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The most expensive and
richest cities in the world A report by UBS
15 September 2012: The UBS survey of 72 international cities found that employees in Zurich, Geneva and Copenhagen had the highest gross earnings. Although Copenhagen is still in the top three of the rankings, it used to be number one in 2009. After deduction of taxes and social security contributions, however, Luxembourg overtakes Copenhagen due to the higher level of deductions in the Danish capital. Delhi and Mumbai bring up the rear of the earnings rankings, where workers receive only around six per cent of the average Zurich wage.
| 2018 Earnings, Prices & Wealth Survey ||| Introduction ||| The most expensive cities ||| The richest cities ||| The most powerful cities ||| The Big Mac Guide ||| | | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
Ranking: The richest cities in the world
(By gross wages)
Rank 2012 | Rank 2011 | Cities |
1 | 1 | Zurich |
2 | 2 | Geneva |
3 | 3 | Copenhagen |
4 | 4 | Oslo |
5 | 8 | Luxembourg |
6 | 7 | New York City |
7 | 5 | Sydney |
8 | 19 | Tokyo |
9 | 9 | Munich |
10 | 11 | Frankfurt |
11 | 10 | Los Angeles |
12 | 20 | Chicago |
13 | 6 | Stockholm |
14 | 21 | Miami |
15 | 12 | Brussels |
16 | 13 | Helsinki |
17 | 23 | Vienna |
18 | 22 | London |
19 | 18 | Berlin |
20 | 17 | Amsterdam |
21 | 24 | Paris |
22 | 16 | Dublin |
23 | 14 | Toronto |
24 | 15 | Montreal |
25 | 26 | Milan |
26 | 25 | Lyon |
27 | 27 | Nicosia |
28 | 28 | Auckland |
29 | 30 | Barcelona |
30 | 29 | Madrid |
31 | 31 | Rome |
32 | 36 | Seoul |
33 | 37 | Dubai |
34 | 32 | Lisbon |
35 | 34 | Tel Aviv |
36 | 43 | Hong Kong |
37 | 39 | Johannesburg |
38 | 33 | Athens |
39 | 35 | Ljubljana |
40 | 40 | Taipei |
41 | 49 | Manama |
42 | 41 | Moscow |
43 | 38 | Sao Paulo |
44 | 46 | Tallinn |
45 | 47 | Istanbul |
46 | 51 | Bratislava |
47 | 44 | Rio de Janeiro |
48 | 53 | Doha |
49 | 45 | Prague |
50 | 55 | Riga |
51 | 47 | Warsaw |
52 | 61 | Buenos Aires |
53 | 56 | Santiago de Chile |
54 | 54 | Bogota |
55 | 60 | Lima |
56 | 52 | Vilnius |
57 | 58 | Kualar Lumpur |
58 | 59 | Shanghai |
59 | 50 | Budapest |
60 | 62 | Caracas |
61 | 63 | Beijing |
62 | 57 | Bucharest |
63 | 65 | Bangkok |
64 | 64 | Sofia |
65 | 68 | Mexico City |
66 | 67 | Cairo |
67 | 66 | Kiev |
68 | 71 | Nairobi |
69 | 73 | Mumbai |
70 | 72 | Manila |
71 | 70 | Jakarta |
72 | 69 | Delhi |
UBS survey: Introduction | The most expensive cities | The richest cities (personal earnings) | Richest cities (purchasing power) | The iPod index |
Related research
UBS survey (September 2012): Most expensiv and richeste cities (Intro) | World's most expensive cities (table) | Richest cities by personal earnings (table) | Richest cities by purchasing power (table | The iPod index |
ECA International survey (2011): Introduction | Table: World | Table: Europe | Table: Asia |
Mercer survey (2011): Most expensive cities
EIU survey (2012): Most expensive cities
Introduction | 150 richest cities in 2005 | 150 richest cities in 2020 | Europe's richest cities |
Cities by size: 1 to 150 | 151 to 300 | 301 to 450 | 451 to 550 |
Cities in alphabetical order: A to D | E to L | M to R | S to Z |
Cities by countries: A to D | E to L | M to R | S to Z |