Convoy SC 101 - (original) (raw)


Convoy SC 101 Cruising Order Departed Halifax on Sept. 19-1942 and arrived Liverpool on Oct. 5 (Arnold Hague's "The Allied Convoy System" gives 26 ships)
Form received from Ted Agar. (His source: A diary, which lists ships joining from Halifax only. Although the information is usually incomplete, I consider this diary valuable and important in and of itself and, therefore, I've transcribed it and kept it "as is" on this website, adding further details and/or corrections from other sources separately. In this case, since there were so many ships missing from the diary, I've added a second form further down on this page with additional information). Br=British, Du=Dutch, Norw=Norwegian, Da=Danish, Ice=Icelandic, Gr=Greek, Am=American, Pa=Panamanian. MoWT=Ministry of War Transport
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
11 Godafoss (Ice) 21 Culpepperfuel oil Iceland (Pa) 31 Empire Panther (Br) 41 Stad Maassluis* (Du) 51 Manchester Commerce (Br) 61 Spurt* (Norw) 71 Chagres (Pa) 81 tanker (Norw) 91 Stamos (Gr)
12 Selfoss (Ice) 22Svithoid (Pa) 32 Colorado (Am) 42 Cetus (Norw) 52 62 72 Tovelil(Da / MoWT 1940) 82 92
13 Moyra(Br) 23 33 43 53 63 73 83 93
* Spurt had returned to port from the previous convoy, SC 100. Stad Maassluis is said to have been cancelled from that convoy.

The ships left Halifax in the following order (according to the diary):
The first to leave at 14:15 was the Commodore Vessel Manchester Commerce, followed at 14:20 by Godafoss, then with a few minutes between each ship, Culpepper, Svithoid (listed as Svithiod in the diary), Spurt, an unnamed Norwegian tanker (see form below), Stamos, Stad Maassluis, Moyra, Selfoss, Empire Panther, Tovelil, Chagres, Cetus, and the last on this list, leaving at 14:56 was Colorado.

Convoy SC 101
Transcribed from a document received from D. Kindell, based on the late Arnold Hague's database. See his listing for SC 101 at Ships in all SC convoys. Br=British, Du=Dutch, Norw=Norwegian, Da=Danish, Sw=Swedish, Ice=Icelandic, Gr=Greek, Am=American, Pa=Panamanian. MoWT=Ministry of War Transport, †=dead
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
11 Godafoss general (Ice) 21 Culpepper fuel oil Iceland (Pa) 31 Empire Panther steel - tobacco (Br) 41 Stad Maassluis general (Du) 51 Manchester Commerce general (Br) 61 Spurt lumber (Norw) 71 Chagres general (Pa) 81 Norsktank lub. oil (Norw) 91 Stamos sulphur - general (Gr)
12 Selfoss general (Ice) 22 Svithoid petrol Iceland (Pa) 32 Colorado general Iceland (Am) 42 Cetus lumber (Norw) 52 Empire Magpie general 11 passengers (Br) 62 Idefjord general (Norw) 72 Tovelil lumber (Da / MoWT 1940) 82 Ørnefjell general (Norw) 92Pacific general (Sw)
13 Moyra St. John's, N.F. (Br) 23 Keilehaven pulp wood (Du) 33 Måkefjell lumber (Norw) 43 Leonidas N. Condylis steel - lumber (Gr) 53 Kelbergen steel - lumber (Du) 63 Amberton wheat - general (Br) 73 Lars Kruse pulp (Br - Ex Da) 83 Start Point zinc concentrates (Br) 93 Lifland lumber sunk - 24† (Da / MoWT 1940)
14 24 Ballot general Iceland (Pa) 34 Parismina general 6 mails 10 passengers Iceland (Am) 44 Seminole stores 57 mails 400 troops Iceland (Am) 54 64 74 84 94
Pacific returned to port, later joined SC 107 (see Ships in all SC convoys). She had also returned from Convoy SC 99, as had Ballot. According to the Commodore's report for Convoy HX 208, Seminole and Parismina were despatched from that convoy on Sept. 23 to join SC 101. As will be seen when following the links to my pages about Idefjord, Ørnefjell and Måkefjell, they joined from Sydney, C.B. (which explains why they're not included in the diary). Godafoss detached to Iceland on Sept. 30, as did Selfoss (arrived Reykjavik Oct. 1). A. Hague has also included the British Scottish Musician, saying she joined from Iceland - no station number is given.

The British Lifland was sunk, having become a straggler from the convoy. She was torpedoed by U-610 on Sept. 29-1942 with the loss of 24 men - there were no survivors. The external website that I've linked to below has more details

A. Hague names the following escorts (extracted from this list of SC convoy escorts, also received from D. Kindell; dates are European style, day/month/year):
Amherst - From 23/09/42 to 03/10/42
Annapolis - From 19/09/42 to 23/09/42
Arvida - From 23/09/42 to 03/10/42
Celandine - From 23/09/42 to 03/10/42
Elk - From 20/09/42 to 21/09/42
Grandmere - From 20/09/42 to 21/09/42
Kamsack - From 19/09/42 to 23/09/42
Lachine - From 20/09/42 to 21/09/42
Molde - From 03/10/42 to 05/10/42
Restigouche - From 23/09/42 to 03/10/42
Sherbrooke - From 23/09/42 to 03/10/42
Sorel - From 19/09/42 to 23/09/42
St. Croix - From 23/09/42 to 03/10/42
Thunder - From 19/09/42 to 23/09/42
USCGC Bibb - From 28/09/42 to 30/09/42
USCGC Ingham - From 28/09/42 to 30/09/42
USS Leary - From 28/09/42 to 30/09/42

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Aa–Al An–Ar As–Av Ba Be Bi–Bl Bo Br–Bu C D
E F G Ha He Hi–Hy I J K
L M N O PQ R Sa–Sc Se–Sj Sk–Sn So
Sp–St Su–Sø Ta–Te Th–Ti To Tr–Tø U V W Ø