Solongo B deposit, Ozernoe ore cluster, Yeravninsky District, Buryatia, Russia (original) (raw)

Solongo B deposit, Ozernoe ore cluster, Yeravninsky District, Buryatia, Russiai

Regional Level Types
Solongo B deposit Deposit
Ozernoe ore cluster Ore Field
Yeravninsky District District
Buryatia Republic
Russia Country



Latitude & Longitude (WGS84):

52° 59' 57'' North , 111° 41' 16'' East

Latitude & Longitude (decimal):

Long-form identifier:




Месторождение Солонго, Бурятия (Республика Бурятия), Россия

Lime skarn B(-Fe) deposit.

Select Mineral List Type

Standard Detailed Gallery Strunz Chemical Elements

Commodity List

This is a list of exploitable or exploited mineral commodities recorded at this locality.

Mineral List

33 valid minerals. 7 (TL) - type locality of valid minerals.

Rock Types Recorded

Note: data is currently VERY limited. Please bear with us while we work towards adding this information!

Select Rock List Type

Alphabetical List Tree Diagram

Detailed Mineral List:

AlabanditeFormula: MnSReferences: Vladimirskaya, N. I. (1974): Alabandite in magnetite ores of the Solongo boron-​iron ore deposit. In: Rundkvist, D. V. (Ed.), Miner. Paragenezisy Miner. Gidroterm. Mestorozhd. (1974), 118-122 (in Russian).
BorcariteFormula: Ca4Mg(B4O6(OH)6)(CO3)2References: Handbook of Mineralogy. Malinko, S.V. (1978) Borcarite from Solongo, its parageneses, composition and properties. Trudy Mineralogicheskogo Muzeya, Akademiya Nauk SSSR: 26: 94-104.
BruciteFormula: Mg(OH)2References: American Mineralogist, Volume 87, pages 1509–1513, 2002
Buryatite (TL)Formula: Ca3(Si,Fe3+,Al)(SO4)B(OH)4(OH,O)6 · 12H2OType Locality: References: American Mineralogist, Volume 87, pages 1509–1513, 2002
CahniteFormula: Ca2[B(OH)4](AsO4)References: Doklady Acad. Nauk SSSR 166,695-697(1966)
CalciteFormula: CaCO3References: [AmMin 85:1322] American Mineralogist, Volume 87, pages 1509–1513, 2002 Pekov, Igor V. (1998) Minerals first discovered on the territory of the former Soviet Union. Ocean Pictures, Moscow. 369pp.
ChalcopyriteFormula: CuFeS2References: Vladimirskaya, N. I. (1974): Alabandite in magnetite ores of the Solongo boron-​iron ore deposit. In: Rundkvist, D. V. (Ed.), Miner. Paragenezisy Miner. Gidroterm. Mestorozhd. (1974), 118-122 (in Russian).
'Chlorite Group'References: Pekov, Igor V. (1998) Minerals first discovered on the territory of the former Soviet Union. Ocean Pictures, Moscow. 369pp.
DashkovaiteFormula: Mg(HCOO)2 · 2H2O
Fedorovskite (TL)Formula: Ca2Mg2B4O7(OH)6Type Locality: References: American Mineralogist, Volume 87, pages 1509–1513, 2002 Malinko, S.V., T.I. Stolyarova, and D.P. Shashkin (1972) The first finding of magnesium roweite, its paragenesis and products of replacement. Zap. Vses. Mineral. Obshch., 101, 465–473 [cited in Handbook of Mineralogy] Pekov, Igor V. (1998) Minerals first discovered on the territory of the former Soviet Union. Ocean Pictures, Moscow. 369pp.
FluoboriteFormula: Mg3(BO3)(F,OH)3References: American Mineralogist, Volume 87, pages 1509–1513, 2002
Formicaite (TL)Formula: Ca(HCOO)2Type Locality: References: Chukanov, N.V., Malinko, S.V., Lisitsyn, A.E., Dubinchuk, V.T., Kuz'mina, O.V., Zadov, A.E. (1999) Formicaite Ca(HCO2)2, a new mineral. Zapiski Vserossijskogo Mineralogicheskogo Obshchestva: 128(2): 43-47. Jambor, John L., Pertsev, Nikolai N., Roberts, Andrew C. (2000) New Mineral Names. American Mineralogist, 85. 1321-1325
