Convoy SC 100 - (original) (raw)


Convoy SC 100 Cruising Order Departed Halifax on Sept. 12-1942 and arrived Liverpool on the 28th (Arnold Hague's "The Allied Convoy System" gives 20 ships)
Form received from Ted Agar. (His source: A diary, which shows ships joining from Halifax only. Ships joining en route have been named further down in the table. Although the information is usually incomplete, I consider this diary valuable and important in and of itself and, therefore, I've transcribed it and kept it "as is" on this website, adding further details and/or corrections from other sources separately, rather than within the form itself - except for cargoes - as seen below). Cargoes have been extracted from a document received from D. Kindell, based on Arnold Hague's database. See his listing for SC 100 at Ships in all SC convoys. The stations given are the initial stations on departure Halifax; these may have changed as the voyage progressed. Info re. ships sunk has been added with the help of: "The Allied Convoy System", Arnold Hague "Axis Submarine Successes of World War Two", Jürgen Rohwer "The World's Merchant Fleets 1939", R. W. Jordan. Br=British, Am=American, Du=Dutch, Bel=Belgian, Norw=Norwegian, Da=Danish.† = dead, MoWT=Ministry of War Transport
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
11 Mount Evans*general (Am) 21 Empire Stourgeneral (Br) 31 Empire Soldier general collided - 0†(Br) See Notes below 41 51 Athelsultan molasses - alcohol sunk - 51† (Br) See Notes below 61 Ary Lensensugar (Br) 71 Empire Hartebeeste general sunk - **0? 5?**† (Br) See Notes below 81 Belgian Fishermangeneral (Bel)
12 22 Greylockgeneral (Am) 32 Empire Razorbillsteel - tobacco (Br) 42 52 Esturia*fuel oil (Br) 62 Atlanticsteel - lumber (Br) 72 Empire Opalbenzine - paraffin (Br) 82Maassluis*(Du)
13Polarland** (Norw) 23 Spurt**lumber (Norw) 33 Roumanie general sunk - 42† (Bel) See Notes below 43 Innesmoorgeneral (Br) 53 Norhauk***general (Norw) 63 Rio Verde general (Norw) 73Pennmar* general sunk - 2† (Am) See Notes below 83 Dux lumber (Norw)
14Nancy Moran** (tug) 24Security** (tug) 34 Panamasugar (Da / MoWT 1940) 44 54 64 74 84
_*_It looks like Mount Evans and Esturia had started out in Convoy HX 206 on Sept. 6. Pennmar had also been in that convoy but was unable to maintain speed and returned to Halifax the next day. **Spurt returned to port - joined the next convoy, SC 101. ***The ship in station 53 is listed as Norhawk in the diary, but this was the Norwegian Norhauk. * This should probably be Stad Maassluis, which sailed int he next convoy **When comparing the diary information with A. Hague's listing for SC 100 at Ships in all SC convoys, it'll be noticed that he has not included Polarland, Nancy Moran and Security in this convoy. They did leave Halifax that day, but not to join Convoy SC 100. A. Hague has all 3 in Convoy HJ 11 for St. John's, N.F. (external link). The author of the diary who saw them leave with the other ships in SC 100 must have assumed that they too were destined for this convoy or did they, in fact, join SC 100 afterall, parting company for St. John's en route? The fact that the station numbers are given, makes it seem so (the ships would have had pendants up as they left port, showing their stations). However, according to her Voyage Record for this period, Polarland did arrive St. John's on Sept. 16, the date of arrival for Convoy HJ 11 (still, that could be a coincidence). On the other hand, A. Hague has listed some ships that are not mentioned in the diary, as follows: In station 41 - The British Empire Guinevere, cargo of steel and tobacco In station 12 - The Norwegian Tore Jarl, cargo of lumber (from SC 98). He has also included the following, but no station numbers are given: The Swedish Atland, cargo of iron ore, joined from Wabana The Greek Boris, cargo of iron ore, also joined from Wabana The British (ex Danish) Gunvor Maersk, cargo of lumber, joined from Sydney, C.B. The British (ex Danish) Tennessee, cargo of grain, also joined from Sydney, C.B. Sunk - see Notes below. Dux has been given station 82, and Innesmoor is listed in 42 - he says Mount Evans was Panamanian.

