Convoy HX 58 - (original) (raw)

CONVOY HX 58 Cruising Order & Advance Sailing Telegram

Convoy HX 58 Cruising Order Departed Halifax on July 15-1940 and arrived Liverpool on the 31st (Arnold Hague says 65 ships).
Transcribed from A 1 form received from Roger Griffiths (his source: Public Records Office, Kew). This is another one of those extremely messy forms where ships have been crossed out and rearranged - in some cases they have simply been moved to another station, other times they do not appear in another station. Br=British, Du=Dutch, Am=American, Norw=Norwegian, Sw=Swedish, Est=Estonian MoWT = Ministry of War Transport B = Bermuda portion
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
11 Filleigh grain Methil (Br) 21Don (see H 94) Baron Yarborough pit props Belfast & Sunderland (Br) 31 Brockley Hill timber London (Br) 41 Diloma gasoline London (Br) 51Sheaf Crown (see H 54)Camito* Glasgow (Br) 61 Newfoundland general Liverpool (Br) 71 Volendam general Liverpool (Du) 81 Norwegian general Avonmouth (Br) 91 Empire Hawksbillsteel (Br)
12 Ampleforth grain Methil (Br) 22Baron Yarborough (see station 21)B La Pampa grain - lumber Methil (Br) 32x Coimbra Belfast & London (Br) 42Ravnefjell (see H 24)Virgilia gasoline London (Br) 52Towa (see station 87) 62Crispin* general Liverpool (Br) 72 Lowther Castle steel - lumber Liverpool (Br) 82 Llanwern grain Milford Haven (Br) 92Ragnhildsholm grain Avonmouth (Sw)
13x Favorit lumber Belfast (Norw)A.D Huff? newsprint Methil (Br) 23x Athelcrown fuel oil Clyde (Br) 33 Mars wood pulp Green Hithe(Du) 43 Virgilia (see station 42)replaced by Leerdam from 64? steel - general Belfast (Du) 53 Muneric iron ore Glasgow (Br) 63x Willemsplein iron ore Milford Haven (Du) 73 San Amado clean oil Manchester (Br) 83 West Point steel scrap Milford Haven (Br) 93x Innerton grain Avonmouth (Br)
14Botusk lumber Methil (Br) 24 Hatasu general London (Br) 34 Newton Ash pit props West Hartlepool (Br) 44 Illegible gasoline East-WestGeddington Court steel Glasgow (Br) 54x Photinia iron ore Birkenhead (Br) 64x Leerdam (see station 43)Norefjord Barrow (Norw) 74 San Gaspar fuel & crude oil Liverpool (Br) 84 Empire Soldier iron ore Newport (Br) 94Olev lumber Dublin (Est)
H 14*Bodegraven grain London (Du) H 24* Ravnefjell general London (Norw) H 34*Blairesk pit props Methil (Br) H 44 H 54*Sheaf Crown steel - general Clyde (Br) H 64*Kina II Liverpool(Da/MoWT 1940) H 74* West Cawthon steel - general Manchester(Am/MoWT 1940) H 84* A. D. Huff see station 13 H 94* Don pit props Sunderland (Norw)
15 B Hopecrest lead - lumber Methil (Br) 25 B Athelsultan Admiralty fuel Scapa (Br) 35 B Indian Prince general London (Br) 45 B Inkosi refrig. generalClyde for London (Br) 55 BSan Eliseo gas oil Grangemouth (Br) 65 B San Demetrio gasoline Clyde (Br) 75 B Schuylkill aviation spirits Manchester (Br) 85 B Inversuir aviation/motor spirits Milford Haven (Br) 95x B Derrymore general Glasgow (Br)
16 26 B Harberton scrap iron Methil (Br) 36 B Lumen gasoline Methil (Br) 46 B Saint Bernard sugar Methil (Br) 56 B Delphinulalub. oil Methil (Br) 66 B Vernon City lumber - metal Liverpool (Br) 76 B Anadara diesel & fuel oil Mersey (Br) 86 B Rodsley lumber spelter Liverpool (Br) 96 BDerrymore may have been moved hereLa Pampa (see station 22)
17 27 B Oiltrader fuel oil Methil (Br) 37 47 BPort Caroline refrig. general Methil (Br) 57 B Wayfarer general Liverpool (Br) 67 B Cerinthusparaffin - lub. oil Manchester (Br) 77 BPatrick Henry general Liverpool(Am/MoWT 1940) 87 Towa iron ore Milford Haven (Du) 97
x Coimbra, Favorit, Athelcrown, Willemsplein, Innerton, Photinia, Leerdam, and Derrymore have been crossed out on the A 1 form, but not on the Advance Sailing Telegram, so I believe all these ships did sail.* Camito and Crispin became HMS Camito and HMS Crispin in Aug. that year (Ocean Boarding Vessels). Hollinside and Loke joined at sea - see Notes. * It looks like an extra row has been inserted between the original 4th and 5th rows, with a number of vessels added by hand. Instead of the usual station numbers, the 5th row has numbers like H 14, H 24, H 34 etc. As I'm not sure what this means, I've gone ahead and numbered the stations exactly as they appear on the form. It'll be noticed, when comparing the above with Arnold Hague's listing for HX 58 at ships in all HX convoys, that he has some of the ships in different stations from what is given in the original convoy documents. He says Saint Bernard had a cargo of lub. oil and that Sheaf Crown became a straggler. See also Notes further down on this page. The Bermuda portion (BHX 58) was escorted by HMS Jervis Bay (also Commodore of this portion), sailing between columns 4 and 5, which were to be 6 cables apart, rest of columns to be 4 cables apart - ships in columns, 2 cables apart.
