Two Door Cinema Club (original) (raw)
- Two Door Cinema Club (també escrit "2 Door Cinema Club" o "TDCC") és un grup d'electropop i indie rock d'Irlanda del Nord format l'any 2007. (ca)
- Two Door Cinema Club ist eine 2007 in Bangor und Donaghadee in Nordirland gegründete britische Indie-Rock-Band mit Elektropop-Einflüssen. (de)
- Two Door Cinema Club (a veces escrito "2 Door Cinema Club" o "TDCC") es una banda indie rock e indie pop de Irlanda del Norte y cuya formación se remonta a 2007. (es)
- Two Door Cinema Club (parfois écrit « 2 Door Cinema Club » ou « TDCC ») est un groupe nord-irlandais et dont la formation remonte à 2007. Le nom du groupe provient d'une erreur d'orthographe : en effet, un des membres (Sam Halliday) a voulu marquer « Tudor Cinema Club », en référence à un cinéma de Dublin. Le groupe a tout de même voulu garder le nom. (fr)
- Is banna rac-cheoil é Two Door Cinema Club. Is as Tuaisceart na hÉireann dóibh.Tá triúr sa ghrúpa - , agus . (ga)
- Two Door Cinema Club adalah sebuah band indie rock berkebangsaan Irlandia yang berasal dari , , . Band ini telah dibentuk sejak tahun 2007. Band ini terdiri dari tiga orang yaitu Alex Trimble yang menjadi penyanyi, kemudian Sam Halliday yang berperan sebagai pemain gitar utama dan suara latar, dan Kevin Baird sebagai pemain bas, suara latar. (in)
- I Two Door Cinema Club sono un gruppo musicale indie nordirlandese formato nel 2007 da Alex Trimble (voce e chitarra), Sam Halliday (voce e chitarra) e Kevin Baird (voce e basso). Finora la band ha pubblicato quattro album in studio e tre EP. (it)
- Two Door Cinema Club are a band from Bangor, Northern Ireland. The band formed in 2007 and is composed of three members: Alex Trimble (vocals, rhythm guitar, beats, synths), Sam Halliday (lead guitar, backing vocals), and Kevin Baird (bass, synths, backing vocals). The band's debut album, Tourist History, was released on 1 March 2010 by French independent record label Kitsuné Music. In the United States, where the band are signed to Glassnote Records, the album was released on 27 April 2010. Tourist History was selected for the Choice Music Prize for Irish Album of the Year (2010) the following year. The band's second album Beacon was released on 3 September 2012, debuted at number one on the Irish Albums Chart and reached number two in the UK Albums Chart. The band's third album Gameshow was released on 14 October 2016. The first single, "Are We Ready? (Wreck)" was released on 14 June 2016 and was debuted on Annie Mac's Hottest Record on BBC Radio 1. Two more singles, "Bad Decisions" and the title track "Gameshow" were released prior to the album and are also included on the track list. Their fourth album False Alarm released on 21 June 2019 and featured the singles "Satellite" and "Talk". In the following years, they have become a frequent sight at festivals like Reading and Leeds Festival and Glastonbury. (en)
- 투 도어 시네마 클럽 (Two Door Cinema Club)은 영국 북아일랜드 다운주의 뱅고어와 에서 2007년 결성된 인디 록 밴드이다. 멤버는 알렉스 트림블 (보컬, 리듬 기타, 비트, 신디사이저)과 샘 할리데이 (리드 기타, 백보컬), 케빈 베어드 (베이스, 백보컬)이다. 프랑스 레이블인 소속이며, 2010년 3월 1일 데뷔앨범 《Tourist History》를 발매하였다. 이 앨범으로 밴드는 아일랜드의 에서 '2010년 올해의 앨범상'을 수상하였다. 또한 2012년 9월 3일에 발매한 2집 《Beacon》으로 발매 즉시 에서 1위를 차지한 바 있다. (ko)
