Litany of Saints page with 'Sancte dionisi
cum sociis tuis, Orate pro nobis'.

o study Julian of Norwich, and in particular to edit her manuscripts as I had already done with Birgitta of Sweden, it was necessary to travel from library to library and from archive to archive through Europe and England. For that work I needed Paleography and Codicology. Then to choose the contemplative life itself in which she had written her text, year after year, both of us thus choosing the 'Apostolate of the Scribe', as advocated by the Carthusian Guigo II. Though a Harvard Professor has castigated me in the pages of our professional journal, Speculum, for doing so. Our title for this web essay is taken from the Godfriend Henry Suso's medieval best-seller, which is present in the Amherst Manuscript with Julian's Showing of Love, the Horologium Sapientiae.

In the Twelfth Century the model of the Greco-Arabic mode of learning for philosophy was imported into Europe for the teaching of theology. Used originally for the study of abstract thought and practicing apartheid it seriously distorted Christian knowledge, based on charity and humanity, the Word made flesh and dwelling in our midst, our hallowing, our sanctifying. Thomas Aquinas sought to subsume Aristotelianism into Christian theology in his massive Summa, but eventually renounced the task, saying 'It is nothing but straw . . . ' Fellow Dominicans, of the Friends of God , likewise sought to subvert this clear and present danger to Christianity by supporting each others' contemplative learning, amongst women as well as men, by countering Aristotle with Neoplatonic Pseudo-Dionysius , through networking with books and treatises across the length and breadth of Europe, their Internet of Contemplation. One such work, written by the Swiss Dominican, Henry Suso , is the Horologium Sapientiae, the 'Computer of Wisdom ', from which we take our title. The Friends of God, on the Continent and in England, were to be rigorously suppressed by the Chancellor of Paris, Jean Gerson, and by the Chancellor of England, Archbishop of Canterbury, Thomas Arundel .

This Website is dedicated to studying this technology of the transmission of contemplative wisdom, from its beginnings with our alphabet, pirated by Greeks from Phoenicians, through textual and contemplative communities, in the past, the present and the future, in which Julian is so significant. In particular we labour at making texts in manuscripts available electronically in their own most beautiful format, as closely as we can achieve, making use of their alternating red and blue capitals and the other technological aids to memory employed by them in our own texts, bridging time. We believe cottage industry handcrafting and electronic webcrafting can go hand in hand. Heloise told Abelard that cradles and writing desks do not mix, we disobediently create cradles of hand-painted wood in our library. Our Mirror of Saints Website shows how lives given to God, both men and women, mirror each other and ourselves. Our Miriam and Aaron: The Bible and Women Website discusses the presence of women in the Bible and women's support through time of the Bible. The Terence through Time Website, not given on the CD, discusses the retention in medieval Christianity of the Comedies of Terence, which had celebrated slaves and women in Roman culture, and which shared with Christ in Christian Latin respect for the other, the stranger, including women; though that respect was to be lost with the introduction of the pagan Greek Aristotle and the university with its gender apartheid. In this Computer of Wisdom Website we show how texts similarly mirror each other down the centuries, with, for instance, an Edith Stein writing on Augustine and Ambrose and Pseudo-Dionysius in our own century. This is a dialogue amongst mortals about and with God and immortality. We recall Augustine and Monica discoursing at Ostia one summer night . . .

We can also serve as a kind of university before universities, a monastery library which lay people may use, of books to be read deeply, not for examinations or degrees. Our website is a library about a library. Our Hermit of the Holy Family can give tutorials on Dante's Commedia, on Julian's Showing of Love, on paleography and textual editing, etc. We can suggest to you what major texts to buy, and can make others available on loan from our library through the post. For instance, we send books on Julian of Norwich to Pluscarden Abbey's Father Finbar, O.S.B. We desire these tutorials to be open to all, lay and clergy, women and men, old and young, poor and rich. Contact Julia Bolton Holloway about what you desire to read.

Click on the underlined titles below to retrieve their essays:

external links=�
booklet available=*

Folio, Manuscript: Paelography, Codicology Scholar/General With External Links to Libraries with Manuscript Holdings, etc. �

The Otto F. Ege Portfolio Fifty Manuscript Leaves for Teaching Paleography. Scholar/General

The City and the Book I: The Alphabet, the Bible E-Book � Scholar

The City and the Book II: The Manuscript, the Miniature E-Book � Scholar

The City and the Book III: Inscriptions on Stone: Florence's English Cemetery E-Book � Scholar

Calligraphy and Goldleaf with Augusto Fiorani General

Book-Binding in Florence: The_Codex Amiatinus_ Facsimile General

Book-Binding in Florence: Enrico Giannini General

Miriam and Aaron: The Bible and Women Website E-Book General/Scholar

The Mirror of Saints Website General/Scholar

Helena, Egeria, Paula, Eustochium, Bridget, Guthrithyr, Margaret, Isolda, Birgitta, Catherine, Margery: The Bible and Women Pilgrims General/Scholar

Jo Ann McNamara 'Cornelia's Daughters: Paula and Eustochium' Scholar/General

Paula, Birgitta, Julian: Contemplating upon Hebrew * (booklet gives Hebrew). General/Scholar/Contemplative

*Augustine Confessions Ed. James J. O'Donnell. Latin text/English commentary�

Augustine, Boethius, Dionysius, Benedict, Gregory, and Dante: Julian's Mystical Philosophers * General/Scholar/Contemplative