FroloviteFormula: Ca[B(OH)4]2References: [AmMin 85:1322] American Mineralogist, Volume 87, pages 1509–1513, 2002 Pekov, Igor V. (1998) Minerals first discovered on the territory of the former Soviet Union. Ocean Pictures, Moscow. 369pp.
'Garnet Group'Formula: X3Z2(SiO4)3 References: Pekov, Igor V. (1998) Minerals first discovered on the territory of the former Soviet Union. Ocean Pictures, Moscow. 369pp.
Hexahydroborite (TL)Formula: Ca[B(OH)4]2 · 2H2O or CaB2O4 · 6H2OType Locality: References: American Mineralogist, Volume 87, pages 1509–1513, 2002 M.A. Simonov et al.: ZVMO 106:691-697 (1977) Amer. Mineral. 63:1283 (1978) Pekov, Igor V. (1998) Minerals first discovered on the territory of the former Soviet Union. Ocean Pictures, Moscow. 369pp.
JohnbaumiteFormula: Ca5(AsO4)3(OH)References: Malinko, S. V. Pavel.M. Kartashov (n.d.) analytical data. Chukanov, N. V. (1998): Arsenate analog of apatite - turneaureite and johnbaumite from Solongo deposit, Buryatia. Zapiski Vserossiiskogo Mineralogicheskogo Obshchestva 127, 92-95 (in Russian). Pekov, Igor V. (1998) Minerals first discovered on the territory of the former Soviet Union. Ocean Pictures, Moscow. 369pp.
Kurchatovite (TL)Formula: Ca(Mg,Mn2+)[B2O5]Type Locality: References: [AmMin 85:1322] American Mineralogist, Volume 87, pages 1509–1513, 2002 Pekov, Igor V. (1998) Minerals first discovered on the territory of the former Soviet Union. Ocean Pictures, Moscow. 369pp.
LizarditeFormula: Mg3(Si2O5)(OH)4References: [AmMin 85:1322]
LudwigiteFormula: Mg2Fe3+(BO3)O2References: American Mineralogist, Volume 87, pages 1509–1513, 2002 Vladimirskaya, N. I. (1974): Alabandite in magnetite ores of the Solongo boron-​iron ore deposit. In: Rundkvist, D. V. (Ed.), Miner. Paragenezisy Miner. Gidroterm. Mestorozhd. (1974), 118-122 (in Russian). Lapis 29(1), 47 (2004)
MagnesiteFormula: MgCO3
MagnetiteFormula: Fe2+Fe3+2O4References: American Mineralogist, Volume 87, pages 1509–1513, 2002 Vladimirskaya, N. I. (1974): Alabandite in magnetite ores of the Solongo boron-​iron ore deposit. In: Rundkvist, D. V. (Ed.), Miner. Paragenezisy Miner. Gidroterm. Mestorozhd. (1974), 118-122 (in Russian). Pekov, Igor V. (1998) Minerals first discovered on the territory of the former Soviet Union. Ocean Pictures, Moscow. 369pp.
MarcasiteFormula: FeS2References: Vladimirskaya, N. I. (1974): Alabandite in magnetite ores of the Solongo boron-​iron ore deposit. In: Rundkvist, D. V. (Ed.), Miner. Paragenezisy Miner. Gidroterm. Mestorozhd. (1974), 118-122 (in Russian).
PentahydroboriteFormula: CaB2O(OH)6 · 2H2OReferences: [AmMin 85:1322] American Mineralogist, Volume 87, pages 1509–1513, 2002 Pekov, Igor V. (1998) Minerals first discovered on the territory of the former Soviet Union. Ocean Pictures, Moscow. 369pp.
PriceiteFormula: Ca2B5O7(OH)5 · H2OReferences: Lapis 29(1), 47 (2004)
PyriteFormula: FeS2References: Vladimirskaya, N. I. (1974): Alabandite in magnetite ores of the Solongo boron-​iron ore deposit. In: Rundkvist, D. V. (Ed.), Miner. Paragenezisy Miner. Gidroterm. Mestorozhd. (1974), 118-122 (in Russian). Lapis 29(1), 47 (2004)
PyrrhotiteFormula: Fe1-xSReferences: Vladimirskaya, N. I. (1974): Alabandite in magnetite ores of the Solongo boron-​iron ore deposit. In: Rundkvist, D. V. (Ed.), Miner. Paragenezisy Miner. Gidroterm. Mestorozhd. (1974), 118-122 (in Russian).
