Sakuraiite (original) (raw)

A valid IMA mineral species



About SakuraiiteHide

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Note: The formula is also given as (Cu,Zn,Fe,In,Sn)S, as suggested by Kissin & Owens (1986). The correct formula appears uncertain since the crystal structure has not been determined yet.


Greenish steel-grey


Named in 1965 by Akira Kato in honor of Dr. Kin-ichi Sakurai (December 11, 1912, Tokyo – October 6, 1993), after Kin-ichi Sakurai, amateur mineralogist of Tokyo. He described and/or provided type material for half a dozen species. The mineral kinichilite is also named in his honor.

Unique IdentifiersHide

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Long-form identifier:



IMA Classification of SakuraiiteHide

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IMA Formula:


Type description reference:

Classification of SakuraiiteHide

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2 : SULFIDES and SULFOSALTS (sulfides, selenides, tellurides; arsenides, antimonides, bismuthides; sulfarsenites, sulfantimonites, sulfbismuthites, etc.)
C : Metal Sulfides, M: S = 1: 1 (and similar)
B : With Zn, Fe, Cu, Ag, etc.

9 : AmBnXp, with (m+n):p = 1:1


6 : Sulphosalts - Sulphostannates, Sulphogermanates,Sulpharsenates, Sulphantimonates, Sulphovanadates and Sulphohalides
1 : Sulphostannates and other sulfides containing Sn

Mineral SymbolsHide

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As of 2021 there are now IMA–CNMNC approved mineral symbols (abbreviations) for each mineral species, useful for tables and diagrams.

Symbol Source Reference
Sak IMA–CNMNC Warr, L.N. (2021). IMA–CNMNC approved mineral symbols. Mineralogical Magazine, 85(3), 291-320. doi:10.1180/mgm.2021.43

Physical Properties of SakuraiiteHide

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Greenish steel-grey


Lead grey with an olive tint


VHN100=243 - 282 kg/mm2 - Vickers

Optical Data of SakuraiiteHide

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almost isotropic


Wavelength R
400nm 22.5%
440nm 22.5%
480nm 22.6%
520nm 22.6%
560nm 22.6%
600nm 22.5%
640nm 22.6%
680nm 22.6%
700nm 22.4%

Reflectance graph
Graph shows reflectance levels at different wavelengths (in nm). Top of box is 100%. Peak reflectance is 22.6%.

Colour in reflected light:

purplish olive gray with a red tint

Chemistry of SakuraiiteHide

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Mindat Formula:


Note: The formula is also given as (Cu,Zn,Fe,In,Sn)S, as suggested by Kissin & Owens (1986). The correct formula appears uncertain since the crystal structure has not been determined yet.

Crystallography of SakuraiiteHide

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Cell Parameters:

a = 5.4563(24) Å

Unit Cell V:

162.44 ų (Calculated from Unit Cell)


exsolution texture with stannite


Primitive cell, with possible space groups P432, P-43m or Pm3m.

X-Ray Powder DiffractionHide

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Powder Diffraction Data:

d-spacing Intensity
5.47 Å (6)
3.85 Å (6)
3.15 Å (100)
2.73 Å (10)
2.44 Å (6)
1.927 Å (40)
1.650 Å (20)

Geological EnvironmentHide

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Type Occurrence of SakuraiiteHide

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General Appearance of Type Material:

In exsolution texture with stannite, to 0.5 mm.

Place of Conservation of Type Material:

National Science Museum, Tokyo, Japan, M15843; National School of Mines,
Paris, France; Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 108788; National Museum of
Natural History, Washington, D.C., USA, 120592

Geological Setting of Type Material:

Associated Minerals at Type Locality:


Kato, A. (1965) Sakuraiite, a new mineral. Chigaku Kenkyu (Earth Science Studies): Sakurai: 1-7.

