Nyboite Mineral Data (original) (raw)
General Nyboite Information
Molecular Weight = 826.37 gm
Potassium 0.14 % K 0.17 % K2O
Sodium 6.79 % Na 9.15 % Na2O
Calcium 1.70 % Ca 2.38 % CaO
Magnesium 8.79 % Mg 14.58 % MgO
Titanium 0.12 % Ti 0.19 % TiO2
Aluminum 7.02 % Al 13.26 % Al2O3
Iron 4.12 % Fe 3.56 % FeO / 1.93 % Fe2O3
Silicon 24.54 % Si 52.50 % SiO2
Nickel 0.07 % Ni 0.09 % NiO
Hydrogen 0.24 % H 2.18 % H2O
Oxygen 46.47 % O
______ ______
100.00 % 100.00 % = TOTAL OXIDE
Found in eclogite environments. Ultra-high pressure amphibole mineral.
Approved IMA 1981
Nybo pod, Nordfjord, Norway. Link to MinDat.org Location Data.
Named for the locality.
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Nyboite Crystallography
a:b:c =0.5444:1:0.2987
a = 9.665, b = 17.752, c = 5.303, Z = 2; beta = 104.11° V = 882.40 Den(Calc)= 3.11
Monoclinic - PrismaticH-M Symbol (2/m) Space Group: C 2/m
By Intensity(I/Io): 2.687(1)(151), 10.65(0.6)(110), 3.079(0.55)(310),2.564(0.36)(061), 2.931(0.32)(221), 4.439(0.31)(040), 2.144(0.28)(261), 1.509(0.26)(263),
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| | Raudsepp M , Turnock A C , Hawthorne F C , American Mineralogist , 72 (1987) p.959-964, Characterization of cation ordering in synthetic scandium-fluor-eckermannite,, indium-fluor-eckermannite, and scandium-fluor-nyboite by Rietveld structure, refinement, Sample: FScNY-A3 View Additional jPOWD Structure files for Nyboite [1] | | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Physical Properties of Nyboite
{110} Good, {110} Good
Blue, Gray green.
Transparent to Translucent
Brittle - Generally displayed by glasses and most non-metallic minerals.
Inclusions - Generally found as inclusions in other minerals.
6 - Orthoclase
Vitreous (Glassy)
Optical Properties of Nyboite
CI meas= -0.009 (Superior) - where the CI = (1-KPDmeas/KC)
CI calc= -0.012 (Superior) - where the CI = (1-KPDcalc/KC)
KPDcalc= 0.2122,KPDmeas= 0.2115,KC= 0.2096
Ncalc = 1.65
Biaxial (-), a=1.65, g=1.67, bire=0.0200
pale brownish pink.
pale bluish green.
Calculated Properties of Nyboite
Bulk Density (Electron Density)=3.10 gm/cc
note: Specific Gravity of Nyboite =3.12 gm/cc.
Fermion Index = 0.02
Boson Index = 0.98
PENyboite = 2.93 barns/electron
U=PENyboite x relectron= 9.08 barns/cc.
GRapi = 2.03 (Gamma Ray American Petroleum Institute Units)
Concentration of Nyboite per GRapi unit = 49.23 (%)
Estimated Radioactivity from Nyboite - barely detectable
Nyboite Classification
66.01.03c.11 (66)Inosilicate Double-Width Unbranched Chains, W=2
(66.01)with P=2 amphibole configuration
(66.01.03c)Group 4, the sodic amphiboles
66.01.03c.01 Glaucophane []Na2(Mg3Al2)Si8O22(OH)2 C 2/m 2/m
66.01.03c.02 Ferroglaucophane []Na2(Fe3Al2)Si8O22(OH)2 C 2/m 2/m
66.01.03c.03 Crossite? Na2(Mg,Fe)3(Al,Fe)2Si8O22(OH)2 C 2/m 2/m
66.01.03c.04 Magnesioriebeckite []Na2[(Mg,Fe)3Fe2]Si8O22(OH)2 C 2/m 2/m
66.01.03c.05 Riebeckite []Na2(Fe3Fe2)Si8O22(OH)2 C 2/m 2/m
66.01.03c.06 Eckermannite NaNa2(Mg4Al)Si8O22(OH)2 C 2/m 2/m
66.01.03c.07 Ferro-eckermannite NaNa2(Fe4Al)Si8O22(OH)2 C 2/m 2/m
66.01.03c.08 Magnesio-arfvedsonite NaNa2(Mg4Fe)Si8O22(OH)2 C 2/m 2/m
66.01.03c.09 Arfvedsonite NaNa2(Fe4Fe)Si8O22(OH)2 C 2/m 2/m