RoweiteFormula: Ca2Mn2+2B4O7(OH)6References: Nikita Chukanov (IR- and EDS-analyses) Malinko, S. V., Stolyarova, T. I., & Shashkin, D. P. (1972). First find of magnesian roweite, its paragenesis and products of replacement. Zapiski Vsesoyuznogo Mineralogicheskogo Obshchestva, 101, 465-473. Ando, Tamami, Kanayama, Akiko, Kobayashi, Shoichi, Miyawaki, Ritsuro, Kishi, Shigetomo, Tanabe, Mitsuo, Kusachi, Isao (2015) Roweite from the Fuka mine, Okayama Prefecture, Japan. Journal of Mineralogical and Petrological Sciences, 110 (1) 29-34 doi:10.2465/jmps.140729
SakhaiteFormula: Ca48Mg16(BO3)32(CO3)16 · 2(H2O,HCl)References: [AmMin 85:1322] American Mineralogist, Volume 87, pages 1509–1513, 2002 Pekov, Igor V. (1998) Minerals first discovered on the territory of the former Soviet Union. Ocean Pictures, Moscow. 369pp.
Solongoite (TL)Formula: Ca2(H3B3O7)(OH)ClType Locality: References: Malinko, S.V. (1974) New mineral boron mineral solongoite. Zaiski Vsesoyuznogo Mineralogicheskogo Obshchestva: 103(1): 117-121. Fleischer, M., Potter, R.W. (1975) New mineral names. American Mineralogist: 60: 161-163. Pekov, Igor V. (1998) Minerals first discovered on the territory of the former Soviet Union. Ocean Pictures, Moscow. 369pp. (2002) American Mineralogist: 87: 1509–1513.
SphaleriteFormula: ZnSReferences: American Mineralogist, Volume 87, pages 1509–1513, 2002 Vladimirskaya, N. I. (1974): Alabandite in magnetite ores of the Solongo boron-​iron ore deposit. In: Rundkvist, D. V. (Ed.), Miner. Paragenezisy Miner. Gidroterm. Mestorozhd. (1974), 118-122 (in Russian). Pekov, Igor V. (1998) Minerals first discovered on the territory of the former Soviet Union. Ocean Pictures, Moscow. 369pp. Lapis 29(1), 47 (2004)
SzaibélyiteFormula: MgBO2(OH)References: Pekov, Igor V. (1998) Minerals first discovered on the territory of the former Soviet Union. Ocean Pictures, Moscow. 369pp.
TurneaureiteFormula: Ca5(AsO4)3ClReferences: Malinko, S. V. Pavel.M. Kartashov (n.d.) analytical data. American Mineralogist, Volume 87, pages 1509–1513, 2002 Chukanov, N. V. (1998): Arsenate analog of apatite - turneaureite and johnbaumite from Solongo deposit, Buryatia. Zapiski Vserossiiskogo Mineralogicheskogo Obshchestva 127, 92-95 (in Russian). Pekov, Igor V. (1998) Minerals first discovered on the territory of the former Soviet Union. Ocean Pictures, Moscow. 369pp.
VesuvianiteFormula: Ca19Fe3+Al4(Al6Mg2)(◻4)◻[Si2O7]4[(SiO4)10]O(OH)9References: Pekov, Igor V. (1998) Minerals first discovered on the territory of the former Soviet Union. Ocean Pictures, Moscow. 369pp.
VimsiteFormula: CaB2O2(OH)4References: [AmMin 85:1322] American Mineralogist, Volume 87, pages 1509–1513, 2002
Vitimite (TL)Formula: Ca6[B14O19](SO4)(OH)14 · 5H2OType Locality: References: Chukanov, N.V., Pekov, I.V., Malinko, S.V., Zadov, A.E., Dubinchuk, V.T. (2002) Vitimite, Ca6B14O19SO414·5H2O, a new mineral, and conditions of its formation in Solongo Deposit, Buryatia. Zapiski Vserossijskogo Mineralogicheskogo Obshchestva: 131(4): 41-46. Jambor, John L., Roberts, Andrew C. (2003) New mineral names. American Mineralogist, 88. 1836-1840 Mandarino, Joseph A. (2004) New minerals. The Canadian Mineralogist, 42 (3) 921-945 doi:10.2113/gscanmin.42.3.921 Lapis 29(1), 47 (2004).