Synonyms of SakuraiiteHide

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Other Language Names for SakuraiiteHide

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Relationship of Sakuraiite to other SpeciesHide

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Structurally related to group(s):

Common AssociatesHide

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Associated Minerals Based on Photo Data:

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2.CB. Agmantinite Ag2MnSnS4 Orth.
2.CB. Richardsite Zn2CuGaS4 Tet. 42_m_ : I_42_m
2.CB. Gachingite Au(Te1-xSex) Orth. m m m _(_2/_m_2/_m_2/m )
2.CB. Tolstykhite Au3S4Te6 Tric. 1 : _P_1
2.CB. Hanswilkeite KFeS2 Mon. 2/m : _B_2/b
2.CB. Auroselenide AuSe Mon. 2/m : _B_2/m
2.CB. Ruizhongite (Ag2◻)Pb3Ge2S8 Iso. 43_m_ : I_43_d
2.CB. Okruginite Cu2SnSe3 Mon. m : B b
2.CB.05a Coloradoite HgTe Iso. 43_m_ : F_43_m
2.CB.05a Hawleyite CdS Iso. 43_m_ : F_43_m
2.CB.05a Metacinnabar HgS Iso. 43_m_ : F_43_m
2.CB.05c Polhemusite (Zn,Hg)S Tet.
2.CB.05a Sphalerite ZnS Iso. 43_m_ : F_43_m
2.CB.05a Stilleite ZnSe Iso. 43_m_ : F_43_m
2.CB.05a Tiemannite HgSe Iso. 43_m_ : F_43_m
2.CB.05 UM1998-15-S:CuFeZn Cu2Fe3Zn5S10
2.CB.05a Rudashevskyite (Fe,Zn)S Iso. 43_m_ : F_43_m
2.CB.05a Ishiharaite (Cu,Ga,Fe,In,Zn)S Iso. 43_m_ : F_43_m
2.CB.07a Shenzhuangite NiFeS2 Tet. 42_m_ : I_42_d
2.CB.07a Unnamed (Cu-Mn-Sn Sulphide) Cu2MnSnS4
2.CB.10a Chalcopyrite CuFeS2 Tet. 42_m_ : I_42_d
2.CB.10a Eskebornite CuFeSe2 Tet. 42_m_ : P_42_c
2.CB.10a Gallite CuGaS2 Tet. 42_m_ : I_42_d
2.CB.10b Haycockite Cu4Fe5S8 Orth. 222
2.CB.10a Lenaite AgFeS2 Tet. 42_m_ : I_42_d
2.CB.10b Mooihoekite Cu9Fe9S16 Tet. 42_m_ : P_42_m
2.CB.10b Putoranite Cu1.1Fe1.2S2 Iso. m_3_m _(_4/_m_32/m ) : P n_3_m
2.CB.10a Roquesite CuInS2 Tet. 42_m_ : I_42_d
2.CB.10b Talnakhite Cu9(Fe,Ni)8S16 Iso. 43_m_ : I_43_m
2.CB.10a Laforêtite AgInS2 Tet. 42_m_ : I_42_d
2.CB.10a Unnamed (Cu-Zn-In Sulphide) CuZn2InS4
2.CB.10a UM1984-30-S:CuFeSn Cu2Fe2Sn3S7
2.CB.10c Omariniite Cu8Fe2ZnGe2S12 Orth. 222 : _I_222
2.CB.15a Černýite Cu2(Cd,Zn,Fe)SnS4 Tet. 42_m_ : I_42_m
2.CB.15a Ferrokësterite Cu2FeSnS4 Tet. 4 : _I_4
2.CB.15a Hocartite Ag2(Fe2+,Zn)SnS4 Tet. 42_m_ : I_42_m
2.CB.15a Idaite Cu5FeS6 Hex.
2.CB.15a Kësterite Cu2ZnSnS4 Tet. 4 : _I_4
2.CB.15a Kuramite Cu3SnS4 Tet. 42_m_ : I_42_m
2.CB.15b Mohite Cu2SnS3 Mon.