- トゥー・ドア・シネマ・クラブ(Two Door Cinema Club)は、2007年に北アイルランドのバンガー/ドナガディーで結成されたエレクトロ・ポップ/インディー・ロックバンド。 アレックス・トリンブル、ケヴ・ベアード、サム・ハリデーの3人からなるドラムレスの3ピース・バンドで、オートクラッツ、デルフィック、フォールズなどの前座を務めている。バンド名は、トリンブルの自宅のガレージに、仲間が集まって映画を見ていたことに由来する。フランスのレコードレーベル「キツネ」と契約し、レーベルのコンピレーション『キツネ・メイソン7 - Kitsune Maison 7 』の冒頭に収録された "Something Good Can Work" を含むデビューアルバム『ツーリスト・ヒストリー - Tourist History』を2010年3月1日に発売した。 日本ではデビューアルバムが「キツネ・ジャポン」レーベルの第一弾リリースとなり、他地域に先駆けて2月17日に先行リリースされた。 (ja)
- Two Door Cinema Club is een electropop-indierockband uit de Noord-Ierse plaatsen Bangor en Donaghadee. De band werd opgericht in 2007 en wordt vertegenwoordigd door het Franse platenlabel Kitsuné Music. Via deze maatschappij werd in maart 2010 het debuutalbum Tourist History uitgebracht. Two Door Cinema Club bestaat uit Sam Halliday (Gitaar, achtergrondzang), Alex Trimble (zang, rhythm gitaar, beats, synthesizer) en Kevin Baird (bas, achtergrondzang). (nl)
- Two Door Cinema Club – zespół rockowy pochodzący z Bangor i Donaghadee w Irlandii Północnej. Grupa w lipcu 2011 roku wystąpiła na Open'er Festival w Gdyni na scenie Tent oraz w 2017 roku na Orange Warsaw Festival w Warszawie. (pl)
- Two Door Cinema Club (ibland skrivet 2 Door Cinema Club eller förkortat till TDCC) är ett irländskt electropop, indierock-band från Bangor och Donaghadee, County Down, Nordirland. Bandet har funnits sedan 2007 och har släppt tre singlar och en EP under märket Kitsuné Music. Bandet släppte sitt debutalbum, , 1 mars 2010. Några av deras influenser är Bloc Party i sitt tidiga ljud och Death Cab for Cutie. (sv)
- Two Door Cinema Club — музыкальная группа, играющая в стиле инди-рок и индитроника из Бангора и Донахади, Северная Ирландия. (ru)
- Two Door Cinema Club (abreviados por "TDCC") é uma banda norte-irlandesa de rock. Formada em 2007, a banda é composta por Sam Halliday, Alex Trimble e Kevin Baird. Após lançarem a canção "Something Good Can Work" na internet, em 2009, a banda assinou com a gravadora francesa . Eles então lançaram o seu álbum de estréia, Tourist History, em 2010, que ganhou o Choice Music Prize de "Álbum Irlandês do Ano". O segundo disco do grupo, Beacon, foi lançado em 3 de setembro de 2012. Em outubro de 2016, a banda lançou seu terceiro álbum, Gameshow. O quarto trabalho do grupo, False Alarm, foi lançado em junho de 2019. (pt)
- Two Door Cinema Club — рок-гурт із Бангору, Північна Ірландія, Велика Британія. Музиканти у своїй творчості поєднують різні стилі і напрямки музики, серед яких основними є електропоп та інді-рок. Гурт випустив чотири студійні альбоми: Tourist History (2010), Beacon (2012), (2016) та (2022). (uk)
- dbr:Caliban's_Dream
- dbr:Cape_Town
- dbc:2007_establishments_in_Northern_Ireland
- dbr:Meteor_(mobile_network)
- dbr:UK_Albums_Chart
- dbr:Open'er_Festival
- dbr:Parlophone_Records
- dbr:May_Ball
- dbr:2012_Summer_Olympics_opening_ceremony
- dbr:Bastille_(band)
- dbr:Beacon_(Two_Door_Cinema_Club_album)
- dbr:Belfast
- dbr:Bloc_Party
- dbr:Debenhams
- dbr:Anteros_(band)
- dbr:Hollister_Co.
