Mineral Species sorted by the element Rb Rubidium (original) (raw)

Rubidium (Rb) Element Properties

Atomic Mass 85.4678
Atomic Number 37
Name Origins Latin, rubidius = "deepest red."
Year Discovered 1861
Discovery Credits W. Noddack, Ida Tacke, and O. Berg in Berlin, Germany.
Remarks Very soft metal with silvery white luster when cut. Ignites in air and reacts violently with water. Finds little use outside research. Minerals with a high Rb content are use for age-dating by the Rb-Sr isotope method. Most minerals containing potassium (K) also contain Rb in trace amounts.Diagnostic tests: In solution, rubidium will give a flame test color of a nice red. This flame test will be contaminated with the colors of the other alkaline elements which are present in the sample (in particular the red color from calcium). You will probably need a diffraction spectroscope to view the red emission lines from rubidium.
References Emsley, J., 1991; THE ELEMENTS : Sec. Ed., Clarendon Press, Oxford, 251 p.
See Also WebElements,ChemiCool

Naturally Occurring Isotopes

Symbol Isotope Mass Isotope Nuclide Number Isotope Number Natural Abundance Half-life Half-life Units Decay Mode Decay Mode MeV Decay Mode %
Rb 84.911794 85 37 72.1700% Stable
Rb 86.909187 87 37 27.8300% 4.9 x 1010 Years beta - 0.273 100.0%

Mineral Species sorted by the element Rb (Rubidium )

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%Rb Mineral Name Chemical Formula MW
25.17%Rb Ramanite-(Rb) ! Rb[B5O6(OH)4]•2H2O 339.57
20.47%Rb Rubicline ! (Rb,K)AlSi3O8 313.11
19.31%Rb Voloshinite Rb(LiAl1.5[]0.5)(Al0.5Si3.5)O10F2 442.66
1.27%Rb Pautovite ! CsFe2S3 336.73
1.20%Rb Pollucite (Cs,Na)2Al2Si4O12•(H2O) 285.03
0.95%Rb Londonite ! CsAl4Be4(B,Be)12O28 808.60
0.52%Rb Pezzottaite ! Cs(Be2Li)Al2Si6O18 658.80
0.18%Rb Eveslogite ! (Ca,K,Na,Sr,Ba)48[(Ti,Nb,Fe,Mn)12(OH)12Si48O144](F,OH,Cl)14 6,800.28
0.11%Rb Faizievite ! K2Na(Ca6Na)Ti4Li6Si24O66F2 2,384.24
0.08%Rb Poppiite ! Ca2(V+++,Fe+++,Mg)(V+++,Al)2(Si,Al)3(O,OH)14 2,128.85
0.06%Rb Telyushenkoite ! CsNa6[Be2(Si,Al)18O39F2] 1,433.11

(* - Mineral Name Is Not IMA Approved)
(! - New Dana classification added or changed from Danas New Mineralogy)
(? - IMA Discredited Mineral Species Name)

There are 11 minerals with Rb in the Mineralogy Database.