Chapter 53, Tao Te Ching (Dao De Jing) by Lao Tzu (Laozi): English Translations, Commentary, Links, Wade-Giles Romanizations, Taoism, Index, Concordance, Bibliography (original) (raw)

Tao Te Ching(Dao De Jing)

Classic of the Way and Virtue

By Lao Tzu (Laozi)

Compiled and Indexed by Michael P. Garofalo

Green Way Research, Valley Spirit Center, Gushen Grove Notebooks, Vancouver, Washington

Chapter 52 Chapter 54 Index to All the Chapters Taoism Cloud Hands Blog

English Chinese Spanish

Chapter 53

Tao Te Ching(Dao De Jing) by Lao Tzu

Classic Book (Ching) about the Tao (Way, Nature, Patterns, Processes) and Te (Virtue, Potency, Power, Integrity, Wise Person, Sage)

Indexing, Concordance, Search Terms, Topics, Themes, Keys

English and Chinese (Wade-Giles) Terms: Kings or Rulers (wo), Follow the Way, Little or Small (chieh), Natural (jan), Avoid Shortcuts, Knowledge or Understanding (chih), Walk or Travel (hsing), Great (ta), Disadvantages of Wealth, Act (shih), Frear or Dread (wei), Excess (sh�n), Level or Smooth (yi), Like or Prefer (hao), Side Roads or By Paths (ching), Avoid Greed, Splendid (ch'u), Field (t'ien), Work, Be Diligent, Weeds (wu), Riches, Granaries (ts'ang), Empty or Vacant (hs�), Walking, Clothes (fu), The Way, Elegant (w�n), Gown (ts'ai), Wealth, Carry (tai), Fine or Sharp (li), Gaining Insight, Weapon or Sword (chien), Look at the Facts, Starvation, Greed, Tao, Alcohol or Drinks (yin), Eating or Food (shih), Palaces, Possessions or Goods (huo), Corrupt, Extravagance, Appearances, Thieves or Robbers (tao), Braggarts, Gluttony, Fashion, Hoarding, Riches, Theft, Brigands, Opulence, Pride (k'ua), Grand Direction, Dao, 益証

T�rminos en Espa�ol: Siga el Camino, Evite Atajos, Desventajas de la Riqueza, Trabajo,Diligente, Andar, Camino,Riqueza, Excesos, Hambre,Armas, Codicia, Ropa, Alcohol, Comer, Campos, Palacios, Posesiones, Corruptos, Extravagancia, Apariciones, Ladrones, Granos, Fanfarroner�a, Gula, Moda,Acaparamiento, Riqueza, Robo,Bandidos, Opulencia, Reyes, Regla, Poco, Natural, Conocimiento,Caminar, Viajes, Gran Camino, Ley, Exceso, Nivel, Liso, Prefiero, Espl�ndido, Vac�o, Elegante, Vestido,Llevar, Espada, Arma, Orgullo, Multa.

Electronic Concordance for Chapters 1 - 81 of the Tao Te Ching

English Language Translations of the Tao Te Ching

"Once started on the great [lax] highway, if I had but little knowledge I should,
in walking on a broad way, fear getting off the road.
On the main path (dao), I would avoid the by-paths.
Some dao main path is easy to walk [or drift] on, but safe and easy.
All the same people are fond, men love by-paths, love even small by-paths:
The by-path courts are spick-and-span.
And the fields go untilled, nay, exceedingly weedy.
They're content to let their fields run to weed.
All the while granaries stand quite empty and some exceedingly empty.
They have elegant, in clothes and gown to wear, some furnished with patterns and embroideries,
Some carry sharp weapons, glut themselves with drink and foods enjoyed beyond limit,
And wealth and treasures are accumulated in excess, owning far more than they can handle and use.
This is to [molest] the world towards brigandage, it's robbery as extravagance.
In the end they're splitting with wealth and possessions.
Wealth splits, tends to.
This cannot be a highway of dao (the way)."
- Translated by Tormond Byrd, Chapter 53

"If only I had the tiniest grain of wisdom,
I should walk in the Great Way,
And my only fear would be to stray from it.

The Great Way is very smooth and straight;
And yet the people prefer devious paths.

The court is very clean and well garnished,
But the fields are very weedy and wild,
And the granaries are very empty!
They wear gorgeous clothes,
They carry sharp swords,
They surfeit themselves with food and drink,
They possess more riches than they can use!
They are the heralds of brigandage!
As for Tao, what do they know about it?"
- Translated by John C. H. Wu, 1961, Chapter 53

"If I possess even the smallest bits of wisdom, I would walk the great way, and my only fear would be in straying from this great road. The great way is wide and the going is easy, but how people seem to prefer the side paths. When the offices of government, the palaces and temples are richly adorned, and lavishly outfitted... when the ministers are concerned chiefly with pomp and display; the fields will be dusty and overgrown with rank weeds, and the granaries of the land will be bare. The gentry wear elaborate richly embroidered clothes, eat and drink in excess with their sharp swords at their sides, these are surely the robber barons. This is not in keeping with the Way." - Translated by Rivenrock, Chapter 53

"When you follow the tao, planning will only lead you astray
The way is easy and straight, but people always look for shortcuts
They leave weeds in the fields to make sure the courtyard is clean
Empty their cupboards so that everyone can gorge
Carry a sword so they can wear their jewels in public
One excess always leads to another
This wanders far from the way"
- Translated by Ted Wrigley, Chapter 53

"With even just a scrap of sense, I can walk the Great Way.
The great way is easy to travel on; but we all love to get sidetracked.
We keep elegant palaces and desolate farms;
Our storehouses are meager while fashions abound.
Our swords are sharp, but our senses are dull.
We all have more than we need; who have we taken it from?"
- Translated by Ned Ludd, Chapter 53

"If I have acquired a little knowledge,
I will be afraid of going astray
When I walk on the road.
The road is even,
Yet people prefer to take by-paths.
While the court is corrupt,
The fields lie waste;
The granaries are empty;
There are persons who are still dressed gaudily,
Wearing ornamented swords,
Satiated with fine food and drink,
In possession of extravagant goods.
They can be called the chieftains of robbers.
What a phenomenon against the Tao!"
- Translated by Gu Zhengkun, Chapter 53