- dbr:Julien_Macdonald
- dbr:Undercover_Martyn
- dbr:Underworld_(band)
- dbr:University_of_Cambridge
- dbr:Verona
- dbr:Vicar_Street
- dbr:Vodafone
- dbr:Indie_rock
- dbr:Post-punk_revival
- dbc:Dance-punk_musical_groups
- dbc:Musical_groups_established_in_2007
- dbc:Post-punk_revival_music_groups
- dbc:Remixers
- dbr:Columbia,_Maryland
- dbr:County_Down
- dbr:SSX_(2012_video_game)
- dbr:The_Twelves
- dbr:Christ's_College,_Cambridge
- dbr:Coachella_Valley_Music_and_Arts_Festival
- dbr:Gameshow_(album)
- dbr:Glassnote_Records
- dbr:Glastonbury_Festival
- dbr:Gran_Turismo_5
- dbr:MtvU
- dbr:MySpace
- dbr:My_Kitchen_Rules
- dbr:NBA_2K11
- dbr:NME
- dbr:The_Russell_Howard_Hour
- dbr:The_Vampire_Diaries
- dbr:Dance-punk
- dbc:Parlophone_artists
- dbr:2012_Bonnaroo_Music_Festival
- dbr:Annie_Mac_(radio_show)
- dbr:Leeds_Festival
- dbr:Lollapalooza
- dbr:Snow_Patrol
- dbr:Delphic_(band)
- dbr:T_in_the_Park
- dbr:Tap_Tap_(series)
- dbr:Tokyo_Police_Club
- dbr:AutoKratz
- dbr:BBC
- dbr:BBC_Radio_1
- dbr:BBC_Radio_4
- dbr:Bangor,_County_Down
- dbr:Bangor_Grammar_School
- dbr:5_(gum)
- dbr:Brixton_Academy
- dbr:COVID-19
- dbc:Kitsuné_artists
- dbc:People_educated_at_Bangor_Grammar_School
- dbc:People_from_Bangor,_County_Down
- dbr:Tourist_History
- dbr:Triple_J_Hottest_100
- dbr:U2
- dbr:Warner_Music_Group
- dbr:What_You_Know_(Two_Door_Cinema_Club_song)
- dbc:Transgressive_Records_artists
- dbr:Irish_Albums_Chart
- dbr:Joe_Lycett
- dbr:False_Alarm_(Two_Door_Cinema_Club_album)
- dbr:T_in_the_Park_2013
- dbr:Ahora_noticias
- dbr:Alexandra_Palace
- dbc:British_musical_trios
- dbr:Danny_Boyle
- dbr:Dynamo:_Magician_Impossible
- dbr:EA_Sports
- dbr:EMI
- dbr:Extended_play
- dbr:Extra_Gear
- dbr:FIFA_11
- dbr:FIFA_13
- dbr:FIFA_17
- dbr:False_Alarm_(album)
- dbr:Fat_Face
- dbr:Foals_(band)
- dbr:Forza_Horizon
- dbr:Northern_Ireland
- dbr:Northern_Ireland_Executive
- dbr:Now_You_See_Me_(film)
- dbr:Paredes_de_Coura
- dbr:Paris
- dbr:Parlophone
- dbc:Post-punk_groups_from_Northern_Ireland
- dbr:Isle_of_Wight_Festival_2011
- dbr:It's_Not_What_You_Know_(radio_series)
- dbr:Grey's_Anatomy
- dbr:Guitar_Hero_Live
- dbr:Henry_Holland_(fashion_designer)
- dbr:Jacknife_Lee
- dbr:Jasper_Conran
- dbr:Tap_Tap_Revenge
- dbr:Teen_Wolf_(2011_TV_series)
- dbr:Telkomsel
- dbr:The_1975
- dbr:The_Edge_of_Seventeen
- dbr:The_Inbetweeners
- dbc:Two_Door_Cinema_Club
- dbr:Are_We_Ready?_(Wreck)
- dbr:ATL_Rock_School
- dbr:Chalet_Girl
- dbr:Changing_of_the_Seasons_(EP)
- dbr:Choice_Music_Prize
- dbr:Jesus_College,_Cambridge
- dbr:Johannesburg
- dbr:Kinect_Adventures!
- dbr:Late_Night_with_Jimmy_Fallon
- dbr:Swim_Deep
- dbr:ITunes_Festival
- dbr:Dog_Is_Dead
- dbc:Indie_rock_groups_from_Northern_Ireland
- dbc:Musical_groups_from_County_Down
- dbc:Glassnote_Records_artists
- dbr:Phoenix_(band)
- dbr:Something_Good_Can_Work
- dbr:Soul_Surfer_(film)
- dbr:SoundCloud
- dbr:Sound_of...
- dbr:South_Africa
- dbr:Cooperative_Music
- dbr:Indie_pop
- dbr:Indomie
- dbr:Kitsuné
- dbr:Metronomy
- dbr:R.E.M.
