The Encyclopedia of Arda - Doriath (original) (raw)

Dates Founded long before the first rising of the Moon; sacked midwinter I 5061 Location The central regions of Beleriand Origins Established by Elwë Singollo (later known as Thingol) and Melian the Maia Race Division Culture Settlements The land's main stronghold was at Menegroth Pronunciation do'riath ('th' as in English 'path') Meaning 'Land of the fence' (referring to the Girdle of Melian) Other names Indexes: Alphabetical: D Lands, Realms and Regions About this entry: Updated 4 March 2009 Updates planned: 1 Thingol’s Hidden Kingdom Map of Doriath The mighty forest kingdom of Elu Thingol, greatest of the realms of the Sindar in Beleriand. The kingdom lay in two parts, separated by the river Esgalduin: the lesser, northwestern Forest of Neldoreth, and the greater, southern Forest of Region. These forests were encompassed by the Girdle of Melian, which protected the land from its enemies. Also within the Girdle were two smaller forests: the oakwood of Nivrim on the western banks of Sirion, and the narrow woodland of Arthórien beyond Aros to the east. In the midst of Doriath, carved into the rock beside the river Esgalduin, lay the halls of Menegroth, the Thousand Caves, citadel of King Thingol and Melian his queen. Though Thingol ruled Doriath for long ages, he was slain in the last years of the First Age by Dwarves. After this his realm was ruled for a short time by his grandson Dior Eluchíl, before its final destruction by the Sons of Fëanor. Notes 1 Dating the sack of Doriath is difficult, because this particular date saw a great deal of revision, and it is hard to identify Tolkien's final decision with certainty. The source of these dates is a document entitled the Tale of Years in volume XI of The History of Middle-earth (not to be confused with the Tale of Years in the Appendices to Lord of the Rings, this draft work chronicles events from the later First Age). In that source, the sack of Doriath (which is usually referred to in this source as the 'Second Kinslaying') is first given as I 506. This is then revised to the spring of I 509 and then again to I 511 (quickly reverting to I 509). The next phase amends the dating again, placing the fall of Doriath at midwinter as I 506 turned to I 507. This final text is the latest available date, and so we use it here, though the degree of revision and reconsideration in these texts means that it the date should probably be taken as provisional. See also... Adanedhel, Aelin-uial, Ainur, Algund, Alphabet of Daeron, Amon Ethir, Amon Rûdh, Anach, Andróg, Angerthas Daeron, Anglachel, Aranel, Arthórien, Arvernien, Beeches, [See the full list...]Belthronding, Brethil, Bridge of Esgalduin, Calaquendi, Camp of the Faithful, Caverns of Narog, Celeborn, Celegorm, Certhas Daeron, Daeron, Dagor-nuin-Giliath, Dark Elf, Dark Elves, Dark Lord, Dimbar, Dior, Dírhavel, Dor Caranthir, Dor Dínen, Dor Firn-i-Guinar, Dor-Cúarthol, Dragonhead of the North, Eärendil, Eärwen, Eglador, Eglath, Elf-Man, Elmo, Elu Thingol, Eluchíl, Eluréd, Elven-cloaks, Elven-halls, Elven-kings, Elvenking’s Halls, Elves of Beleriand, Elves of Harlindon, Elves of Lindon, Elves of Sirion, Elwë Singollo, Enemy of Men and Elves, Eöl, Fens of Sirion, First Battle, Ford of Stones, Fords of Aros, Forest of Neldoreth, Forest of Region, Forsaken Elves, Forsaken People, Forweg, Galadhon, Galadriel, Gaurwaith, Girdle of Melian, Goldenbed, Green-elves, Greycloak, Greymantle, Grithnir, Guarded Realm, Hemlock, Hidden King, Hidden Kingdom, High Folk of the West, Hill of Spies, Himlad, Hound of Valinor, House of Ransom, Hunting of the Wolf, Iant Iaur, Ill-fate, Ithilbor, Jaws of Thirst, King of Doriath, King’s Sword, Lady of Dor-lómin, Lady of the Noldor, Ladybarrow, Laer Cú Beleg, Laiquendi, Land of the Elves, Land of the Girdle, Larnach, Lay of Leithian, Lembas, Little Gelion, Lord of Beleriand, Lord of Brethil, Lord of Nogrod, Lord of Rivendell, Lúthien Tinúviel, Mablung of the Heavy Hand, Maglor, Maiar, Melian, Men of Brethil, Men of Dorthonion, Menegroth, Meres of Twilight, Mereth Aderthad, Morgoth, Mourning, Mouths of Sirion, Nan Dungortheb, Nargothrond, Narn i Chîn Húrin, Nellas, Niënor Níniel, Nimloth, Nivrim, Oath of Fëanor, Orc-hunters, People of Narog, Queen of Doriath, Ragnir, Rathlóriel, Red Maw, Return of the Noldor, Ring of Barahir, River Ascar, River Celon, River Esgalduin, Ruin of Doriath, Runes, Runes of Doriath, Saeros, Second Spring of Arda, Seven Rivers of Ossir, Sindar, Sindar of Beleriand, Sindarin, Singollo, Sirion’s Vale, Song of Parting, Song of the Great Bow, Sons of Fëanor, Strongbow, Talath Dirnen, Tale of Grief, Taur-na-neldor, The Archer, The Company, The Elvenking, The Empty-handed, The Heavy Hand, The Hunter, The Man, The Secret, The Tall, The Trees, The White, The Wronged, Thingol’s Heir, Thousand Caves, Three Jewels, Tindómë, Tinúviel, Túrin, Twilight Meres, Two Captains, Ulrad, Union of Maedhros, Vale of Narog, Vales of Sirion, Valley of Dreadful Death, War of the Great Jewels, Wars of Beleriand, Waybread, West March, Witchwife, Wolf of Angband, Wolf-folk, Wolf-men, Woodwose, Woodwoses, Year of Lamentation Indexes: Alphabetical: D Lands, Realms and Regions About this entry: Updated 4 March 2009 Updates planned: 1 For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page. 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