2.CB.15a Pirquitasite Ag2ZnSnS4 Tet. 4 : _I_4
2.CB.15a Stannite Cu2FeSnS4 Tet. 42_m_ : I_42_m
2.CB.15c Stannoidite Cu+6Cu2+2(Fe2+,Zn)3Sn2S12 Orth. 222 : _I_222
2.CB.15a Velikite Cu2HgSnS4 Tet. 4 : _I_4
2.CB.15c UM2006-11-S:CuFeGeZn Cu8(Fe,Zn)3Ge2S12 (?)
2.CB.17a v Arsenic-bearing Renierite Cu11GeAsFe4S16
2.CB.20 Chatkalite Cu6FeSn2S8 Tet. 42_m_ : _P_4_m_2
2.CB.20 Mawsonite Cu6Fe2SnS8 Tet. 42_m_ : _P_4_m_2
2.CB.30 Argyropyrite near Ag2Fe7S11
2.CB.30 Colusite Cu13VAs3S16 Iso. 43_m_ : P_43_n
2.CB.30 Germanite Cu13Fe2Ge2S16 Iso. 43_m_ : P_43_n
2.CB.30 Germanocolusite Cu26V2(Ge,As)6S32 Iso. 43_m_ : P_43_m
2.CB.30 Nekrasovite Cu26V2(Sn,As,Sb)6S32 Iso. 43_m_ : P_43_n
2.CB.30 Stibiocolusite Cu13V(Sb,Sn,As)3S16 Iso. 43_m_ : P_43_m
2.CB.30 Ovamboite Cu20(Fe,Cu,Zn)6W2Ge6S32 Iso. 43_m_ : P_43_n
2.CB.30 Maikainite Cu20(Fe,Cu)6Mo2Ge6S32 Iso. m_3_m _(_4/_m_32/m )
2.CB.30 Frieseite Ag2Fe5S8 (?)
2.CB.35a Hemusite Cu6SnMoS8 Iso.
2.CB.35a Kiddcreekite Cu6SnWS8 Iso. 43_m_ : F_43_m
2.CB.35a Polkovicite (Fe,Pb)3(Ge,Fe)1-xS4 Iso.
2.CB.35a Renierite (Cu1+,Zn)11Fe4(Ge4+,As5+)2S16 Tet. 42_m_ : P_42_c
2.CB.35a Vinciennite Cu+7Cu2+3Fe2+2Fe3+2Sn(As,Sb)S16 Tet.
2.CB.35a Morozeviczite (Pb,Fe)3Ge1-xS4 Iso.
2.CB.35b Catamarcaite Cu6GeWS8 Hex. 6_m_ m : P_63_m c
2.CB.40 Lautite CuAsS Orth. m m m _(_2/_m_2/_m_2/m ) : P n m a
2.CB.42 Lingbaoite AgTe3 Trig. 3_m_ : R_3_m
2.CB.45 Cadmoselite CdSe Hex. 6_m_ m : P_63_m c
2.CB.45 Greenockite CdS Hex. 6_m_ m : P_63_m c
2.CB.45 Wurtzite (Zn,Fe)S Hex. 6_m_ m : P_63_m c
2.CB.45 Rambergite MnS Hex. 6_m_ m : P_63_m c
2.CB.45 Buseckite (Fe,Zn,Mn)S Hex. 6_m_ m : P_63_m c
2.CB.45 Maletoyvayamite Au3Se4Te6 Tric. 1 : _P_1
2.CB.47 Murchisite Cr5S6 Trig. 3_m_ _(_32/m ) : P_31_c
2.CB.50 Zincselenide ZnSe
2.CB.50 Wassonite TiS Trig. 3_m_ _(_32/m ) : R_3_m
2.CB.52 Dzhezkazganite ReMoCu2PbS6 ? Trig. 3_m_ : R_3_m
2.CB.55a Cubanite CuFe2S3 Orth. m m m _(_2/_m_2/_m_2/m )
2.CB.55b Isocubanite CuFe2S3 Iso. m_3_m _(_4/_m_32/m ) : F m_3_m
2.CB.60 Picotpaulite TlFe2S3 Orth. m m m _(_2/_m_2/_m_2/m ) : C m c m
2.CB.60 Raguinite TlFeS2 Orth.
2.CB.65 Argentopyrite AgFe2S3 Mon. 2/m
2.CB.65 Sternbergite AgFe2S3 Orth. m m m _(_2/_m_2/_m_2/m )
2.CB.70 Sulvanite Cu3VS4 Iso. 43_m_ : P_43_m
2.CB.75 Vulcanite CuTe Orth. m m m _(_2/_m_2/_m_2/m )
2.CB.80 Empressite AgTe Orth. m m m _(_2/_m_2/_m_2/m )
2.CB.85 Muthmannite AuAgTe2 Mon. 2/m : _P_2/m