- dbr:Reading_and_Leeds_Festivals
- dbr:YouTube
- dbr:I_Can_Talk
- dbr:Four_Words_To_Stand_On_(EP)
- dbr:Splendour_in_the_Grass
- dbr:NOS_Alive
- dbr:Kitsuné_Music
- dbr:Movie_theater
- dbr:Oxegen_2010
- dbr:Oxegen_2011
- dbr:Someone_Still_Loves_You_Boris_Yeltsin
- dbr:Bonnaroo_Music_and_Arts_Festival
- dbr:Tap_Tap_Revenge_4
- dbr:Phillipe_Zdar
- dbr:Orange_Evolution_Festival
- dbr:Reading_Festival
- dbr:Late_night_talk_show
- dbr:Kitsuné_Records
- dbr:File:1_alex_trimble_kevin_baird_2017.jpg
- dbr:File:1_sam_halliday_2017.jpg
- Kitsuné (en)
- Parlophone (en)
- (en)
- Warner (en)
- Cooperative (en)
- Glassnote (en)
- dbc:2007_establishments_in_Northern_Ireland
- dbc:Dance-punk_musical_groups
- dbc:Musical_groups_established_in_2007
- dbc:Post-punk_revival_music_groups
- dbc:Remixers
- dbc:Parlophone_artists
- dbc:Kitsuné_artists
- dbc:People_educated_at_Bangor_Grammar_School
- dbc:People_from_Bangor,_County_Down
- dbc:Transgressive_Records_artists
- dbc:British_musical_trios
- dbc:Post-punk_groups_from_Northern_Ireland
- dbc:Two_Door_Cinema_Club
- dbc:Indie_rock_groups_from_Northern_Ireland
- dbc:Musical_groups_from_County_Down
- dbc:Glassnote_Records_artists
- Two Door Cinema Club (també escrit "2 Door Cinema Club" o "TDCC") és un grup d'electropop i indie rock d'Irlanda del Nord format l'any 2007. (ca)
- Two Door Cinema Club ist eine 2007 in Bangor und Donaghadee in Nordirland gegründete britische Indie-Rock-Band mit Elektropop-Einflüssen. (de)
- Two Door Cinema Club (a veces escrito "2 Door Cinema Club" o "TDCC") es una banda indie rock e indie pop de Irlanda del Norte y cuya formación se remonta a 2007. (es)
- Two Door Cinema Club (parfois écrit « 2 Door Cinema Club » ou « TDCC ») est un groupe nord-irlandais et dont la formation remonte à 2007. Le nom du groupe provient d'une erreur d'orthographe : en effet, un des membres (Sam Halliday) a voulu marquer « Tudor Cinema Club », en référence à un cinéma de Dublin. Le groupe a tout de même voulu garder le nom. (fr)
- Is banna rac-cheoil é Two Door Cinema Club. Is as Tuaisceart na hÉireann dóibh.Tá triúr sa ghrúpa - , agus . (ga)
- Two Door Cinema Club adalah sebuah band indie rock berkebangsaan Irlandia yang berasal dari , , . Band ini telah dibentuk sejak tahun 2007. Band ini terdiri dari tiga orang yaitu Alex Trimble yang menjadi penyanyi, kemudian Sam Halliday yang berperan sebagai pemain gitar utama dan suara latar, dan Kevin Baird sebagai pemain bas, suara latar. (in)
- I Two Door Cinema Club sono un gruppo musicale indie nordirlandese formato nel 2007 da Alex Trimble (voce e chitarra), Sam Halliday (voce e chitarra) e Kevin Baird (voce e basso). Finora la band ha pubblicato quattro album in studio e tre EP. (it)
- 투 도어 시네마 클럽 (Two Door Cinema Club)은 영국 북아일랜드 다운주의 뱅고어와 에서 2007년 결성된 인디 록 밴드이다. 멤버는 알렉스 트림블 (보컬, 리듬 기타, 비트, 신디사이저)과 샘 할리데이 (리드 기타, 백보컬), 케빈 베어드 (베이스, 백보컬)이다. 프랑스 레이블인 소속이며, 2010년 3월 1일 데뷔앨범 《Tourist History》를 발매하였다. 이 앨범으로 밴드는 아일랜드의 에서 '2010년 올해의 앨범상'을 수상하였다. 또한 2012년 9월 3일에 발매한 2집 《Beacon》으로 발매 즉시 에서 1위를 차지한 바 있다. (ko)
- トゥー・ドア・シネマ・クラブ(Two Door Cinema Club)は、2007年に北アイルランドのバンガー/ドナガディーで結成されたエレクトロ・ポップ/インディー・ロックバンド。 アレックス・トリンブル、ケヴ・ベアード、サム・ハリデーの3人からなるドラムレスの3ピース・バンドで、オートクラッツ、デルフィック、フォールズなどの前座を務めている。バンド名は、トリンブルの自宅のガレージに、仲間が集まって映画を見ていたことに由来する。フランスのレコードレーベル「キツネ」と契約し、レーベルのコンピレーション『キツネ・メイソン7 - Kitsune Maison 7 』の冒頭に収録された "Something Good Can Work" を含むデビューアルバム『ツーリスト・ヒストリー - Tourist History』を2010年3月1日に発売した。 日本ではデビューアルバムが「キツネ・ジャポン」レーベルの第一弾リリースとなり、他地域に先駆けて2月17日に先行リリースされた。 (ja)