*Rule of St Benedict Latin Scholar. E-Book

*Gregory the Great Dialogues II, Life of St Benedict English/Latin General/Scholar. E-Book

*Sister Jane Morrissey S.S.J. Saint Scholastica, Saint Benedict: A Paradox, A Paradigm English/Latin General/Scholar

*Hilda and Caedmon: 'The Dream of the Rood' * (booklet gives Ruthwell Cross Anglo-Saxon runes of poem) Vercelli Manuscript General/Scholar

Maria Makepeace, The Laurentian Library Codex Amiatinus On a Northumbrian Bible now in Florence General/Scholar

**The Most Ancient Life of St Gregory the Great by a Monk or Nun at Whitby Latin and English. General/Scholar

Alexandra H. Olsen Saint Pega, Saint Guthlac, Hermits Vercelli Manuscript Scholar/General

Alexandra H. Olsen Saint Pega and Saint Guthlac in the South English Legendary Scholar/General

Alexandra H. Olsen. Eadburg, Lioba, Berhtgyth: Women Associated with Boniface. Scholar/General

*Margaret of Jerusalem/Beverley and Thomas of Beverley/Froidmont, Her Brother, Her Biographer Scholar/General

*Thomas of Froidmont/'Bernard of Clairvaux', Written for his Sister, The Golden Epistle, Amherst Manuscript Scholar/General

Brunetto Latino Website with manuscript transcriptions of *Il Tesoretto�, *La Rettorica�, *Bestiary� Scholar/General

*Aucassin and Nicolete In Old French and English translation with music and manuscript illumiantions from St Petersburg Li Livres dou Tresor Manuscript General/Scholar

A Cell of Self Knowledge: The Pilgrimage Within: Christina of Markyate, Angela of Foligno, Umilta` of Faenza, Margaret Kirkeby (Margaret Heslyngton, Emma Stapleton), Birgitta of Sweden, Catherine of Siena, Julian of Norwich, Francesca Romana, Elizabeth Barton General/Contemplative/Scholar

*Angela da Foligno, Liber Lele Latin Scholar �

La Beata Umilta': Contemplating on Holy Humility * (Booklet gave tipped-on colour plates of Pietro Lorenzetti's polyptych in the Uffizi of the Life and Miracles of St Umilta. Newly published book, in Italian and English, likewise gives colour plates) General/Scholar/ Contemplative E-Book

Our Cloister's Library: Bibliography and Reviews on Julian of Norwich, Showing of Love, and Related Materials Scholar

Godfriends: Hildegard of Bingen, Mechtild of Magdebourg, Marguerite Porete, Meister Eckhart, Johannes Taules, Henry Suso, Jan van RuusbroecaGeneral/Contemplative/Scholar

*St Birgitta of Sweden, Revelationes, Website English/Latin Scholar E-Book

St Birgitta of Sweden: Her Relics English/Latin General/Scholar

The Mystics Internet: Birgitta of Sweden, Catherine of Siena, Julian of Norwich, Margery of Lynn, Chiara of Pisa, and Francesca of Rome General/Scholar

*Jan van Ruusbroec, The Sparkling Stone Text in Amherst Manuscript in Middle English. Scholar E Book General/Contemplative/ Scholar

*Henry Suso, Computer of Wisdom Text in Amherst Manuscript, Translated into Modern English General/Contemplative/Scholar

*John Whiterig, OSB Contemplating the Crucifixion English/Latin. E-Book General/Contemplative/Scholar

Julian of Norwich, Her Showing of Love and Its Contexts Website General/Contemplative/Scholar

*Julian of Norwich, Showing of Love, edited and translated from all the extant manuscripts General/Contemplative/Scholar

*Westminster Cathedral Manuscript Excerpts Translated into Modern English. General. E-Book General/Contemplative/Scholar

Julian's Showing in a Nutshell: Her Manuscripts and Their Contexts Scholar/General

*A Julian Manuscript in Norwich Castle?aScholar

*Chancellor Archbishop Arundel, Constitutions, 1408 Scholar Latin

* The Amherst Manuscript Project

Transcriptions from the British Library Amherst Manuscript given on this umilta Website are of Thomas de Froidmont, Golden Epistle , written for Margaret of Jerusalem, Henry Suso, Horologium Sapientiae, Jan Van Ruusbroec, Sparkling Stone, Julian of Norwich, Showing of Love . Also included in the manuscript are Richard Rolle and Richard Misyn writing for women anchoresses named 'Margaret', as well as Marguerite Porete, Mirror of Simple Souls. Archbishop Arundel, Constitution, may give its context. Likewise the Letter of Cardinal Adam Easton to the Abbess of Vadstena and Birgitta of Sweden/Alfonso of Jaen, Revelationes XIII/Epistola solitarii ad reges. Related material is in John Whiterig, Contemplating the Crucifixion. While Margery Kempe's conversation with Julian of Norwich may have occurred about this date. Scholar Santa Francesca Romana and the Tor de' Specchi General

*Julian at Prayer: A Lambeth Palace Manuscript General/Contemplative/Scholar

*Gascoigne Manuscript Julian Fragment Scholar

*Upholland Manuscript Julian Fragment Scholar

*John of the Cross, If You Would be Perfect General/Contemplative

*Biblioth�que Mazarine Manuscript: Colections by an English Nun in Exile I Scholar E-Book

*Biblioth�que Mazarine Manuscript: F�nelon's Spiritual Letters II Scholar E-Book

*Biblioth�que Mazarine Manuscript: Dame Catharine Gascoigne's Defense of Dom Augustine Baker III Scholar E-Book