"My greatest fear is pride.
That's what kills a sage.
That's what kills the powerful
and tortures the powerless.
The road is plain before us,
but we strike out willfully.
When the palace is grandly appointed
the fields are full of weeds and the granaries are empty.
When the famous and powerful preen,
wear grand clothes
go armed,
and spend all their time eating and drinking
and displaying their possessions,
the people starve.
The Tao has no pride."
- Translated by Crispin Starwell, Chapter 53

"My own opinions have caused me to have a limited understanding of the operations of Great Dao.
It's only going astray from what is right that I dread the most.
The way of Great Dao is so smooth, but people prefer to take the most difficult route.
They keep the palaces and courts so clean, yet the fields are overgrown with weeds
and the granaries are totally empty.
They wear fashionable clothing, carry sharp weapons to protect their property,
eat until they are glutted., and make sure they all have equal amounts of valuable
possessions - more than they could possibly use.
Of course there will be thiefs!
Stealing is in opposition to Dao."
- Translated byNina Correra, Chapter 53

Creative Commons License
This webpage work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Created by Michael P. Garofalo, Green Way Research, Valley Spirit Center, Gushen Grove Notebooks, Red Bluff, California, � 2015 CCA 4.0

The Complete Works of Lao Tzu: Tao Teh Ching & Hua Hu Ching Translation and elucidation by Hua Ching Ni
The Tao Te Ching of Lao Tzu Translated by Brian Walker
Tao Te ChingTranslated by Arthur Waley
Tao - The WayTranslated by Lionel and and Herbert Giles
Taoism: An Essential Guide By Eva Wong

"If I interpret the facts correctly,
following the Great Tao carries only this risk;
the Great Tao is very easy, but people prefer the hard way!
Government is divided.
Farms are overgrown.
Granaries are empty.
People wear fancy clothes and carry sharp swords,
tire of food and drink, spend money endlessly,
and are said to be corrupt.
Alas, this is not the Way."
- Translated byKarl Kromal, Chapter 53

Cloud Hands Blog

"Grant me this: to firmly know
That in walking the great high Way
I shall fear only to deviate
From the high way plain and fair;
For to byways men are lightly drawn.
The court is richly blessed,
But the farm fields are wasting,
And the bins bare of grain;
And courtiers dress in elegance,
Bear well-honed swords,
Gorge on food and drink �
This superflux of wealth and goods
Is the piper�s tune for thieves,
The negation of the Way."
- Translated byMoss Roberts, Chapter 53

"I have cause to know that, though I possess great wisdom, to preach it while traveling on the highway is dangerous. Though the highway is smooth and straight, The common people prefer the byways. The ruler's court is well tended, but the fields are neglected. The granaries are empty, but garments are gorgeous. Men carry sharp swords, but food and drink satiate them. There is a surplus of money and merchandise, "temptation for bandits." Alas, it is not Tao." - Translated by Tam C. Gibbs, 1981, Chapter 53

"If I possess even the smallest bits of wisdom, I would walk the great way, and my only fear would be in straying from this great road.
The great way is wide and the going is easy, but how people seem to prefer the side paths.
When the offices of government, the palaces and temples are richly adorned, and lavishly outfitted,
when the ministers are concerned chiefly with pomp and display;
the fields will be dusty and overgrown with rank weeds, and the granaries of the land will be bare.
The gentry wear elaborate richly embroidered clothes, eat and drink in excess with their sharp swords at their sides,
these are surely the robber barons.
This is not in keeping with the Way."
- Translated by John Dicus, 2002, Chapter 53

"Having some knowledge When walking on the Great Tao Only brings fear. The great Tao is very smooth, But people like rough trails. The government is divided, Fields are overgrown, Granaries are empty,. But the nobles clothes are gorgeous, Their belts show off swords, And they are glutted with food and drink. Personal wealth is excessive. This is called thieves' endowment, But it is not Tao." - Translated by Stephen Addis, 1993, Chapter 53

Revealing the Tao Te Ching: In-Depth Commentaries on an Ancient ClassicBy Hu Xuzehi
Tao Te ChingAnnotated translation by Victor Mair
Reading Lao Tzu: A Companion to the Tao Te Ching with a New TranslationBy Ha Poong Kim
The Philosophy of the DaodejingBy Hans-Georg Moeller

Ripening Peaches: Taoist Studies and Practices By Mike Garofalo

Dao De Jing: A Philosophical TranslationBy Roger T. Ames and David T. Hall

Tao Te Ching on The Art of Harmony By Chad Hansen.

The Way and Its Power: Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching and Its Place in Chinese ThoughtBy Arthur Waley

Lifestyle Advice from Wise Persons

"If I had the smallest seed of wisdom,
I would walk the Great Way,
And my only fear
would be to lose my way from it.
The Great Way is very smooth and straight;
And yet the people like better the complicated paths.
The courtyard is very clean and well decorated,
(Their cities appear powerful.)
But the fields are very weedy and wild,
And the grain silo's are very empty!
(But they have lost the skill to feed themselves.)
They wear beautiful clothes,
(They value appearances over substance.)
They carry destructive weapons,
They use the tools of destruction to get their needs.)
They over fill themselves with food and drink,
(They indulge themselves in the fruits of the conquered.)
They own more riches than they can use!
(They are greedy.)
They are the messengers of lawlessness!
As for Tao (the Laws of the Universe),
what do they know about it?"
- Translated byJohn Trottier, Chapter 53

A Chinese Language Version of Chapter 53 of the Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu Anoteon my style of displaying the Chinese characters of the Tao Te Ching

- Chinese characters, Tao Te Ching, Chapter 53

shih wo chieh jan yu chih.
hsing y� ta tao.
wei shih shih wei.
ta tao sh�n yi erh min hao ching.
chao sh� ch'u.
t'ien sh�n wu.
ts'ang sh�n hs�.
fu w�n ts'ai.
tai li chien.
yen yin shih.
ts'ai huo yu y�.
shih wei tao k'ua.
fei tao yeh tsai.
- Wade-Giles Romanization, Tao Te Ching, Chapter 53

Audio Version in Chinese of Chapter 53 of the Tao Te Ching

shi wo jie ran you zhi.
xing yu da dao.
wei shi shi wei.
da dao shen yi er min hao jing.
zhao shen chu.
tian shen wu.
cang shen xu.
fu wen cai.
dai li jian.
yan yin shi.
cai huo you yu.
shi wei dao yu.
fei dao ye zai.
- Pinyin Romanization, Daodejing, Chapter 53


Tao Te Ching in Chinese characters and English (includes a word by word key) from YellowBridge

Tao Te Ching in Chinese characters, Hanyu Pinyin (1982) Romanization, English and German by Dr. Hilmar Alquiros.