- Two Door Cinema Club is een electropop-indierockband uit de Noord-Ierse plaatsen Bangor en Donaghadee. De band werd opgericht in 2007 en wordt vertegenwoordigd door het Franse platenlabel Kitsuné Music. Via deze maatschappij werd in maart 2010 het debuutalbum Tourist History uitgebracht. Two Door Cinema Club bestaat uit Sam Halliday (Gitaar, achtergrondzang), Alex Trimble (zang, rhythm gitaar, beats, synthesizer) en Kevin Baird (bas, achtergrondzang). (nl)
- Two Door Cinema Club – zespół rockowy pochodzący z Bangor i Donaghadee w Irlandii Północnej. Grupa w lipcu 2011 roku wystąpiła na Open'er Festival w Gdyni na scenie Tent oraz w 2017 roku na Orange Warsaw Festival w Warszawie. (pl)
- Two Door Cinema Club (ibland skrivet 2 Door Cinema Club eller förkortat till TDCC) är ett irländskt electropop, indierock-band från Bangor och Donaghadee, County Down, Nordirland. Bandet har funnits sedan 2007 och har släppt tre singlar och en EP under märket Kitsuné Music. Bandet släppte sitt debutalbum, , 1 mars 2010. Några av deras influenser är Bloc Party i sitt tidiga ljud och Death Cab for Cutie. (sv)
- Two Door Cinema Club — музыкальная группа, играющая в стиле инди-рок и индитроника из Бангора и Донахади, Северная Ирландия. (ru)
- Two Door Cinema Club (abreviados por "TDCC") é uma banda norte-irlandesa de rock. Formada em 2007, a banda é composta por Sam Halliday, Alex Trimble e Kevin Baird. Após lançarem a canção "Something Good Can Work" na internet, em 2009, a banda assinou com a gravadora francesa . Eles então lançaram o seu álbum de estréia, Tourist History, em 2010, que ganhou o Choice Music Prize de "Álbum Irlandês do Ano". O segundo disco do grupo, Beacon, foi lançado em 3 de setembro de 2012. Em outubro de 2016, a banda lançou seu terceiro álbum, Gameshow. O quarto trabalho do grupo, False Alarm, foi lançado em junho de 2019. (pt)
- Two Door Cinema Club — рок-гурт із Бангору, Північна Ірландія, Велика Британія. Музиканти у своїй творчості поєднують різні стилі і напрямки музики, серед яких основними є електропоп та інді-рок. Гурт випустив чотири студійні альбоми: Tourist History (2010), Beacon (2012), (2016) та (2022). (uk)
- Two Door Cinema Club are a band from Bangor, Northern Ireland. The band formed in 2007 and is composed of three members: Alex Trimble (vocals, rhythm guitar, beats, synths), Sam Halliday (lead guitar, backing vocals), and Kevin Baird (bass, synths, backing vocals). The band's second album Beacon was released on 3 September 2012, debuted at number one on the Irish Albums Chart and reached number two in the UK Albums Chart. (en)
- freebase:Two Door Cinema Club
- yago-res:Two Door Cinema Club
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- dbpedia-da:Two Door Cinema Club
- dbpedia-de:Two Door Cinema Club
- dbpedia-es:Two Door Cinema Club
- dbpedia-fi:Two Door Cinema Club
- dbpedia-fr:Two Door Cinema Club
- dbpedia-ga:Two Door Cinema Club
- dbpedia-gl:Two Door Cinema Club
- dbpedia-id:Two Door Cinema Club
- dbpedia-it:Two Door Cinema Club
- dbpedia-ja:Two Door Cinema Club
- dbpedia-ko:Two Door Cinema Club
- dbpedia-nl:Two Door Cinema Club