The Showing 's Scribes as Julian's Editors Scholar/General

*Norwich's Quaker Elizabeth Fry, 'What Owest Thou Thy God?' Contemplative

*Francesca Alexander and John Ruskin on St Zita of Lucca General

Mother Agnes Mason, Founder, Community of the Holy FamilyaGeneral

*Edith Stein, Two Dialogues I. Augustine and Ambrose, II. Queen Esther. General

Lord's Prayer as Discussed by Women, General/Contemplative

Teaching Ourselves Monastic Learning on the Web General/Contemplative/Scholar

Calligraphy Workshop General/Contemplative/Scholar

Book-Binding Workshop General/Contemplative/Scholar

The Medieval Virtual Libraries are of great use:

*Bibliotheca Augustana:

Chronologia || haec bibliotheca est omnis divisa in partes tres: || latinitas romana ||latinitas mediaevalis || latinitas nova ||

latinitas mediaevalis|| saeculum septimum: Isidorus Hispalensis (ca. 560 - 636), Laidcenn (obiit 661) || saeculum octavum:Beda Venerabilis (674 - 735), Paulus Diaconus (ca. 720 - ca. 799),
Constitutum Constantini (ca. 750/800), Angilbertus (ca. 745 - 814), Karolus Magnus (747 - 814) || saeculum nonum: Theodulfus Aurelianensis (ca. 750/60 - 821), Einhardus (ca. 770 - 840), Modoinus (ca. 770 - 840/43), Angelbertus (floruit ca. 840/50), Hrabanus Maurus (ca. 784 - 856), Nithardus (ca. 800 - 845), Agnellus (ca. 805 - post 841), Walahfrid Strabo (ca 808 -849), Iohannes Scotus Eriugena (ca. 810 - ca. 877) || saeculum decimum: Navigatio Sancti Brendani (ca. 900), Ekkehardus I (ca. 910 - 973), Waltharius (ca. 930), Widukindus Corbeius (ca. 925 - post 973), Hrotsvitha Gandeshemensis (ca. 935 - post 973) || saeculum undecimum: Dudo de St. Quentin (ca. 960 - 1026), Wipo (ante 1000 - post 1046), Ruodlieb/Anonymus Tegirinsensis (ca. 1050/80), Regimen sanitatis Salernitanum (ca. 1050), Carmina Cantabrigiensia (ca. 1050), Guido Aretinus (992 - 1050), Anselmus Cantuariensis (1033 - 1109), Bruno Merseburgensis (ca. 1040 - post 1082), Anonymus Bernensis/Fragmentum de arte pingendi (ca. 1090) || saeculum duodecimum: Gallus Anonymus (floruit ca. 1115) ||
Theophilus (floruit ca. 1120) || Guillelmus de Conchis (ca. 1080 - ca. 1154) || Petrus Lombardus (ca. 1095 - 1160) || Hugo de Sancto Victore (ca. 1096 - 1141) || Heloisa (ca. 1100 - 1163) || Concilium Romarici montium (ca. 1150) || Iosephus Exoniensis (floruit 1150) || Hermannus quondam Judaeus (ca. 1108 - ca. 1181) || Archipoeta (ca. 1130 - post 1167) ||
Ioachim Florensis (ca. 1135 - 1202) || Liber de causis (ca. 1170) || Andreas Capellanus (floruit 1180/90) || Petrus Valdesius (ante 1170 - ante 1218) || Iohannes de Alta Villa (ca. 1150 - post 1200) || saeculum tertium decimum: Saxo Grammaticus (ca. 1150 - ca. 1220) || Gervasius Tilleberiensis (ca. 1160 - 1234/1235) || Gregorius IX (ca. 1160 - 1241) || Boncompagno da Signa (ca. 1170 - ca. 1240)|| Robertus Grosseteste (ca. 1170 - 1253)|| Magna Carta (1215) Franciscus Assisiensis (1182 - 1226) || Gregorius Magister (flor. 1226 - 1236) || Albertanus Brixiensis (ca. 1190 - post 1250)|| Carmina Burana (ca. 1230)|| Albertus Magnus (ca. 1195 - 1280)|| Statuta communis Bugellae (1245)|| Guillelmus Peraldus (floruit ante 1250)|| Henricus de Bractonia (ca. 1210 - 1268)|| Thomas Aquinas (1224 - 1274)|| Jacobus de Voragine (ca. 1230 - 1298)|| Liber Kalilae et Dimnae (ca. 1270)|| Gertrudis de Helfta (1256 - 1302)|| Vita Agnetis de Bohemia (ca. 1290/1310) || saeculum quartum decimum: Ricculdus a monte crucis (ca. 1250 - 1320) || Dante Alighieri (1265 - 1321) || Gualterus Burlaeus (ca. 1275 - post 1343) || Guillelmus de Ockham (ca. 1288 - ca. 1349)|| Nicolaus de Autrecourt (ca. 1295/98 - post 1369)|| Birgitta de Suetia (ca. 1303 - 1373)|| Francesco Petrarca (1304 - 1374)|| Carolus Quartus (1316 - 1378)|| Bulla aurea (1356)|| Nicolaus de Oresme (ca. 1323 - 1382)
There are also sections for the vernacular languages. Scholar

*Grover Furr, ftp site || || User ID (also called Login): pdf0503 || Password: 5%*+FX#3 || � which contains:

Ailred of Rievaulx, de spirituali amicitia, another text.pdf || Alanus de Insulis, Anticlaudianus, fm Wright, A-L Sat Poets, v. 2 1872.pdf ||Alanus de Insulis, Anticlaudianus. ed. Bossuat. P. 1955.pdf || Alanus de Insulis, Liber de Planctu Naturae (fm Migne, PL 210, via LatinLibrary).pdf || Albericus of London, Allegoriae poeticae seu de veritate ac expostione poeticarum fabularum libri IV, P. 1520.pdf || Albertanus of Brescia, De arte loquendi et tacendi, Lyon 1488.pdf || Albertanus of Brescia, Liber Consolationis et Consilii, ed. Sundby, 1873.pdf|| Albertanus of Brescie, De arte loquendi et tacendi, ed. Sundby 1884.pdf || Allegoriae poeticae, Albericus of London, P. 1520.pdf || Amplissima Collectio, v. 1.pdf || Amplissima Collectio, v. 2.pdf || Amplissima Collectio, v. 4.pdf || Amplissima Collectio, v. 5.pdf || Amplissima Collectio, v. 6.pdf || Amplissima Collectio, v. 7.pdf || Amplissima Collectio, v. 8.pdf || Andreas Capellanus, de amore libri tres, ed. Walsh 1982.pdf || Anglo-Latin Satirical Poets of the 12th Cent., v. 1 ed. Wright.pdf || Anglo-Latin Satirical Poets of the 12th Cent., v. 2 ed. Wright.pdf || Arnaldus de Villanova, De Amore heroyco, fm Opera, Lyons 1532.pdf || Arnaldus de Villanova, Opera, Lyons 1532.pdf ||Auctores octo , 1539.pdf || Audiau, Les Troubadours et L'Angleterre. P - Vrin, 1927.pdf || Augustine, De Doctrina Christiana (Latin), 1.5 space, 1 note column, fmMigne.pdf || Augustine, De Doctrina Christiana, fm Opuscula varia, Venice 1491.pdf || Augustine, On Christian Doctrine (Engl. transl, CCEL).pdf || Augustine, Various works, Venice 1491.pdf || Augustine, Various works.pdf || Bartolomeus Anglicus, de proprietatibus rerum, 1482.pdf || Bernard de Gordon, Lilium medicinae, 1486.pdf|| Bernard de Gordon, Lilium medicinae, 1496-7.pdf || Bersuire (Walleys), Ovidius Moralizatus, transcr. fm P. 1509 ed., Ch. 2-15, ed. J. Engels, cropped.pdf ||Bersuire - Engels, J. 'L'Edition critique de l'Ovidius moralizatus de Bersuire', Vivarium 9 (1971).pdf || Bersuire, 'De forma figurisque deorum', tr. Reynolds, Allegorica 2(3) 1977.pdf || Bersuire, Ovidius Moralizatus, cap. ii, ed. van der Bijl, Vivarium 9 (1971).pdf || Bersuire, Reduct. Mor., Bk XV, Ovidius moralizatus, Ch. 1 - de form. fig. deor.pdf || Bible, vulgate, P. 1568.pdf || Boccaccio, De casibus illustrium virorum. P. 1540.pdf || Boccaccio, De Claris Mulieribus, Louvain 1487, clipped.pdf || Boccaccio, De Claris Mulieribus, Louvain 1487.pdf || Boccaccio, de Genealogie deorum gentilium (V. Romano Bari 1951 edition)Books XIV and XV only.pdf || Boccaccio, Elegia di Madonna Fiammetta, based on Delcorno ed., Milan 1994, fm Decameron Web.pdf || Boccaccio, Genealogiae deorum gentilium, Vicentiae, 1487.pdf || Boccaccio, Genealogie deorum gentilium, ed. V. Romano, Bari, 1951.pdf || Boccaccio, Geneologia degli dei, Italian, Venice 1527.pdf || Boccaccio, Geneologia degli dei, Italian, Venice 1644.pdf || Boccaccio, Teseide, comm. by Bassi, Ferrara, 1475.pdf || Boethius' De consolatione by Jean de Meun, ed. V.L. Dedeck-Hery, Med. Stud. 14 (1952).pdf || Buonarotti, Conspiration pour l'Egalite, and other Fr. Rev. works, 1830-34.pdf || Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles, ed. Wright, 1857, vol. 1.pdf || Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles, ed. Wright, 1857, vol. 2.pdf || Chevalier D�, ed. Urwin, RLR 68 (1937).pdf || Chretien de Troyes, Le Chevalier de la Charette, ed. Foulet and Uitti, English trans..pdf || Chretien de Troyes, Le Chevalier de la Charette, ed. Foulet and Uitti.pdf || Chronicon Abbatiae de Evesham, Ad Annum 1418, ed. Macray L. 1863.pdf || Cicero, Laelius De Amicitia.pdf || Colonna, Hypnerotomachia Poliphili.. Venice, Aldus Manutius, 1499.pdf || Conches, Moralium Dogma Philosophorum, from Internet 05.03.pdf || Concise Dictionary of Middle English, eds. Mayhew and Skeat. OUP 1888.pdf ||Crane, The Exempla ... Jacques de Vitry, London 1890.pdf || D'Andeli, Henri. Lai d'Aristote, ed. Heron, Rouen 1901.pdf || Dante Alighieri, Convivio, fm ' || Dante Alighieri, Vita Nuova, ed. Barbera, 1965.pdf || Dante con l'espositioni di Christoforo Landino, Venice 1578.pdf || Dares Phrygius, Excidio Troiae Historia, ed. Meister, Teubner 1873.pdf || Dares Phrygius, Excidio Troiae Historia, TEXT ONLY, ed. Meister, Teubner1873.pdf || Daretis Phrigii de excidio Troiae historia.pdf ||