Laozi Daodejing: Chapters with Chinese characters, seal script, detailed word by word concordance, Pinyin (tone#), German, French and English.

Chinese and English Dictionary, MDGB

Google Translator

Chinese Character Dictionary

Dao De Jing Wade-Giles Concordance by Nina, Dao is Open

Dao De Jing English and Wade-Giles Concordance by Mike Garofalo

Tao Te Ching in Pinyin Romanization with Chinese characters, WuWei Foundation

Tao Te Ching in Pinyin Romanization

Tao Te Ching in Chinese characters and English

Tao Te Ching: English translation, Word by Word Chinese and English, and Commentary, Center Tao by Carl Abbott

Tao Te Ching in Chinese characters, English, Word by word analysis, Zhongwen

Tao Te Ching: The Definitive EditionChinese characters, Wade-Giles (1892) Romanization, and a list of meanings for each character by Jonathan Star

Tao Te Ching in Chinese characters: Big 5 Traditional and GB Simplified

Convert from Pinyin to Wade Giles to Yale Romanizations of Words and Terms: A Translation Tool from Qi Journal

Chinese Characters, Wade-Giles and Pinyin Romanizations, and 16 English Translations for Each Chapter of the Daodejing by Mike Garofalo.

Tao Te Ching in Chinese characters, Wade-Giles and Pinyin Romanization spellings, English; a word for word translation of the Guodian Laozi Dao De Jing Version.

Lao Zi's Dao De Jing: A Matrix Translation with Chinese Text by Bradford Hatcher.

"This little I know:
In moving toward the Grand Direction, the only fear is moving astray.
The Grand Direction is straight forward; still, people go astray.
The court is not filled; the field is not tilled.
Storehouses are empty, but gorgeous gowns are aplenty.
Bearing sharp swords, tired of exquisite boards,
With wealth to the burst, they are bandits at their worst.
This is not Direction."
- Translated byDavid H. Li, Chapter 53

Lieh-Tzu: A Taoist Guide to Practical LivingTranslated by Eva Wong
The Daodejing of LaoziTranslated by Philip Ivahoe
Daoism: A Beginner's GuideBy James Miller
Early Daoist ScripturesTranslated by Stephen Bokencamp
Lifestyle Advice from Wise Persons
Simple Taoism: A Guide to Living in BalanceBy Alexander and Annellen Simpkins
Practical TaoismTranslated by Thomas Cleary
Daoism and Chinese CultureBy Livia Kohn

"Let our resolve here be this: to be understanding
To travel upon the great way
(With) only distractions to fear
The great way is so very ordinary
And the people love the detours
The courts are so very well kept
The fields, so very weedy
The granaries, so very empty
The clothes, refined & elaborate
Sharp swords worn at the waist
A glut of drinking & feasting
Wealth & goods kept in heaps
This describes robbery & bombast
Surely not the way at all."
- Translated byBradford Hatcher, Chapter 53

"Freedom lies in the Tao. Habits are binding. There is freedom in moderation, and bondage in excess. When the wealthy thrive at the expense of others, is this not theft? Is it not chaotic for a rich man to flaunt his money, when those around have barely enough? The violence of excess will end in disaster." - Translated by David Bullen, Chapter 53

"If I have a grain of wisdom,
I walk along the great Tao
And fear only to stray.
The great Tao is easy indeed,
But the people choose by-paths.
The court is very resplendent;
Very weedy are the fields,
And the granaries very empty.
They wear gaudy clothes,
Carry sharp swords,
Exceed in eating and drinking,
Have riches more than they can use.
Call them robber-braggarts:
They are anti-Tao indeed!"
- Translated byHerrymoon Maurer, Chapter 53

Creative Commons License
This webpage work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Created by Michael P. Garofalo, Green Way Research, Valley Spirit Center, Gushen Grove Notebooks, Red Bluff, California, � 2015 CCA 4.0

Simple Taoism: A Guide to Living in BalanceBy Alexander Simkins.
The Tao of Daily Life: The Mysteries of the Orient RevealedBy Derek Lin.
Everyday Tao: Living with Balance and HarmonyBy Ming-Dao Deng.
Ripening Peaches: Taoist Studies and Practices
The Tao of PoohBy Benjamin Hoff.
Scholar Warrior: An Introduction to the Tao in Everyday LifeBy Ming-Dao Deng.
Vitality, Energy, Spirit: A Taoist SourcebookTranslated by Thomas Cleary.