- dbpedia-no:Two Door Cinema Club
- dbpedia-pl:Two Door Cinema Club
- dbpedia-pt:Two Door Cinema Club
- dbpedia-ru:Two Door Cinema Club
- dbpedia-sh:Two Door Cinema Club
- dbpedia-simple:Two Door Cinema Club
- dbpedia-sk:Two Door Cinema Club
- dbpedia-sr:Two Door Cinema Club
- dbpedia-sv:Two Door Cinema Club
- dbpedia-th:Two Door Cinema Club
- dbpedia-tr:Two Door Cinema Club
- dbpedia-uk:Two Door Cinema Club
- wiki-commons:Special:FilePath/1_alex_trimble_kevin_baird_2017.jpg
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is dbo:wikiPageWikiLink of
- dbr:Cafuné
- dbr:Caliban's_Dream
- dbr:Cardiff_International_Arena
- dbr:Belfast_Vital
- dbr:Rock_en_Seine
- dbr:Rock_for_People
- dbr:Rockhal
- dbr:Science_&_Faith_Tour
- dbr:Electric_Picnic_2009
- dbr:Electric_Picnic_2010
- dbr:Eliot_James
- dbr:List_of_UK_top-ten_albums_in_2012
- dbr:List_of_UK_top-ten_albums_in_2016
- dbr:List_of_UK_top-ten_albums_in_2019
- dbr:List_of_adult_alternative_artists
- dbr:List_of_alternative_rock_artists
- dbr:List_of_artists_who_reached_number_one_on_the_album_chart_in_Ireland
- dbr:List_of_band_name_etymologies
- dbr:List_of_downloadable_songs_for_Rocksmith
- dbr:List_of_entertainment_events_at_the_O2_Arena
- dbr:List_of_entertainment_events_at_the_SM_Mall_of_Asia_complex
- dbr:List_of_events_at_the_3Arena
- dbr:Melt!_Festival
- dbr:MEO_Sudoeste
- dbr:Passion_Pit_discography
- dbr:Positivus_Festival
- dbr:Vive_Latino
- dbr:2010s_in_music
- dbr:2012_Summer_Olympics_opening_ceremony
- dbr:2022_in_downloadable_songs_for_the_Rock_Band_series
- dbr:Battle_Born_World_Tour
- dbr:Beacon_(Two_Door_Cinema_Club_album)
- dbr:Beacon_World_Tour
- dbr:Bella_Ferraro
- dbr:Bergenfest
- dbr:Bilbao_BBK_Live
- dbr:Bonus_Arena
- dbr:Born_This_Way:_The_Remix
- dbr:Anteros_(band)
- dbr:Apple_Music_Festival
- dbr:Hoodie_Allen
- dbr:Hordern_Pavilion
- dbr:Hove_Festival
- dbr:Hurricane_Festival
- dbr:Jon_Gooch
- dbr:Best_Kept_Secret_(festival)
- dbr:Bestival
- dbr:List_of_Conan_episodes_(2012)
- dbr:List_of_Late_Night_with_Jimmy_Fallon_episodes_(2011)
- dbr:List_of_Late_Night_with_Jimmy_Fallon_episodes_(2012)
- dbr:List_of_Lollapalooza_lineups_by_year
- dbr:List_of_The_Tonight_Show_with_Jay_Leno_episodes_(2012)
- dbr:List_of_The_Tonight_Show_with_Jay_Leno_episodes_(2013–14)
- dbr:List_of_songs_in_Guitar_Hero_Live
- dbr:Peach_Pit_(band)
- dbr:Pepsi_Music_Festival
- dbr:Culture_of_Northern_Ireland
- dbr:DIY_(magazine)
- dbr:Undercover_Martyn
- dbr:Unfaithfully_Yours_(album)
- dbr:University_of_Vermont
- dbr:Use_This_Gospel
- dbr:VI_(You_Me_at_Six_album)
- dbr:V_Festival
- dbr:Video_on_Trial_(season_7)
- dbr:Vinyl_Theatre
- dbr:December_streets
- dbr:Deck_the_Hall_Ball
- dbr:Dermot_O'Leary_Presents_The_Saturday_Sessions_2011
- dbr:Dusk_Music_Festival
- dbr:List_of_indie_pop_artists
- dbr:List_of_indie_rock_musicians
- dbr:List_of_number-one_albums_of_2012_(Ireland)
- dbr:List_of_people_from_Northern_Ireland
- dbr:List_of_performers_at_the_Montreux_Jazz_Festival
- dbr:List_of_performers_on_Later..._with_Jools_Holland
- dbr:List_of_post-punk_revival_bands
- dbr:List_of_power_trios
- dbr:Nozstock:_The_Hidden_Valley
- dbr:RockNess_2011
- dbr:Crookers
- dbr:Crystal_Fighters
- dbr:Middleman_(band)
- dbr:The_Twelves
- dbr:Christ's_College,_Cambridge
- dbr:Chvrches
- dbr:Circolo_degli_Artisti
- dbr:Citizens!
