. (en)
dbp:date 1976-10-06 (xsd:date)
dbp:fatalities Perpetrators: 5 (en) Protestors: 40, (en)
dbp:float right (en)
dbp:injuries Official estimate: 167 (en)
dbp:location Thammasat University and Sanam Luang in Bangkok, Thailand (en)
dbp:motive dbr:Right-wing_terrorism dbr:Anti-communism Ultra-royalist (en)
dbp:perps dbr:Royal_Thai_Police dbr:Nawaphon dbr:Village_Scouts dbr:Red_Gaur Right-wing bystanders (en)
dbp:target Student and leftist protesters (en)
dbp:time 5 (xsd:integer)
dbp:timezone UTC+7 (en)
dbp:title 0001-10-06 (xsd:gMonthDay)
dbp:type Crackdown and lynching (en)
dbp:video Former AP photographer Neal Ulevich reflects the event, AP (en)
dbp:website https://doct6.com
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dcterms:subject dbc:Anti-communist_terrorism dbc:Cold_War_conflicts dbc:Lynching dbc:Police_brutality_in_Thailand dbc:Protest-related_deaths dbc:School_massacres dbc:Events_of_Thai_amnesty_laws dbc:Filmed_killings dbc:1976_in_Thailand dbc:1976_protests dbc:Conflicts_in_1976 dbc:Crimes_committed_by_law_enforcement dbc:October_1976_events_in_Asia dbc:Political_repression_in_Thailand dbc:Anti-communism_in_Thailand dbc:Massacres_committed_by_Thailand dbc:Massacres_in_Thailand dbc:Political_violence_in_Thailand dbc:Protests_in_Thailand dbc:1970s_in_Bangkok dbc:1976_murders_in_Asia dbc:Censorship_in_Thailand dbc:Mass_murder_in_1976 dbc:Massacres_in_1976 dbc:People_shot_dead_by_law_enforcement_officers_in_Thailand dbc:Socialism_in_Thailand dbc:Thammasat_University
georss:point 13.755852777777777 100.49087777777778
rdf:type geo:SpatialThing
rdfs:comment Le massacre de Thammasat est un massacre perpétré le 6 octobre 1976 par les forces de police thaïlandaises et des bandes paramilitaires d'extrême-droite sur un cortège pacifique d'étudiants et de travailleurs, à l'université Thammasat, en Thaïlande. Le bilan officiel est de 46 morts, 67 blessés et 3 000 arrestations. Selon (en), « des sources de la Chinese Benevolent Foundation, qui a transporté et brûlé les morts (…), révèlent qu'elle a traité plus d'une centaine de corps. » (fr) タンマサート大学虐殺事件(タンマサートだいがくぎゃくさつじけん)または血の水曜日事件(ちのすいようびじけん)は、タイ王国で1976年10月6日クーデターの過程で発生した事件で、このクーデター総称の別称でもある。 (ja) Бойня в Таммасатском университете (тайск. เหตุการณ์ 6 ตุลา, События 6 октября; англ. Thammasat University massacre, Резня в Таммасатском университете) — кровопролитие 6 октября 1976 года в столице Таиланда Бангкоке, результат нападения ультраправых боевиков и полиции на левых студентов в кампусе Таммасатского университета. Привела к гибели 46 человек (по другим данным — до 100 человек). «Таммасатская резня» спровоцировала государственный переворот и установление в Таиланде правоавторитарного режима. Сторонники властей считали, что в более широком контексте эти события остановили процесс распространения коммунизма (реального социализма) в Индокитае. (ru) 法政大學大屠殺,亦稱10月6日事件(泰語:เหตุการณ์ 6 ตุลา)為1976年10月5日至6日間发生於泰國的屠殺事件,該國右派民間組織在官方推波助瀾下進入曼谷的泰國國立法政大學校園內對抗議獨裁者他侬·吉滴卡宗返國而聚集的學生施以暴行、性侵並將之殺害,是泰國歷史於二十世紀民主化的重大挫敗,使泰國軍政府對人權的漠視原形畢露。今日泰國政府仍未承認這起事件中的罪行,在民間也鮮少有人提起,導致與此相關的經歷成了一段噤聲的歷史。學者認為,法政大學大屠殺事件與墨西哥特拉特洛爾科事件、台灣二二八事件類似,經過數十年才打破沉默,且相關紀錄尚未完整呈現。 泰國在二戰後雖然採君主立憲制,實際上國家長期處於軍政府獨裁統治之下,法政大學大屠殺事件結束了1973年人民起義之後開啟的短暫民主時期。之後泰國回歸軍政府統治,實行戒嚴。 根據官方統計,大屠殺一共導致46人死亡,167人受傷,3059人被捕。 (zh) The 6 October 1976 massacre, or the 6 October event (Thai: เหตุการณ์ 6 ตุลา RTGS: het kan hok tula) as it is known in Thailand, was a violent crackdown by Thai police and lynching by right-wing paramilitaries and bystanders against leftist protesters who had occupied Bangkok's Thammasat University and the adjacent Sanam Luang, on 6 October 1976. Prior to the massacre, thousands of leftists, including students, workers and others, had been holding ongoing demonstrations against the return of former dictator Thanom Kittikachorn to Thailand since mid-September. Official reports state that 46 were killed (on both sides) and 167 were wounded, while unofficial reports state that more than 100 demonstrators were killed. In the "Documentation of Oct 6" project, Thongchai Winichakul argued that off (en) Das Massaker an der Thammasat-Universität oder Massaker vom 6. Oktober 1976 (thailändisch เหตุการณ์ 6 ตุลา, RTGS Hetkan Hok Tula, „Ereignis des 6. Oktober“) war ein tödlicher Angriff von Sicherheitskräften und rechtsextremen Bürgerwehren auf linksgerichtete Studenten und Demonstranten auf dem Campus der Thammasat-Universität und auf dem Sanam Luang im Zentrum der thailändischen Hauptstadt Bangkok. (de) Pembantaian Universitas Thammasat (di Thailand hanya dikenal sebagai "Peristiwa 6 Oktober", bahasa Thai: เหตุการณ์ 6 ตุลา RTGS: het kan hok tula) adalah sebuah serangan oleh pasukan negara Thailand dan paramiliter kanan jauh terhadap para mahasiswa pengunjuk rasa di kampus Universitas Thammasat dan Lapangan yang berdekatan di Bangkok, Thailand, pada 6 Oktober 1976. Sebelum pembantaian, empat hingga lima ribu mahasiswa dari berbagai universitas telah berunjuk rasa selama lebih dari seminggu menentang kembalinya mantan diktator militer Thanom Kittikachorn ke Thailand dari Singapura. (in) Il massacro dell'Università Thammasat, detto anche massacro del 6 ottobre 1976, fu il risultato della dura repressione da parte della polizia e di gruppi paramilitari dell'estrema destra contro la protesta studentesca che si svolse all'Università Thammasat e nella vicina piazza Sanam Luang di Bangkok, in Thailandia. Gli studenti di vari istituti universitari si erano radunati per protestare contro il ritorno nel Paese del chòm phón (in lingua thai: จอมพล; alto grado dell'esercito simile a feldmaresciallo) Thanom Kittikachorn, ex dittatore e primo ministro in esilio dal 1973. (it) O massacre na Universidade Thammasat (na Tailândia conhecido simplesmente como "evento de 6 de outubro", em tailandês: เหตุการณ์ 6 ตุลา) foi um ataque das forças policiais tailandesas e paramilitares de extrema-direita contra manifestantes estudantis no campus da Universidade Thammasat, no Sanam Luang Square em Bangkok, Tailândia, em 6 de outubro de 1976. Antes do massacre, de quatro a cinco mil estudantes de várias universidades manifestaram durante mais de uma semana contra o retorno do ex-ditador militar Thanom Kittikachorn, que estava em exílio em Singapura. (pt)
rdfs:label Massaker an der Thammasat-Universität (de) 6 October 1976 massacre (en) Pembantaian Universitas Thammasat (in) Massacro dell'Università Thammasat (it) Massacre de l'université Thammasat (fr) 血の水曜日事件 (ja) Massacre na Universidade Thammasat (pt) Бойня в университете Таммасат (ru) 法政大學大屠殺 (zh)
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