Ca48Mg16(BO3)32(CO3)16 · 2(H2O,HCl) Sakhaite







List of minerals for each chemical element

H Hydrogen
H Borcarite Ca4Mg(B4O6(OH)6)(CO3)2
H Brucite Mg(OH)2
H Cahnite Ca2[B(OH)4](AsO4)
H Fedorovskite Ca2Mg2B4O7(OH)6
H Fluoborite Mg3(BO3)(F,OH)3
H Frolovite Ca[B(OH)4]2
H Hexahydroborite Ca[B(OH)4]2 · 2H2O or CaB2O4 · 6H2O
H Johnbaumite Ca5(AsO4)3(OH)
H Lizardite Mg3(Si2O5)(OH)4
H Pentahydroborite CaB2O(OH)6 · 2H2O
H Priceite Ca2B5O7(OH)5 · H2O
H Roweite Ca2Mn22+B4O7(OH)6
H Sakhaite Ca48Mg16(BO3)32(CO3)16 · 2(H2O,HCl)
H Solongoite Ca2(H3B3O7)(OH)Cl
H Szaibélyite MgBO2(OH)
H Vimsite CaB2O2(OH)4
H Vesuvianite Ca19Fe3+Al4(Al6Mg2)(◻4)◻[Si2O7]4[(SiO4)10]O(OH)9
H Formicaite Ca(HCOO)2
H Dashkovaite Mg(HCOO)2 · 2H2O
H Buryatite Ca3(Si,Fe3+,Al)(SO4)B(OH)4(OH,O)6 · 12H2O
H Vitimite Ca6[B14O19](SO4)(OH)14 · 5H2O
B Boron
B Borcarite Ca4Mg(B4O6(OH)6)(CO3)2
B Cahnite Ca2[B(OH)4](AsO4)
B Fedorovskite Ca2Mg2B4O7(OH)6
B Fluoborite Mg3(BO3)(F,OH)3
B Frolovite Ca[B(OH)4]2
B Hexahydroborite Ca[B(OH)4]2 · 2H2O or CaB2O4 · 6H2O
B Kurchatovite Ca(Mg,Mn2+)[B2O5]
B Ludwigite Mg2Fe3+(BO3)O2
B Pentahydroborite CaB2O(OH)6 · 2H2O
B Priceite Ca2B5O7(OH)5 · H2O
B Roweite Ca2Mn22+B4O7(OH)6
B Sakhaite Ca48Mg16(BO3)32(CO3)16 · 2(H2O,HCl)
B Solongoite Ca2(H3B3O7)(OH)Cl
B Szaibélyite MgBO2(OH)
B Vimsite CaB2O2(OH)4
B Buryatite Ca3(Si,Fe3+,Al)(SO4)B(OH)4(OH,O)6 · 12H2O
B Vitimite Ca6[B14O19](SO4)(OH)14 · 5H2O
C Carbon
C Borcarite Ca4Mg(B4O6(OH)6)(CO3)2
C Calcite CaCO3
C Magnesite MgCO3
C Sakhaite Ca48Mg16(BO3)32(CO3)16 · 2(H2O,HCl)
C Formicaite Ca(HCOO)2
C Dashkovaite Mg(HCOO)2 · 2H2O
O Oxygen
O Borcarite Ca4Mg(B4O6(OH)6)(CO3)2
O Brucite Mg(OH)2
O Cahnite Ca2[B(OH)4](AsO4)
O Calcite CaCO3
O Fedorovskite Ca2Mg2B4O7(OH)6
O Fluoborite Mg3(BO3)(F,OH)3
O Frolovite Ca[B(OH)4]2
O Hexahydroborite Ca[B(OH)4]2 · 2H2O or CaB2O4 · 6H2O
O Johnbaumite Ca5(AsO4)3(OH)
O Kurchatovite Ca(Mg,Mn2+)[B2O5]
O Lizardite Mg3(Si2O5)(OH)4
O Ludwigite Mg2Fe3+(BO3)O2
O Magnesite MgCO3
O Magnetite Fe2+Fe23+O4
O Pentahydroborite CaB2O(OH)6 · 2H2O
O Priceite Ca2B5O7(OH)5 · H2O
O Roweite Ca2Mn22+B4O7(OH)6
O Sakhaite Ca48Mg16(BO3)32(CO3)16 · 2(H2O,HCl)
O Solongoite Ca2(H3B3O7)(OH)Cl
O Szaibélyite MgBO2(OH)
O Turneaureite Ca5(AsO4)3Cl
O Vimsite CaB2O2(OH)4
O Vesuvianite Ca19Fe3+Al4(Al6Mg2)(◻4)◻[Si2O7]4[(SiO4)10]O(OH)9
O Formicaite Ca(HCOO)2
O Dashkovaite Mg(HCOO)2 · 2H2O
O Garnet Group X3Z2(SiO4)3