- dbr:Citizens_(album)
- dbr:Club_Smith
- dbr:Electric_Chapel
- dbr:François_Goetghebeur
- dbr:Free_Press_Summer_Fest
- dbr:Gameshow_(album)
- dbr:Generationals
- dbr:Glassnote_Records
- dbr:Glastonbury_Festival
- dbr:Glastonbury_Festival_2009
- dbr:Glastonbury_Festival_2010
- dbr:Glastonbury_Festival_2011
- dbr:Glastonbury_Festival_2013
- dbr:Glastonbury_Festival_2016
- dbr:Glastonbury_Festival_2019
- dbr:Good_Kid
- dbr:Governors_Ball_Music_Festival
- dbr:GrapeFestival
- dbr:Moving_Picture_Company
- dbr:Music_Midtown
- dbr:Myd_(musician)
- dbr:NBA_2K11
- dbr:Corona_Capital_festival_line-ups
- dbr:Crystal_Fighters_discography
- dbr:The_Late_Late_Show_(season_49)
- dbr:The_Voice_van_Vlaanderen_(season_2)
- dbr:Nightbox
- dbr:Orange_Warsaw_Festival
- dbr:Osheaga_Festival
- dbr:2010_in_Irish_music
- dbr:2010s
- dbr:2011_UK_Music_Video_Awards
- dbr:2011_in_Irish_music
- dbr:2012_Bonnaroo_Music_Festival
- dbr:2012_in_American_music
- dbr:2013_in_the_Philippines
- dbr:Anna_(Courteeners_album)
- dbr:List_of_Austin_City_Limits_lineups_by_year
- dbr:Live_from_Abbey_Road
- dbr:Live_on_Letterman
- dbr:Live_on_the_Green_Music_Festival
- dbr:Lollapalooza_Chile
- dbr:Loose_Talk_Costs_Lives
- dbr:MTVU
- dbr:MTV_Woodies
- dbr:Madeon
- dbr:Main_Square_Festival
- dbr:Maison_Kitsuné
- dbr:Boardmasters_Festival
- dbr:Chris_Douridas
- dbr:Sleep_Alone_(Two_Door_Cinema_Club_song)
- dbr:Smallpools
- dbr:Starland_Ballroom
- dbr:Still_Feel
- dbr:Delorentos
- dbr:Yuksek
- dbr:Fred_Falke
- dbr:Haldern_Pop
- dbr:Parklife_(festival)
- dbr:Mad_Cool
- dbr:Madeon_discography
- dbr:Supersonic_Festival_(Seoul)
- dbr:T_in_the_Park
- dbr:May_Ball_in_Cambridge
- dbr:Music_of_Ireland
- dbr:Ayad_Al_Adhamy
- dbr:BBC_Radio_1's_Big_Weekend
- dbr:Bad_Guy_(Billie_Eilish_song)
- dbr:Bangor_Grammar_School
- dbr:Brixton_Academy
- dbr:Broods
- dbr:Brooklyn_Steel
- dbr:Buchanan_(band)
- dbr:Bukta_Tromsø_Open_Air_Festival
- dbr:Adebisi_Shank
- dbr:Center_Stage_(Atlanta)
- dbr:Ceremonials_Tour
- dbr:Thumpers
- dbr:Tourist_History
- dbr:Triple_J_Hottest_100,_2010
- dbr:Triple_J_Hottest_100,_2012
- dbr:Triple_J_Hottest_100,_2013
- dbr:Triple_J_Hottest_100_of_the_2010s
- dbr:What_You_Know_(Two_Door_Cinema_Club_song)
- dbr:Future_Generations_(band)
- dbr:Glastonbury_Festival_line-ups
- dbr:Heaven_(nightclub)
- dbr:Jerry_Bouthier
- dbr:Lastlings
- dbr:List_of_2010_albums
- dbr:List_of_2012_albums
- dbr:List_of_2016_albums
- dbr:List_of_2019_albums
- dbr:List_of_2022_albums_(July–December)
- dbr:List_of_Billboard_Dance_Club_Songs_number_ones_of_2013
- dbr:London_Calling_(festival)
- dbr:Rigsy
- dbr:T_in_the_Park_2013
- dbr:T_in_the_Park_2012
- dbr:2021_Reading_and_Leeds_Festival
- dbr:2009_in_Irish_music
- dbr:Adventure_(Madeon_album)
- dbr:Alan_Moulder
- dbr:All_Angels
- dbr:Amtrac_(musician)
- dbr:Dan_Grech-Marguerat
- dbr:Dance_à_la_Plage
- dbr:Daniel_Glass
- dbr:Alternative_Ulster
- dbr:FIFA_11
- dbr:False_Alarm_(album)
- dbr:Festival_Estéreo_Picnic
- dbr:Festival_Internacional_de_Benicàssim
- dbr:Firefly_Music_Festival
- dbr:Foley_(band)
- dbr:Foy_Vance
- dbr:Banda_Uó
- dbr:Brite_Futures
- dbr:No_Party_for_Cao_Dong
- dbr:Now_You_See_Me_(film)
- dbr:Otkritie_Arena
- dbr:Pacific_Air