Empire Soldier sank following a collision with the British F. J. Wolfe on Sept. 16-1942. No casualties. F. J. Wolfe had been in the westbound Convoy ON 127 and had been torpedoed and damaged by U-96 on Sept. 10. She was proceeding to St. John's when the collision took place, arriving there that same day.

Empire Hartebeeste, 7000 tons steel, food & MT, was sunk by U-596 on Sept. 20-1942 (R. W. Jordan says there were no casualties, while Arnold Hague says 5 died) - 46 survived, some of whom were picked up by the Norwegian Rio Verde, others by the Norwegian Norhauk (ex Empire Beaver).

The British Tennessee (Danish till taken over by MoWT in 1940) became a straggler and was sunk by U-617 on Sept. 23-1942, 15 died, 20 survived. She had a cargo of 3438 tons of wheat.

Athelsultan, 13 000 tons molasses, was also sunk by U-617 on Sept. 23 with the loss of 51 (50?) men, while 10 survived.

Pennmar became a straggler and was sunk by U-432 on Sept. 24-1942, with the loss of 2 men, 60 survived ("The World's Merchant Fleets" gives 3 casualties, 61 survivors - but 1 had died in an accident previously).

Roumanie also became a straggler and was sunk by U-617 on Sept. 24, 42 died while only 1 survived.

Ref. external links provided below for more information on these attacks.

The ships had left Halifax in the following order (according to the diary):
The first to leave at 14:39 was the Commodore Vessel Athelsultan, followed at 14:43 by Esturia, then with a few minutes between each ship, Mount Evans, Pennmar, Empire Hartebeeste, Norhawk (again, this is a misspelling of Norhauk), Empire Razorbill, Greylock, Polarland, Ary Lensen, Empire Soldier, Dux, Empire Stour, Empire Opal, Innesmoor, Rio Verde, Panama, Roumanie, Spurt, Atlantic, Nancy Moran, Security, and the last to go out at 17:35 was Belgian Fisherman.

A. Hague names the following escorts (extracted from this list of SC convoy escorts, also received from D. Kindell; dates are European style, day/month/year):
Bittersweet - From 16/09/42 to 28/09/42
Blyskawica - From 26/09/42 to 26/09/42
Deptford - From 25/09/42 to 25/09/42
Kenogami - From 12/09/42 to 16/09/42
Kingston Beryl - From 27/09/42 to 27/09/42
Louisburg - From 21/09/42 to 26/09/42
Lunenburg - From 16/09/42 to 27/09/42
Matapedia - From 12/09/42 to 16/09/42
Mayflower - From 16/09/42 to 28/09/42
Moosejaw - From 12/09/42 to 16/09/42
Narvik - From 27/09/42 to 28/09/42
Nasturtium - From 16/09/42 to 27/09/42
Niagara - From 12/09/42 to 16/09/42
Prescott - From 21/09/42 to 26/09/42
Rosthern - From 16/09/42 to 27/09/42
Rother - From 25/09/42 to 25/09/42
Trillium - From 15/09/42 to 28/09/42
USCGC Campbell - 16/09/42
USCGC Spencer - 16/09/42
Weyburn - From 16/09/42 to 27/09/42
Woodstock - From 21/09/42 to 26/09/42

Related external links
Battle for Convoy SC 100 - With separate accounts for each ship sunk. The site also has an account on the earlier attack on F. J. Wolfe (the text here says that the 2 ships were in the same convoy when the collision occurred, but this appears to be incorrect - unless F. J. Wolfe had joined up with SC 100 in order to proceed to St. John's?).

The history of USS Campbell - Includes quite a bit of details on events in Convoy SC 100.

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Aa–Al An–Ar As–Av Ba Be Bi–Bl Bo Br–Bu C D
E F G Ha He Hi–Hy I J K
L M N O PQ R Sa–Sc Se–Sj Sk–Sn So
Sp–St Su–Sø Ta–Te Th–Ti To Tr–Tø U V W Ø