"Causing one flashes of knowledge to travel the Great Way, only its application demands care.
The Great Way is quite even, yet people prefer byways.
When courts are extremely fastidious, the fields are seriously neglected, and the granaries are very empty;
They wear colorful clothing and carry sharp swords, eat and drink their fill and possess more than enough.
This is called the vanity of thieves; it is not the Way."
- Translated by Thomas Cleary, Chapter 53

"Let me have knowledge and follow the great way of the Tao,
I alone am afraid of straying from this path.
The great way is easy and simple,
But people prefer byways.
The royal palaces are wonderfully maintained,
But the people's fields are full of thorns,
And the barns are empty.
There are those who wear expensive clothes,
There are those who carry polished swords,
There are those who gorge themselves on food and drink,
There are those who amass property and possessions:
This is called encouraging the robbers.
Is this not straying from the path of the Tao?"
- Translated by Chou Wing Chohan, Chapter 53

"Let me have sound knowledge and walk on the great way (Tao);
Only I am in fear of deviating.
The great way is very plain and easy,
But the people prefer by-paths.
While the royal palaces are very well kept,
The fields are left weedy
And the granaries empty.
To wear embroidered clothes,
To carry sharp swords,
To be satiated in drink and food,
To be possessed of redundant riches -
This is called encouragement to robbery.
Is it not deviating from Tao?"
- Translated by Ch'u Ta-Kao, 1904, Chapter 53

Chapter 53, Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu, Cloud Hands Blog Post, July 11, 2014

Chapter 53, Dao De Jing, Laozi,Cloud Hands Blog Post, August 15, 2012

English Language Audio-Version, Four Translations of Chapter 53, Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu, Reading byMichael P. Garofalo, January 1, 2015

Tao Te ChingTranslated by Stephen Addiss and Stanley Lombardo

Lao Tzu: Tao Te ChingTranslated by John C. Wu

Lao-Tzu and the Tao-Te-ChingTranslated by Livia Kohn

Dao De Jing: The Book of the WayTranslated by Moss Roberts

"He who has the least scrap of sense,
Once he has got started on the great highway has nothing to fear
So long as he avoids turnings.
For great highways are safe and easy.
But men love by-paths.
So long as Court is in order
They are content to let their fields run to weed
And their granaries stand empty.
They wear patterns and embroideries,
Carry sharp swords, glut themselves with drink and food,
Have more possessions than they can use.
These are the riotous ways of brigandage; they are not the Highway."
- Translated by Arthur Waley, 1934, Chapter 53

"Walking on the mighty Way ...
When I am walking on the mighty Way,
Let me but know the very least I may,
And I shall only fear to leave the road.
The mighty Way is easy underfoot,
But people still prefer the little paths.
The royal court is dignified, sedate
, While farmers' fields are overgrown with weeds;
The granaries are empty and yet they
Are clad in rich-embroidered silken gowns.
They have sharp swords suspended at their sides;
With glutted wealth, they gorge with food and drink.
It is, the people say,
The boastfulness of brigandage,
But surely not the Way!"
- Translated by Raymond Blakney, 1955, Chapter 53

"If I had any learning
Of a highway wide and fit,
Would I lose it at each turning?
Yet look at people spurning
Natural use of it!
See how fine the palaces
And see how poor the farms,
How bare the peasants' granaries
While gentry wear embroideries
Hiding sharpened arms,
And the more they have the more they seize,
How can there be such men as these
Who never hunger, never thirst,
Yet eat and drink until they burst!
There are other brigands, but these are the worst
Of all the highway's harms."
- Translated by Witter Bynner, 1944, Chapter 53

Walking the Way: 81 Zen Encounters with the Tao Te Chingby Robert Meikyo Rosenbaum

The Tao of Zenby Ray Grigg

Lifestyle Advice from Wise Persons

Tao Te Ching: Zen Teachings on the Taoist Classicby Takuan Soho

Buddhism and Taoism Face to Face: Scripture, Ritual, and Iconographic Exchange in Medieval Chinaby Christine Mollier

Ripening Peaches: Taoist Studies and Practices

"If I have knowledge and resolute faith I shall walk in the Great Tao.
If I fear, I can only behave well outwardly.
Great Tao is very straight, But the people love by-roads.
The palace may be well kept, But the fields may be uncultivated And the granaries empty.
The Princes take more land,
At their girdle they carry a sword,
They eat dainty food,
They take possession of much gold.
That is called glorification of robbery.
It is not Tao."
- Translated by Isabella Mears, 1916, Chapter 53

"If I had any sense, I would walk on the main road [the Tao],
and I would fear leaving it.
Keeping to the main road [the Tao] is so easy,
and yet people love to stray from it as they seek shortcuts.
Look! The royal palace is magnificent,
but the fields are full of weeds, and the granaries are empty.
Some are beautifully dressed and bejeweled,
wearing flashy weapons on their belts,
eating and drinking until they burst.
These people�these state�sanctioned crooks�
have far more than they need.
Surely, this isn't the Tao!"
- Translated by George Cronk, 1999, Chapter 53

"If I had but little knowledge I should, in walking on a broad way, Fear getting off the road. Broad ways are extremely even, But people are fond of bypaths. The courts are exceedingly splendid, While the fields are exceedingly weedy, And the granaries are exceedingly empty. Elegant clothes are worn, Sharp weapons are carried, Food and drinks are enjoyed beyond limit, And wealth and treasures are accumulated in excess. This is robbery and extravagance. This is indeed not Tao." - Translated by Wing-Tsit Chan, 1963, Chapter 53

Further Teachings of Lao-Tzu: Understanding the Mysteries (Wen Tzu)Translated by Thomas Cleary

The Lunar Tao: Meditations in Harmony with the SeasonsBy Deng Ming-Dao

Awakening to the TaoBy Lui I-Ming (1780) and translated by Thomas Cleary

Ripening Peaches: Taoist Studies and Practices By Mike Garofalo

Zhuangzi: The Essential Writings with Selections from Traditional CommentariesTranslation and commentary by Brook Ziporyn

The Inner Chapters of Chuang Tzu (Zhuangzi)Translated by A. C. Graham

"If, in some unexpected manner, I

As one endowed with knowledge should appear,

To walk according to the mighty Tao,

T'is only bold display that I should fear;

For plain and simple ways Great Tao suggest,

But people love cross-paths and by-ways best.

The halls and courts are splendid, but the fields

Uncultivated are, the granaries

Empty; to put on ornamented robes,

And keen-edged swords, to gorge with gluttonies,

To pile up wealth; this, robbers' pride I call,

But, of a surety, not Great Tao at all."
- Translated by Isaac Winter Heysinger, 1903, Chapter 53

"If I understood only one thing,
I would want to use it to follow the Tao.
My only fear would be one of pride.
The Tao goes in the level places,
but people prefer to take the short cuts.

