Convoy HX 56 - (original) (raw)

CONVOY HX 56 Cruising Order & Advance Sailing Telegram

Convoy HX 56 Cruising Order Departed Halifax on July 7-1940 and arrived Liverpool on the 22nd (Arnold Hague says 48 ships).
Transcribed from A 1 form received from Roger Griffiths (his source: Public Records Office, Kew). Nationalities have been added with the help of "The World's Merchant Fleets 1939", R. W. Jordan. Br=British, Am=American, Norw=Norwegian, Da=Danish, Sw=Swedish, Hu=Hungarian, Est=Estonian, Du=Dutch, Bel=Belgian MoWT = Ministry of War Transport B = ships joining from Bermuda.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
11 Celtic Monarch pit props West Hartlepool (Br) 21 Donacilla lube oil London (Br) 31 Beechwood pit props Hull (Br) 41 Pacific Grove general London (Br) 51 Sulairia general Glasgow (Br) 61 Europa general Liverpool(Da/Br) 71 Dalcairn grain Liverpool (Br) 81Bayano general Liverpool (Br) 91Queen City scrap - general ev. Manchester (Br)
12Brynymor grainHull (Br) 22Inger Toft pit props Tyne (Da/Br) 32Vancouver kerosene London (Br) 42 Tricula fuel oil Thames (Br) 52Granby* timber Clyde (Br) 62 Eastern Trader steel - general ev. Liverpool(Am/MoWT 1940) 72 British Ardour benzine Belfast (Br) 82 Montreal City general - general ev. Milford Haven (Br) 92 Shirak benzine Belfast (Br)
13 Warkworth London (Br) 23 Uffington Court grain London (Br) 33 Kirnwood timber London (Br) 43 King Robert steel - pit props West Hartlepool (Br) 53 Brockley Hill timber Clyde (Br) 63 Thyra pulp wood Manchester(Norw) 73Kelet* iron ore Milford Haven (Hu) 83 Bengore Head general Belfast (Br) 93 Dosinia gasolineBelfast (Br)
14 24 34 44 Gunborg Clyde (Sw) 54 64Forbes Hauptmann Birkenhead(Am/MoWT 1940) 74 Silverelm Liverpool (Br) 84Barrgrove steel - timber Belfast - Hull (Br) 94 Everleigh Avonmouth (Br)
15 B Hopepeaklumber-wheat Hull (Br) 25 BAlexia fuel oil Scapa (Br) 35 B Ahamo fuel oil Scapa (Br) 45 B Craftsmangeneral-expl. Liverpool (Br) 55 B Speybanknitrates Liverpool (Br) 65 B Empire Confidencesugar-general-expl. Clyde (Br) 75 B Lake Hallwil see belowB Ruahine wool-dairy Liverpool (Br) 85 B Atheltemplar fuel oil Clyde (Br) 95 B Beemsterdijk general Belfast (Du)
16 26 Western Prince (Br) 36 B Auris crude & fuel oil Clyde (Br) 46 B Iroquois gas oil London (Br) 56 B San Conrado gasoline - kerosene Clyde (Br) 66 B Flowergate sugar Methil (Br) 76 B Athelviking Admiralty fuel Clyde (Br)Lake Hallwil general Methil/London (Est) 86 B Ranchergeneral-expl. Liverpool (Br) 96 B Port Wellington Avonmouth (Br)
17 27 37 B British Couragefuel oil Clyde (Br) 47 BBruxelles sugar Liverpool (Bel) 57 B Storaas fuel oil (Norw) 67 BSea Giant*(Br salvage tug) Glasgow 77 B Ruahine see station 75 87 97
Western Prince joined at 20:00 on the 19th(?) in 56 30N 13 44W - reason unknown (not mentioned in Advance Sailing Telegram).Vancouver (also cancelled from HX 55), sailed in HX 57, and Brockley Hill (cancelled from HX 57, sailed in HX 58) are not mentioned in the Advance Sailing Telegram for this convoy. Note, however, that the AST has several ships (listed as cancelled) that are not not included in this A 1 form. The ships denoted * were unable to maintain pre-arranged convoy speed. They are crossed out on the form, having dropped out of the convoy, Sea Giant already while in the Bermuda section - she shows up again in HX 60 later that month. Granby dropped out on the 7th due to engine failure and was sent back to Halifax, while Kelet dropped out at 05:00 on the 8th, unable to catch up with convoy. There's another note for Granby in the Advance Sailing Telegram, saying: "Sent back and sailed independently presumably for Clyde as signal saying Belfast was despatched the day she sailed 8/7". The Bermuda portion was escorted by HMS Ausonia. It'll be noticed, when comparing the above with Arnold Hague's listing for HX 56 at ships in all HX convoys, that he has some of the ships in different stations from what is given in the original convoy documents. Also, he says Empire Confidence became a straggler. He spells Forbes Hauptman with 1 n. A. Hague does not mention Sea Giant in his listing.
Advance Sailing Telegram Transcribed from several documents received from Tony Cooper - His source: Public Records Office, Kew.
Ship Nationality Cargo Destination Remarks
Halifax section
Eastern Trader American / MoWT 1940 steel - special Liverpool Became Br. Empire Razorbill From HX 55
Montreal City British general - special Milford Haven From HX 55
Thyra Norwegian lumber Manchester From HX 55
Queen City British scrap - special Manchester From HX 55
Innerton " grain Avonmouth From HX 55* To HX 57 - did not sail Listed in HX 58
* The AST says this ship was from HX 55, but she's not mentioned in the AST for that convoy.
Beechwood " pit props Hull
Europa Danish / MoWT 1940 general Liverpool Commodore Vessel
Barrgrove British steel - lumber Newport
Erviken Norwegian pig iron Swansea To HX 57 - did not sail To HX 58 - did not sail To HX 59 - did not sail To HX 60 - did not sail Listed in HX 61
City of Oxford British general Avonmouth Listed in HX 57
Daldorch " steel - special Liverpool See also Bermuda portion belowListed in HX 57
King Robert " steel - pit props West Hartlepool
Sulairia " general Glasgow
Warkworth " grain London
Bayano " general London
Brynymor " grain Hull
Bengore Head " grain Belfast Listed in HX 57
Dalcairn " grain Belfast / Newcastle
Everleigh " grain Manchester
Pacific Grove " general - aircraft Glasgow Vice Commodore
Silverelm " general Liverpool
Uffington Court " grain London
Favorit Norwegian timber Belfast To HX 57 - did not sail Listed in HX 58
Zeus Greek grain Southampton Listed in HX 57
Tricula British Tanker B Mersey f. o. See alo HX 53
Dosinia " Tanker W Manchester See alo HX 51
British Ardour " Tanker W Manchester See alo HX 50
Shirak " Tanker W Manchester See alo HX 50
Leiesten Norwegian Tanker B Clyde f. o. Listed in HX 57
Donacilla British Tanker B London
Inger Toft Danish / MoWT 1940 pit props Tyne
Hørda Norwegian general Liverpool Listed in HX 57
Horn Shell British Tanker W "To remain at Halifax" Listed in HX 57
Gypsum Queen " steel Birkenhead Listed in HX 57
The following ships appear on a separate document, with no mention of which section they belong to - note, however, that one of these belong in the Bermuda portion, denoted with a B
Empire Confidence British sugar - general - Naval stores - explosives London B
Celtic Monarch " pit props West Hartlepool See alo HX 54
Kirnwood " timber London
Gunborg Swedish pulp wood Barrow
Granby British timber Belfast f. o. See note in A 1 form
Forbes Hauptmann American / MoWT 1940 scrap - explosives Birkenhead Became British Empire Kittiwake Later Norw. Norfalk
Kelet Hungarian iron ore Port Talbot
Joining from Bermuda - Sailed July 6 Escorted by HMS Ausonia
Sea Giant British Tug Glasgow From HX 55 See note in A 1 form above
Alexia " Adm. tanker B Liverpool From HX 55
Carperby " sugar Methil f. o. From HX 55 Listed in HX 57
Lake Hallwil Estonian general London
Hopepeak British wheat - lumber Hull From HX 55
Atheltemplar " Adm. tanker B Clyde
San Emiliano " Tanker B "To proceed to Halifax to await orders" Listed in HX 57
Norvinn Panamanian / Norw. mngrs. Adm. tanker B Devonport Listed in HX 59
Iroquois British Tanker B London
San ? illegible " Tanker B To HX 57
Daldorch " scrap iron - steel - explosives Middlesbrough To HX 57 See Halifax portion above
San Conrado " Tanker "To proceed to Halifax to await orders" Listed in HX 61
Beemsterdijk Dutch general Liverpool
Rio Azul British scrap iron Ardrossan Listed in HX 57
Speybank " nitrates Liverpool
Ahamo " Adm. tanker B Scapa
Auris " Tanker B Manchester
Rancher " general - explosives Liverpool
Craftsman " general - explosives Liverpool From HX 55
Storaas Norwegian Adm. tanker B Clyde
Port Wellington British meat - butter Avonmouth
El Grillo " Tanker (crude oil) Manchester To HX 57 - did not sail (does not show up until HX 85)
Flowergate " sugar Hull From HX 55
Sildra Norwegian Adm. tanker B Portsmouth Listed in HX 57
Darina British Tanker W "To proceed to Halifax to await orders" Listed in HX 63
Polarsol Norwegian Tanker W "To proceed to Halifax to await orders" Listed in HX 62
British Courage British Tanker B London
Ruahine " wool - dairy produce Liverpool
San Arcadio " Tanker B Belfast f. o. Listed in HX 57
Athelviking " Adm. tanker B Clyde From HX 54 Listed in HX 57
Bruxelles Belgian sugar Avonmouth
Additionally, Empire Confidence, as noted above.