Advance Sailing Telegram Transcribed from several documents received from Tony Cooper - His source: Public Records Office, Kew.
Ship Nationality Cargo Destination Remarks
Halifax section
Olaf Bergh Norwegian scrap steel Middlesbrough From HX 57 To HX 59 - did not sail Listed in HX 60
Brockley Hill British timber London From HX 57 Vice Commodore
Ravnefjell Norwegian general London From HX 57
Innerton British grain Hull From HX 57
Erviken Norwegian steel - pig iron Swansea From HX 57 To HX 59 - did not sail To HX 60 - did not sail Listed in HX 61
Favorit " lumber Belfast / Boness(?) From HX 57
Lowther Castle British grain - pit props - steel Manchester From HX 57
Photinia " iron ore Birkenhead From HX 57
Muneric " iron ore Glasgow
Empire Hawksbill " steel - scrap iron Swansea
Geddington Court " steel plate - scrap Glasgow
Empire Mariner " general - special Mersey f. o. Listed in HX 64
Olev Estonian lumber Dublin
Willemsplein Dutch iron ore Cardiff
Ampleforth British grain Hull
Don Norwegian pit props Belfast / Sunderland
Kirnwood British lumber London See HX 56
Towa Dutch iron ore Cardiff
Volendam " general Liverpool
Convallaria Swedish wood pulp Medway Listed in HX 59
Filleigh British grain Hull
Hatasu " general London
Middleton " steel - scrap Middlesbrough Listed in HX 59
Norwegian " general Avonmouth
Ragnhildsholm Swedish general Avonmouth
Sheaf Crown British steel - explosives River Mersey
Antonios Chandris Greek grain Avonmouth Listed in HX 59
Bodegraven Dutch grain London
Camito British general Glasgow
Llanwern " grain Barry
Prins Willem van Oranje Dutch grain London Listed in HX 59
Inger Lise Norwegian lumber Aberdeen Listed in HX 59
Mars Dutch pulp Greenhithe
Newfoundland British general Liverpool Commodore Vessel
Crispin " general Liverpool
Empire Soldier " iron ore Newport
Leerdam Dutch steel - general London
West Cawthon* American/MoWT 1940 steel - ammunition Liverpool Became Br. Empire Bison
* I've seen this ship spelt West Cawthon, as well as West Cawthorn. The Empire Ships website (external link) has her as West Cawthon, as does the Advance Sailing Telegram.
The following ships appear on a separate document, with no mention of which section they belong to - note, however, that some of these belong in the Bermuda portion, denoted with a B
San Demetrio British Tanker W Clyde to lay up B Station 65 Bermuda convoy
Patrick Henry American/MoWT 1940 general - special Liverpool Became Br. Empire Steelhead B Station 77 Bermuda convoy
Botusk British lumber Methil
Baron Yarborough " pit props Sunderland
Athelcrown " Tanker B Clyde See also HX 54
Coimbra " Tanker Belfast / London See also HX 53
Newton Ash " pit props West Hartlepool
Blairesk " pit props Hull
Diloma " Tanker W London
Virgilia " Tanker W London
Norefjord Norwegian pulp wood Barrow
San Amado British Tanker B Manchester See also HX 51
San Gaspar " Tanker B Liverpool See also HX 54
West Point " steel scrap Swansea
Kina II Danish Kina/MoWT 1940 aircraft Liverpool
A. D. Huff British newsprint Belfast / London
Joining from Bermuda - Sailed July 14 Escorted by HMS Jervis Bay (also Commodore)
Anglo Peruvian British wheat London From HX 57 To HX 59 - did not sail Listed in HX 60
Oiltrader " Tanker B London From HX 57 Station 27 Bermuda convoy
Derrymore " general Glasgow From HX 57 Station 95 Bermuda convoy
Vernon City " lumber - lead River Mersey From HX 57 Station 66 Bermuda convoy
Hopecrest " lumber - lead Hull From HX 57 Station 15 Bermuda convoy
Indian Prince " lumber London Station 35 Bermuda convoy
Inversuir " Tanker W Avonmouth Station 85 Bermuda convoy
Harberton " scrap iron Hull Station 26 Bermuda convoy
Schuylkill " Tanker W Manchester Station 75 Bermuda convoy
San Eliseo " Tanker B Grangemouth Station 55 Bermuda convoy
Cerinthus " Tanker B & W Manchester Station 67 Bermuda convoy
La Pampa " grain - lumber Hull Station 96 Bermuda convoy
Lumen " Tanker W London Station 36 Bermuda convoy
Diala " Tanker W "To proceed to Halifax to await orders" Listed in HX 63
Inkosi " general Clyde Station 45 Bermuda convoy
Wayfarer " general Manchester Station 57 Bermuda convoy
Delphinula " Tanker B London Station 56 Bermuda convoy
Rodsley " lumber - spelter London Station 86 Bermuda convoy
Athelsultan " Adm. tanker B Scapa Station 25 Bermuda convoy
Saint Bernard " sugar London Station 46 Bermuda convoy
Loriga " general Liverpool Listed in HX 59
Mahia " refrig. London Listed in HX 59
Custodian " general - explosives Liverpool From HX 57 To HX 59 - did not sail Listed in HX 60
Macgregor " phosphates Glasgow (See also HG 35) To HX 64 - did not sail Listed in SC 1
Anadara " Tanker B Liverpool Station 76 Bermuda convoy
Port Caroline " refrig. London Station 47 Bermuda convoy
Again, note that 2 more ships were in the Bermuda portion - see A 1 form above.

