Ne Neon Index (original) (raw)

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Neon (Ne) Element Properties

Atomic Mass 20.1797
Atomic Number 10
Name Origins Greek, neos = "new."
Year Discovered 1898
Discovery Credits Discovered by Sir William Ramsay and M. W. Travers at London, UK
Remarks Colorless, odorless gas, obtained from liquid air. Chemically inert towards everything including fluorine gas. Used in ornamental lighting ('neon' signs) and He-Ne gas lasers.
References Emsley, J., 1991; THE ELEMENTS : Sec. Ed., Clarendon Press, Oxford, 251 p.
See Also WebElements,ChemiCool

Naturally Occurring Isotopes

Symbol Isotope Mass Isotope Nuclide Number Isotope Number Natural Abundance Half-life Half-life Units Decay Mode Decay Mode MeV Decay Mode %
Ne 19.992435 20 10 90.4800% Stable
Ne 20.993843 21 10 0.2700% Stable
Ne 21.991383 22 10 9.2150% Stable

There are no Minerals containing Ne (Neon)

Group 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
1 1 H 2 He
2 3 Li 4 Be 5 B 6 C 7 N 8 O 9 F 10 Ne
3 11 Na 12 Mg 13 Al 14 Si 15 P 16 S 17 Cl 18 Ar
4 19 K 20 Ca 21 Sc 22 Ti 23 V 24 Cr 25 Mn 26 Fe 27 Co 28 Ni 29 Cu 30 Zn 31 Ga 32 Ge 33 As 34 Se 35 Br 36 Kr
5 37 Rb 38 Sr 39 Y 40 Zr 41 Nb 42 Mo 43 Tc 44 Ru 45 Rh 46 Pd 47 Ag 48 Cd 49 In 50 Sn 51 Sb 52 Te 53 I 54 Xe
6 55 Cs 56 Ba * 71 Lu 72 Hf 73 Ta 74 W 75 Re 76 Os 77 Ir 78 Pt 79 Au 80 Hg 81 Tl 82 Pb 83 Bi 84 Po 85 At 86 Rn
7 87 Fr 88 Ra ** 103 Lr 104 Rf 105 Db 106 Sg 107 Bh 108 Hs 109 Mt 110 Ds
*Lanthanides * 57 La 58 Ce 59 Pr 60 Nd 61 Pm 62 Sm 63 Eu 64 Gd 65 Tb 66 Dy 67 Ho 68 Er 69 Tm 70 Yb
**Actinides ** 89 Ac 90 Th 91 Pa 92 U 93 Np 94 Pu 95 Am 96 Cm 97 Bk 98 Cf 99 Es 100 Fm 101 Md 102 No