Commodore, Rear Admiral Peyne(? hard to read) was in Eur opa, Vice Commodore H. S. Pearley was in Pacific Grove, and Rear Commodore in Sulairia.

Speed: 8 1/2 knots.

The Commodore is not impressed with the ships' ability to keep their stations, saying it was the worst he had ever experienced, and is equally critical with regard to visual and W/T signalling.

Ocean Escort: HMS Comorin - sailed with convoy from Halifax, parted company at 18:30 on the 20th and proceeded with east coast section of the convoy.
Local Escort: The only vessels I can desipher with a fair amount of certainty are Hearstease, Warwick, Rochester and Leith.

A. Hague names the following escorts (extracted from this list of HX convoy escorts received from D. Kindell; dates are European style, day/month/year):
Comorin - From 07/07/40 to 20/07/40
Hastings - From 19/07/40 to 20/07/40
Heartsease - From 19/07/40 to 22/07/40
Leith - From 19/07/40 to 22/07/40
Ottawa - From 07/07/40 to 08/07/40
Rochester - From 19/07/40 to 22/07/40
Saguenay - From 07/07/40 to 08/07/40
Warwick - From 19/07/40 to 22/07/40

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Aa–Al An–Ar As–Av Ba Be Bi–Bl Bo Br–Bu C D
E F G Ha He Hi–Hy I J K
L M N O PQ R Sa–Sc Se–Sj Sk–Sn So
Sp–St Su–Sø Ta–Te Th–Ti To Tr–Tø U V W Ø