Djerfisherite Mineral Data (original) (raw)

General Djerfisherite Information

Help on Chemical  Formula: Chemical Formula:


Help on Composition: Composition:

Molecular Weight = 2,500.72 gm

Potassium 9.38 % K

Sodium 0.92 % Na

Iron 42.43 % Fe

Copper 10.16 % Cu

Nickel 2.35 % Ni

Sulfur 33.34 % S

Chlorine 1.42 % Cl


100.00 %

Help on Empirical Formula: Empirical Formula:


Help on Environment: Environment:

Hydrothermal Cu-Ni ores, in skarns, in pegmatites, in kimberlites and in a mafic alkalic diatreme.

Help on IMA Status: IMA Status:

Approved IMA 1966

Help on Locality: Locality:

Coyote Peak, Humbolt County, California. Link to Location Data.

Help on Name Origin: Name Origin:

Named for Daniel Jerome Fisher (1896-1988), American mineralogist.

Help on Name Pronunciation: Name Pronunciation:

Djerfisherite + Pronunciation Say DJERFISHERITE

Help on Synonym: Synonym:

ICSD 200005

PDF 25-635

Djerfisherite Image

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Djerfisherite Crystallography

Help on Cell Dimensions: Cell Dimensions:

a = 10.41, Z = 1; V = 1,128.11 Den(Calc)= 3.68

Help on Crystal System: Crystal System:

Isometric - HexoctahedralH-M Symbol (4/m 3 2/m) Space Group: P m3m

Help on X Ray Diffraction: X Ray Diffraction:

By Intensity(I/Io): 1.828(1), 2.985(0.7), 2.372(0.6),

Click Here for Large Djerfisherite Structure Window Crystal Structure:

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Help on Above

| | Zaccarini F , Thalhammer O A R , Princivalle F , Lenaz D , Stanley C J , Garuti G , The Canadian Mineralogist , 45 (2007) p.1201-1211, Djerfisherite in the Guli dunite complex, Polar Siberia: a primary or, metasomatic phase?, Note: Occupancy of Cl1 was changed from S1 to reproduce chemical formula, Locality: Guli dunite complex, Polar Siberia, Russia | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |

Physical Properties of Djerfisherite

Help on Color: Color:

Bronze brown, Greenish brown, Olive green.

Help on Diaphaneity: Diaphaneity:


Help on Habit: Habit:

Granular - Generally occurs as anhedral to subhedral crystals in matrix.

Help on Hardness: Hardness:

3.5 - Copper Penny

Help on Luster: Luster:

Sub Metallic

Optical Properties of Djerfisherite

Help on RL Color: RL Color:

Greenish yellow, close to khaki, to olive-drab.

Help on Reflectivity Reflectivity

Standardized Intensity (100%) Reflection Spectra of Djerfisherite in Air

λ R R(λ)
400 nm 17.50
420 nm 18.30
440 nm 19.10
460 nm 20.00
480 nm 20.80
500 nm 21.60
520 nm 22.30
540 nm 22.90
560 nm 23.50
580 nm 24.00
600 nm 24.50
620 nm 24.90
640 nm 25.20
660 nm 25.50
680 nm 25.80
700 nm 25.90

Calculated Relative Intensity Colors of Djerfisherite in Air

RelativeIntensity 0% 50% 100% 150% 200% 250% 300% 350% 400% 450%

Calculated Properties of Djerfisherite

Help on Electron Density: Electron Density:

Bulk Density (Electron Density)=3.52 gm/cc
note: Specific Gravity of Djerfisherite =3.68 gm/cc.

Help on Fermion Index: Fermion Index:

Fermion Index = 0.01
Boson Index = 0.99

Help on Photoelectric: Photoelectric:

PEDjerfisherite = 21.17 barns/electron
U=PEDjerfisherite x relectron= 74.52 barns/cc.

Help on Radioactivity: Radioactivity:

GRapi = 129.45 (Gamma Ray American Petroleum Institute Units)
Concentration of Djerfisherite per GRapi unit = 0.77 (%)

Estimated Radioactivity from Djerfisherite - barely detectable

Djerfisherite Classification

Help on  Dana Class: Dana Class: (02)Sulfides - Including Selenides and Tellurides


(02.15.02)Djerfisherite Group Djerfisherite K6Na(Fe,Cu,Ni)25S26Cl P m3m 4/m 3 2/m Thalfenisite Tl6(Fe,Ni,Cu)25S26Cl P m3m 4/m 3 2/m Owensite (Ba,Pb)6(Cu,Fe,Ni)25S27 P m3m 4/m 3 2/m

Help on  Strunz Class: Strunz Class:

02.FC.05 02 - SULFIDES and SULFOSALTS (sulfides, selenides, tellurides; arsenides, antimonides, bismuthides; sulfarsenites, sulf

02.F - Sulfides of Arsenic, Alkalies; Sulfides with Halide, Oxide, Hydroxide, H2O

02.FC -With Cl, Br, I (halide-sulfides)

02.FC.05 Djerfisherite K6Na(Fe,Cu,Ni)25S26Cl P m3m 4/m 3 2/m

02.FC.05 Owensite (Ba,Pb)6(Cu,Fe,Ni)25S27 P m3m 4/m 3 2/m

02.FC.05 Thalfenisite Tl6(Fe,Ni,Cu)25S26Cl P m3m 4/m 3 2/m

Other Djerfisherite Information

Help on References: References:

NAME( AntBidBlaNic1) PHYS. PROP.(Enc. of Minerals,2nd ed.,1990) OPTIC PROP.(AntBidBlaNic1)

Help on See Also: See Also:

Links to other databases for Djerfisherite :
1 - Am. Min. Crystal Structure Database
2 - Athena
3 - EUROmin Project
4 - Ecole des Mines de Paris
5 - GeoScienceWorld
6 - Google Images
7 - Google Scholar
8 - Handbook of Mineralogy (MinSocAm)
9 - Handbook of Mineralogy (UofA)
10 - MinDAT
11 - Mineralienatlas (Deutsch)
12 - Online Mineral Museum
13 - QUT Mineral Atlas
14 - Ruff.Info

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Excalibur Mineral Corp. Google Search for Djerfisherite
Exceptional Minerals Google Search for Djerfisherite
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Weinrich Minerals, Inc. Google Search for Djerfisherite

Ask about Djerfisherite here :
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Rockhounds Discussion Group on Yahoo Groups
Mineral Discussion Forum from Fabre Minerals - also available in Espa�ol

Print or Cut-and-Paste your Djerfisherite Specimen Label here :


Dana No: Strunz No: 02.FC.05