If too much time is spent cleaning the house
the land will become neglected and full of weeds,
and the granaries will soon become empty
because there is no one out working the fields.
To wear fancy clothes and ornaments,
to have your fill of food and drink
and to waste all of your money buying possessions
is called the crime of excess.
Oh, how these things go against the way of the Tao!"
- Translated by John H. McDonald, 1996, Chapter 53

"Wenn ich wirklich wei�, was es hei�t,
im gro�en Sinn zu leben,
so ist es vor allem die Gesch�ftigkeit,
die ich f�rchte.
Wo die gro�en Stra�en sch�n und eben sind,
aber das Volk Seitenwege liebt;

wo die Hofgesetze streng sind,
aber die Felder voll Unkraut stehen;
wo die Scheunen ganz leer sind,
aber die Kleidung schmuck und pr�chtig ist;
wo jeder ein scharfes Schwert im G�rtel tr�gt;
wo man heikel ist im Essen und Trinken
und G�ter im �berflu� sind:
da herrscht Verwirrung, nicht Regierung."
- Translated by Richard Wilhelm, 1911, Chapter 53

"Echte Bildung kennt kein eigens�chtigesWirken

Wahre Bildung ist Herzensgehorsam
dem Unergr�ndlichen gegen�ber.
Nichts f�rchte ich mehr als Betriebsamkeit.
Ins Unergr�ndliche f�hrt unmittelbar der innere Weg;
doch die Menschen lieben ihre Eigenpfade:

Eigensucht ist es,
wenn die Herrscher in gl�nzenden Schl��ern leben,
w�hrend die Felder der Bauern verw�stet sind,
und die Scheunen leer bleiben.

Eigensucht ist es,
mit Kleidern zu protzen, mit Schmuck zu prunken,
mit Waffen zu prangen, bei Essen und Trinken zu pra�en
und Sch�tze zu horten.
Diebstahl ist alles, was auf Kosten anderer geht;
es ist nicht im Sinn der letzten Wirklichkeit."
- Translated by Rudolf Backofen, 1949, Chapter 53

"If one day I am to have desires,
As I am walking along a big road, I am only afraid of straying into the small alleys.
The big road is so smooth, but people prefer to take the small alleys.
The government is a mess, the fields are barren, and the barns are empty,
But they wear bright and colorful clothing, carrying sharp swords, overeat and overdrink;
They steal countless treasures, so they are the heads of thieves.
This is completely against the Dao!"
- Translated by Xiaolin Yang, Chapter 53

Creative Commons License
This webpage work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Created by Michael P. Garofalo, Green Way Research, Valley Spirit Center, Gushen Grove Notebooks, Red Bluff, California, � 2015 CCA 4.0

Tao Te Ching: An Illustrated JourneyTranslated by Stephen Mitchell

Tao Te ChingTranslated by David Hinton

The Book of Tao: Tao Te Ching - The Tao and Its CharacteristicsTranslated by James Legge

Ripening Peaches: Taoist Studies and Practices

Taoism: Growth of a Religion By Isabelle Robinet

Zhuangzi (Chuang Tsu), Daoist Scripture: Bibliography, Links, Resources, Quotations, Notes

Zhuangzi: Basic WritingsTranslated by Burton Watson

Zhuangzi Speaks: The Music of Nature An illustrated comic by Chih-chung Ts'ai

Lifestyle Advice from Wise Persons

"Ah, that I were wise enough to follow the great Tao!
Administration is a great undertaking.
The great Tao is extremely simple, but the people prefer the complex ways.
While the palace is extremely well appointed, the fields may be full of tares, and the granaries may be empty.
To dress grandly, to carry sharp swords, to eat and drink excessively, and to amass great wealth,
this I call stylish theft.
That it is not Tao is certain."
- Translated by Walter Gorn Old, 1904, Chapter 53

"If I, subtly, have knowledge,
Walking in the great Way,
My only fear is to act on it.
The great Way is very level,
But the people prefer short cuts.
The court is very remote;
The fields are very weedy;
The storehouses are very empty.
But officials wear gorgeous garments,
Carry sharp swords,
Are surfeited with food and drink,
And possess more money and goods than they can use.
This is called, "to steal reputation."
This is not the Way!"
- Translated by Wu Yi, Chapter 53

"If I were possessed of the slightest knowledge, traveling on the great Way, My only fear would be to go astray. The great Way is quite level, but the people are much enamored of mountain trails. The court is thoroughly deserted, The fields are choked with weeds, The granaries are altogether empty. Still there are some who wear clothes with fancy designs and brilliant colors, sharp swords hanging at their sides, are sated with food, overflowing with possessions and wealth. This is called "the brazenness of a bandit." The brazenness of a bandit is surely not the Way!" - Translated by Victor H. Mair, 1990, Chapter 53

"Si j'�tais dou� de quelque connaissance, je marcherais dans la grande Voie.
La seule chose que je craigne, c'est d'agir.
La grande Voie est tr�s unie, mais le peuple aime les sentiers.
Si les palais sont tr�s brillants, les champs sont tr�s incultes, et les greniers vides.
Les princes s'habillent de riches �toffes ; ils portent un glaive tranchant ; ils se rassasient de mets exquis ; ils regorgent de richesses.
C'est ce qu'on appelle se glorifier du vol ; ce n'est point pratiquer le Tao."
- Translated byStanislas Julien, 1842, Chapter 53

Spanish Language Versions of the Tao Te Ching (Daodejing) Tao Te Ching en Espa�ol

Lao Ts� Tao Te Ching Traducido al espa�ol por Anton Teplyy

Tao Te Ching Traducido por Stephen Mitchell, versi�n espa�ola

Tao Te Ching Traducido al espa�ol por el Padre Carmelo Elorduy

Lifestyle Advice from Wise Persons Consejos de Estilo de Vida de Sabios

Tao Te Ching en Espa�ol

Lao Tzu-The Eternal Tao Te Ching Traducido al espa�ol por Yuanxiang Xu y Yongjian Yin

Ripening Peaches: Taoist Studies and Practices By Mike Garofalo Maduraci�n Duraznos: Estudios y Pr�cticas Tao�stas por Mike Garofalo

Tao Te Ching - Wikisource

Tao Te Ching Traducido al espa�ol por William Scott Wilson.

