Fairchildite Mineral Data (original) (raw)
General Fairchildite Information
Molecular Weight = 238.29 gm
Potassium 32.82 % K 39.53 % K2O
Calcium 16.82 % Ca 23.53 % CaO
Carbon 10.08 % C 36.94 % CO2
Oxygen 40.29 % O
______ ______
100.00 % 100.00 % = TOTAL OXIDE
Dimorph with butschliite. The samples are fused wood-ash clinkers that occurs in partly burned fir and hemlock trees in many national parks and forest in the western United States.
Valid Species (Pre-IMA) 1949
Link to MinDat.org Location Data.
Named after John Gifford Fairchild (1882-1965), analytical chemist at the U. S. Geological Survey.
ICSD 100845
PDF 21-1287
Fairchildite Image
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Fairchildite Comments: PPL thin-section image of fused wood-ash stone, showing slightly altered lath-shaped cross-sections of fairchildite in a fine groundmass containing buetschliite and calcite. Inset image shows sample. Location: Kaniksu National Forest, Idaho. (AmMin, v32:607).Scale: Thin Section 30 X. © American Mineralogist |
Fairchildite Crystallography
a:c = 1:2.51896
a = 5.272, c = 13.28, Z = 2; V = 319.65 Den(Calc)= 2.48
Hexagonal - Dihexagonal DipyramidalH-M Symbol (6/m 2/m 2/m) Space Group: P 63/mmc
By Intensity(I/Io): 3.19(1), 2.64(0.8), 6.64(0.5),
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| | Pertlik F , Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie , 157 (1981) p.199-205, Structural investigations of synthetic fairchildite, K2Ca(CO3)2, Locality: synthetic, Note: y(O1) changed to satisfy symmetry constraints | | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Physical Properties of Fairchildite
{0001} Good
Platy - Sheet forms (e.g. micas).
2.5 - Finger Nail
Vitreous (Glassy)
Optical Properties of Fairchildite
CI meas= -0.008 (Superior) - where the CI = (1-KPDmeas/KC)
CI calc= 0.006 (Superior) - where the CI = (1-KPDcalc/KC)
KPDcalc= 0.2036,KPDmeas= 0.2065,KC= 0.2048
Ncalc = 1.5 - 1.51
Uniaxial (-), e=1.478, w=1.532, bire=0.0540.
Calculated Properties of Fairchildite
Bulk Density (Electron Density)=2.46 gm/cc
note: Specific Gravity of Fairchildite =2.48 gm/cc.
Fermion Index = 0.0015686955
Boson Index = 0.9984313045
PEFairchildite = 5.47 barns/electron
U=PEFairchildite x relectron= 13.44 barns/cc.
GRapi = 468.92 (Gamma Ray American Petroleum Institute Units)
Concentration of Fairchildite per GRapi unit = 0.21 (%)
Estimated Radioactivity from Fairchildite - barely detectable
Fairchildite Classification (14)Anhydrous Carbonates
(14.03)with Compound Formula A+2 B++ (CO3)2
(14.03.03)Fairchildite Series Fairchildite K2Ca(CO3)2 P 63/mmc 6/m 2/m 2/m Zemkorite (Na,K)2Ca(CO3)2 P 63/mmc, P 63mc, P 62c- Hex
05.A - Carbonates without additional anions, without H2O
05.AC -Alkali and alkali-earth carbonates
05.AC.20 Fairchildite K2Ca(CO3)2 P 63/mmc 6/m 2/m 2/m
Other Fairchildite Information
NAME( Dana8) PHYS. PROP.(Enc. of Minerals,2nd ed.,1990) OPTIC PROP.(Enc. of Minerals,2nd ed.,1990)
Links to other databases for Fairchildite :
1 - Am. Min. Crystal Structure Database
2 - Athena
3 - EUROmin Project
4 - Ecole des Mines de Paris
5 - GeoScienceWorld
6 - Google Images
7 - Google Scholar
8 - Handbook of Mineralogy (MinSocAm)
9 - Handbook of Mineralogy (UofA)
10 - MinDAT
11 - Mineralienatlas (Deutsch)
12 - Online Mineral Museum
13 - QUT Mineral Atlas
14 - Ruff.Info
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Dana No: Strunz No: 05.AC.20