Seidite-(Ce) Mineral Data (original) (raw)

General Seidite-(Ce) Information

Help on Chemical  Formula: Chemical Formula:


Help on Composition: Composition:

Molecular Weight = 1,096.99 gm

Sodium 8.38 % Na 11.30 % Na2O

Strontium 3.99 % Sr 4.72 % SrO

Cerium 19.16 % Ce 22.44 % Ce2O3

Titanium 4.36 % Ti 7.28 % TiO2

Silicon 20.48 % Si 43.82 % SiO2

Hydrogen 1.21 % H 10.84 % H2O

Oxygen 41.71 % O

Fluorine 0.69 % F 0.69 % F

- % F -0.29 % -O=F2

______ ______

100.00 % 100.80 % = TOTAL OXIDE

Help on Empirical Formula: Empirical Formula:


Help on Environment: Environment:

In cavernous natrolite in the Jubileinaya hyperagpaitic pegmatites. Na cations are exchangable indicating a micro-porous structure.

Help on IMA Status: IMA Status:

Approved IMA 1997 (Dana # Added)

Help on Locality: Locality:

Found at Mount Karnasurt, Lovozero alkaline complex, Kola Peninsula, Russia. Link to Location Data.

Help on Name Origin: Name Origin:

Named after Seidozero, literally Lake Seid, the central lake in the Lovozero complex.

Help on Synonym: Synonym:


Seidite-(Ce) Image

Click Here for Larger Seidite-(Ce) Image in a New Browser Window Images:

Click Here for Larger Seidite-(Ce) Image Seidite-(Ce) Comments: Scanning Electron image of seidite-(Ce) with the axial components of a and c superimposed on crystal. Location: Yubileynaya pegmatite at Mount Karnasurt, Lovozero alkaline massif, Kola Peninsula, Russia.Scale: Image size 0.5 mm. © Canadian Mineralogist

Seidite-(Ce) Crystallography

Help on Axial Ratios: Axial Ratios:

a:b:c =3.4038:1:2.0096

Help on Cell Dimensions: Cell Dimensions:

a = 24.61, b = 7.23, c = 14.53, Z = 4; beta = 94.6° V = 2,577.00 Den(Calc)= 2.83

Help on Crystal System: Crystal System:

Monoclinic - PrismaticH-M Symbol (2/m) Space Group: C/2c

Help on X Ray Diffraction: X Ray Diffraction:

By Intensity(I/Io): 12.32(1), 3.22(0.86), 3.108(0.29),3.14(0.24), 3.081(0.16), 3.058(0.12),

Click Here for Large Seidite-(Ce) Structure Window Crystal Structure:

drag1 - LMB Manipulate Structure
drag2 - RMB Resize/Rotate
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I - Data Info
A - Atoms On/Off
P - Polyhedra On/Off
B - Bonds On/Off
Help on Above

| | Ferraris G , Belluso E , Gula A , Soboleva S V , Khomyakov A P , The Canadian Mineralogist , 41 (2003) p.1183-1192, The crystal structure of seidite-(Ce), Na4(Ce,Sr)2{Ti(OH)2(Si8O18)}(O,OH,F)4.5H2O,, a modular microporous titanosilicate of the rhodesite group | | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |

Physical Properties of Seidite-(Ce)

Help on Cleavage: Cleavage:

{100} Perfect, {001} Very Good

Help on Color: Color:

Yellow, Pinkish yellow, Cream.

Help on Density: Density:


Help on Diaphaneity: Diaphaneity:


Help on Fracture: Fracture:

Brittle - Splintery - Brittle fracture leaving splintery fragments.

Help on Habit: Habit:

Aggregates - Made of numerous individual crystals or clusters.

Help on Habit: Habit:

Fibrous - Crystals made up of fibers.

Help on Habit: Habit:

Radial - Crystals radiate from a center without producing stellar forms (e.g. stibnite)

Help on Hardness: Hardness:

3-4 - Calcite-Fluorite

Help on Luster: Luster:

Vitreous - Silky

Help on Streak: Streak:


Optical Properties of Seidite-(Ce)

Help on Gladstone-Dale: Gladstone-Dale:

CI meas= 0.066 (Fair) - where the CI = (1-KPDmeas/KC)
CI calc= 0.089 (Poor) - where the CI = (1-KPDcalc/KC)
KPDcalc= 0.1981,KPDmeas= 0.2031,KC= 0.2176
Ncalc = 1.6 - 1.62

Help on Optical Data: Optical Data:

Biaxial (-), a=1.542, b=1.569, g=1.571, bire=0.0290

Calculated Properties of Seidite-(Ce)

Help on Electron Density: Electron Density:

Bulk Density (Electron Density)=2.66 gm/cc
note: Specific Gravity of Seidite-(Ce) =2.76 gm/cc.

