Rambergite Mineral Data (original) (raw)

General Rambergite Information

Help on Chemical  Formula: Chemical Formula:


Help on Composition: Composition:

Molecular Weight = 87.00 gm

Manganese 63.14 % Mn

Sulfur 36.86 % S


100.00 %

Help on Empirical Formula: Empirical Formula:


Help on Environment: Environment:

Found in anoxic laminated sediments rich in organic matter. Dimorphic relationship with alabandite.

Help on IMA Status: IMA Status:

Approved IMA 1995 (Dana # Added)

Help on Locality: Locality:

Gotland Deep, Baltic Sea, off the coast of Sweden. Also found in a skarn in the Garpenberg area, Dalarna, Sweden. Link to MinDat.org Location Data.

Help on Name Origin: Name Origin:

Named after Hans Ramberg (1917-1998), Professor of Mineralogy and Petrology at the University of Chicago, then at the University of Uppsala, Sweden.

Help on Name Pronunciation: Name Pronunciation:

Rambergite + Pronunciation Say RAMBERGITE

Help on Synonym: Synonym:


Rambergite Image

Click Here for Larger Rambergite Image in a New Browser Window Images:

Click Here for Larger Rambergite Image Rambergite Hauerite Comments: Small black octahedral crystals of hauerite with small brown crystals of rambergite. Location: Ronneburg U deposit, Gera district, Thuringia, Germany.Scale: Picture size 0.8 mm. © Thomas Witzke / Abraxas-Verlag

Click Here for Larger Rambergite Image in a New Browser Window Images:

Rambergite Crystallography

Help on Axial Ratios: Axial Ratios:

a:c = 1:1.61836

Help on Cell Dimensions: Cell Dimensions:

a = 3.975, c = 6.433, Z = 2; V = 88.03 Den(Calc)= 3.28

Help on Crystal System: Crystal System:

Hexagonal - Dihexagonal PyramidalH-M Symbol (6mm) Space Group: P 63mc

Help on X Ray Diffraction: X Ray Diffraction:

By Intensity(I/Io): 1.82(1)(103), 3.445(0.89)(100), 1.988(0.82)(110),3.217(0.72)(002), 3.036(0.66)(101), 1.691(0.63)(112),

Click Here for Large Rambergite Structure Window Crystal Structure:

drag1 - LMB Manipulate Structure
drag2 - RMB Resize/Rotate
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H - Help Screen
I - Data Info
A - Atoms On/Off
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B - Bonds On/Off
Help on Above

| | Eriksson L , Kalinowski M P , Acta Crystallographica, Section E , 57 (2001) p.i92-i93, Mn1-xFexS, x=0.05, an example of an anti-wurtzite structure, Locality: synthetic View Additional jPOWD Structure files for Rambergite [1] | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |

Physical Properties of Rambergite

Help on Cleavage: Cleavage:

{001} Distinct, {110} Distinct

Help on Color: Color:

Brown, Black.

Help on Diaphaneity: Diaphaneity:


Help on Fracture: Fracture:

Brittle - Uneven - Very brittle fracture producing uneven fragments.

Help on Habit: Habit:

Hexagonal - Six-sided crystal shape in cross-section or habit.

Help on Habit: Habit:

Prismatic - Crystals Shaped like Slender Prisms (e.g. tourmaline).

Help on Hardness: Hardness:

4 - Fluorite

Help on Luster: Luster:


Help on Streak: Streak:


Optical Properties of Rambergite

Help on Optical Data: Optical Data:

Uniaxial (+/-), a=2.62-2.77, b=2.62-2.77, bire=0.0000.

Help on RL Color: RL Color:

Steel gray with brown-red internal reflections.

Help on Reflectivity Reflectivity

Standardized Intensity (100%) Reflection Spectra of Rambergite in Air

λ R1 R 2 R1(λ) R2(λ)
470 nm 24.50 22.10
546 nm 22.60 20.50
589 nm 22.10 20.00
650 nm 21.60 19.60

Calculated Relative Intensity Colors of Rambergite in Air

RelativeIntensity 0% 50% 100% 150% 200% 250% 300% 350% 400% 440%

Calculated Properties of Rambergite

Help on Electron Density: Electron Density:

Bulk Density (Electron Density)=3.09 gm/cc
note: Specific Gravity of Rambergite =3.28 gm/cc.

Help on Fermion Index: Fermion Index:

Fermion Index = 0.0027641817
Boson Index = 0.9972358183

Help on Photoelectric: Photoelectric:

PERambergite = 18.54 barns/electron
U=PERambergite x rElectron Density= 57.32 barns/cc.

Help on Radioactivity: Radioactivity:

GRapi = 0 (Gamma Ray American Petroleum Institute Units)
Rambergite is Not Radioactive

Rambergite Classification

Help on  Dana Class: Dana Class: (02)Sulfides - Including Selenides and Tellurides

(02.08)where Am Bn Xp, with (m+n):p=1:1

(02.08.07)Wurtzite Group (Hexagonal: P63mc) Wurtzite (Zn,Fe)S P 63mc 6mm Greenockite CdS P 63mc 6mm Cadmoselite CdSe P 63mc 6mm Rambergite! MnS P 63mc 6mm

Help on  Strunz Class: Strunz Class:

02.CB.45 02 - SULFIDES and SULFOSALTS (sulfides, selenides, tellurides; arsenides, antimonides, bismuthides; sulfarsenites, sulf

02.C - Metal Sulfides, M:S = 1:1 (and similar)

02.CB -With Zn, Fe, Cu, Ag, Au, etc

02.CB.45 Cadmoselite CdSe P 63mc 6mm

02.CB.45 Greenockite CdS P 63mc 6mm

02.CB.45 Rambergite! MnS P 63mc 6mm

02.CB.45 Wurtzite (Zn,Fe)S P 63mc 6mm

Other Rambergite Information

Help on References: References:

NAME( CanMin, 8/99) PHYS. PROP.(MinRec, Vol 33, p 168) OPTIC PROP.(Am.Min.,Vol.83,p1117,1998)

Help on See Also: See Also:

Links to other databases for Rambergite :
1 - Am. Min. Crystal Structure Database
2 - Athena
3 - GeoScienceWorld
4 - Google Images
5 - Google Scholar
6 - Handbook of Mineralogy (MinSocAm)
7 - Handbook of Mineralogy (UofA)
8 - MinDAT
9 - Mineralienatlas (Deutsch)
10 - Online Mineral Museum
11 - QUT Mineral Atlas
12 - Ruff.Info

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Exceptional Minerals Google Search for Rambergite
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Weinrich Minerals, Inc. Google Search for Rambergite

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Print or Cut-and-Paste your Rambergite Specimen Label here :


Dana No: Strunz No: 02.CB.45