de Boer ed. Ovide moralise. v.1 (bks 1-3) Amsterdam 1915.pdf || de Boer ed. Ovide moralise. v.2 (bks 4-6) Amsterdam 1920.pdf || de Boer ed. Ovide moralise. v.3 (bks 7-9) Amsterdam 1931.pdf || de Boer ed. Ovide moralise. v.4 (bks 10-13) Amsterdam 1936.pdf || de Boer ed. Ovide moralise. v.5 (bks 14-15) Amsterdam 1938.pdf || De Bury, Richard. Philobiblon (English, E.C. Thomas trans.).pdf || De Bury, Richard. Philobiblon (Latin, GMU).pdf|| De David li propheicie, P2C 398n6.pdf || De planctu naturae, fm Anglo-Latin Satirical Poets of the 12th Cent., v.2 ed. Wright.pdf || Derniere lettre de Gracchus Babeuf.pdf || Deschamps, Oeuvres, 1 SATF.pdf || Deschamps, Oeuvres, 10 SATF.pdf || Deschamps, Oeuvres, 11 SATF.pdf || Deschamps, Oeuvres, 2 SATF.pdf || Deschamps, Oeuvres, 3 SATF.pdf || Deschamps, Oeuvres, 4 SATF.pdf || Deschamps, Oeuvres, 5 SATF.pdf || Deschamps, Oeuvres, 6 SATF.pdf || Deschamps, Oeuvres, 8 SATF.pdf || Deschamps, Oeuvres, 9 SATF.pdf || Dialogus creaturarum, moralisatus, jucundus, fabulis plenus ('incomplete') Nicolas de Bergame. Goudae, 1481.pdf || Dialogus creaturarum, moralisatus, jucundus, fabulis plenus, Nicolas deBergame. Goudae, 1480.pdf || Dictionarius pauperum, Nic. de Bryart, P. 1498.pdf || Dictionnaire de l'ancienne langue francaise 1, ed. Godefroy 1881.pdf || Dictionnaire de l'ancienne langue francaise 2, ed. Godefroy 1881.pdf || Dictionnaire de l'ancienne langue francaise 3, ed. Godefroy 1881.pdf || Dictionnaire de l'ancienne langue francaise 4, ed. Godefroy 1881.pdf || Dictionnaire Francais-Latin, Noel, 1852.pdf || Dictys Cretensis, de historia belli trojani . Et Darses Priscus de eademtrojana, Faragonius edidit, Venice 1499.pdf || Dictys Cretensis, et Daretis Phrygii de bello trojano historia, 1560.pdf || DIDASCALICON, Hugh of St. Victor (Latin).pdf || Diguileville, Pelerinage de l'homme. P 1511.pdf || Disticha Catonis, Antwerp 1570.pdf || Disticha Catonis, Libri 4, fm Latin Library.pdf || Dit et Contre-Dit du Franc-Gontier, 1490.pdf || DME Du Boulay, Historia Universitatis Parisiensis, 3.pdf || Du Boulay, Historia Universitatis Parisiensis, 4.pdf || Du Boulay, Historia Universitatis Parisiensis, 5.pdf || Dunn, Oscar. Glossaire Franco-Canadien. Quebec, 1880.pdf || Egidio Colonna, De regimine principum libri 3, Rome 1607.pdf || Eulogium Historiarum, ed. Hayden, vol. 1 L. 1858.pdf || Eulogium Historiarum, ed. Hayden, vol. 2 L. 1860.pdf || Eulogium Historiarum, ed. Hayden, vol. 3 L. 1863.pdf || Faba, Guido. La 'Summa de Vitiis et Virtutibus' de Guido Faba. ed. Pini.Traditio 1967.pdf || Fabliaux - Three Old French Narrative Lays - Trot, Lecheor, Nabaret, U.Liverpool 1999.pdf || Faral, Arts Poetiques du XII et du XIII siecle.P. 1962.pdf || Fasciculi zizaniorum magistri Johannis Wyclif cum tritico, London 1858.pdf || Froissart, Meliador, ed. Longnon, v. 1 SATF 1895.pdf || Froissart, Meliador, ed. Longnon, v. 2 SATF 1895.pdf || Froissart, Meliador, ed. Longnon, v. 3 SATF 1899.pdf || Fulgentius, Fulgentius enarrationes allegorie fabularum, Venice 1500.pdf || Geoffrey of Monmouth, Rerum Britannicum gesta, Badius 1508.pdf || Geoffroi de Charny, Le Livre de Chevalerie, fm Froissart 1,2.pdf || Gesta Romanorum.pdf || Ghisalberti, 'L'Ovidius Moralizatus' di Pierre Bersuire (=Studj romanzixxiii), Roma - Cuggiani 1933.pdf || Godefroid de Fontaines, Quodlibeta 5,6 and 7 (see DWR, Hist. Crit. 1950).pdf || Gothic and Anglo-Saxon Gospels ... ed. Bosworth and Waring. 3rd ed. L. 1888.pdf || Henry, of Lancaster. Le Livre de Seyntz Medicines. ANTS 1940.pdf || Higden - Trevisa, Polychronicon, ed. Babington, vol. 1 L. 1865.pdf || Higden - Trevisa, Polychronicon, ed. Babington, vol. 2 L. 1869.pdf || Higden - Trevisa, Polychronicon, ed. Lumby, vol. 3 L. 1871.pdf || Higden - Trevisa, Polychronicon, ed. Lumby, vol. 4 L. 1872.pdf || Higden - Trevisa, Polychronicon, ed. Lumby, vol. 5 L. 1874.pdf || Higden - Trevisa, Polychronicon, ed. Lumby, vol. 6 L. 1876.pdf || Higden - Trevisa, Polychronicon, ed. Lumby, vol. 7 L. 1879.pdf || Higden - Trevisa, Polychronicon, ed. Lumby, vol. 8 L. 1882.pdf || Higden - Trevisa, Polychronicon, ed. Lumby, vol. 9 L. 1886.pdf || Holcot, In 4 libros sententiarum, 1518.pdf ||Holcot, In proverbia Salomonis, P. 1515.pdf || Holcot, Quaestiones super 4 libros sententiarum, 1497.pdf || Holcot, Super sapientiam Salomonis, 1489, clipped.pdf || Holcot, Super sapientiam Salomonis, 1489.pdf || Holkott, super libros sapientiae, Hagenau 1494.pdf || Hugh of St Cher, Postilla super Psalterium, Venice 1496.pdf || Hugh of St Victor, Didascalicon, ed. Buttimer, CUA 1939 (Augsburg site).pdf || Introduction a la chronologie du latin vulgaire, Mohl 1899.pdf || Jehan Le Bel, Li ars d'amour..,ed. Petit. Brussels, 1867 v. 1.pdf || Jehan Le Bel, Li ars d'amour..,ed. Petit. Brussels, 1869 v. 2.pdf || John, of Garland, Integumenta Ovidii, ed. Ghisalberti. Milan 1933.pdf || John, of Salisbury. 