Help on Fermion Index: Fermion Index:

Fermion Index = 0.01
Boson Index = 0.99

Help on Photoelectric: Photoelectric:

PESeidite-(Ce) = 97.68 barns/electron
U=PESeidite-(Ce) x relectron= 260.32 barns/cc.

Help on Radioactivity: Radioactivity:

GRapi = 19,732.19 (Gamma Ray American Petroleum Institute Units)
Concentration of Seidite-(Ce) per GRapi unit = 50.68 (PPM)

Seidite-(Ce) is Radioactive as defined in 49 CFR 173.403. Greater than 70 Bq / gram.

Estimated Radioactivity from Seidite-(Ce) - weak

SpecimenSizeWeight/Volume(Sphere) * CalculatedActivityBecquerels(Bq) CalculatedActivityCuries (Ci) EstimatedActivityGR(api) EstimatedExposure(mRem**)/hrIf Held in HandFor One Hour
1000 gm / 8.84 cm 429,161 1.16E-05 19,732.19 6.49
100 gm / 4.11 cm 42,916 1.16E-06 1,973.22 0.65
10 gm / 1.91 cm 4,292 1.16E-07 197.32 0.06
1 gm / 8.84 mm 429 1.16E-08 19.73 0.01
0.1 gm / 4.11 mm 43 1.16E-09 1.97 0.00
0.01 gm / 1.91 mm 4 1.16E-10 0.20 0.00
0.001 gm / 0.88 mm 0 1.16E-11 0.02 0.00

Weight of pure Seidite-(Ce) in grams (gm) and Calculated Diameter of a Sphere with a Density of 2.76 gm/cc.*
Goverment Estimate of Average Annual Exposure (360 mRem)**
Note: 10 microsieverts/hr = 1 mRem/hr **
Max Permissable Adult Dose 50,000 mRem/yr (hands), 15,000 mRem/yr (eyes)
Lethal Dose LD(50) Exposure 400,000 to 500,000 mRem
Estimated Thorium Activity ( 0.96 % Th) From Sum REE Elements (19.16 % REE)

Seidite-(Ce) Classification

Help on  Dana Class: Dana Class: (72)Phyllosilicate Two-Dimensional Infinite Sheets with Other Than Six-Membered Rings

(72.05)with corrugated and complex layers

(72.05.01)Rhodesite group Rhodesite KHCa2Si8O19•5(H2O) Pmam 2/m 2/m 2/m Monteregianite-(Y) (Na,K)6(Y,Ca)2Si16O38•10(H2O) P 21/m 2/m Macdonaldite BaCa4[Si16O36(OH)2]•10(H2O) C mcm 2/m 2/m 2/m Delhayelite (Na,K)10Ca5Al6Si32O80(Cl2,F2,SO4)3•18(H2O) Pnmm 2/m 2/m 2/m Hydrodelhayelite KCa2AlSi7O17(OH)2•6(H2O) Pnm21 mm2 Seidite-(Ce)! Na4(Ce,Sr)2{Ti(OH)2(Si8O18)}(O,OH,F)4•5(H2O) C/2c 2/m

Help on  Strunz Class: Strunz Class:

09.DJ.20 09 - SILICATES (Germanates)

09.D - Inosilicates* Structural terminology according to Liebau (1985)

09.DJ -Inosilicates with 4-periodic double and triple chains

09.DJ.20 Seidite-(Ce)! Na4(Ce,Sr)2{Ti(OH)2(Si8O18)}(O,OH,F)4•5(H2O) C/2c 2/m

Other Seidite-(Ce) Information

Help on References: References:

NAME( CanMin, 8/99) PHYS. PROP.(MinRec, v 31, No. 2, CanMin, v 41, p 1183) OPTIC PROP.(MinRec, V 31, No. 2)

Help on See Also: See Also:

Links to other databases for Seidite-(Ce) :
1 - Am. Min. Crystal Structure Database
2 - Athena
3 - GeoScienceWorld
4 - Google Images
5 - Google Scholar
6 - MinDAT
7 - Mineralienatlas (Deutsch)
8 - Online Mineral Museum
9 - QUT Mineral Atlas
10 - Ruff.Info

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Dakota Matrix Minerals Google Search for Seidite-(Ce)
Excalibur Mineral Corp. Google Search for Seidite-(Ce)
Exceptional Minerals Google Search for Seidite-(Ce)
John Betts Fine Minerals Search for Seidite-(Ce)
McDougall Minerals Google Search for Seidite-(Ce)
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Rock and Mineral Shows Google Search for Seidite-(Ce)
Weinrich Minerals, Inc. Google Search for Seidite-(Ce)

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Print or Cut-and-Paste your Seidite-(Ce) Specimen Label here :


Dana No: Strunz No: 09.DJ.20