- dbr:Paléo_Festival
- dbr:Parc_del_Fòrum
- dbr:Parcels_(band)
- dbr:Park_Live_Festival
- dbr:Passion_Pit
- dbr:Falls_Festival
- dbr:Four_Words_to_Stand_On
- dbr:Isle_of_Wight_Festival_2011
- dbr:It's_Not_What_You_Know_(radio_series)
- dbr:It_Goes,_It_Goes_(Forever_&_Ever)
- dbr:KROQ_Almost_Acoustic_Christmas
- dbr:Kaytranada_production_discography
- dbr:King_Kong_Company
- dbr:Work_Drugs
- dbr:List_of_Irish_Independent_Albums_Chart_number_ones_of_2011
- dbr:List_of_Irish_Independent_Albums_Chart_number_ones_of_2012
- dbr:List_of_Irish_musical_groups
- dbr:List_of_Later..._with_Jools_Holland_episodes
- dbr:List_of_Live_Lounge_cover_versions
- dbr:List_of_NME_concert_tours
- dbr:List_of_NME_covers
- dbr:List_of_Official_Record_Store_Chart_number_ones_from_the_2010s
- dbr:List_of_Parlophone_artists
- dbr:List_of_Platinum_singles_in_the_United_Kingdom_awarded_since_2000
- dbr:List_of_Rage_guest_programmers
- dbr:List_of_Splendour_in_the_Grass_line-ups
- dbr:Pyramid_(disambiguation)
- dbr:Q_Awards
- dbr:2014_in_Australian_music
- dbr:2016_Bonnaroo_Music_Festival
- dbr:High_Contrast
- dbr:High_Tyde
- dbr:Isles_of_Wonder_(album)
- dbr:Jacknife_Lee
- dbr:Bad_Veins
- dbr:Talking_Dreams
- dbr:The_Birthday_(The_Vampire_Diaries)
- dbr:The_Buffalo_Bar
- dbr:The_Ceiling_(album)
- dbr:The_Feddens
- dbr:The_Gadget_Show_(series_18)
- dbr:The_Inbetweeners
- dbr:The_Joiners
- dbr:The_Jungle_Giants
- dbr:The_Knocks
- dbr:Tourist_History_World_Tour
- dbr:2017_in_Philippine_music
- dbr:2019_in_Philippine_music
- dbr:Are_We_Ready?_(Wreck)
- dbr:Chalet_Girl
- dbr:Changing_of_the_Seasons_(EP)
- dbr:Changing_of_the_Seasons_(song)
- dbr:Chew_Lips
- dbr:Chillout_Sessions
- dbr:Choice_Music_Prize
- dbr:Jesse_Shatkin
- dbr:Jesus_Is_King
- dbr:Kensington_(band)
- dbr:La_Jetée
- dbr:Latitude_Festival
- dbr:Summer_Sonic_Festival
- dbr:Sun_(Two_Door_Cinema_Club_song)
- dbr:Swim_Deep
- dbr:Sziget_Festival
- dbr:Coachella_Festival_line-ups
- dbr:Edgefest_(Dallas)
- dbr:The_Meadows_Music_&_Arts_Festival
- dbr:Tramlines_Festival
- dbr:Trans_(festival)
- dbr:Transgressive_Records
- dbr:Tribes_(band)
- dbr:Reading_and_Leeds_Festivals_line-ups
- dbr:Don't_Start_Now
- dbr:Mapping_the_Rendezvous
- dbr:Pinkpop_Festival
- dbr:Plymouth_Pavilions
- dbr:Pohoda_(music_festival)
- dbr:Something_Good_Can_Work
- dbr:Sound_of...
- dbr:Southside_Festival
- dbr:St._Augustine_Amphitheatre
- dbr:St._Lucia_(musician)
- dbr:St_Jerome's_Laneway_Festival
- dbr:Field_Day_(Sydney_festival)
- dbr:French_Horn_Rebellion
- dbr:Grouplove
- dbr:Guards_(band)
- dbr:Metronomy
- dbr:Next_Year_(Two_Door_Cinema_Club_song)
- dbr:One-north
is dbp:artist of
- dbr:Beacon_(Two_Door_Cinema_Club_album)
- dbr:Beacon_World_Tour
- dbr:Undercover_Martyn
- dbr:Gameshow_(album)
- dbr:Sleep_Alone_(Two_Door_Cinema_Club_song)
- dbr:Tourist_History
- dbr:What_You_Know_(Two_Door_Cinema_Club_song)
- dbr:False_Alarm_(album)
- dbr:Four_Words_to_Stand_On
- dbr:Are_We_Ready?_(Wreck)
- dbr:Changing_of_the_Seasons_(EP)
- dbr:Changing_of_the_Seasons_(song)
- dbr:Sun_(Two_Door_Cinema_Club_song)
- dbr:Something_Good_Can_Work
- dbr:Next_Year_(Two_Door_Cinema_Club_song)
- dbr:I_Can_Talk
- dbr:Two_Door_Cinema_Club_discography