'Entheticus', ed. Pepin, Traditio 31 (1975), 127-193.pdf ||Kervyn de Lettenhove, Froissart Chroniques 1,1.pdf || Kervyn de Lettenhove, Froissart Chroniques 1,2-3.pdf || Kervyn de Lettenhove, Froissart Chroniques 10.pdf || Kervyn de Lettenhove, Froissart Chroniques 11.pdf || Kervyn de Lettenhove, Froissart Chroniques 12.pdf || Kervyn de Lettenhove, Froissart Chroniques 13.pdf || Kervyn de Lettenhove, Froissart Chroniques 14.pdf || Kervyn de Lettenhove, Froissart Chroniques 2.pdf || Kervyn de Lettenhove, Froissart Chroniques 3.pdf || Kervyn de Lettenhove, Froissart Chroniques 4.pdf || Kervyn de Lettenhove, Froissart Chroniques 5.pdf || Kervyn de Lettenhove, Froissart Chroniques 6.pdf || Kervyn de Lettenhove, Froissart Chroniques 7.pdf || Kervyn de Lettenhove, Froissart Chroniques 8.pdf || Kervyn de Lettenhove, Froissart Chroniques 9.pdf || Lactantius, de ave phoenice, ed. Brandt and Laubmann, 1893.pdf || Lactantius, de ave phoenice, ed. Hubeaux and Leroy, 1939.pdf || Lactantius, de ave phoenice.pdf || Lamentations de Matheolus et Livre de leesce de Jehan le Fevre.pdf || Lenine, Cahiers philosophiques.pdf || Lexicon manuale ad scriptores mediae et infimae latinitatis, 1858.pdf|| Liebeschuetz, Fulgentius Metaforalis. Berlin 1926.pdf ||Littre, Histoire de la langue francaise, vol. 1. P. 1863.pdf ||Littre, Histoire de la langue francaise, vol. 2. P. 1863.pdf ||Livre des faicts du marechal Boucicaut, 2, P. 1824.pdf || Livre des faicts du marechal Boucicaut, I, P. 1824.pdf || Lombard, Textus sententiarum c. comment, 1499.pdf || Machaut, Oeuvres, ed. Hoepffner. v. 1 P. 1908.pdf || Machaut, Oeuvres, ed. Hoepffner. v. 2 P. 1911.pdf || Machaut, Oeuvres, ed. Hoepffner. v. 3 P. 1921.pdf || Macrobius, Somnium Scipionis, Venice 1492.pdf|| Maigne d'Arnis.Lexicon Manuale ad scriptores... 1858.pdf || Mantuan, de calamitatibus temporum.pdf || Marat, L'Erreur des Parisiens.pdf || Marat, The Chains of Slavery, 1774.pdf || Marcabru, Oeuvres completes, P. 1909.pdf || Marechal, Sylvain, Dictionnaire des ath�es, anciens et modernes..., Brussels 1833.pdf || MGH - Poetarum latinorum medii aevi, 2. Berlin 1884.pdf || Missale Ad Usum ... Sarum, ed. Dickinson, Oxf. and L. 1861-83.pdf || N0072296_PDF_1_217.PDF || Neckam, De Naturis Rerum, de laudibus divinae sapientiae, ed. Wright 1863.pdf || Nicolas of Lyra, Postilla super t.B. Romans thru Apocaplyse, poor copyVenice 1488.pdf || Nicolas of Lyra, Postilla super totam Bibliam. Genesis to Job. Venice 1488.pdf || Nicolas of Lyra, Postilla super totam Bibliam. Psalms to Ecclus. Strassb. 1492.pdf || Nicolas of Lyra, Postilla super totam Bibliam. Isaiah to end of O.T. Strassb. 1492.pdf || Nicolas of Lyra, Postilla super totam Bibliam. Gospels. Strassb. 1492.pdf || Nicolas of Lyra, Postilla super totam Bibliam. Romans thru Jude. Venice 1488.pdf || Nicolas of Lyra, Postilla super totam Bibliam. Apocalypsis. Strassb. 1492.pdf || NOTE.doc || Oberman, Weisheipl, Sermo Epinicius .. Bradwardine, AHDLdMA 33 '58.pdf ||Oeuvres de Froissart. Poesies. Ed. Scheler v. 1 Brussels 1870.pdf ||Oeuvres de Froissart. Poesies. Ed. Scheler v. 2 Brussels 1871.pdf ||Oeuvres de Froissart. Poesies. Ed. Scheler v. 3 Brussels 1872.pdf ||Ovide moralise en prose, ed. De Boer, Amsterdam 1954.pdf || p133.pdf || Paris, Legendes du Moyen-Age (incl. Lai de L'oiselet), 1908.pdf || Peter Comestor, Scolastica historia, 1485.pdf|| Petrarch, Africa, Bk. III.pdf || Petrarch, Bucolicum Carmen, comm. Badius, p. 1502-3.pdf || Petrarch, De remediis utriusque fortunae.pdf || Petrarch, Epistolae familiares. (RomeQ), 1492.pdf || Petrarch, Familiares, Bk. 2 only.pdf || Petrarch, Letters (Latin), from BNF.pdf || Petrarch, Secretum (Latin).pdf || Petrarch, Various Wks (Seniles, Africa, Buc. Carm, Metr. Ltrs, Test., ),1501.pdf || Petri Allegherii Super Dantis ...Commentarium. Florence, 1846.pdf || Phelan, Pastoral Care of John of Wales, 1947.pdf || Policrat I, 276-7.pdf || Policraticus, ed. Webb 1909, vol. 1.pdf || Policraticus, ed. Webb 1909, vol. 2.pdf || Political Poems and Songs...Ed. III to Rich. III, 1, ed. Wright.pdf || Political Poems and Songs...Ed. III to Rich. III, 2 ed. Wright.pdf || Political Songs of England, ed. Wright, Camden Soc. 1839.pdf || Prudentius, Psychomachia.pdf || Rabanus Maurus, De rerum naturis (a.k.a. De Universo).pdf || Radulphi de Coggeshalle Chronicon Anglicanum, w. Fulke Fitz Warin, ed. Stevenson L. 1875.pdf || Radulphus, de Longo Campo. In Anticlaudianum Alani Commentum. Ed Sulowski. Warsaw 1972.pdf || rev Nicholas of Lyra - The Senses of Scrpture.pdf || Reynolds, William D. The 'Ovidius Moralizatus' of Petrus Berchorius - AnIntro and Trans. Ph.D. Diss 1971.pdf || Ringstede (Holcot or Walleys), In proverbia Salomonis, 1515.pdf || Robertson, Literature of Medieval England, 1970.pdf || Rogers, Peter Lombard & the Sacramental System. 1917.pdf || Roman de la Rose ou de Guillaume de Dole. ed Servois. P. SATF 1893.pdf || Roman de la Rose, ed. Langlois, vol. 1.pdf ||Roman de la Rose, ed. Langlois, vol. 2.pdf || Roman de la Rose, ed. Langlois, vol. 3.pdf || Roman de la Rose, ed. Langlois, vol. 4.pdf ||Roman de la Rose, ed. Langlois, vol. 5.pdf || Roman de Thebes, ed. Constans, v. 1, SATF 1890.pdf || Roman de Thebes, ed. Constans, v. 2, SATF 1890.pdf || Roman de Troie of Benoit de Sainte-Maure, ed. Constans SATF 1904, v. 1.pdf ||Roman de Troie of Benoit de Sainte-Maure, ed. Constans SATF 1904, v. 2.pdf || Roman de Troie of Benoit de Sainte-Maure, ed. Constans SATF 1904, v. 3.pdf || Roman de Troie of Benoit de Sainte-Maure, ed. Constans SATF 1908, v. 4.pdf ||Roman de Troie of Benoit de Sainte-Maure, ed. Constans SATF 1909, v. 5.pdf || Roman de Troie of Benoit de Sainte-Maure, ed. Constans SATF 1912, v. 6.pdf || Rutebeuf, Oeuvres compl�tes, 1 ed. Zink.pdf || Rutebeuf, Oeuvres compl�tes, 2 ed. Zink.pdf || Salutati, Epistolario, ed. Novati v.1 Florence 1891.pdf || Salutati, Epistolario, ed. Novati v.2 Florence 1893.pdf || Salutati, Epistolario, ed. Novati v.3 Florence 1896.pdf || Salutati, Epistolario, ed. Novati v.3 pt. 1 Florence 1896.pdf || Salutati, Epistolario, ed. Novati v.3 pt. 2 Florence 1896.pdf || Salutati, Epistolario, ed. Novati v.4 Pte 1 Florence 1905.pdf || Salutati, Epistolario, ed. Novati v.4 Pte 2 Florence 1911.pdf || Savil, intro to Bradwardine, De Causa Dei, 1618 ed. with QQ fm NPT.pdf || Senece omnia opera, Venice 1492.pdf || Servius, Commentaries on works of Virgil.pdf || Sonthonax, Proclamation, Le Cap, 1794.pdf ||Speculum Historiale, Vincent of Beauvais.pdf || Speculum Stultorum, Nigel Wireker, 1490.pdf || Summa de exemplis ac similitudinibus rerum, Johannes de Sancto Gimiiano,Venice 1497.pdf || Syllabus ... documents ... England ... Rymer's Foedera, ed. Hardy, I - 1066-1377. London.pdf || Syllabus ... documents ... England ... Rymer's Foedera, ed. Hardy, II -1377-1654. London 1873.pdf || Valerius Maximus, de dictis factisque memorabilibus, 1.pdf || Valerius Maximus, de dictis factisque memorabilibus, 2,1.pdf || Valerius Maximus, de dictis factisque memorabilibus, 2,2.pdf || Voragine, Legenda aurea, Lyons 1505.pdf || Voragine, legenda aurea, n. pl, n.d. 1487-90.pdf || Voragine, Legenda aurea, 1495.pdf ||Walleys' moralization of Ovide, transl. into French, Paris 1498.pdf || Walleys, Metamorphosis Ovidiana, 1509.pdf ||Walleys, Trivet - Comm. on Aug's De civ. dei, 1488.pdf || Walsingham, Gesta Abbatum S. Albani, III, ed. Riley, 1869.pdf || Walsingham, Historia Anglicana, I, 1272-1381, ed. Riley, 1863.pdf || Walsingham, Historia Anglicana, II, 1381-1422, ed. Riley, 1864.pdf || Walter of Chatillon, Alexandri Magni vita, 1513.pdf || Ward ed. Epistles on the Roman of the Rose, 1911.pdf || Welter, J.-Th., L'Exemplum dan la litterature religieuse et didactique du moyen age. P. et Toulouse, 1927.pdf || William of St. Amour, De Periculis Noviss. Tempor., fm Opera Omnia, Constance, 1632.pdf || William of St. Amour, Opera Omnia, Constance, 1632.pdf || Zeller, Tribuns et les r�volutions en Italie - Rienzi... Masaniello, p.1874.pdf