O Buryatite Ca3(Si,Fe3+,Al)(SO4)B(OH)4(OH,O)6 · 12H2O
O Vitimite Ca6[B14O19](SO4)(OH)14 · 5H2O
F Fluorine
F Fluoborite Mg3(BO3)(F,OH)3
Mg Magnesium
Mg Borcarite Ca4Mg(B4O6(OH)6)(CO3)2
Mg Brucite Mg(OH)2
Mg Fedorovskite Ca2Mg2B4O7(OH)6
Mg Fluoborite Mg3(BO3)(F,OH)3
Mg Kurchatovite Ca(Mg,Mn2+)[B2O5]
Mg Lizardite Mg3(Si2O5)(OH)4
Mg Ludwigite Mg2Fe3+(BO3)O2
Mg Magnesite MgCO3
Mg Sakhaite Ca48Mg16(BO3)32(CO3)16 · 2(H2O,HCl)
Mg Szaibélyite MgBO2(OH)
Mg Vesuvianite Ca19Fe3+Al4(Al6Mg2)(◻4)◻[Si2O7]4[(SiO4)10]O(OH)9
Mg Dashkovaite Mg(HCOO)2 · 2H2O
Al Aluminium
Al Vesuvianite Ca19Fe3+Al4(Al6Mg2)(◻4)◻[Si2O7]4[(SiO4)10]O(OH)9
Al Buryatite Ca3(Si,Fe3+,Al)(SO4)B(OH)4(OH,O)6 · 12H2O
Si Silicon
Si Lizardite Mg3(Si2O5)(OH)4
Si Vesuvianite Ca19Fe3+Al4(Al6Mg2)(◻4)◻[Si2O7]4[(SiO4)10]O(OH)9
Si Garnet Group X3Z2(SiO4)3
Si Buryatite Ca3(Si,Fe3+,Al)(SO4)B(OH)4(OH,O)6 · 12H2O
S Sulfur
S Alabandite MnS
S Chalcopyrite CuFeS2
S Marcasite FeS2
S Pyrite FeS2
S Pyrrhotite Fe1-xS
S Sphalerite ZnS
S Buryatite Ca3(Si,Fe3+,Al)(SO4)B(OH)4(OH,O)6 · 12H2O
S Vitimite Ca6[B14O19](SO4)(OH)14 · 5H2O
Cl Chlorine
Cl Sakhaite Ca48Mg16(BO3)32(CO3)16 · 2(H2O,HCl)
Cl Solongoite Ca2(H3B3O7)(OH)Cl
Cl Turneaureite Ca5(AsO4)3Cl
Ca Calcium
Ca Borcarite Ca4Mg(B4O6(OH)6)(CO3)2
Ca Cahnite Ca2[B(OH)4](AsO4)
Ca Calcite CaCO3
Ca Fedorovskite Ca2Mg2B4O7(OH)6
Ca Frolovite Ca[B(OH)4]2
Ca Hexahydroborite Ca[B(OH)4]2 · 2H2O or CaB2O4 · 6H2O
Ca Johnbaumite Ca5(AsO4)3(OH)
Ca Kurchatovite Ca(Mg,Mn2+)[B2O5]
Ca Pentahydroborite CaB2O(OH)6 · 2H2O
Ca Priceite Ca2B5O7(OH)5 · H2O
Ca Roweite Ca2Mn22+B4O7(OH)6
Ca Sakhaite Ca48Mg16(BO3)32(CO3)16 · 2(H2O,HCl)
Ca Solongoite Ca2(H3B3O7)(OH)Cl
Ca Turneaureite Ca5(AsO4)3Cl
Ca Vimsite CaB2O2(OH)4
Ca Vesuvianite Ca19Fe3+Al4(Al6Mg2)(◻4)◻[Si2O7]4[(SiO4)10]O(OH)9
Ca Formicaite Ca(HCOO)2
Ca Buryatite Ca3(Si,Fe3+,Al)(SO4)B(OH)4(OH,O)6 · 12H2O
Ca Vitimite Ca6[B14O19](SO4)(OH)14 · 5H2O
Mn Manganese
Mn Alabandite MnS
Mn Kurchatovite Ca(Mg,Mn2+)[B2O5]
Mn Roweite Ca2Mn22+B4O7(OH)6
Fe Iron
Fe Chalcopyrite CuFeS2
Fe Ludwigite Mg2Fe3+(BO3)O2
Fe Magnetite Fe2+Fe23+O4
Fe Marcasite FeS2
Fe Pyrite FeS2
Fe Pyrrhotite Fe1-xS
Fe Vesuvianite Ca19Fe3+Al4(Al6Mg2)(◻4)◻[Si2O7]4[(SiO4)10]O(OH)9
Fe Buryatite Ca3(Si,Fe3+,Al)(SO4)B(OH)4(OH,O)6 · 12H2O
Cu Copper
Cu Chalcopyrite CuFeS2
Zn Zinc
Zn Sphalerite ZnS
As Arsenic
As Cahnite Ca2[B(OH)4](AsO4)
As Johnbaumite Ca5(AsO4)3(OH)
As Turneaureite Ca5(AsO4)3Cl