Lao Tzu - Tao Te Ching Traducido al espa�ol por Javier Cruz

Tao te king Translated by John C. H. Wu, , versi�n espa�ola

Daodejing Espa�ol, Ingl�s, y Chino Versiones Ling��sticas de la Daodejing

Spanish Language Translations of the Tao Te Ching

"Quisiera poseer la sabidur�a
para poder marchar por el Gran Camino
sin temor a desviarme.
El Gran Camino es llano y recto,
pero la gente elige los senderos tortuosos.
Cuando la corte imperial se adorna de esplendor,
los campos se llenan de malas hierbas
y los graneros quedan vac�os.
Los barones y reyes visten ropas lujosas,
Tienen mas posesiones de las que llegan a usar,
se hartan de bebida y de manjares,
Acumulan tesoros y riquezas en exceso.
Son gobernantes-ladrones.
Robar y ostentar no es seguir al Tao."
- Translation fromWikisource, 2013, Tao Te Ching, Cap�tulo 53

"Si realmente s� lo que significa vivir el
gran Sentido,
entonces, sobre todo, temo la agitaci�n
Donde las grandes v�as son bellas y lisas
pero el pueblo prefiere las veredas,
donde las leyes son estrictas
y en los campos prolifera la mala hierba,
donde los graneros est�n vac�os
pero las vestimentas son lujosas y elegantes,
donde cada hombre lleva en la cintura una
espada afilada,
donde se es delicado en el comer y el beber,
donde hay exuberancia de bienes,
all�, reina la confusi�n, no el gobierno."
- Translation into Spanish from Richard Wilhelm's 1911 German Version by an Unknown Spanish Translator, 2015, Cap�tulo 53

"Si yo tengo sabidur�a sin compromisos
para marchar por el Gran Tao,
reflexiono y digo:
El Gran Tao es muy f�cil.
Pero al pueblo le gustan los atajos.

La Corte imperial se renueva constantemente,
Los campos se cubren de malas hierbas,
Los graneros se vac�an,
Vistiendo sedas ornadas,
Llevando armas filosas,
Hart�ndose de comida y de bebida,
Acumulando tesoros y riquezas en exceso,
Esto se denomina robar y ostentar.
Esto no es seguir al Tao."
- Translated by �lex Ferrara, 2003, Cap�tulo 53

"Quisiera poseer la sabidur�a
para poder marchar por el gran camino
sin temor a desviarme.
El gran camino es llano
pero la gente ama los senderos.
La corte de todo tiene abundancia
pero los campos est�n llenos de malas hierbas
y los graneros vac�os.
Vestirse ropas lujosas,
ce�ir afiladas espadas,
hartarse de bebida y de manjares,
retener grandes riquezas,
es como el robo;
no es Tao."
- Spanish Version Online atRatMachines, Tao Te Ching,Cap�tulo 53

"Quien posee el m�s peque�o grano de sabidur�a, va por el gran camino del Tao.
EI �nico temor es el de la notoriedad que lo apartar�a del camino.
El camino del Tao es grande, pero la gente prefiere otros caminos.
La corte est� repleta de magnificencia.
Los campos est�n repletos de hierbas malas.
Los almacenes p�blicos vac�os.
Ellos visten trajes elegantes y hermosos, llevan filudas espadas en la cintura
y se hast�an con vinos y manjares.
Poseen riquezas que no pueden usar.
Son ellos los heraldos del bandidaje.
No est�n con Tao."
- Translation fromLogia Medio Dia, 2015, Cap�tulo 53

Creative Commons License
This webpage work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Created by Michael P. Garofalo, Green Way Research, Valley Spirit Center, Gushen Grove Notebooks, Red Bluff, California, � 2015 CCA 4.0

Next Chapter of the Tao Te Ching #54

Previous Chapter of the Tao Te Ching #52

Chapter and Thematic Index to the Tao Te Ching

Tao Te Ching Commentary, Interpretations, Research Tools, Resources Chapter 53

Das Tao Te King von Lao Tse. Complete versions of all 81 Chapters of the Tao Te Ching by many different translators in many languages: 124 English, 24 German, 14 Russian, 7 Spanish, 5 French and many other languages. Links are organized first by languages, and then alphabetically by translators. Formatting varies somewhat. The original website at Onekellotus went offline in 2012; but, the extensive collection of these Tao Te Ching versions was saved for posterity by the Internet Archive Wayback Machine and available as of 9/9/2015. This is an outstanding original collection of versions of the _Daodejing_─ the Best on the Internet. Caution: copyright infringement may sometimes be an issue at this website.

Tao Te Ching, Translations into English: Terebess Asia Online (TAO). 124 nicely formatted complete English language translations, on separate webpages, of the Daodejing. Alphabetical index by translators. Each webpage has all 81 chapters of the Tao Te Ching translated into English. A useful collection! Many reformatted and colored versions from the original collection atDas Tao Te King von Lao Tse. Caution: copyright infringement may sometimes be an issue at this website.

Lao Tzu: Te-Tao Ching - A New Translation Based on the Recently Discovered Ma-wang-tui Texts (Classics of Ancient China)Translated with and introduction and detailed exposition and commentary by Professor Robert G. Henricks. New York, Ballantine Books, 1992. Includes Chinese characters for each chapter. Bibliography, detailed notes, 282 pages.

Daodejing by Laozi: Chapters with Chinese characters, seal script, detailed word by word concordance, Pinyin (tone#), German, French and English. This is an outstanding resource for serious students of the Tao Te Ching.

Tao Te Ching: A New Translation and Commentary. By Ellen Chen. Paragon House, 1998. Detailed glossary, index, bibliography, notes, 274 pages.

The Tao and Method: A Reasoned Approach to the Tao Te Ching. By Michael Lafargue. New York, SUNY Press, 1994. 640 pages. Detailed index, bibliography, notes, and tables. An essential research tool.

Two Visions of the Way: A Study of the Wang Pi and the Ho-Shang Kung Commentaries on the Lao-Tzu. By Professor by Alan Kam-Leung Chan. SUNY Series in Chinese Philosophy and Culture. State University of New York Press, 1991. Index, bibliography, glossary, notes, 314 pages. ISBN: 0791404560.