Commodore R Eliot R.N.R. was in Newfoundland, Vice Commodore was Captain J. Williams of Brockley Hill, and Rear Commodore was in Inkosi - from Bermuda section. (Clyde Commodore: W. E. Harvey of Camito, Milford: H. J. Pollock of Norwegian).

The convoy had 42 ships upon departure Halifax, 1 more - Kina II - joined in the morning of the 16th, 22 joined from the Bermuda feeder convoy, for a total of 65, 64 of which were still present at rendezvous with local escort, + British Hollinside and Norwegian Loke (the latter 2 joined with HMS Clarkia at R.V. point). Sheaf Crown left the convoy in the morning of July 17, rejoined in the afternoon of the 19th, then finally dropped out at noon on the 22nd in 48 48N 38 10W. Reason unknown.

Commodore's comments on signalling and station keeping:
"First four lines generally good - rear lines straggled back especially at night, with the resulting hustle up at dawn and excessive smoke. Visual signalling very good considering the size of the convoy. Some W/T oscillation was noted, and Ocean Escort warned the offenders.

Crispin (Captain R. B. Furneaux), Diloma (Captain E. C. L. Jones) and Lowther Castle (Captain H. Williams) - all excellent signalling and station keeping, good ships.
Camito (Captain W. E. Harvey) excellent signals, good station keeper.
Volendam, excellent flag and morse signals, no semaphore. Rather dangerous at times station keeping, a big unwieldy ship for slow speeds.
Olev (G. Kauger), did very well to keep up with the convoy - seldom far out of station.
Filleigh (A. Harp) and Empire Hawksbill (John Dunlop) - both bad station keepers as leaders of columns. Would remain out of station for hours if not pulled up.
Towa - bad all around, seldom in station, would not even answer signals, and when put at the rear straggled badly. Did not appear to understand the idea of convoy at all."

Commodore's comments on passage:
"Except for 12 hours, 19th - 20th, perfect weather conditions. Junction with Bermuda section made satisfactorily the two sections being joined and on the Northerly course at noon. At 20:30 21st July lat. 47 15N Long 40 18W a searchlight beam bearing 105 degs was seen shining in the direction of the convoy, but the ship using it was well below the horizon and nothing more was seen or heard."

Ocean Escorts: From Halifax, HMS Ranpura (departed at 08:40 on July 29 off Belfast) - from Bermuda, HMS Jervis Bay.
Local Escort: Sloop HMS Enchantress, Canadian destroyer HMCS Skeena, British corvettes HMS Camellia, HMS Clarkia, 2 trawlers, and the destroyer HMS Westcott. The local escort joined 06:08 to 06:30 on July 27, within a few miles of pre-arranged time. The convoy was about 1 1/2 - 2 hours late. Enchantress joined in the afternoon.
Skeena and Camellia left with the A portion of the convoy at the "split point". Trawlers withdrawn during the night of 28th to 29th. Enchantress left at Bar L.V. Westcott left with the Clyde ships and rejoined in the afternoon of the 25th. Clarkia left with the Milford Haven portion at 16:20 on the 25th, 54 06N 05 13W.
Air Escort during daylight of each day - left at dusk.

A. Hague names the following escorts (extracted from this list of HX convoy escorts received from D. Kindell; dates are European style, day/month/year):
Assiniboine - From 15/07/40 to 16/07/40
Camellia - From 27/07/40 to 31/07/40
Clarkia - From 27/07/40 to 31/07/40
Enchantress - From 27/07/40 to 30/07/40
Lady Elsa - 27/07/40
Ranpura - From 15/07/40 to 28/07/40
Saguenay - From 15/07/40 to 16/07/40
Skeena - From 27/07/40 to 31/07/40
St. Kenan - From 27/07/40
Westcott - From 27/07/40 to 30/07/40

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To the next HX convoy in my list HX 59

Aa–Al An–Ar As–Av Ba Be Bi–Bl Bo Br–Bu C D
E F G Ha He Hi–Hy I J K
L M N O PQ R Sa–Sc Se–Sj Sk–Sn So
Sp–St Su–Sø Ta–Te Th–Ti To Tr–Tø U V W Ø