Other InformationHide

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Health Risks:

No information on health risks for this material has been entered into the database. You should always treat mineral specimens with care.

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References for SakuraiiteHide

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Reference List:

Momma, Koichi, Miyawaki, Ritsuro, Matsubara, Satoshi, Shigeoka, Masako, Nagase, Toshiro, Kamada, Seiji, Ozawa, Shin, Ohtani, Eiji, Shimizu, Masaaki, Kato, Akira (2017) The crystal chemistry of sakuraiite. Acta Crystallographica Section A Foundations and Advances, 73. doi:10.1107/s2053273317086648

Localities for SakuraiiteHide

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This map shows a selection of localities that have latitude and longitude coordinates recorded. Click on the symbol to view information about a locality. The symbol next to localities in the list can be used to jump to that position on the map.

Locality ListHide

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- This locality has map coordinates listed. - This locality has estimated coordinates. ⓘ - Click for references and further information on this occurrence. ? - Indicates mineral may be doubtful at this locality. - Good crystals or important locality for species. - World class for species or very significant. (TL) - Type Locality for a valid mineral species. (FRL) - First Recorded Locality for everything else (eg varieties). Struck out - Mineral was erroneously reported from this locality. Faded * - Never found at this locality but inferred to have existed at some point in the past (e.g. from pseudomorphs).

All localities listed without proper references should be considered as questionable.

Jujuy Province Rinconada Department Mina Pirquitas Pirquitas Mine San Miguel Open pit Oploca Vein System Paar et al. (2000)
Río Negro Province Valcheta Department San Roque deposit Dill et al. (2013)
Oruro Cercado Province Oruro San José Mine Sidki Rius (2017)
Pantaleón Dalence Province Santa Fé mining district Franco (2018)
Japo Mine (Negro Pabellón Mine) Jiménez-Franco et al. (2018)
Morococala Mine Jiménez-Franco et al. (2018)
Santa Fé Mine Jiménez-Franco et al. (2018)
Madhya Pradesh Katni district Imalia deposit ? Tripathi et al. (2022)
Hokkaidō Prefecture Ishikari Subprefecture Sapporo City Minami-ku Toyoha Mine Yajima et al. (1991) +1 other reference
Kamikawa Subprefecture ? Tsushima et al. (1999) +1 other reference
Hyogo Prefecture Asago City Ikuno-cho-ono Ikuno Mine (TL) Chigaku Kenkyu (Earth Sci. Studies) +1 other reference
Arequipa Caravelí Province Atico District Chaparra deposit Yáñez et al. (2014, May)
Lower Silesian Voivodeship Lwówek Śląski County Gmina Mirsk Małek et al. (2019)
Beja Castro Verde Santa Bárbara de Padrões Neves-Corvo Mine Bachmann et al. (2017)
Buryatia Dzhida Basin Zakamensk District Dzhida W-Mo District Damdinova et al. (2019)
Khabarovsk Krai Badzhalski ore District Alekseev et al. (2015)
Pravo-Urmiiskoe deposit (Pravo-Urmiisky) Alekseev (2023, February)