Tao Te Ching: The Definitive EditionBy Jonathan Star. Translation, commentary and research tools. New York, Jeremy P. Tarcher, Penguin, 2001. Concordance, tables, appendices, 349 pages. A new rendition of the Tao Te Ching is provided, then a verbatim translation with extensive notes. Detailed tables for each verse provide line number, all the Chinese characters, Wade-Giles Romanization, and a list of meanings for each character. An excellent print reference tool!

Chinese Reading of the DaodejingWang Bi's Commentary on the Laozi with Critical Text and Translation. By Professor Rudolf G. Wagner. A SUNY Series in Chinese Philosophy and Culture. English and Mandarin Chinese Edition. State University of New York Press; Bilingual edition (October 2003). 540 pages. ISBN: 978-0791451823. Wang Bi (Wang Pi, Fusi), 226-249 CE,Commentary on the Tao Te Ching.

Tao Te ChingTranslated by D. C. Lau. Addison Wesley, Reprint Edition, 2000. 192 pages. ISBN: 978-0140441314.

The Taoism ReaderBy Thomas Cleary. Shambhala, 2012. 192 pages.

Change Your Thoughts - Change Your Life: Living the Wisdom of the TaoBy Wayne W. Dyer. Hay House, Reprint Edition, 2009. 416 pages.

The Lunar Tao: Meditations in Harmony with the Seasons. By Deng Ming-Dao. New York, Harper Collins, 2013. 429 pages.

The Classic of the Way and Virtue: A New Translation of the Tao-te Ching of Laozi as Interpreted by Wang Bi.Translated by Richard John Lynn. Translations from the Asian Classics Series. New York, Columbia University Press, 1999. Extensive index, glossaries, notes, 244 pages.

Tao Te Ching in Chinese characters, Pinyin Romanization, English and German by Dr. Hilmar Alquiros.

Yellow Bridge Dao De Jing Comparison Table Provides side by side comparisons of translations of the Tao Te Ching by James Legge, D. T. Suzuki, and Dwight Goddard. Chinese characters for each paragraph in the Chapter are on the left; place your cursor over the Chinese characters to see the Pinyin Romanization of the Chinese character and a list of meanings.

Translators Index, Tao Te Ching Versions in English, Translators Sorted Alphabetically by Translator, Links to Books and Online Versions of the Chapters

Taoism and the Tao Te Ching: Bibliography, Resources, Links

Spanish Language Translations of the Tao Te Ching, Daodejing en Espa�ol, Translators Index

Concordance to the Daodejing

The Tao of Zen. By Ray Grigg. Tuttle, 2012, 256 pages. Argues for the view that Zen is best characterized as a version of philosophical Taoism (i.e., Laozi and Zhuangzi) and not Mahayana Buddhism.

Chapter 1 in theRambling Taoist Commentaries by Trey Smith. The Rambling Taoists are Trey Smith and Scott Bradley.

The Philosophy of the DaodejingBy Hans-Georg Moeller. Columbia University Press, 2006, 176 pages.

Valley Spirit, Gu Shen, Concept, Chapter 6 Valley Spirit Center in Red Bluff, California. Sacred Circle in the Gushen Grove.

Lao-tzu's Taoteching Translated by Red Pine (Bill Porter). Includes many brief selected commentaries for each Chapter draw from commentaries in the past 2,000 years. Provides a verbatim translation and shows the text in Chinese characters. San Francisco, Mercury House, 1996, Second Edition, 184 pages. An invaluable resource for commentaries.

Reading Lao Tzu: A Companion to the Tao Te Ching with a New TranslationBy Ha Poong Kim. Xlibris, 2003, 198 pages.

Dao De Jing: A Philosophical TranslationBy Roger T. Ames and David T. Hall. Ballantine, 2003, 256 pages.

Thematic Index to the 81 Chapters of the Tao Te Ching

Lieh-Tzu: A Taoist Guide to Practical Living. Translated by Eva Wong. Lieh-Tzu was writing around 450 BCE. Boston, Shambhala, 2001. Introduction, 246 pages.

Revealing the Tao Te Ching: In-depth Commentaries on an Ancient Classic. By Hu Huezhi. Edited by Jesse Lee Parker. Seven Star Communications, 2006. 240 pages.

Cloud Hands BlogMike Garofalo writes about Mind-Body Arts, Philosophy, Taoism, Gardening, Taijiquan, Walking, Mysticism, Qigong, and the Eight Ways.

The Whole Heart of Tao: The Complete Teachings From the Oral Tradition of Lao Tzu. By John Bright-Fey. Crane Hill Publishers, 2006. 376 pages.

Comments on Chapter 53 by Mike Garofalo:

Breathe Naturally - Don't Overstrain

Yoga has many unusual breathing practices. Breath of Fire - rapid short exhales. Alternate nostril breathing - long slow breaths in through one nostril only. Reverse abdominal breathing - tighten the abdominals on the inhale, relax the abdominals on the exhale. Exhaling through the mouth with the throat constricted. Breath retention for long periods. Humming like a bee while exhaling. All of these practices are called "Pranayama" and are taught in many yoga classes. Qigong uses breath control and coordination with movements to increase power, circulate and store energy in channels and reservoirs the mind-body realms, quiet the mind, and improve and expand the spirit-mind. The main breathing technique encouraged is natural abdominal breathing: relax the abdomen on the inhale, slightly tighten the abdomen on the exhale, and don't hold or exaggerate the breathing cycle. The more unusual and extreme techniques for breath control found in the Raja, Kundalini and Hatha Yogas from India are not found in Chinese Qigong. More emphasis is placed in Qigong and Tai Chi on gently coordinating breathing with specific movements, and using one's mind to coordinate and direct the use of the inner life force energy (Qi) for health, well being and enlightenment. Some contemporary Qigong teachers, of course, have borrowed techniques from modern Iyengar Hatha Yoga and use these in their Qigong (Chi Kung) classes. Overall, for the purposes of maintaining good health, I recommend breathing through the nose and out through the nose. Do not smoke tobacco or other drugs, and avoid polluted air. I wear a mask when working in dusty, smoky, or otherwise polluted air. I also cover my mouth and nose when breathing in very cold weather. Get prompt medical advice and support for serious respiratory problems. Maintain appropriate cardio-vascular conditioning with aerobic activities like brisk long walks. Just breathe naturally as needed depending on one's exertion levels. As for using breathing techniques or mantras or chants to meditate and attain "insight" or "enlightenment" I would recommend instead the daily reading of challenging and wise books and good conversations with intelligent and decent people. Certainly, if you need to calm the body and quiet the mind because you are upset then then please sit quietly, close your eyes, breathe slowly and listen to some soothing music. I find little benefit, for my mind or body, in using the unusual esoteric breathing practices of Hatha Yoga. Likewise, I benefit more in many ways from walking for four miles rather than by staying still in seated meditation for 1.5 hours. These are just personal preferences - just one fellow's opinions. The Taoist classic, the Tao Te Ching, by Lao Tzu, circa 500 BCE, has some verses that indicate that excessive emphasis upon breathing techniques and methods is not recommended. The Taoist emphasis is more often placed on being natural, softening, being more pliable and flowing like water, not straining, and not interfering. In particular, let's look aChapter 55: "To increase life means inviting evil. To control the vital breath with the mind means rigidity. When things have matured they age. Such control is contrary to the Way. What is contrary to the Way will soon end." - Translated by Jan J. L. Duyvendak, 1954, Chapter 55 "It is inauspicious to try to improve on life,
And harmful to regulate breathing by conscious control.
To strive for too much results in exhaustion.
These actions are contrary to Tao.
And what is contrary to Tao soon comes to an early end."
- Translated by Keith Seddon, Chapter 55 "All devices for inflaming life, and increasing the vital Breath, by mental effort are evil and factitious.
Things become strong, then age.
This is in discord with the Tao, and what is not at one with the Tao soon cometh to an end."
- Translated by Aleister Crowley, 1918, Chapter 55 "To help life along is to bring ill portend; To use mind (hsin) to direct the life breath (ch'i) is called the strong (ch'iang). When things are full-grown they become old, It is called not following the Way (Tao). Not following the Way one dies early." - Translated byEllen Marie Chen, 2000, Chapter 55 "Increase of life is blessedness, they say,
They call the heart-directed spirit strength,
But these things reach their fullest growth, at length,
And plunge to swift decay;
We call all this contrary to the Tao,
Whatever is contrary to the Tao
Soon will pass away."
- Translated by Isaac Winter Heysinger, 1903, Chapter 55 "Trying to extend one's life-span is dangerous and unnatural.
To manipulate one's energy with the mind is a powerful thing
But whoever possesses such strength invariably grows old and withers.
This is not the way of the Tao.
All those who do not follow the Tao will come to an early end."
- Translated by John R. Mabry, Chapter 55 "To speed the growth of life is an omen of disaster;
to control the breath by will-power is to overstrain it;
to grow too much is to decay.
All this is against the Dao
and whatever is against the Dao soon dies."
- Translated by Tom Chilcott, 2005, Chapter 55 "Fuelling the vital spirits is called disastrous.
Mind impelling the breath is called violence.
The creature that ignores what exists from of old
Is described as going against the Way.
What goes against the Way
Will come to a swift end."
- Translated by A. S. Kline, Chapter 55 The Chinese characters for this passage are:

yi sh�ng y�eh hsiang.
hsin shih ch'i y�eh ch'iang.
wu chuang ts� lao.
wei chih pu tao.
pu tao tsao yi.

心 使 氣
hsin shih ch'i
heart/mind directing/controlling vital energy/breath

曰 強
y�eh ch'iang
called/means overstrain/violent/strong/stark/assertive/aggressive

Laozi, Dao De Jing

Gushen Grove Notebooks for the Tao Te Ching

Research and Indexing by
Michael P. Garofalo

Green Way Research, Valley Spirit Center, Gushen Grove Notebooks, Red Bluff, California
Green Way Research, 2011-2015.
Indexed and Compiled byMichael P. Garofalo

This webpage was last modified or updated on September 29, 2015.

This webpage was first distributed online on June 22, 2011.

Creative Commons License
This webpage work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Created by Michael P. Garofalo, Green Way Research, Valley Spirit Center, Gushen Grove Notebooks, Red Bluff, California, � 2015 CCA 4.0

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Brief Biography of Michael P. Garofalo, M.S.

Valley Spirit Center, Red Bluff, California

Study Chi Kung or Tai Chi or Philosophy with Mike Garofalo

Ripening Peaches: Daoist Studies and Practices

Taoism: Resources and Guides

Cloud Hands Blog

Valley Spirit Qigong

Ways of Walking

The Spirit of Gardening

Months: Cycles of the Seasons

Zhuangzi (Chuang Tzu, Zhuang Zhou, Master Chuang) 369�286 BCE

Chan (Zen) and Taoist Poetry

Yang Style Taijiquan

Chen Style Taijiquan

Taoist Perspectives: My Reading List


Bodymind Theory and Practices, Somaesthetics

The Five Senses

How to Live a Good Life: Advice from Wise Persons

Grandmaster Chang San Feng


Qigong (Chi Kung) Health Practices

One Old Daoist Druid's Final Journey: Notebooks of the Librarian of Gushen Grove

Cloud Hands: T'ai Chi Ch'uan

Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu

Index to Cloud Hands and Valley Spirit Websites

Gushen Grove Notebooks for the Tao Te Ching



Index to English Language Translators of the Tao Te Ching

Thematic Index 1-81

Chapter Index 1-81

Concordance to the Daodejing

Recurring Themes (Terms, Concepts, Leimotifs) in the Tao Te Ching

Spanish Language Translations of the Tao Te Ching


Comments, Feedback, Kudos

Chinese Characters, Wade-Giles (1892) and Hanyu Pinyin (1982) Romanizations

The Tao Te Ching (Dao De Jing) by Lao Tzu (Laozi) circa 500 BCE

Cloud Hands Blog

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