Other Regions, Features and Areas containing this locality

This page contains all mineral locality references listed on This does not claim to be a complete list. If you know of more minerals from this site, please register so you can add to our database. This locality information is for reference purposes only. You should never attempt to visit any sites listed in without first ensuring that you have the permission of the land and/or mineral rights holders for access and that you are aware of all safety precautions necessary.


Simonov, M.A., Yamanova, N.A., Kazanskaya, E.V., Egorov-Tismenko, Y.K., Belov, N.V. (1976) Crystal structure of a new natural calcium borate, hexahydroborite CaB2O4·6H2O=Ca[B(OH)]2·2H2O. Soviet Physics - Doklady: 21: 314-316.

Simonov, M.A., Malinko, S.V., Belov, N.V., Kazanskaya, E.V., Egorov-Tismenko, Yu.K., Fedorenko, M.B., Belokoneva, E.L., Yamnova, N.A., Kuznetsova, N.N. (1977) Hexahydroborite Ca[B(OH)4]2·2H2O - a new mineral. Zapiski Vsesoyuznogo Mineralogicheskogo Obshchestva: 106(6): 691-697.

Chukanov, N.V., Malinko, S.V., Lisitsyn, A.E., Dubinchuk, V.T., Kuz'mina, O.V., Zadov, A.E. (1999) Formicaite Ca(HCO2)2, a new mineral. Zapiski Vserossijskogo Mineralogicheskogo Obshchestva: 128(2): 43-47. (in Russian)

Malinko, S.V., Chukanov, N.V., Dubinchuk, V.T., Zadov, A.E., Koporulina, E.V. (2001) Buryatite Ca3(Si,Fe3+,Al)[SO4]B(OH)45O·12H2O, a new mineral. Zapiski Vserossijskogo Mineralogicheskogo Obshchestva: 130(2): 72-78. (in Russian with English abstract)

Chukanov, N.V., Pekov, I.V., Malinko, S.V., Zadov, A.E., Dubinchuk, V.T. (2002) Vitimite, Ca6B14O19SO414·5H2O, a new mineral, and conditions of its formation in Solongo Deposit, Buryatia. Zapiski Vserossijskogo Mineralogicheskogo Obshchestva: 131(4): 41-46.