Hans Memling, Revelation of St John,
Hospital of St John the Evangelist, Bruges

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Publications related to Julian:

Saint Bride and Her Book: Birgitta of Sweden's Revelations Translated from Latin and Middle English with Introduction, Notes and Interpretative Essay. Focus Library of Medieval Women. Series Editor, Jane Chance. xv + 164 pp. Revised, republished, Boydell and Brewer, 1997. Republished, Boydell and Brewer, 2000. ISBN 0-941051-18-8

To see an example of a page inside with parallel text in Middle English and Modern English, variants and explanatory notes, click here. Index to this book at

Julian of Norwich. Showing of Love: Extant Texts and Translation. Edited. Sister Anna Maria Reynolds, C.P. and Julia Bolton Holloway. Florence: SISMEL Edizioni del Galluzzo (Click on British flag, enter 'Julian of Norwich' in search box), 2001. Biblioteche e Archivi 8. XIV + 848 pp. ISBN 88-8450-095-8.

To see inside this book, where God's words are in red, Julian's in black, her editor's in grey, click here.

Julian of Norwich. Showing of Love. Translated, Julia Bolton Holloway. Collegeville: Liturgical Press; London; Darton, Longman and Todd, 2003. Amazon ISBN 0-8146-5169-0/ ISBN 023252503X. xxxiv + 133 pp. Index.

To view sample copies, actual size, click here.Julian of Norwich, Showing of Love, Westminster Text, translated into Modern English, set in William Morris typefont, hand bound with marbled paper end papers within vellum or marbled paper covers, in limited, signed edition. A similar version available in Italian translation. To order, click here.

'Colections' by an English Nun in Exile: Biblioth�que Mazarine 1202. Ed. Julia Bolton Holloway, Hermit of the Holy Family. Analecta Cartusiana 119:26. Eds. James Hogg, Alain Girard, Daniel Le Bl�vec. Salzburg: Institut f�r Anglistik und Amerikanistik Universit�t Salzburg, 2006.

Anchoress and Cardinal: Julian of Norwich and Adam Easton OSB. Analecta Cartusiana 35:20 Spiritualit�t Heute und Gestern. Salzburg: Institut f�r Anglistik und Amerikanistik Universit�t Salzburg, 2008. ISBN 978-3-902649-01-0. ix + 399 pp. Index. Plates.

Teresa Morris. Julian of Norwich: A Comprehensive Bibliography and Handbook. Preface, Julia Bolton Holloway. Lewiston: Edwin Mellen Press, 2010. x + 310 pp. ISBN-13: 978-0-7734-3678-7; ISBN-10: 0-7734-3678-2. Maps. Index.

Fr Brendan Pelphrey. Lo, How I Love Thee: Divine Love in Julian of Norwich. Ed. Julia Bolton Holloway. Amazon, 2013. ISBN 978-1470198299

Julian among the Books: Julian of Norwich's Theological Library. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016. xxi + 328 pp. VII Plates, 59 Figures. ISBN (10): 1-4438-8894-X, ISBN (13) 978-1-4438-8894-3.

Mary's Dowry; An Anthology of Pilgrim and Contemplative Writings/ La Dote di Maria:Antologie di Testi di Pellegrine e Contemplativi.Traduzione di Gabriella Del Lungo Camiciotto. Testo a fronte, inglese/italiano. Analecta Cartusiana 35:21 Spiritualit�t Heute und Gestern. Salzburg: Institut f�r Anglistik und Amerikanistik Universit�t Salzburg, 2017. ISBN 978-3-903185-07-4. ix + 484 pp.