66.01.03c.09a Fluoro-magnesio-arfvedsonite! NaNa2(Mg,Fe)4Fe[Si8O22](F,OH)2 C 2/m 2/m
66.01.03c.09b Potassicarfvedsonite! KNa2Fe4FeSi8O22(OH)2 C 2/m 2/m
66.01.03c.10 Kozulite NaNa2Mn4(Fe,Al)Si8O22(OH)2 C 2/m 2/m
66.01.03c.11 Nyboite NaNa2(Mg3Al2)Si7AlO22(OH)2 C 2/m 2/m
66.01.03c.11a Ferronyboite! NaNa2(Fe)3Al2(Si7Al)O22(OH)2 C 2/m 2/m
66.01.03c.11b Ferric-ferronyboite! NaNa2(Fe)3(Fe)2(Si7Al)O22(OH)2 C 2/m 2/m
66.01.03c.11c Fluoronyboite! NaNa2(Al2Mg3)(Si7Al)O22(F,OH)2 C 2/m 2/m
66.01.03c.12 Leakeite NaNa2(Mg2Fe2Li)Si8O22(OH)2 C 2/m 2/m
66.01.03c.12a Ferroleakeite! NaNa2(Fe)3(Fe)2Li(Si8O22)(OH)2 C 2/m 2/m
66.01.03c.12b Potassicleakeite! KNa2Mg2Fe2LiSi8O22(OH)2 C 2/m 2/m
66.01.03c.13 Kornite Na(CaNa)Fe4(Al,Fe)Si7AlO22(OH)2 C 2/m 2/m
66.01.03c.14 Ungarettiite NaNa2(Mn2Mn3)Si8O22O2 C 2/m 2/m
66.01.03c.15 Fluoro-ferroleakeite NaNa2(Fe2Fe2Li)Si8O22F2 C 2/m 2/m
66.01.03c.16 Obertiite! NaNa2(Mg3FeTi)Si8O22(O,F,OH)2 C 2/m 2/m
66.01.03c.17 Dellaventuraite! NaNa2(Mg2,Mn,Li,Ti)Si8O22O2 C 2/m 2/m
09.DE.25 09 - SILICATES (Germanates)
09.D - Inosilicates* Structural terminology according to Liebau (1985)
09.DE -Inosilicates with 2-periodic double chains, Si4O11; amphibole family
09.DE.25 Arfvedsonite NaNa2(Fe4Fe)Si8O22(OH)2 C 2/m 2/m
09.DE.25 Ferroglaucophane []Na2(Fe3Al2)Si8O22(OH)2 C 2/m 2/m
09.DE.25 Crossite? Na2(Mg,Fe)3(Al,Fe)2Si8O22(OH)2 C 2/m 2/m
09.DE.25 Eckermannite NaNa2(Mg4Al)Si8O22(OH)2 C 2/m 2/m
09.DE.25 Glaucophane []Na2(Mg3Al2)Si8O22(OH)2 C 2/m 2/m
09.DE.25 Fluoro-ferroleakeite NaNa2(Fe2Fe2Li)Si8O22F2 C 2/m 2/m
09.DE.25 Ferro-eckermannite NaNa2(Fe4Al)Si8O22(OH)2 C 2/m 2/m
09.DE.25 Ferroleakeite! NaNa2(Fe)3(Fe)2Li(Si8O22)(OH)2 C 2/m 2/m
09.DE.25 Ferronyboite! NaNa2(Fe)3Al2(Si7Al)O22(OH)2 C 2/m 2/m
09.DE.25 Ferric-ferronyboite! NaNa2(Fe)3(Fe)2(Si7Al)O22(OH)2 C 2/m 2/m
09.DE.25 Obertiite! NaNa2(Mg3FeTi)Si8O22(O,F,OH)2 C 2/m 2/m
09.DE.25 Nyboite NaNa2(Mg3Al2)Si7AlO22(OH)2 C 2/m 2/m
09.DE.25 Magnesioriebeckite []Na2[(Mg,Fe)3Fe2]Si8O22(OH)2 C 2/m 2/m
09.DE.25 Kozulite NaNa2Mn4(Fe,Al)Si8O22(OH)2 C 2/m 2/m
09.DE.25 Kornite Na(CaNa)Fe4(Al,Fe)Si7AlO22(OH)2 C 2/m 2/m
09.DE.25 Leakeite NaNa2(Mg2Fe2Li)Si8O22(OH)2 C 2/m 2/m
09.DE.25 Magnesio-arfvedsonite NaNa2(Mg4Fe)Si8O22(OH)2 C 2/m 2/m
09.DE.25 Ungarettiite NaNa2(Mn2Mn3)Si8O22O2 C 2/m 2/m
09.DE.25 Riebeckite []Na2(Fe3Fe2)Si8O22(OH)2 C 2/m 2/m
09.DE.25 Potassicleakeite! KNa2Mg2Fe2LiSi8O22(OH)2 C 2/m 2/m
09.DE.25 Fluoronyboite! NaNa2(Al2Mg3)(Si7Al)O22(F,OH)2 C 2/m 2/m
09.DE.25 Fluoro-magnesio-arfvedsonite! NaNa2(Mg,Fe)4Fe[Si8O22](F,OH)2 C 2/m 2/m
09.DE.25 Potassicarfvedsonite! KNa2Fe4FeSi8O22(OH)2 C 2/m 2/m
09.DE.25 Dellaventuraite! NaNa2(Mg2,Mn,Li,Ti)Si8O22O2 C 2/m 2/m
Other Nyboite Information
NAME( Dana8) PHYS. PROP.(MinMag, v 64, p 769) OPTIC PROP.(MinMag, v 64, p 769)
Links to other databases for Nyboite :
1 - Am. Min. Crystal Structure Database
2 - Athena
3 - EUROmin Project
4 - Ecole des Mines de Paris
5 - GeoScienceWorld
6 - Google Images
7 - Google Scholar
8 - Handbook of Mineralogy (MinSocAm)
9 - Handbook of Mineralogy (UofA)
10 - MinDAT
11 - Mineralienatlas (Deutsch)
12 - Online Mineral Museum
13 - QUT Mineral Atlas
14 - Ruff.Info
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Dana No: 66.01.03c.11 Strunz No: 09.DE.25